WAR CRIMES & DECEITS. ICC against Putin! Unpunished NATO Allies: Ukrainian Nazis as Bosnian Butcher, Jihadists General

WAR CRIMES & DECEITS. ICC against Putin! Unpunished NATO Allies: Ukrainian Nazis as Bosnian Butcher, Jihadists General


On the cover image Bosnian General Atif Dudakovic, the Azov Battalion and Vladimir Putin

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio


After 8 years of opening proceedings, there is still no accused for the 2014 coup in Kiev in which Georgian mercenary snipers fired on the crowd, nor for the massacres in the pro-Russian Donbass carried out by the neo-Nazis of the Azov Battalion.

A Bosnian general, leader of a Muslim brigade and later referent of the NATO forces, accused of very serious crimes against humanity in the remote Balkan War was arrested in 2018 for a very short period, amid protests from some countries of the Atlantic Alliance, but for 4 years he has been free due to phantom trials initiated by the International Tribunal. They were interrupted for Covid-19 and never resumed in Sarajevo, where he is considered a national hero despite fratricidal executions against the Muslims themselves.

To all this is added the indelible shame of the death in the Hague prison of former Serbian president Slobodan Milosevic for alleged poisoning.

These are the three enormous beams stuck in the eye of the International Criminal Court which on the basis of the Rome Statute should prosecute genocides, war crimes and violations against human rights but it does not appear, at least from the official website, to have ever opened a file against the European Union countries for the forced lockdowns imposed for the Covid-19 emergency: denounced by many associations as well as by Italian and foreign legal experts.

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Meanwhile, the late virologist Luc Montagnier, who had filed a sworn report on the SARS-Cov-2 bacteriological weapon built in the laboratory in support of a complaint about the pandemic sent by a British lawyer to the Court of The Hague, died in time.

Instead, the ICC was prompt to open an investigation into the situation in Ukraine on February 28, 2022, four days after the start of the military operation of the Russian Army, although the country of the former Soviet Union has not formally adhered to the Rome Statute, a treaty that legitimizes the action of the international court.

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Despite all these anomalies, and there is not even a formal accusation yet against Vladimir Putin for his mission of de-militarization and de-Nazification of the Kiev regime that took office after the bloody Maidan coup, the media have already begun a trial for “genocide” without substance, for the multiple aid and humanitarian corridors offered by Moscow to the Ukrainian population, but also for the slightest legal basis since not even Russia has ever adhered to the Rome Statute.


«Ukraine is not a State Party to the Rome Statute, but it has twice exercised its prerogatives to accept the Court’s jurisdiction over alleged crimes under the Rome Statute occurring on its territory, pursuant to article 12(3) of the Statute» reads on the official ICC website..

It should be noted that even the USA does not adhere to the International Criminal Court and therefore the appeals to the genocide investigations launched by the American President Joseph Biden, despite even the objective geopolitical analysts finding this accusation totally non-existent, are devoid of any legal value.

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«The first declaration lodged by the Government of Ukraine accepted ICC jurisdiction with respect to alleged crimes committed on Ukrainian territory from 21 November 2013 to 22 February 2014. The second declaration extended this time period on an open-ended basis to encompass ongoing alleged crimes committed throughout the territory of Ukraine from 20 February 2014 onwards» ICC adds.

In practice, the coup regime in Kiev asked to investigate the behavior of the rebels of the pro-Russian separatist republics of Donetsk and Lugansk despite the fact that it was the inhabitants of these regions of Donbass, rich in gas and oil, who suffered 14 thousand deaths, including 500 children, in a massacre conducted by Ukrainian neo-Nazis that really smells of genocide, as Putin called it.

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While «on 28 February 2022, the ICC Prosecutor announced  he would seek authorisation to open an investigation into the Situation in Ukraine, on the basis of the Office’s earlier conclusions arising from its preliminary examination, and encompassing any new alleged crimes falling within the jurisdiction of the Court».

The story is at least suspicious. For 8 years, the international judiciary in The Hague has slept soundly over the daily massacres in the Donbass but as soon as the Kremlin intervenes, to protect the allied republics after recognizing their independence, a diligent procedure is immediately triggered. We will see the situation in detail later.

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On the other hand, similar diligence and rapidity did not appear to have been carried out in the treatment of two issues of very serious importance such as the denunciation of attempts to poison the Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic and the trial of former general Atif Dudakovic, the former commander of the Fifth Army Corps Bosnian, who was put on trial along with 16 of his soldiers for crimes against humanity, including over 300 killings of civilians and the destruction of Serbian Orthodox churches.

Why? Was it because the Serbian was considered an enemy of NATO while the Bosnian was a close collaborator of the Armed Forces of the Atlantic Alliance?

With this brief but significant investigation we will try to demonstrate that the International Criminal Court is none other than one of the many instruments piloted by the New World Order to decree the social (or physical) elimination or freedom of statesmen and commanders involved in international conflicts.

«More than a year has passed since large-scale trials for crimes committed during the war in Bosnia were put on hold at the state court in Sarajevo due to safety measures to curb the coronavirus pandemic, and there is no indication of when they might resume, BIRN has learned. Hearings in cases involving five or more defendants have not been scheduled because the Bosnian court claims it lacks space to hold the trials safely, even after plastic separators were put up in the biggest courtroom to reduce the possibility of infections».

Former general of the Muslim brigade of the Bosnian army Atif Dudakovic

Adam Muslimovic wrote on BalkanInsight in an article dated March 15, 2021. Since then, the search in the archive has no longer produced updated results.

«We know that this is a long-running process, which is further dragged out by this, but for the time being we have no other solution but to wait for the situation to stabilise» declared Judge Minka Kreho, president of the Crime Section of the Bosnian State Court.

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However, two macroscopic anomalies in the trial against Dudakovic must be noted. In the first place, he was accused of crimes against humanity despite being accused of 300 murders committed against rebel Serbs, Croats and Bosnians during the war which could have been configured as war crimes.

Secondly, the Hague Tribunal allowed hearings to be held in Sarajevo where the Bosnian population venerates him as a hero and where even the government has come to his aid.


«In its budget for this year, the Ministry of Veterans’ Affairs of Sarajevo Canton has allocated 450,000 Bosnian marks (230,000 euros) to assist in paying war crimes defendants’ lawyers, while 250,000 Bosnian marks (128,000 euros) has been set aside for financing non-governmental organisations involved in projects providing legal assistance to accused ex-soldiers of the Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina and former officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina».

The Ministry of Veterans’ Affairs told BIRN (Balkan Insight) that the allocation of a total of around 358,000 euros to assist defendants did not mean that Sarajevo Canton justified crimes committed by members of the armed forces.

«We consider that everyone should be tried for their actions, but we want to help the accused and their families to defend themselves from accusations in a dignified manner and prevent revisions and distortion of historical facts about the aggression against Bosnia and Herzegovina, which was also established by the Hague Tribunal» the ministry said.

A recent picture of Atif Dudakovic, arrested for crimes against humanity in 2018

Lawyers dealing with war crime cases before the Bosnian state court said that the money was needed and welcomed the decision by the authorities in Sarajevo Canton, which is one of 10 cantons that make up the country’s Bosniak- and Croat-dominated Federation entity.

Vasvija Vidovic, a lawyer who has represented former Bosnian Army soldiers at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia and the Bosnian state court, argued that defendants find themselves difficult financial situations because trials are long-running and very expensive.

But Aleksandra Letic of the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Republika Srpska entity argued that decision is disputable because the financial aid is only intended for former soldiers of the Bosniak-led Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina. She also said that the money could be better spent on more socially-necessary projects.

Why be surprised if the process becomes a ghost with the outbreak of the pandemic?

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Bosnia’s Law on Criminal Proceedings of Bosnia and Herzegovina says that six months after the last hearing, parties to the proceedings have the right to request a restart to the trial, which would cause a significant problem as court proceedings already drag on for too long.

Lejla Covic, a lawyer who represents defendants in several war crime cases, said that the current situation is affecting defendants’ right to justice a within a reasonable timeframe.

«The expeditiousness and right to an efficient trial is being lost, alongside the quality of the trial, because there the proceedings have no continuity» Covic said.

«Quality is also lost due to the fact that lawyers, as well as prosecutors, cannot do a good-quality job when trying to prove their allegations because of limited contacts with witnesses, court experts and other individuals whose participation in the proceedings is necessary» she added. We contacted the lawyer by email for updates but he has not yet replied.


Atif Dudaković, born on 2 December 1953 in the village of Orahova, near Bosanska Gradiška, is a former general in the Bosnian army. He served in the Yugoslav People’s Army (JNA) and taught at an artillery school in Zadar and a military academy in Belgrade. During the Bosnian War, Dudakovic commanded the enclave of Bihac, surrounded and besieged from 1991 to 1995, as head of the 5th Army Corps. After the war he became Commander General of the Army of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and thanks to this role he took an active part in NATO’s SFOR.

General Dudakovic at a summit of the NATO SFOR joint force group right in front of the Italian flag displayed next to the Bosnian and the Atlantic Alliance flags

The Stabilization Force (SFOR) was a NATO multinational force deployed in Bosnia and Herzegovina and charged with defending the Dayton Accords. The SFOR contingent, which had its headquarters in Sarajevo, operated over about eight years with two missions respectively named: “Operation Joint Guard” (21 December 1996 – 19 June 1998) and “Operation Joint Forge” (24 April 1998 – 1 December 2004).

The SFOR contingent was reduced over time, going from a size of 12,000 in 2002 to a size of about 7,000 in 2004, when its closure was decided during the NATO summit held in Istanbul and was replaced on 2 December of the same. year from the Althea mission of the European Union.

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At the end of 2004, with the termination of the “Joint Forge” operation in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the transfer of responsibilities for military operations from the NATO forces (SFOR) to those of the European Union (EUFOR), the Atlantic Alliance brought together all the activities NATO in the Balkan area in a single context.

In April 2018, police arrested Dudakovic and twelve other suspects of committing crimes against humanity during the Bosnian war. They all belonged to the 5th Corps of the Muslim-majority Bosnian Army, which, under Dudakovic’s leadership, was in charge of the Bihac region.

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They were suspected of committing atrocities against civilians, including Serbs and Bosnians loyal to other leaders, and Bosnian prisoners during the war. The case against them was based on more than 100 interviews with witnesses, video footage and evidence of exhumations. The Bosnians gathered in Sarajevo and carried a large banner that read “Heroes, not criminals!” to express their support.


Bekir Izetbegovic, a member of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s tripartite presidential council, reacted to the incident and said similar allegations had been made earlier and that the suspects were cooperating with the judiciary, so there was no need for detention.

This is what the UKID portal (Uluslararası Kalkınma ve İşbirliği Derneği) or the International Development and Cooperation Association, founded in Istanbul in 2007, an organization that serves with the aim of developing economic, social, political and cultural relations with the countries with which Turkey is united in the history, culture and creed of an obvious Islamic matrix, inspired by that of the Muslim Brotherhood, a link between the politics of other Sunni Islamic countries such as Qatar and the Western Weapons Lobby of NATO nations such as the USA, the UK and Italy.

Demonstrations in favor of Dudakovic in Sarajevo, where the Hague Tribunal authorizes the international trial

Expressing his views on the subject, the president of UKID, the lawyer. Zeki Caliskan said: «We have learned that General Atif Dudakovic, one of the brave and symbolic names of Bosnia, was unfortunately detained along with his friends. These detentions, which took place before the large Bosnian gathering of May 20, in which our President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan will participate, are significant. It is interesting to note that the incident occurred after the declarations of the French President Macron and the spokesman of the European Union: “We do not want an effective Turkey in the Balkans”».


The comment of the UKID leader close to the Turkish president, an open supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood, considered a terrorist organization in some states but recently also supported by the European Commission through funding to the NGO Islamic Relief, continues by analyzing the geopolitical context.

«Foreign powers are eager to stir up the country ahead of the Bosnian elections in October 2018. In this case, Turkey has a great historic task. There are important steps to be taken to establish solidarity with the friendly and fraternal Bosnian people and to ensure lasting peace in the region. If Turkey continues its way with weak men who fail to achieve results and with the desk, visionless and wrong policies they have created, which do not fit the Balkan realities, it is doomed to a new blending of the region and us to be excluded from the Balkans in a short time».


Videos of his most recent speeches continue to circulate on YouTube (video 21 July 2017) and his past crimes (video 22 July 2009) while shouting Allahu Ekber (Bosnian declination of Allah Akbar, or Allah is Great, war slogan of the jihadists Al Qaeda and Isis) enters a village with his military to commit an execution.

Here is the presentation of who published the video on YouTube (then uploaded to the Gospa News profile on Rumble to avoid a deletion)

“Muslim war criminal Atif Dudakovic orders his killers to kill two prisoners of war. This event happened on 9 July 1994, during the civil war in Bosnia and Herzegovina (1992-1995) … location: Izacic near Bihac, west of Bosnia and Herzegovina. BH-The Muslims of the western part of B&H (the so-called autonomous region of western Bosnia) wanted a peaceful solution to the political conflict in the former Yugoslav republic of B&H. ARWB Muslims did not want to go to war against Croats and Serbs … But peace was NOT on the agenda of the BH Muslim fundamentalist regime in western Sarajevo. Therefore, Sarajevo fundamentalists ordered brutal attacks on their compatriots in western Bosnia. As shown in this video».

In the previous paragraph we highlighted an old photo in which Dudakovic sits next to the NATO flag and to Major General John Kiszely, formerly a senior officer of the British Scots Guard who later became deputy commander of SFOR operations.

Kiszely then commanded the 1st Armored Division (UK) from 1996 to 1998, including six months as commander of the multinational southwest division in Bosnia and then assumed the post of Assistant Chief of Defense (Resources and Plans) in the September 1998. But he also obtained the honorary appointment of Colonel Commander of the Intelligence Corps.

This connection assumes enormous importance in the light of the historical novel Caliphate of Europe written by the Italian super-policeman Antonio Evangelista, former commander of the peace contingent of the State Police in Bosnia and then aggregated to Interpol in the Middle East.


The story, despite being told in the diplomatic form of the novel, is full of real bloody episodes, real characters and easily verifiable connections. From them emerges the plot of a tremendous military operation of the American counterpsionage Central Intelligence Agency which together with the Saudis would have favored the infiltration of the jihadist guerrillas of Al Qaeda in the Balkans to destabilize the region and in particular Serbia, in order to counter the influence of Russia in the area.

This intrigue appears even more country in consideration at the birth of the Otpor (Closed fist) movement in Belgrade, a group of Serbian activists who opposed the presidency of Slobodan Milošević by claiming non-violent and pacifist actions but in reality experiencing those small provocations of urban guerrilla with Molotov cocktails and clashes with the police that became the modus operandi of CANVAS, the movement then financed and used by George Soros for all the color revolutions from Lebanon to Syria, from Georgia to Ukraine.

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The circle closes precisely in the civil war against Syrian President Bashar Al Assad in which the CIA, thanks to the MOM operation managed by Istanbul, supplied the deadly TOW anti-tank missiles to 21 extremist factions of jihadists, as revealed by the SETA dossier. published by Gospa News.

This is why Dudakovic, which the Google translator translates Lipovic as if he had a setting to hide his name in the search, represents an element to be protected in the NATO context: because he is one of the many links between extremists of regular military armies, Islamic militias and operations of geopolitical destabilization of military intelligence of the Deep State or New World Order.

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In this sense, the similarities with the actions in the Donbass of the neo-Nazis of the Azov Battalion, regularly framed in the Ukrainian National Guard, where they fight alongside the Chechen jihadists of Sheikh Mansur and, after the invasion of Russia, also with the recruited ISIS cutthroats by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenksy.


It would be impossible to reconstruct the history of the former president of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (i.e. Serbia and Montenegro) Slobodan Milosevic, who was targeted by OECD observers, a Western pro-NATO observatory, after having canceled the municipal elections, won by the opposition coalition Zajedno (Together ) by unleashing huge popular demonstrations in Belgrade designed by OTPOR-CIA.

Isolated internationally and internally (Montenegro no longer recognized federal institutions), Milošević ran again in the elections of September 24, 2000, but was defeated by Vojislav Koštunica, a moderate nationalist, at the head of all the opposition, and on October 5 he was forced, after a great demonstration with the occupation of parliament, to acknowledge the defeat.

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He was certainly affected by the enormous mud machine with which the Western media have attributed to him, often exaggerating or inventing them as is happening in Ukraine, multiple war crimes not emphasized against Bosnian President Alija Izetbegović, denounced by the Serbs to the International Tribunal but in the meantime deceased, although behind the screen of a struggle for ethnic and religious independence he wrote bloody pages of an identical, if not even more brutal, systematic and planned genocide.

We rely on Wikipedia, certainly closer to the mainstream than to anti-Atlanticist conspiracy, for the narration of the facts about his capture and shameful death.

Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Đinđić decided to hand him over to the International Criminal Tribunal for Crimes in the Former Yugoslavia (The Hague) on June 28, 2001, despite the opposition of Koštunica and part of the Serbian public opinion. Milošević did not recognize the legal validity of the court, appealing to the laws of international law.

Admiral T. Joseph Lopez, of the United States Navy, Allied Forces of Southern Europe, United States Naval Forces in Europe and Commander of Implementation Forces (IFOR), visits Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic in Belgrade. This first meeting was held at the Palazzo della Presididenza. IFOR personnel are in Bosnia in support of Operation JOINT ENDEAVOR (the multinational peacekeeping mission in Bosnia).

Milošević was found dead in the prison in The Hague on the morning of 11 March 2006. The death of the former Serbian president followed the death – which took place in the same prison – of Milan Babić, ex-leader of the Krajina Serbs, who committed suicide on 5th March 2006 by hanging himself in the cell where he was serving a bargained sentence of 13 years.

Shortly before his death Milošević had expressed fears that he was poisoning him. On January 12, 2006, two months before his death, there was a scandal in that in Milošević’s blood tests the antibiotic Rifampicin was detected, routinely used for tuberculosis and leprosy and capable of neutralizing the effect of drugs that Milošević used for the high blood pressure and heart disease he suffered from. Milošević complained about the presence of this drug in his blood in a letter sent to the Russian foreign minister.

The International Criminal Tribunal for Crimes in the former Yugoslavia ordered an investigation into the causes and circumstances of the death. From the results of the autopsy tests it seemed excluded that the former Serbian leader had taken the drug Rifampicin in the last days before his death.

Milošević had requested, in the months preceding his death, to be admitted to a specialized clinic in Moscow without obtaining authorization to go there.

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Within a few days the Tribunal should have decided on Milošević’s request for a confrontation in court with former US President Bill Clinton and with Wesley Clark, the US general who had led the NATO intervention against Yugoslavia in 1999. .

The death of Milošević – who after years of trial had now exhausted four fifths of the time available for his defense – preceded by a few months the presumable date of the conclusion of the trial against him and seriously embarrassed the Court, which on the 14th March 2006 officially terminated the prosecution and closed without a sentence the most important trial for which it had been instituted.

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The Attorney General of the Hague Court Carla Del Ponte in an interview with the newspaper La Repubblica allegedly claimed that the death of Milošević represented “a total defeat” for his business. Del Ponte herself, however, then stressed that what Repubblica wrote is without foundation, denying that she had ever uttered that sentence (see for example the interview published by the German newspaper Die Zeit on December 15, 2011, [29] “).

Mikhail Gorbachev accused the ICC of having made a “serious mistake” by not allowing admission to a Russian clinic, judging the judges’ behavior to be “rather inhuman”. Borislav Milošević, brother of the former Serbian leader, blamed the ICC for his death: “The entire responsibility for what happened lies with the International Criminal Court”. Ivica Dačić, a member of the SPS, said that “Milošević did not die at the Hague Tribunal, but he was killed at the Tribunal”.



A media narrative full of exasperation and fake news even more ferocious and ruthless than that already implemented in the Balkan War is being perpetrated on the War In Ukraine where journalists paid by editors close to NATO are trying to paint the Tsar of Russia Vladimir Putin perhaps even worse than Milosevic as they justify any propaganda of hatred and violence by Ukrainian President Zelensky.

The head of state, in fact, did not receive the slightest censorship after the brutal execution of one of the peace negotiators of the Kiev delegation by the Ukrainian Security Services SBU. And not even after the footage, accredited by the New York Times, of bound Russian prisoners killed with a shot in the head by soldiers of Zelensky’s army.

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«There will also be an Italian magistrate among the judges called to judge the war crimes of which Vladimir Putin is accused. Judge Rosario Salvatore Aitala is in the college of robes of the International Criminal Court chosen to deal with the war in Ukraine, together with Antoine Kesia-Mbe Mindua and Tomoko Akane».

This is what the RAI News site, or the national state television, writes, carefully avoiding to point out that the investigation just started on February 28 will have to analyze “the scope of the situation includes any past and present accusations of war crimes, crimes against humanity or genocide committed in any part of the territory of Ukraine by any person from 21 November 2013 onwards” as stated on the official website of the ICC.

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And therefore it could put in the dock Zelensky, his predecessor Petro Poroshenko and Arsen Avakov, the former Interior Minister of Kiev under whose direct dependency the Ukrainian National Guard, responsible for the brutal murder of the Italian journalist Andrea Rocchelli by which it was instead acquitted the material executor due to a legal quibble, within which the Azov Battalion acts, denounced by Amnesty International but not yet prosecuted by the International Criminal Court.

«A 54-year-old former police officer, Aitala teaches international law at Luiss and is convinced, as he wrote in his latest book, that international law is” a way of looking at the world “and becoming” witnesses to crimes that call for justice “. Crimes that the chief prosecutor of the court Karim Khan wanted to touch on his own while visiting Bucha, the city symbol of Russian fury, where hundreds of civilians were massacred. “Ukraine is a crime scene – were his words – We are here because we have reasonable grounds to believe that crimes are being committed within the jurisdiction of the court. We must dissolve the fog of war to get to the truth”» Italian network suggests.

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RAI News adds that on Bucha it does not accept different readings just like the European Parliament did, silencing MEP Francesca Donato when she asked for an international investigation to verify the Russians’ complaints about a false-flag operation by the Kiev militias against her own citizens to blame the Moscow army.

As did the UN by expelling Russia from the Human Rights Council before allowing the Kremlin diplomats to provide their version of the facts.

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The ICC ruling is already written by the international bureaucrats chosen by the New World Order with whom NATO, the US, the CIA and George Soros condition geopolitics: choosing which are war crimes, and which are not, to influence public opinion.

Now that public opinion is even more confused than before after it was forced to believe in a pandemic triggered by a virus built in the laboratory and to the and the only official narrative on the efficacy of experimental anti-Covid gene sera, less effective than natural immunity and dangerous. Behind which the same shareholders of the war in Ukraine speculate. Behind which speculate the same shareholders of the war in Ukraine.

Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
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Fabio G.C. Carisio

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