Canada Ordered 500,000 Smallpox Vaccines Just Weeks Before Monkeypox Outbreak

Canada Ordered 500,000 Smallpox Vaccines Just Weeks Before Monkeypox Outbreak


«The order of 500,000 smallpox vaccines placed by Canada just weeks before the monkeypox outbreak began, despite the disease being declared eradicated in 1972, has forced many people to doubt the mainstream narrative» GreatGameIndia writes.

Weeks before the first cases were reported, Public Services and Procurement Canada issued a tender for 500,000 smallpox vaccine doses that can be used against monkeypox.

500,000 doses of Imvamune, a “third generation” smallpox vaccine, were ordered “on behalf of the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC)” on April 21, according to a report from Public Services and Procurement Canada, weeks before the first cases of monkeypox were reported to the World Health Organization on May 13.

“Although smallpox disease is currently considered to be eradicated, PHAC is procuring a stockpile of the vaccine to immunize Canadians against smallpox disease should a risk ever arise where smallpox is intentionally or unintentionally released,” the April 21 tender reads.

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The contract’s “Evaluation Criteria” state that “prior to contract award, the vaccine must have Health Canada regulatory approval for active immunization against smallpox, monkeypox and related orthopoxvirus infection and disease in adults 18 years of age and older determined to be at high risk for exposure.”

The contract’s “Term of Contract” is April 1, 2023 through March 21, 2028.

Despite Canada’s decision to stop routinely administering smallpox vaccines in 1972 after the disease was declared “eradicated,” the order for the shots arrives just in time for the sudden onset of monkeypox, a disease from the same family that, according to the April tender, can be treated with the same Imvamune vaccine.

Following the “confirmation” of five cases of monkeypox in Quebec last Friday, Canada’s public health chief, Dr. Theresa Tam, said the country is considering utilizing smallpox vaccine doses to limit the spread of the rare disease.

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Despite the fact that the disease only spreads through “prolonged close contact,” is much milder than smallpox, and has been found according to the WHO “mainly but not exclusively” in “men who have sex with men,” Tam and her deputy, Dr. Howard Njoo, warn that “the entire population is susceptible to monkeypox” because Canadians have not been widely vaccinated against smallpox for the past 50 years.

Many people have began to doubt the mainstream narrative around the virus since the so-called monkeypox outbreak in mid-May, citing parallels between the origins of monkeypox and COVID-19.

The “world’s first-ever global outbreak of Monkeypox” is occurring “just one year after an international biosecurity conference (pdf below) in Munich held a simulation of a ‘global pandemic involving an unusual strain of Monkeypox’ beginning in mid-May 2022.”

“The global Monkeypox outbreak — occurring on the exact timeline predicted by a biosecurity simulation of a global Monkeypox outbreak a year prior — bears a striking resemblance to the outbreak of COVID-19 just months after Event 201, a simulation of a coronavirus pandemic almost exactly like COVID-19,” Senger wrote in the piece.

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“Event 201 was hosted in October 2019 — just two months before the coronavirus was first revealed in Wuhan — by the Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum, Bloomberg, and Johns Hopkins. As with the Event 201, the participants at the Monkeypox simulation have thus far been stone silent as to their having participated in a pandemic simulation the facts of which happened to come true in real life just months later,” the lawyer added.

The US, like Canada, has placed a large $ 119 million order for 13 million “freeze-dried” smallpox vaccines, which will be changed to monkeypox shots as the outbreak continues.

Source GreatGameIndia


There are two smallpox vaccines that could be used against monkeypox, one is produced by Emergent BioSolution, an American company, the second by the European Bavarian Nordic, based in Denmark.

The journal Science on its website takes stock of the two vaccines currently available in Europe and North America, which are currently not being administered.

Smallpox was a serious scourge, capable of killing 30% of infected people, but thanks to a widespread vaccination campaign in the 60s and 70s it was eradicated.

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In fact it is the only pathogen so far completely eliminated, if we exclude some samples kept in the laboratory for study purposes. The drastic reduction in cases in the early 1970s had gradually led to a reduction in the administration of vaccines as the side effects of treatment (with approximately one death for every million vaccinated) had now outweighed the potential benefits.

Since then, production has practically stopped and to date there are only two smallpox vaccines available, capable of protecting even from monkeypox: that of the American Emergent BioSolutions, considered similar to the vaccine used during the eradication campaign and can still cause reactions. severe in people who have compromised immune systems; the other, from Bavarian Nordic, uses a non-replicating form of vaccinia, a virus very similar to that of smallpox, specifically designed to cause fewer side effects. The latter, points out the article in Science, is the only vaccine explicitly approved for monkeypox.

The two vaccines are able to prevent the disease even if used up to 4 days from exposure to the virus and could therefore be used to protect those who have come into contact with the infected but, although they are available, at the moment the two vaccines are not available in any country. they are currently prescribed, neither country has announced plans to use them, and both stocks are currently low.


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