The Fabian Society, Eugenics and the Historic Forces Behind Today’s Systemic Breakdown

by Matthew Ehret
Matthew Ehret is the Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Patriot Review , and Senior Fellow at the American University in Moscow. He is author of the ‘Untold History of Canada’ book series and Clash of the Two Americas. In 2019 he co-founded the Montreal-based Rising Tide FoundationNote: all links to Gospa News articles has been added by Gospa News editorial staff
The financial system is clearly careening towards a point of dissolution.
It isn’t an exaggeration to say that the collapse itself has already happened and we simply have not yet felt the full brutal force of the shockwave accelerating toward us. This process is comparable to a tectonic snap deep in the crust under the ocean. The snap happens and a tsunami has begun. It will hit the beach front with devastating consequences and only by breaking the habit of living in the myopic “moment” might those on the beach have a chance to get to safer ground before it is too late.
The question isn’t “will the system collapse”, but rather when will the full tsunami hit?
Additionally, WHAT will be the operating system that is brought online to replace the chaos of supply chain meltdowns, hyperinflation, scarcity and violence that will ensue?
Two Systems Clash
Already we can clearly see two opposing patterns that have taken form, illustrated in the remarks recently made by UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres who said:
“I fear our world is creeping towards two different sets of economic, trade, financial, and technology rules, two divergent approaches in the development of artificial intelligence—and ultimately two different military and geo-political strategies. This is a recipe for trouble. It would be far less predictable and far more dangerous than the Cold War.”
Guterres is speaking of two divergent paradigms, so what are they?
On the one hand, there is the ideology that Guterres himself devoutly supports which has taken on the title in recent years of “The Davos Agenda”, or “The Great Reset”.
Guterres even went so far as to sign UN-WEF integration treaty in June 2020 uniting both globalist bodies into one Borg-like operating system, announcing: “The Great Reset is a welcome recognition that this human tragedy must be a wake-up call. We must build more equal, inclusive and sustainable economies and societies that are more resilient in the face of pandemics, climate change and the many other global changes we face.”
While the Great Reset professes to use the current pandemic to push through a complete overhaul of human society under a technocratic world government, the opposing system driven by those nations not invited to the recent “Global Democracy summit” and labelled “authoritarians” by Soros and the Davos clique wish to avoid being sacrificed.
Where one system is premised on a scientifically managed depopulation agenda from the top, the other system asserts the right of sovereign nations to continue as the only legitimate basis for international law and scientific progress to be the basis of economic ideology. The terms of the new system were recently re-emphasized throughout the 5000 word Russia-China Joint Statement on the terms of the New Era now emerging.
Putin himself recently laid out these terms stating: “Only sovereign states can effectively respond to the challenges of the times and the demands of the citizens. Accordingly, any effective international order should take into account the interests and capabilities of the state and proceed on that basis, and not try to prove that they should not exist. Furthermore, it is impossible to impose anything on anyone, be it the principles underlying the sociopolitical structure or values that someone, for their own reasons, has called “universal”. After all, it is clear that when a real crisis strikes, there is only one universal value left and that is human life, which each state decides for itself how best to protect based on its abilities, culture and traditions.”
What a breath of fresh air!
Compare that to Klaus Schwab’s infamous “you’ll own nothing and be happy”.
From where did the dystopic world order of the Davos Crowd emerge?
H.G. Wells’ Open Conspiracy
It might surprise you, but to answer that question, we will need to jump back nearly one century into the past and meet an ageing misanthropic social engineer named Herbert George Wells who wrote a 1928 opus called The Open Conspiracy: Blueprint for a World Revolution calling for world government, and depopulation saying:
“The Open Conspiracy rests upon a disrespect for nationality, and there is no reason why it should tolerate noxious or obstructive governments because they hold their own in this or that patch of human territory.”
Wells was a member of an organization called The Fabian Society which itself was established in 1884 by a coterie of British eugenicists and Malthusians in order to promote a new social order designed to mold society into a new mechanized order run by a managerial elite of “social scientists” from above.
Throughout the 20th century, the Fabian Society would penetrate all branches of government, military, academia, media and even private corporate boards around the world creating global systems of fifth columns operating within cells, hierarchically unified by a central command within the highest echelons of British Intelligence.
From below, plebs and laborers would be attracted by “words” promoted by Fabians like equality, social justice, and re-distribution of wealth utilizing Marxist terms while never realizing that those words were just a sweet illusion with no claim to reality.
Like Jesuitical and Masonic orders, many Fabians would never have a clue what the machine truly was that they were merely parts of. This is why the British Labor Party (aka: The Fabian Party of Britain) was so often occupied by well-intended members who never had a clue what the game was truly about. The official Fabian School that became an ideological control hub and recruiting grounds for next generation talent (paralleling the Rhodes/Milner Round Table’s Oxford University) was the London School of Economics.
In fact, over the 20th century, these two oligarchical operations often interfaced closely, with the Fabian Lord Mackinder working with the Round Table’s Lord Milner to craft a strategy for North America in 1908 or the Canadian Fabian Society’s founding by five Rhodes Scholars in 1932.
HG Wells was explicit in his many works of non-fiction writing in 1904: “The way of nature has always been to slay the hindmost, and there is still no other way, unless we can prevent those who would become the hindmost being born. It is in the sterilization of failure, and not in the selection of successes for breeding, that the possibility of an improvement of the human stock lies.” (3)
Sculpting our Dreams into Nightmares through Storytelling
It is no coincidence that Wells had spent the previous three decades innovating a new form of cultural warfare called “predictive programming”.
Whether it was in his science fiction stories of War of the Worlds, The Invisible Man, The World Set Free, The Island of Doctor Morrow or the Time Machine, Wells always infused trojan horses into his narratives that he knew would have lasting value on conditioning the broader zeitgeist.
These were simply: 1) human nature was intrinsically absurd, selfish and incapable of resolving the duty-freedom paradox in any believable manner, 2) science and technology would thus always be used towards selfish and destructive ends, 3) world government is the only salvation for humanity.
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The only solution to such problems was that society had to be recast afresh according to a scientific priesthood which knew how to make the sorts of “hard” decisions that the dirty masses would never have the wits to make themselves. The theme of world government and collectivization of wealth under one central command were also themes advanced by Wells who wrote in 1940:
“Collectivisation means the handling of the common affairs of mankind by a common control responsible to the whole community. It means the suppression of go-as-you-please in social and economic affairs just as much as in international affairs. It means the frank abolition of profit-seeking and of every device by which human beings contrive to be parasitic on their fellow man. It is the practical realisation of the brotherhood of man through a common control”.
The Fabian Society propaganda organ The New Statesman wrote in 1931: “The legitimate claims of eugenics are not inherently incompatible with the outlook of the collectivist movement. On the contrary, they would be expected to find their most intransigent opponents amongst those who cling to the individualistic views of parenthood and family economics.”
While genuine socialists who truly cared about labor rights in opposition to oligarchical forces generally didn’t get along well with fascists, the peculiar species of Fabian socialists were always united with the fascist cause and always strove to destroy genuine-labor movements in any nation which they were permeating. If only those fascists could be cured of their nationalism wrote Wells, then he would gladly champion the swastika saying in 1932: “I am asking for liberal Fascisti, for enlightened Nazis”
Eugenics and Fascism: Miracle Solutions to the Great Depression
While these words were spoken, the Anglo-American financier oligarchy which Wells served had been well on its way to establishing a global system of political economy designed to impose eugenics onto humanity through its support for Hitler. This new science of government (with its corporatist flavor in Italy) was pushed onto the world as the “economic miracle solution” to the horrors of the great depression of 1929-1932 (itself also the cause of a controlled disintegration of a financial bubble).
Despite the fact that the fascist project failed in 1933 (when a central bankers dictatorship was derailed by Franklin Roosevelt) and again when the Hitler Frankenstein monster stopped obeying London’s orders and had to be put down, the blueprint for a New World Order continued into the post-war age under the design of an open conspiracy.
With Wells’ 1946 death, other Fabians and social engineers continued his work during the Cold War (including designing the Cold War itself as a way to destroy the system of win-win cooperation and U.S.-Russia-China friendship envisioned by FDR).
Post-War Fascism: Making the Unthinkable Become Thinkable
One of the leading grand strategists during this dark period was Wells’ associate (and former Fabian Society member), Lord Bertrand Russell, who wrote in his 1952 The Impact of Science on Society:
“I think the subject which will be of most importance politically is mass psychology…. Its importance has been enormously increased by the growth of modern methods of propaganda. Of these the most influential is what is called ‘education’. Religion plays a part, though a diminishing one; the press, the cinema and the radio play an increasing part… it may be hoped that in time anybody will be able to persuade anybody of anything if he can catch the patient young and is provided by the state with money and equipment.”
“The subject will make great strides when it is taken up by scientists under a scientific dictatorship. The social psychologists of the future will have a number of classes of school children on whom they will try different methods of producing an unshakable conviction that snow is black. Various results will soon be arrived at. First that the influence of home is obstructive. Second that not much can be done unless indoctrination begins before the age of ten. Thirdly verses set to music and repeatedly intoned are very effective. Fourth that the opinion that snow is white must be held to show a morbid taste for eccentricity. But I anticipate. It is for future scientists to make these maxims precise and discover exactly how much it costs per head to make children believe that snow is black, and how much less it would cost to make them believe it is dark gray.”
Russell’s dystopic vision was paralleled by his friend Sir Julian Huxley (founder of the United Nations Education, Science and Cultural Organization) in 1946 who said:
“The moral for UNESCO is clear. The task laid upon it of promoting peace and security can never be wholly realised through the means assigned to it- education, science and culture. It must envisage some form of world political unity, whether through a single world government or otherwise, as the only certain means of avoiding war… in its educational programme it can stress the ultimate need for a world political unity and familiarize all peoples with the implications of the transfer of full sovereignty from separate nations to a world organization.”
To what end would this “world political unity” be aimed? Several pages later, Huxley’s vision is laid out in all of its twisted detail:
“At the moment, it is probable that the indirect effect of civilization is dysgenic instead of eugenic, and in any case it seems likely that the dead weight of genetic stupidity, physical weakness, mental instability and disease proneness, which already exist in the human species will prove too great a burden for real progress to be achieved. Thus even though it is quite true that any radical eugenic policy will be for many years politically and psychologically impossible, it will be important for UNESCO to see that the eugenic problem is examined with the greatest care and that the public mind is informed of the issues at stake so that much that is now unthinkable may at least become thinkable.”
The Economic Recolonization of the World
While many think the post-war years to have been shaped primarily by a Cold War, the reality is that the Iron Curtin was always merely a cover to impose a complete infiltration and colonization of the minds of citizens across the Trans Atlantic community that had given so much to stop the rise of fascism. The focus was especially placed on the young “baby boomer” generation who would suffer the most intensive full spectrum conditioning of any generation in history.
While the population was driven into states of insanity throughout the age of constant nuclear terror, asymmetrical wars abroad and drug-sex-rock’n’roll counterculture revolutions domestically.
By the time of Bobby Kennedy’s murder, and ouster of de Gaulle, the stage had been set for a new phase of colonialization of western nation states via the floating of the U.S. dollar and the destruction of the gold-reserve system that had served as the bedrock of the post-1945 Bretton Woods system. As long as the exchange rates were fixed then economic warfare against nations via short term speculation (which had always been a tool of the City of London) would not be possible. Additionally, the stability afforded by fixed exchange rates permitted long-term thinking and planning requisite to build large scale infrastructure and other scientific projects that required the sort of patience and foresight that short term market-driven thinking never allowed.
St. Pio’ Prophecy on Christians’ homelands, NWO Rockefeller’s Abortion law and Masons war
Under this new age of post-1971 deregulation, humanity was further atomized around a new idea of “value” which was driven by the notion that individual desires unbounded by regulation “cause” creative change within supposedly self-regulating forces of the marketplace. The more the formula “greed=good” became embedded within the operating system of western states, the more the broader structures of those states were commandeered by private corporations and banks which increasingly merged and fused into each other during an age of Darwinian “survival of the fittest”. The more that these interconnected supranational entities merged, the more those levers of economic power were ripped away from sovereign nation states and into the hands of private finance beholden to forces antagonistic to humanity. During this process, the once productive sectors of the economy that gave vitality to nations were atrophied and outsourced abroad.
Normal rates of investment into the maintenance and improvement of capital-intensive infrastructure seized up and industrial sectors were shut down and moved to cheap labor sectors abroad which themselves became new zones of modern slave labor filling western consumerism with “cheap goods” from China and cheap resources stolen from the global south.
Where monetary growth had formerly been tied to the growth of industrial production, the post-1971 paradigm tied monetary growth to ever increasing rates of unpayable debt and speculative capital unbounded from the real world.
Two Faces of Evil: WEF and Inter-Alpha Group
During that same fateful year of 1971, two other ominous entities were created.
In January 1971, an entity was set up in Switzerland by a protégé of Henry Kissinger named Klaus Schwab titled “The World Economic Forum”. One prominent founding member was Maurice Strong, a Rockefeller connected Canadian elitist that had become a founding father of the modern environmental movement and co-architect of the Club of Rome. One of the initiatives that Strong had helped build in 1970 was the 1001 Nature Trust which was project devoted to raising capital for the World Wildlife Fund for Nature and the new environmental movement. One of the founders of the WWF? Sir Julian Huxley.
The other ominous entity formed in 1971 was the Rothschild Inter-Alpha Group of banks under the umbrella of the Royal Bank of Scotland. The stated intention of this Group would be found in the 1983 speech by Lord Jacob Rothschild: “two broad types of giant institutions, the worldwide financial service company and the international commercial bank with a global trading competence, may converge to form the ultimate, all-powerful, many-headed financial conglomerate.”
What Lord Rothschild was referring to was the destruction of Glass-Steagall bank separation laws across the Trans Atlantic which had kept commercial banking, investment banking and insurance activities compartmentalized in separate worlds since WWII. In 1986, this destruction of the dividing walls in banking began with Margaret Thatcher’s Big Bang followed soon thereafter by Canada’s destruction of the Four Pillars. Although it took another 14 years, the final nail was put into the Glass-Steagall coffin when Clinton destroyed the law as one of his last acts in office. After this point, derivative contracts that had only accounted for $2 trillion in 1991, and $80 trillion in 1999 soon ballooned to over $650 trillion when the housing market blew out in the USA in 2007.
The Economy Becomes A Bomb
What is important to hold in mind is that through this entire post 1971 process, capitalism itself was thus slowly turned into a time bomb which could do nothing but collapse. This means that it is fatally wrong to consider the abuses of globalization or the collapse now underway as errors, but rather as the intended consequence of the system’s design itself.
The western nation states had lost their economic sovereignty as they sold their futures for the price of cheap goods from abroad making them addicted to keeping poor nations poor and cheap labor cheap (developing, modernizing nations tend to result in qualified, high paid labor not becoming of a banana republic).
EU’s Criminal Energy Politics & Freezing of Nord Stream 2: A Mass Sacrifice to the Gods?
And so, humanity slipped ever more into an “end of history” cage that ultimately sought a new world order to replace the old order of nation states and democracies that had governed the previous couple of centuries. More centralized supranational control of nation states by the financier oligarchy occurred behind such “free trade” agreements as NAFTA, and Maastricht in the early 1990s.
This was of course the near unstoppable trend after the Soviet Union’s disintegration (and the replication of western globalization within the short period of the 1990s Shock Therapy of Russia). I say thankfully “near unstoppable” because something very special and unexpected happened to derail this blueprint in 2013.
A New Operating System Emerges
I am here referring to the moment that Xi Jinping made it known to the world that China would not continue as the cheap labor hub of the west indefinitely and instead a new program dubbed the “Belt and Road Initiative” was unveiled as the driving force of China’s foreign policy. Soon this program merged with the Russian-led Eurasian Economic Union, and won over 140 nations of the world to its operating system with branches stretching into the Arctic dubbed the Polar Silk Road.
The multipolar system of Eurasia which had been slowly moving forward between 1999-2013 began to take on an accelerated rate of growth with new financial institutions, large scale infrastructure projects, and new diplomatic platforms built up along the way.
By 2015 both Russia and China had created their own alternatives to the U.S.-controlled SWIFT and in that same year Russia entered Syria in defense of the principle of national sovereignty.
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Now Russia and China, both encircled by the U.S. military industrial complex, have released a powerful joint statement establishing a manifesto for a new operating system that enshrines the principle of sovereign nation states, and activities that promote win-win cooperation and population growth as a bedrock of order.
So when Guterres wets his pants complaining about the danger of two opposing systems now emerging, or when Biden’s handlers promote democracy summits that exclude all the nations of the world who don’t want to be sacrificed on the alter of Gaia, you can be sure that it is because something compatible with human dignity has emerged.
Might the current freedom movements springing up across the trans Atlantic force a shift in the elements of the political class that have not lost their humanity to a World Economic Forum borg-like commitment to assimilate everything into a unipolar transhumanist priesthood? That remains to be seen.
By Matthew Ehret
Originally published by Substack
(1) The Origins and Development of the Fabian Society, 1884-1900, Stephen J. O’Neil Loyola University Chicago
(2) George Bernard Shaw, Prefaces (London: Constable and Co., 1934), p. 296
(3) H.G. Wells in American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 10 (1904), p. 11
Note: all links to Gospa News articles has been added by Gospa News editorial staff
Matthew Ehret is the Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Patriot Review , and Senior Fellow at the American University in Moscow. He is author of the ‘Untold History of Canada’ book series and Clash of the Two Americas. In 2019 he co-founded the Montreal-based Rising Tide Foundation