PFIZER’S VACCINES AS RUSSIAN ROULETTE: Several Batches Killer of Children in Vietnam and US

PFIZER’S VACCINES AS RUSSIAN ROULETTE: Several Batches Killer of Children in Vietnam and US



The increasing risks of adverse reactions, even serious and lethal, as confirmed by the autopsies of a German doctor, were not enough. It was enough even the unknown and dangerous future damage was not enough, such as lung immunopathologies according to the study of two Chinese universities, caused by experimental gene sera based on messenger RNA which, according to a geneticist from Colonia, can also modify DNA.

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Here is another nightmare that all those who agree to get vaccinated or are forced to do so by some Western democracies such as Austria will have to face, where the worthy heirs of the Nazi Adolf Hitler want to impose anti-Covid vaccines in clear violation of Article 1 of the Code of Nuremberg.

There are some batches of Pfizer on the world market that have resulted in a high percentage of lethal cases and very serious adverse reactions. This time it is not the research of some scientist to reveal it or a brave doctor No Vax.

It was the government health authorities who communicated this in Vietnam, where the serum stock was withdrawn, while in the US appeared a disturbing study on VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) data, the American pharmacovigilance body of the Centers of Diseases Control and Prevention (CDC), the state epidemic monitoring bodies.

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Since the first months of the distribution of vaccines, the Comirnaty produced by the American multinational Pfizer with the German Biontech had attracted attention for a batch with defective RNA not reported to the European Medicines Agency (EMA). But now it is happening worse: especially for children and right after the authorization for emergency use obtained from the FDA, CDC, EMA and AIFA (in Italy) even for those over 5 years old.


«Since November 30, the central province has been vaccinating children aged 15-17 with the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine. However, over 120 of the children were admitted to hospitals after exhibiting symptoms like nausea, high fever or breathing difficulties, the provincial Center for Disease Control (CDC) said Thursday» wrote VN Express.

Of these, 17 had severe reactions, but their health has stabilized and they continue to be monitored at the hospital, the center said. The cause of their symptoms has yet to be confirmed by Thanh Hoa authorities, according to the Vietnamese newspaper.

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Thanh Hoa CDC director Luong Ngoc Truong said the province has stopped using the current vaccine batch. “We still have other batches, also Pfizer vaccines, so we will continue vaccinating the children,” he said.

The suspended batch would be put into storage and could be used later for other groups like adults, Truong added.Vu Van Chinh, director of the Ha Trung District General Hospital, said side-effects following vaccination was normal, but are more likely to happen in children than adults.

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“Those who have reactions or faint need to be separated so no chain reaction occurs,” said Chinh.The Thanh Hoa CDC has distributed around 117,000 Covid-19 vaccine doses to 27 districts and towns. Over 56,700 doses have been administered.

Over the past week, three children have died following their vaccination with the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine in Bac Giang, Hanoi and Binh Phuoc. The cause of death has been determined as “overreaction to the vaccine.”

5-Year-Old Died 4 Days After Pfizer Shot, CDC VAERS Data Show. Another of 11yo Deceased Earlier

Last week, four workers in Thanh Hoa’s Kim Viet Shoe factory died following their Vero Cell Covid-19 vaccination, also due to “overreaction.”

Instead, Hanoi has suspended the use of two Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine batches of around three million doses, which have had their expiration date extended. 

Tran Thi Nhi Ha, director of the municipal Department of Health, said parents have informed the department about the fact that two batches have had their expiration date extended.


An investigation of data found in the USA’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) has revealed that extremely high numbers of adverse reactions, hospitalisations, life threatening events, permanent disabilities, and deaths among children have been reported against specific lot numbers of the Covid-19 vaccines several times.

«Meaning the most dangerous and deadliest batches of the experimental injections being administered to children have now been identified, and by comparing against adverse reactions among children to the influenza vaccines over a number of years we can see that the Covid-19 injections are proving to be extremely dangerous for children» wrote The Daily Exposé from United Kingdom.

“SARS-COV-2 E VACCINI MODIFICANO IL DNA UMANO. Enorme Esperimento sulla Popolazione”. Studio Incubo di Genetista Tedesco su Science Direct

The data used in the investigation was pulled from the publicly accessible VAERS database which can be viewed here. The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is a United States programme for vaccine safety, co-managed by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

«The reports pulled from the database were ones that had been submitted up to November 5th 2021 and they included all adverse reactions reported against the Pfizer Covid-19 injections among children aged 6 to 17. But first a control dataset was created using all adverse reactions reported against all influenza vaccines administered to all children aged 6 to 17 during 2019 and 2020, a period of two years» adds the British online newspaper known for its major investigations into the pandemic and adverse reactions to vaccines.

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We avoid all the part referring to the observation of data on influenza vaccines useful to distinguish the origin of the potential risk and complete with statistical tables. We focus on the crucial considerations arising from the analysis of the eloquent table published by the American pharmacovigilance platform VAERS.

The table on the different Pfizer batches administered and hospitalizations drawn from VAERS data

The above chart shows the number of hospitalisations reported as adverse reactions to the Pfizer vaccine by lot number sent across the USA. This chart has identified the actual lot numbers of influenza vaccine that caused children to be hospitalised.

«As you can see, just a single lot number ‘3GG33’ had more than 1 hospitalisation report against it but this only amounted to 2 hospitalisations. Whilst a further 33 lot numbers caused a single hospitalisation. All of the above data on adverse reactions to the influenza vaccine among children over a period of two years was used as a control dataset to compare against VAERS data for the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine» The Daily Exposé further added.

Scandal on Vaccines for Children: GSK (Pfizer Partner) Funded with $18thousand a Member of CDC who Approved the Jabs since 5yo

The VAERS database showed a total of 16,880 adverse event reports against the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine among children aged 6-17. These included 5,161 emergency room visits, 1,365 hospitalisations, 264 life threatening events, 120 permanent disabilities, and 29 deaths. The total count of lot numbers returned was 748.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted emergency use authorisation for the Pfizer Covid-19 injection to be administered to children over the age of 12 on the 10th may 2021.

This means that in a period of 6 months there have been –

  • 8 times as many adverse reactions,
  • 18 times as many emergency room visits,
  • 30 times as many hospitalisations,
  • 24 times as many life threatening events,
  • 7 times as many permanent disabilities, and

«15 times as many deaths due to the Pfizer jab than what has been recorded among children against the influenza vaccines over a period of two years» concluded the great investigation by British online journal.

The detailed report by Daily Esposé can be found below the link between the sources of this article.

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VN EXPRESS – 120 CHILDREN HOSPITALIZEDTHE DAILY ESPOSE – 100% of Covid-19 Vaccine Permanent Disabilities and Deaths among Children were caused by just 6% of the batches produced according to official Government data

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