Salmonella Epidemic from Kinder Chocolate. Just as Gates & Fauci Finance GSK Vaccine against this Bacterium

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
An extraordinarily curious coincidence emerges in relation to outbreaks of salmonella from food contamination just a few months after the international bio-criminal duo Bll Gates & Anthony Fauci began the search for a lucrative new vaccine against this bacterium that causes typhus above all.
The story has taken on international significance because it is clouding the image of one of the most powerful and virtuous Italian multinationals: Ferrero of Alba (Cuneo, Piedmont).
The criticality, which initially seemed limited to a small number of batches of the famous Kinder Surprise egg, widespread in every corner of the planet, has extended to withdrawals made cautiously by the confectionery industry in 7 European countries but also in the US.
And it has already turned into a commercial nightmare a few days before Easter, where the tradition of chocolate eggs reigns in every way and size.
Only the most attentive readers of Gospa News, however, remember that another mysterious contamination occurs about a year and a half after the start of the first preclinical study for a vaccine against this bacterium that can cause typhoid fever.
A coincidence? Maybe. Except that the research is conducted by GlaxoSmithKline of Siena.
This is the well-known London Big Pharma promoted by the former premiere and secretary of the Democratic Party Matteo Renzi, manufacturer of the 10 vaccines made mandatory by the Lorenzin Decree launched by the Gentiloni Government (after George Soros’ visit to Palazzo Chigi), and partner of Pfizer, at center of the Triad of anti-Covid vaccines.
But above all among the financiers of the drug trial there are the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation of the tycoon of Microsoft Corporation, whose director Emma Walmsley is CEO of GSK, and the NIAID (National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases of the USA) directed by the notorious Anthony Fauci , in charge of the COVID-19 emergency for the White House. Alongside of them there’s also the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, a U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
In light of the SARS-Cov-2 created in the laboratory, as now suspected, amidst embarrassments and misdirections, even the president of the Italian Medicines Agency Giorgio Palù, it is no longer a sin to think badly.
Indeed, it is only right, in self-defense, to think about the worst since last year, in Italy, there was a controlled salmonella epidemic detected in cured meats distributed in well-known supermarket chains about a month after the public announcement of the start of the study. for the vaccine.
The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and the European Center for Disease Control and Prevention (Ecdc) are investigating the outbreak of Salmonella Typhimurium which, according to some European health authorities, is linked to Kinder Ferrero products packaged in Arlon factory in Belgium. Based on this hypothesis, the company has initiated a precautionary recall for several references.
«An outbreak caused by monophasic Salmonella Typhimurium is rapidly evolving in seven EU/EEA countries and the United Kingdom (UK). As of 5 April 2022, 134 cases have been reported, mainly among children under 10 years old. The first case was identified in the UK on 7 January 2022. Since 17 February 2022, cases have also been identified elsewhere in Europe» EFSA wrote on Aprile, 8.

The outbreak is characterised by an unusually high proportion of children being hospitalised, some with severe clinical symptoms such as bloody diarrhoea. Based on interviews with patients and initial analytical epidemiological studies, specific chocolate products have been identified as the likely route of infection. Affected cases have been identified through advanced molecular typing techniques. As this method of testing is not routinely performed in all countries, some cases may be undetected.
Product recalls have been launched in several countries to date, including Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, and the UK, to prevent the consumption of products potentially contaminated with Salmonella. Further investigations are being conducted by public health and food safety authorities in countries where cases are reported, to identify the cause and the extent of the contamination, and to ensure contaminated products are not put on the market.
ECDC and EFSA are assessing the available data from these countries and preparing a rapid outbreak assessment to be published in the week of 11 April 2022. Questions regarding ongoing product recalls should be addressed to national food safety authorities.

While on Friday 8 April in Belgium the Federal Agency for the safety of the food chain decided to revoke the authorization for the production of Ferrero’s Arlon plant and the recall of all Kinder products produced in the plant. The decision was also made because the company was unable to provide complete information.
The extension of the withdrawal includes all the products of the Kinder line (Kinder Surprise, Kinder Surprise Maxi, Kinder Mini Eggs and Schoko Voucher) regardless of the lot number. The agency has specified that it will authorize the reopening of the plant only if Ferrero is able to provide the necessary guarantees of compliance with the rules and regulations for food safety.
As reported by Italian newspaper Qui Finanza, the confectionery industry of Alba has decided to withdraw some Kinder products manufactured in Belgium but sold in Italy. A “voluntary and precautionary decision, in line with the values that have always guided the Ferrero Group”, reads a note, “such as the highest priority to consumer protection, the quality and food safety of its products”.

Ferrero reassures that in the last 6 months in Italy it has not received consumer contacts or complaints for indisposition following the consumption of Kinder products.The company also clarifies that, to date, no product analyzed on the markets affected by the recall has been found to be contaminated with salmonella and is working with its customers to ensure that these products are no longer available on the market.
In the United States, the Italian chocolate multinational is voluntarily recalling its assortment of Kinder Happy Moments Chocolate and the Kinder Mix Chocolate Treats basket, as it could be contaminated with Salmonella Typhimurium. Retention is precautionary as these are products prepared in a facility where microbial contamination has been detected, although to date there are no reports of disease in the United States. No other Kinder products on the US market are included in this recall.
Typhoid fever, also known as enteric fever or abdominal typhus, is caused by the bacterium Salmonella enterica serovariante typhi (Salmonella Typhi). Man is the only vector of the disease which, if left untreated, has a mortality rate of over 10%.
“During the infection, people with typhoid fever carry the bacteria in the blood and intestines. Most patients are contagious until the end of the first week of convalescence, but 10% of untreated individuals shed the bacteria up to three months after recovery, “the Health Superior Institute (ISS in Italian) of Rome explains on its website.
“2-5% of untreated people can also become chronic carriers of the disease by continuing to shed bacteria. From the intestine and the blood, the bacteria then pass into the feces and urine of infected people, allowing the transmission of the infection to other individuals” adds the ISS.
Transmission can occur directly through the faeces or, more frequently, indirectly, through the ingestion of food or drinks handled by infected people or through contamination of the water used for drinking or washing food.
Invasive nontyphoidal salmonellosis (iNTS) is an under-recognized highly invasive disease caused mainly by Salmonella enterica serovars Enteritidis and Typhimurium and almost exclusively in resource limited communities of sub-Saharan Africa.
Since October, 1, 2020 «the GSK Vaccines Institute for Global Health (GVGH) is developing a new trivalent Salmonella vaccine against iNTS and typhoid fever. An iNTS-typhoid conjugate vaccine (TCV) is needed for sub-Saharan Africa to impact disease burden in very young children and contribute to reduced antibiotic consumption. In this region, there are more than 480,000 cases of iNTS annually with around 70,000 deaths while the burden of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi is 1.3 million cases and 20,000 deaths/year» reports the CARB-X website in reference to the preclinical study in place at the Glaxo plant in Rosia (Siena).
«For GSK Biologicals and its affiliate, the GSK Vaccines Institute for Global Health, based in Siena, a grant of 18 million dollars has arrived for the development of two new vaccines against Group A Streptococcus and invasive Salmonella. The company announced it in a press release, due to the 2 serious bacterial infections that kill hundreds of thousands of people every year, there are no vaccines available today. GSK obtained the resources from Carb-x- which belongs to Boston University and which includes, among others, The Wellcome Trust, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. It is the first time that Carb-x has awarded this type of financing in our country” wrote Gospa News in April 2021.

«Moreover, Salmonellae bacteria carry multiple antimicrobial resistance (AMR) markers and show reduced sensitivity to fluoroquinolones in sub-Saharan Africa. By using GMMA-technology for the vaccine production, the combination of two assets aims to deliver an affordable and sustainable Salmonella vaccine to populations at risk to help protect against both iNTS disease and typhoid fever»
However, if the contamination with salmonella of the waters or foods of the Ferrero plant in Arlon in Belgium were confirmed, it would be essential to verify the possibility that it does not conceal an intentional sabotage.
This is obviously only an investigative hypothesis that we suggest to the few magistrates who did not put slices of salami on their eyes during the pandemic, as did most of them who have become the most fierce persecutors of Italian territorial doctors, Especially of those who, according to science and conscience, have dared to issue exemptions from mandatory vaccines to their clients.
Because a possible hypothetical correlation with the simultaneous development of the vaccine against the same bacterium would profile a truly disturbing scenario and, although at the moment of very different proportions in terms of severity of the infection and extent, similar to that already experienced with the pandemic.
It is in fact evident that the alarm could incentivize the search for a new antibacterial serum to be introduced into the now vicious circle of anti-Covid boosters that have led the majority of European citizens to accept the health dictatorship that has imposed on many professional categories (and to over 50s in Italy) these experimental gene sera, dangerous for the immune system, adverse reactions even lethal, the unknown toxicological impact and possible DNA alteration.
The story becomes somewhat suspicious precisely because of the correlations between some of the stakeholders.
The Government of Prime Minister Mario Draghi, former manager of Goldman Sachs intrigued with Pfizer of the Comirnaty gene serum, is in fact supported by the Democratic Party which not only supported the campaign of 10 compulsory vaccines in school age produced by GSK (Renzi and Gentiloni Governments) but is experiencing an endless love story with Gates, culminating in the projects on Next Generation funds, the rain of EU billions for the relaunch after the pandemic emergency, entrusted to McKinsey who, thanks to the contributions of the IT guru, has renewed the management of the WHO as well as of the Central Intelligence Agency, the American counterpsionage.
These renegade New World Order jackals, with different roles, competed for the patent of the Moderna antiCovid vaccine 9 months before the start of the Covid-19 emergency triggered by a SARS-Cov-2 virus with 19 nucleotides identical to those of a gene human designed in the laboratory in 2016 by Big Pharma of Cambridge (Massachusetts).
If Gates, Fauci, some shady politician and some CIA 007s had come together in the control room, they could really have triggered yet another bacteriological threat capable of shaking the corporate veins even to a world empire like that of the late Michele Ferrero, well-known for his entrepreneurial genius at least as much as for his Marian devotion to the Sanctuary of Lourdes, therefore the “ideal” target of a potentate occult in the odor of anti-Christian Freemasonry.
Two years later and dozens of inconclusive investigations, this small salmonella epidemic, which could become more tragic and even pandemic when comprehensive monitoring in Europe is completed, makes even the most hardened Covidid understand why no Western intelligence has known / wanted to ascertain the origin of the SARS-Cov-2 virus by laboratory supported by authoritative research by virologists and reports by former military secret agents, highlighted in the cycle of 50 WuhanGates investigations. Soon 51 and 52 will be released respectively on the intrigues between the pathogen of Covid-19, the bacteriological laboratories of Ukraine and HIV.
Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
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