CSIS Canadian Intelligence and the Round Table Origins of the Five Eyes

CSIS Canadian Intelligence and the Round Table Origins of the Five Eyes


by Matthew Ehret

Some link to Gospa News posts have been added inside the article by Editorial staff

This month the Task Force on National Security at the University of Ottawa published a white paper which lays out a plan for a major re-organization of Canada’s intelligence agencies to better deal with the “intense global instability when the security of Canada and other liberal democracies is under growing threat.”

Upon looking at those who participated in the crafting of this “discussion” paper, which includes several former CSIS directors, advisors to Prime Ministers and high level civil servants, it can quickly be seen that this is no benign academic exercise, but represents a top-down policy intention. The authors of the report reference the changes to Canada’s security architecture based upon the threat of Russian aggression, Chinese subversion to the western order, domestic terrorism with a focus on the “loss of confidence in government resulting in the spread of conspiracy theories and misinformation.

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The prescriptions call for obvious expansions of the authority of Canada’s primary intelligence agency (CSIS), and greater coordination with the international Five Eyes with a focus on the guiding framework of the July 2, 2021 UK white paper ‘Global Britain in a Competitive Age’.

Before deciding whether or not CSIS powers or the Five Eyes should be expanded within the context of the global instability now unfolding, it is worth asking ‘What is the Canadian Communication Security Establishment exactly, and from where did the Five Eyes arise over the course of the previous century?”

Getting at the Heart of the Five Eyes

To properly answer this with a full appreciation into the historic forces at play, it is vital to jump back in time to the founder of the Rhodes Scholar program that birthed the Chrystia Freeland phenomenon in our modern age (Freeland after all a leading Rhodes Scholar and it would do us well to fully understand what that means). This exercise will take us to Cecil Rhodes, Governor of Rhodesia, father of systemic colonial rape of Africa and all around degenerate.

Here we shall find ourselves looking at this degenerate’s 1877 will and testament. It was here that the self-described “race patriot” and “priest of the Church of the British Empire” called for a re-organization of the decaying empire when he said:

“Why should we not form a secret society with but one object the furtherance of the British Empire and the bringing of the whole uncivilised world under British rule, for the recovery of the United States, and for the making the Anglo-Saxon race but one Empire…”

Upon Rhodes’ 1902 death, his will served as a manifesto or “guiding spirit” underlying the formation of the deep state and later Five Eyes throughout the 20th century. Rhodes’ followers and upper level financiers of London like Lord Nathaniel Rothschild and Lord Milner established a scholarship in his nameto indoctrinate talented youth from around the world in the halls of Oxford in order to be redeployed back into their home countries in order to infiltrate all branches of influence public and private with a focus upon departments of Foreign Affairs. As the late Georgetown Professor Carrol Quigley documented in his Anglo-American Establishment, an international group was created by Rhodes’ disciples named The Round Table led by Milner, Lord Lothian, Leo Amery, and Lionel Curtis who created branches in all Anglo-Saxon nations to coordinate this new British Empire under the banner of “Round Table Movements”.

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This group found an early opponent in the form of a Lincoln-admiring Canadian Prime Minister named Wilfred Laurier who had then been striving for deeper cooperation with a USA and independence from Britain (the USA at this time still had a very strong anti-imperial political culture). Sadly in 1911, Laurier’s government was taken down by a Roundtable-steered coup resulting in the defeated Prime Minister famously stating:

“Canada is now governed by a junta sitting at London, known as ‘The Round Table’, with ramifications in Toronto, in Winnipeg, in Victoria, with Tories and Grits receiving their ideas from London and insidiously forcing them on their respective parties.”

That comment was made in 1915.

By 1916, the Group, under Milner’s leadership initiated a soft coup in Britainunseating the Labour Party’s Herbert Asquith in order to shape the terms of the post WWI order.

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The CFR and Death of the League of Nations

During the Versailles Process of 1919, the Round Table Group then firmly in charge of the British Government and Foreign Policy infrastructure created a powerful new think tank called the Royal Institute for International Affairs (aka: Chatham House) which set up sister branches in Australia, Canada, New Zealand and South Africa.

The American branch of the RIIA took the name Council on Foreign Relations(CFR) in 1921 and was fully staffed with indoctrinated Rhodes Scholars and Fabians all loyal to Rhodes’ vision. This was the group that attempted to impose world government under the League of Nations throughout the 1920s-1930s until it was finally killed by American (and Canadian) nationalists who preferred not to sacrifice their sovereignty to a bankers’ dictatorship.

If you want to know what caused the Five Eyes to come into being and how the USA lost its core anti-imperial character during the 20th century, you would have no satisfying answer if you avoided this fact as too many are in the habit of doing.

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In spite of resistance from Laurier’s leading anti-Round Table allies who took back power in 1921 and anti-imperial forces in American who resisted Round Table control over the U.S. State Department under President Harding, the British/CFR problem only became more pronounced by the end of WWII as FDR stated to his son in a moment of frustration in 1943:

“You know, any number of times the men in the State Department have tried to conceal messages to me, delay them, hold them up somehow, just because some of those career diplomats over there aren’t in accord with what they know I think. They should be working for Winston. As a matter of fact, a lot of the time, they are [working for Churchill]. Stop to think of ’em: any number of ’em are convinced that the way for America to conduct its foreign policy is to find out what the British are doing and then copy that! I was told six years ago, to clean out that State Department. It’s like the British Foreign Office….”

FDR’s son ominously recorded his father saying: “I’ll take care of these matters myself’ was Roosevelt’s now usual response on matters of crucial policy. ‘I am the only person I can trust’.”[Elliot Roosevelt, As He Saw It(1946)]

The Five Eyes grows over FDR’s dead body

Even though American-British coded signal sharing began in 1943, no institutional takeover of American intelligence had yet occurred and Office of Strategic Services (OSS) was still firmly under control of American nationalists loyal to FDR’s anti-colonial philosophy.

All of that changed with FDR’s April 1945 death and the Round Table groups embedded throughout America’s bureaucracy quickly took over as an Anglophile puppet named Harry Truman became president. Under Truman, the OSS was disbanded, and a new order was installed with the Anglo-American Special Relationship, the UKUSA Signal Intelligence Agreement of March 5, 1946 and the September 8, 1947 formation of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Patriots loyal to FDR’s post-war vision like Henry Wallace, Harry Dexter White, and Paul Robeson were torn down under the FBI dictatorship known as McCarthyism.

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The policy of cultivating useful Ukrainian intelligence agents who had collaborated with Hitler’s agenda and could again be useful in the new war against the Soviet Union in the newly emerging Cold War was hatched in the dirty basement of this post-OSS intelligence complex.

This new order of integrated intelligence saw the birth of the NSA in America, the Communications Security Establishment in Canada and sister organizations in Australia and New Zealand- all coordinating closely with the Royal Institutes/Round Table groups located in each Anglo Saxon nation. This was the fulfilment of Rhodes’ vision and the origins of the Five Eyes. Approaching modern history from this standpoint allows the mind to see clearly that while the American NSA/CIA hand certainly played a dirty role in the post-WWII order, the true guiding mind has always been found an ocean away from America.

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The Cat is Stuffed Back into the Bag

Throughout the first three decades of the Cold War, the Five Eyes remained a total secret even to elected politicians. Australian Prime Minister Gough Whitlam was so shocked to discover the existence of covert intelligence connections between the Australian Security Intelligence Organization (ASIO) alongside its American and British counterparts that he fired its director in 1975. In response to the Prime Minister’s defiance of imperial policy, Sir John Kerr (Australia’s Governor General and actual Head of State) sacked Whitlam in 1975, proving that contrary to popular belief, the Crown’s powers are much more than the symbolic image which today’s perception managers wish us to believe.

In America, a decade of assassinations as well as blatant CIA-run coups abroad resulted in a popular indignation and demand for justice resulting in the famous Church Committee hearings on CIA abuses. In response to this exposure, upper level Deep State assets like Sir Henry Kissinger, Cyrus Vance and Zbigniew Brzezinski conducted two purges of the CIA (1970 and 1978), abolished what little remained of the Board of National Estimates in 1973 and moved many of the CIA’s international covert operations to a new organization which came to be known as the National Endowment for Democracy as outlined in my previous article on the subject.

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In Canada a documentary aired on the Fifth Estate entitled ‘The Espionage Establishment’ in 1974 exposing the public to the Five Eyes and shed light for the first time to the Communications Security Establishment of Canada resulting in hearings in the House of Commons and Senate and a modest restructuring of the organization. While nothing systemic was ultimately addressed, lipstick was put onto the pig as the newly renamed Communications Security Establishment absorbed into the Department of Defense. When CSIS was created in 1984 (after the RCMP’s Intelligence branch was caught red handed organizing the FLQ terrorist cells one too many times), the CSE and new spy agency began coordinating closely with each other and today occupy adjacent buildings from each other in Ottawa.

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The natural righteous indignation felt by the masses petered away under a culture of consumerism, cynicism and conformism resulting in a slide into decay which no patriot of FDR’s generation could have imagined possible. Occasional bursts of angst and rage in the popular zeitgeist were absorbed and redirected by Hollywood films like Soylent Green (1973), The Network(1976) and 1984 (1984) (to name a few). Rather than empower the population such films were designed to amplify impotent cynicism, defeatism and misdirect anger towards un-nameable shadowy corporate forces (Soylent Green), Saudi oil barons (the Network), or human nature itself (1984).

With the belief that the causes of injustices could either not be understood, or were supposed to be intrinsic to the human species, the population went to sleep and dream walked into the New World Order.

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Those core moral principles which leaders like John Kennedy or Martin Luther King fought to awaken in the nation were rejected by the majority of baby boomers as mere naïve fantasy with no connection to “reality” as they were told it to be. But sadly, without core principles, post-truth liberalism found fertile soil to spread its roots. It is this post-truth order which serves as foundation of today’s liberal order which Davos creatures within the Anglo-Canadian establishment have chosen to champion on behalf of those forces and heirs of Rhodes’ vision who wish to become the lords of a uni-polar world.

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It is only be recognizing the flaws and fallacies built upon generations of lies that an insight into the structural defects of this unipolar obsession can be gleaned. Through this insight, the awakening of the sleeping masses which began in 2016’s defeat of Hillary, and arose again during the Freedom Convoy in Ottawa and which threatens to emerge once more in the lead up to the upcoming US elections remains a nightmare for the oligarchy. Were the population to reclaim their natural rights amidst this crisis, within the context of the Eurasian partnership doing battle against the forces of the New World Order, then a chance remains that humanity could re-align itself towards a new system founded upon creative growth, industrial progress, sovereignty and cooperation.

by Matthew Ehret

Originally published by CSIS and the Round Table Origins of the Five Eyes

Matthew Ehret is the Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Patriot Review , and Senior Fellow at the American University in Moscow. He is author of the ‘Untold History of Canada’ book series and Clash of the Two Americas trilogy. In 2019 he co-founded the Montreal-based Rising Tide Foundation .

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Matthew Ehret

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