Italian Girl Killed by Vaccine! Coroner Claimed Adverse Effect by AstraZeneca

Versione originale in Italiano
by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
«The report on the death of Camilla Canepa, the 18-year-old student from Sestri Levante, who died last June at the San Martino hospital in Genoa after being vaccinated with Astrazeneca at an open day, was filed last June:” any previous pathology and had not taken any medication “. Death from thrombosis “is reasonably to be referred to an adverse effect from the administration of the anti Covid vaccine,” write the coroner Luca Tajana and the haematologist Franco Piovella in the report filed with the prosecutor to the prosecutors investigating the case. The girl was healthy, they point out, and the medical history form was filled in correctly as was the administration of the vaccine».
The newspaper Il Messaggero confirms the atrocious suspicions that spread from the early hours of the girl’s death. The mainstream media tried to blame a past immune disease as the cause of death. But the family members, through their lawyer, replied that the girl had no disease and therefore there could be no correlation with her sudden death.
Camilla in Italy, Simone in Us: Two Teens Died after different Vaccines
This terrible truth that emerged from the judicial investigation not only raises once again disturbing doubts on the safety of vaccines, in particular that of the monkey DNA-based gene serum supported by the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza in defiance of any reasonable doubt, but highlights another disconcerting circumstance concerning the modalities of mass vaccinations in the Hubs and in the Open Days, where the young girl was vaccinated, where there is not enough time to analyze the anamnesis of the vaccinees (the medical record). In her case, however, it would have been adequately “evaluated”.
The fact remains that today an appraisal certifies only one thing: Camilla Canepa is one of those cases out of 100 thousand in which you crack for the vaccine. So far, the EudraVigilance pharmacovigilance report has recorded 27,000 reports of fatal cases after experimental gene vaccines authorized in the European Union. It should not be forgotten that a few weeks ago the death of a 44-year-old BBC presenter was unequivocally associated with the previous vaccination.
Coroner confirms 44-year-old BBC presenter died from AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine side effect
For the Italian Medicines Agency (AIFA) one death for every 100 thousand vaccinated is scientifically “acceptable” data. It is not for those like us who have known that for months now, since home therapies ignored by national health authorities have been applied by conscientious doctors at risk of breaking the absurd anti-Covid ministerial protocol based only on “watchful waiting and Tachipirina”, he wrote of many Sars-Cov-2 patients recovered without vaccine but only with cortisone, antibiotics, hydroxychlorichine with the help of supplements such as Vitamin D, quercin or South African geranium.
Camilla Canepa is a state murder! Exactly like all those victims of a state massacre reported to various public prosecutors by the biologist Franco Trinca and by the lawyer Alessandro Fusillo and by many of their followers for effective home therapies against Covid but totally ignored.
Faced with the death of an 18-year-old girl, the infamous political conspiracy sponsored by Big Pharma GSK, the multinational GlaxoSmithKline partner of Matteo Renzi’s Democratic Party in the 12 compulsory school-age vaccines that now controls 70% of Pfizer’s commercial network, and the same Pfizer, the main sponsor of US President Joseph Biden’s campaigning campaign, should be stopped.
We trust that at least one honest magistrate is still in Italy for too long has been fertile ground for the Mafia in association with the secret services of the Central Intelligence Agency which guarantees coverage of every great crime and massacre.