Italian Judge (FBI’s Friend) Killed by Mafia with the CIA Help? Intel shadows on the Mattarellas: Untouchables, Powerful Sicilian Statesmen

Italian Judge (FBI’s Friend) Killed by Mafia with the CIA Help? Intel shadows on the Mattarellas: Untouchables, Powerful Sicilian Statesmen


On the image cover the Italian judge Falcone killed by Mafia on May, 23, 1992 and the Italian President Sergio Mattarella

“So do not be afraid of them, for there is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known. What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the roofs. Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell”. Jesus Christ – Gospel of Mathew, 10,26-28

Anniversary May 23, 1992 – 2023. Originally published on 2022 

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio


An exclusive audio was broadcast in Italy by AskaNews on the occasion of the thirtieth anniversary of the Capaci massacre in which judge Giovanni Falcone was assassinated with a bomb together with the men of his escort.

In a meeting – with men of the judicial police – which bears the date of March 1989, the magistrate who symbolizes the fight against the mafia traces the characteristics of the Cosa Nostra as “a radial organization” that “produces certain results”.

An exceptional and exclusive document; a recovered and extraordinarily current legacy that in the thirty years of the Capaci and via D’Amelio massacres becomes everyone’s heritage and which, with so many truths yet to be discovered, takes on a more precious value for a message, which has almost a prophetic flavor: “There is no wrong murder, up to now, within Cosa Nostra,” said Falcone, a few months after the attack on the Addaura was foiled (a bomb found in his villa nearby the sea).

It highlights the intuition of the magistrate victim of the bomb attack in relation to the role of those people called to protect the men of the state fighting against the mafia but who have become accomplices of their executioners.

But this only emphasizes the role of Palermo in the plot of the murders and massacres that have bloodied the history of Italy, failing to highlight that it is on the international axis of the Rome-Langley crime syndicate. Now we try to remember all the chilling Intel shadows…


It is the axis that connects the Freemasons of the New World Order, which financed the Expedition of the Thousand for the Unification of Italy followed by the breach of Porta Pia to snatch a part of Rome from the Papal State, with the American counterintelligence of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA, based in Langley, Virginia, US) which established their branch in Sicily in two different historical moments: in 1860, when Giuseppe Mazzini in Palermo founded the Supreme Council of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite (a elite reserved for the highest-ranking Freemasons) to favor the operation of the Thousand by Giuseppe Garibaldi; and in 1943, when the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), which later became the CIA, recruited the boss of the two worlds Lucky Luciano to facilitate the Landing of the Allies on the island in agreement with the mobsters persecuted by the Duce Benito Mussolini.

“Before dealing with the mafia of the period from the unification of the Kingdom of Italy to the First World War and the advent of fascism, we must briefly, but necessarily premise that it as an association and with this denomination, before unification, did not had never existed in Sicily” so declared Rocco Chinnici, the first judge killed with a car bomb on 29 July 1983, confirming a historical reconstruction already elaborated by the writer Leonardo Sciascia and highlighted in detail by an investigation by Gospa News on the triple alliance between Freemasons, Garibaldians and local criminals who have become important mobsters of Cosa Nostra after the Expedition of the Thousand.

Masonic Funds for Garibaldi’s Expedition, British Legion with Times’ Reporters & Mobsters Allied in Sicily

Before analyzing the attacks on Falcone (and the subsequent Borsellino) we must recall the correspondence between Mazzini and Albert Pike, founder of the Ku Klux Klan in the USA, who fomented the Civil War as a Southern general and emerged victorious despite the defeat of his army of states. Confederates.

Pike became Grand Master of the Mother Lodge of Charleston and went down in history as Pope of Freemasonry, President Abraham Lincoln, triumphant in war with the States of the Union, was killed by a Freemason in an international plot that already smelled of that New World Order of which the Canadian commodore William Guy Carr wrote in his book Pawns in Gioco as early as 1955 in reference to the letters between Mazzini (Giovine Italia) and Pike (Young America).


The Capaci massacre was a terrorist-mafia attack carried out by Cosa Nostra on 23 May 1992 near Capaci (on the territory of Isola delle Femmine) with a charge composed of TNT, RDX and ammonium nitrate with a power of 500 kg of TNT, to kill the anti-Mafia magistrate Giovanni Falcone. The attackers blew up a section of the A29 motorway at 5:57 pm, while the escort procession with the judge, his wife and police officers on board, accommodated in three armored Fiat Cromas, passed over it. In addition to the judge, four other people died: his wife Francesca Morvillo, also a magistrate, and the escort agents Vito Schifani, Rocco Dicillo and Antonio Montinaro. There were 23 injured, including officers Paolo Capuzza, Angelo Corbo, Gaspare Cervello and the judicial driver Giuseppe Costanza.

Cosa Nostra’s Mobster who Killed judge Falcone and Dissolved a Child in Acid Now Freed among Protests

RDX is also known, but less commonly, as cyclonite, hexogen (particularly in Russian, French, German and German-influenced languages), T4, and, chemically, as cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine. In the 1930s, the Royal Arsenal, Woolwich, started investigating cyclonite to use against German U-boats that were being built with thicker hulls. The goal was to develop an explosive more energetic than TNT. For security reasons, Britain termed cyclonite “Research Department Explosive” (R.D.X.). The term RDX appeared in the United States in 1946. The first public reference in the United Kingdom to the name RDX, or R.D.X., to use the official title, appeared in 1948.

The cars destroyed by the RDX explosive on the site of the massacre of 23 May 1992, on the A29 motorway, near the Capaci junction

Cyclotrimethylenetrinitroamine is a relatively recent explosive, and has been coded as RDX in the United States for the letters “RD” (meaning “Research and Development”), an abbreviation common to all new military research products. , and “X”, a classification in place of which usually appears a number, which from being provisional it should have remained in use – thus making RDX the most widespread name by which this substance is known in the field of war.

The compound is widely used as an explosive, generally mixed with others, or with fatty acids and waxes, mainly in the military.


This explosive practically represents the “signature” of the real American principals. Like the collapse of World Trade Center 7 during the attacks of 11 September 2001 in New York which represents the milestone of the bomb plot, in which the hijacked planes acted as a red herring for the collapses of the Twin Towers. Like the SARS-Cov-2 built in the laboratory by the US with the collaboration of the Wuhan Institute of Virology (and initial EU funding) to leave the smoking gun of the bacteriological weapon of the pandemic in the hands of the Chinese.

9/11 – The Avoidable Massacre Allowed by CIA. Helped Al Qaeda in Balkans, Obstructed FBI Investigations. Tribute to John O’Neill Killed in the Towers

We have demonstrated the role of the CIA in the avoidable attacks on the Twin Towers and in the artificial virus of Covid-19 in multiple investigations with evidence sufficient to defend us from any lawsuit in any court of justice in the world.

WUHAN.GATES – 41. “SARS-2 IS A BIO-WEAPON”. Complaint to the Hague Court with Montagnier Expertise. US Intelligence “split” between Natural or Laboratory Virus

The role of military intelligence experts in the Capaci and via D’Amelio massacres is also certain, where the Italian magistrate Paolo Borsellino and five escort agents died on 19 July 1992: Agostino Catalano, Emanuela Loi, Vincenzo Li Muli, Walter Eddie Cosina and Claudio Traina.

But the trait d’union with the CIA currently represents only our “investigative hypothesis” which is connected to an annoying investigation for the 007 who had made a pact with the Cosa Nostra demons for the Landing in Sicily, where it was made then also Lucky Luciano, freed from American prison for services rendered to the USA, arrives.


The first clue comes from the Pizza Connection case.

It was a judicial investigation into drug trafficking conducted in the United States of America by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) between 1979 and 1984. Gaetano Badalamenti, main defendant of pizza connection. Some members of the Italian judiciary also collaborated on several occasions, including Falcone, already a member of the anti-mafia pool in Palermo. It is no coincidence that the murdered judge still has a bust in front of the FBI Academy at Quantico today.

Venezuela: Guaido’s Friends ParaMilitary Narcos Tied to Italian Mafia but Trump charges Maduro

Among the historic post-war mafia businesses, the most profitable for decades was drug trafficking between Italy and the Americas. As confirmed by a recent investigation into the ties of the Venezuelan leader recognized by the US in opposition to the elected president Nicolas Maduro.

In fact, Juan Guaidò, considered a creature of the CIA like his predecessor Leopoldo Lopez, had himself photographed with some Colombian paramilitaries who later turned out to be narcos in business with the ‘Ndrangheta, the criminal organization of Calabria that now dominates in Italy (but also in Europe) and reduced the power of the Sicilian rivals of Cosa Nostra, after the capture of some bosses by the Carabinieri and Police in response to the murders of Falcone and Borsellino.

The second clue comes from the Dossier Caronte on which the judges Falcone and Borsellino were investigating.

Italian Judge Borsellino Assassination: 30 Years of Mafia Injustice through Misdirections inside the Masonic State

The Caronte disclosure was a highly confidential investigation conducted by the Carabinieri of the ROS of Palermo on the intrigue between business, politics, the mafia and occult powers: that is Freemasonry for the explicit affirmation of Fiammetta Borsellino, daughter of the murdered magistrate.

“The killing of judge Chinnici was commissioned by cousins ​​Ignazio and Nino Salvo and ordered by the mafia dome, for the investigations that the magistrate conducted on the links between the mafia and the political – economic sanctuaries” claimed the public prosecutor at the trial in the Court of Assizes in reference to the cousins ​​who Falcone himself had arrested in 1984 on charges of mafia-type association.

Antonino Salvo during the arrest requested by Giovanni Falcone

Antonino Salvo died in a Swiss clinic of a tumor before the conclusion of the maxi trial in Palermo in which he was accused along with his cousin and hundreds of other people. Some time after his death, it was discovered that he was enrolled in the lodge of the Freemasonry of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, precisely in the “Supreme Council of Italy” in via Roma in Palermo which a hundred years earlier had conferred the 33rd degree on Giuseppe Mazzini,

Despite these historical evidences, the Sicilian “colleagues” of the murdered prosecutors asked for the investigation on the Informativa Caronte to be archived 3 days after Borsellino’s death.

The year after the authors of that investigation, the officers of the Meritorious Weapon Mario Mori and Sergio Di Caprio (known as Capitano Ultimo) ended up under judicial persecution for some alleged omissions in the most important arrest in the history of the mafia: that of the fugitive Totò Riina, head of the Cosa Nostra and sentenced as principal of the attacks on the two magistrates.


In the audio released by AskaNews, Judge Falcone states: “Giuseppe Gambino (known mafia repentant of Cosa Nostra – ed), speaking of the” short “that is Totò Riina, says that no leaf will move without the short does not give his approval “.

But can you imagine a bloodthirsty peasant almost illiterate like Riina concocting diabolical plans such as those conducted to eliminate the two judges who have been intercepted by telephone for months and months and studied in every move? Falcone always maintained that behind the Mafia there were “very refined minds” but the repentant of the two worlds Tommaso Buscetta refused to give him the names of the so-called “third level” with a simple justification: “there are no political conditions”.

In fact, the carabinieri who arrested Riina ended up theirselves under investigation for almost thirty years!


The third clue reveals an international intrigue behind the contemporary relations between the Mafia, the CIA and the New World Order but it is the most disturbing of all because it casts suspicious shadows on the highest office of the Italian Republic: President Sergio Mattarella.

Who was one of the politicians awarded by the Anglo-American provisional government AMGOT in Sicily under the supervision of the OSS-CIA who used the mafioso Vito Genovese as an interpreter? Bernardo Mattarella (Sergio’s father) of Castellammare del Golfo, one of the historic bastions of the Cosa Nostra in the province of Trapani.

What was the scandal that struck the then Minister of Transport Bernardo Mattarella? The recommendation for a railway contract to Vito Ciancimino despite being in the odor of the mafia as was later confirmed by the subsequent arrest ordered by Falcone when Ciancimino became Mayor of Palermo.

What did the Carabinieri of the ROS of the Dossier Caronte bring on trial (concluded with due acquittal) for the phoney State-Mafia negotiation, including the former general of the secret services Mario Mori? A testimony from Massimo Ciancimino, son of the mayor arrested for ties to the Cosa Nostra.

Who ended up on trial during the Tangentopoli of Palermo for petrol vouchers received from a mafia entrepreneur close to Riina’s right arm? Sergio Mattarella acquitted for a modest amount: the receipt of 3 million old lire was confirmed when the crime of illegal financing in politics provided for a minimum ceiling of 5 million.

Who sponsored the political career of the future Mayor of Palermo Leoluca Orlando, bitter defamer of Falcone? Sergio Mattarella.

Who became vice president of the Council of Ministers with responsibility for the Secret Service from 1998 to 1998? Sergio Mattarella again.

Who promoted Sergio Mattarella’s candidacy for President of the Republic? Giorgio Napolitano, believed to be a collaborator of the Central Intelligence Agency since the period in which he went to the USA during the kidnapping of Aldo Moro, later killed by the Deep State in an intrigue of international spies, according to the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry.

Who tried to free Moro from his prison as remembered by the late judge Ferdinando Imposimato? General Carlo Alberto Dalla Chiesa sent to Palermo to fight the mafia, left alone and killed by the Cosa Nostra in the shadow of the usual international intrigue …


Who has been reconfirmed as Foreign Minister in Rome although lacking the ability to speak correctly both Italian and English?

The former vendor of soft drinks at the San Paolo stadium in Naples, Luigi Di Maio, sponsored for this post by President Mattarella, who is thus effectively exercising the role of political interlocutor on the most delicate international affairs.

Di Maio has also become the political referent of Link University in Rome, which ended up at the center of the ObamaGate scandal and for the easy degrees for policemen, but recognized by intelligence experts as a place for the recruitment of undercover Italian agents by the CIA.

I don’t know why, without any reference to real people, one of the most memorable phrases of the late judge Giovanni Falcone comes to mind: “Where the Mafia rules, the posts of power are given to idiots.”

Link University, CIA’s Agents Factory in Rome amidst Scandals: ObamaGate and Easy Degrees for Cops

Who managed the 2020 Libya Crisis, caused by the bombings imposed by President Napolitano on the Berlusconi government, in the intrigue between the Muslim Brotherhood of Qatar and the Arms Lobby between Italy and England?

Could it have been President Mattarella himself who went to see the Qatari Emir who financed Turkey’s mercenary jihadists in NATO-protected operations in Syria and Libya? Obviously yes … As demonstrated in the investigation Weapons Lobby – 4.

14 Thousand Jihadist Troops in Libya for Turkey Blitz alongside US Weapons’ Lobby, NATO’s Deep State & NWO

Who sustained extreme lockdowns during the pandemic which, according to reports from the Anti-Mafia Investigation Department, favored the business of the ‘Ndrangheta? The President of the Republic who signed the laws of the Conte and Draghi Governments contested for dubious constitutional legitimacy by judges and politicians.

Who announced the impending war in Ukraine triggered by the 2014 NATO-CIA coup in Ukraine? Sergio Mattarella in the occult role of ambassador of the New World Order in Europe.

NATO’s COUP IN UKRAINE: THE GENESIS – 2. Obama, Soros, MI6 & Kyiv Security Forum

Who prophesied the coronavirus pandemic in 2018 and was the protagonist of the Event 201 exercise held in New York in October 2019 a few months before the first official case of Covid-19? Bio-weapons expert Avril Haines, CIA deputy director of the Obama-Biden administration during the coup in Kiev and during the experiments conducted by the Pentagon-funded Big Pharma Moderna (US Department of Defense).

What is the new role of former CIA Deputy Director Avril Haines? National director of the entire US Intelligence Community at the behest of President Joseph Biden, sponsored by Pfizer in the election campaign.

WUHAN-GATES – 26. SARS-2 Bio-Weapon & Gold Vaccines. From CIA-WHO Tests funded by Gates to EU Summit with Pfizer, Biden’s sponsor, before Pandemic!


Who Funded Event 201?

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation which invested in Moderna together with the World Economic Forum by Klaus Schwab received with full honors at Palazzo Chimi by Prime Minister Mario Draghi chosen by Mattarella, and not by the voters, as he chose the Minister of Justice Marta Cartabia who as a judge of the Constitutional Court he signed the sentence in favor of the imposition of the 10 compulsory vaccines in school age required by the Obama-Renzi-Gentiloni agreement.

NWO’s Plot against Italy (XFile 6). Mandatory Vaccines for Health Workers Dictated by Minister close to Soros

Who financed the NGO headed by a relative acquired by Matteo Renzi? New York Unicef headed by an Obama man.

Who developed, already in 2016, a human laboratory gene with 19 nucleotides identical to SARS-Cov-2? Moderna financed by Gates which belongs to the Zacks Group intervened to manage the hyperimunne blood used against Covid-19 by Giuseppe De Donno, who died in a mysterious suicide.

I went off topic. My elementary school teacher always told me …

Covid: Found Hung Italian MD of Plasma-Therapy: supported by Tom Hanks but Stolen by Gates’ Big Pharma


Well let’s conclude. In the light of all these shameful plots, the shadow of the CIA as the “director” of the attack on Giovanni Falcone can be considered almost established.

But if some whistleblower let us have detailed documents we would be happy…

The historic friendship of the Mattarellas with the Anglo-Saxon intelligence is clear. And it is even obvious to a Head of State of a NATO country.

All the alleged connections of the Mattarellas with mafia intrigues are, at the moment, manifestly ONLY CLAMOROUS COINCIDENCES!

Instead we thank, as an illustrious teacher did, the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella because today he commemorated the anniversary of the death of Judge Giovanni Falcone

“Giovanni did not want to be a hero, he only wanted to be a magistrate who did his duty to him. We must not only think about the past, but also about the future for this city of ours”.

With these words, RAI News writes, Maria Falcone opened the ceremonies for the 30th anniversary of the Capaci massacre. The sister of the judge and president of the Falcone Foundation thanked the Head of State Sergio Mattarella for her presence. “I thank our President, the most important citizen of Palermo, I thank you for returning to our city and not only for your past but also for her future,” she said.

I conclude with a famous phrase by Giovanni Falcone: “Men pass and the ideas remain that will continue to walk on the legs of other men”. Perhaps less in the minds of some women …

Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
prohibition of reproduction without authorization 
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Fabio G.C. Carisio

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