Soros Sponsored even US Prosecutors – among which the Manhattan DA – to Free Criminals from Prisons

Soros Sponsored even US Prosecutors – among which the Manhattan DA – to Free Criminals from Prisons


Introduction by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio


A new form of justice is coming on the horizon. It is that of the plutarch George Soros who wants to grant freedom to those habitual street criminals capable of terrorizing families and entire neighborhoods.

He and his friends who live in the golden villas with advanced surveillance systems and bodyguards only move in luxury environments and therefore never have to deal with the robber who comes to point the gun to the head at a merchant or a citizen, to steal little money.

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That’s why they don’t just use money to wreak havoc in the world. But they want to build an increasingly maddening metropolitan jungle where crime will eventually be controlled and controllable by the powerful and also used against honest citizens who do not want to bow to mainstream politics. This has already been seen repeatedly in the US with the violent demonstrations of Black Live Matter and Antifa, sponsored by Soros.


All this represents a license to rob, steal and commit other crimes by the thousands of migrants that the international initiatives supported by Soros are bringing to Western countries, from the US to the European Union, with the sole purpose of drastically  lowering the cost of manpower.

In Italy, due to the mix of politics and the mafia, this has been happening for over a century. In the US, the crime syndicate has been able to project criminals into the highest financial positions. Now, with the philanthropic strategies of Soros and his sponsored prosecutors, this perverse system of justice can further increase.

No mercy, however, for all those honest citizens who do not want to bow to the health dictatorship imposed by the business of Big Pharma and the pandemic on which Soros himself is making a profit …

DA PFIZER SOLDI PURE AI PROCURATORI USA! Lobbying da 1milione di Dollari alla Conference Attorneys General. Altri 8 a 1.842 Politici Bipartisan

It should be remembered that in the US the prosecutors are not magistrates but lawyers and are elected as if they were politicians and so-called “lobbying” is allowed. That is public sponsorship during electoral campaigns aimed at influencing them towards their socio-political vision, such as also did Big Pharma Pfizer with some prosecutors and a conference of the same in the year preceding the placing on the market of its anti-Covid vaccine.


by Russia Today

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has used his first memo since taking office to direct prosecutors to quit sending criminals to prison in many cases and downgrade charges for such crimes as armed robbery and drug dealing.

Prosecutors in New York City’s most densely populated borough must no longer seek a “carceral sentence” except in a handful of cases, such as homicide, rape and major economic crimes, Bragg said on Monday in the memo. He added that assistant district attorneys also must weigh the impact of their sentencing recommendations on public safety, barriers to housing and racial disparities in incarceration.

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Bragg joins a long list of district attorneys in major US cities who were elected with the backing of Hungarian-born billionaire George Soros, who reportedly gave up to $1 million to his successful campaign. And like other Soros-backed prosecutors, he’s trying to reform the criminal justice system by sending fewer people to jail and decriminalizing some lesser offenses.

But violent crime has surged under those policies in such cities as Chicago, which just suffered its deadliest year in a quarter century, and Philadelphia, where homicides hit an all-time in 2021. New York also has been plagued by rising violent crime, including murders and hate crimes targeting Asians.

Bragg demanded leniency for the most egregious violent crimes, banning prosecutors from seeking prison sentences exceeding 20 years. “The office shall not seek a sentence of life without parole,” the DA said, barring a punishment that’s typically reserved for such heinous offenders as terrorists, serial killers and people who rape and murder children.

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg is shown campaigning last November

And in many cases, Bragg’s office won’t even seek felony convictions, let alone prison terms. He ordered that charges be reduced to misdemeanors in such cases as armed robberies where a victim isn’t seriously injured and drug dealing. He added that prosecutors also must consider the suspect’s circumstances, such as mental illness, homelessness and poverty.

Zionist Lobby – 1. Singer (Elliott) & Fink (BlackRock) within Gates-Soros in Covid Big Pharma’s Business(GSK & Gilead)

“These policy changes not only will, in and of themselves, make us safer; they also will free up prosecutorial resources to focus on violent crime,” Bragg said.

Police are already pushing back against Bragg’s reforms. “In Bragg’s Manhattan, you can resist arrest, deal drugs, obstruct arrests and even carry a gun and get away with it,” said Paul DiGiacomo, president of the New York Detectives Endowment Association. He added that by taking prosecution of many crimes off the table, the new DA “has made himself the police, the judge and the jury.”

Originally published by Russia Today


by Gospa News Editorial Staff

An alarming proof of Soros’ judicial influence has already been seen in Italy where the alleged murderer of the Ukrainian National Guard convicted in the first instance for the murder of the Italian photojournalist Andrea Rocchelli was then acquitted of some legal quibbles both by the Court of ‘Appeal that from the Cassation.

Political groups financed by the Hungarian plutarch such as Emma Bonino’s “Europa +” had openly promoted a strong media campaign in favor of the acquittal of the accused Vitaly Markiv, previously sentenced by the Court of Assizes of Pavia to 24 years in prison.

Italian and Russian Reporters MURDERED in Donbass: No One Guilty! Acquitted NGU’s Warrior who Fought alongside neo-Nazis & ISIS FTFs

Soros, in fact, has always publicly boasted that he had financed the failed Orange Revolution in 2004 in Kiev and the coup that succeeded in February 2014 after the massacre in Maidan Square, following which the civil war in Donbass broke out, where he died. Rocchelli, who was hit by mortar rounds together with a Russian colleague, in an attempt to do his job as an independent journalist in the best possible way.

UkraineGate: Islamic Reporter funded by Obama-Biden and Soros in 2014 Coup, later at the Top of Weapons’ industry

Instead, the Afghan-born Muslim reporter who kicked off protests in Ukraine on his Soros-sponsored TV and various Western embassies made a career out of becoming Deputy Director of the National War Industry …



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Fabio G.C. Carisio

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