WUHAN-GATES – 50. The Italian Boss of Obama’s Coronavirus. Ukraine Laboratories Funded by former CIA Director Leon Panetta

WUHAN-GATES – 50. The Italian Boss of Obama’s Coronavirus. Ukraine Laboratories Funded by former CIA Director Leon Panetta


Around $21 millions from Pentagon to Kiev in 2012 for Dangerous Experiments


I tell you that if these keep silent, the stones will cry out” Jesus Christ (Gospel of Luke, 19:40)

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio


His father broke his back as a miner in Sheridan in Wyoming (US), he, after this article, will become famous for opening a dozen suspected bacteriological laboratories in Ukraine and Georgia with which the American Obama-Biden administration actually violated the agreement signed with Russia for the non-proliferation of biological weapons in the countries of the former Soviet Union.

Leon Edward Panetta, was born on June 28, 1938 in the United States of America, in Monterrey (California), thus crowning the dream of his father Carmelo “Frank” and his mother Carmelina Maria Prochilo, who emigrated from Italy to make their fortune beyond Ocean. After opening a small restaurant they sold it to buy a ranch with a peanut plantation and to have their only beloved son study.

From Siderno, a stronghold of the ‘Ndrangheta in Calabria, they did not bring with them any suspicions of the mafia, but only the dialect with which Leon spoke to his cousin Domenico Panetta, twice Mayor of Siderno, when he went to visit him at the White House. The latter did not hesitate to make a great media fuss when his relative first became Bill Clinton’s Chief Cabinet (1994-1997) and then director of the Central Intelligence Agency (2009-2011), the American counter-espionage, thanks to the will of Barack Obama.

UKRAINE BIOLABS – 2. Disturbing Documents by Russia: “Kiev destroyed Evidence of US-funded Bioweapons Program”. SARS-2?

Leon Panetta was in fact the head of the most powerful secret service in the world in the years in which Obama wanted to relaunch the “National Center for Disease Control and Public Health” founded in 1937 in Tbilisi, opened by the former Soviet Union to fight dangerous pathogens, which in 2011 was named after Senator Richard Lugar and in 2013 was equipped with a BSL-3 laboratory.

While it was he himself, as Secretary of the Department of Defense / Pentagon (2011-February 2013), who financed the opening of the 11 bacteriological laboratories in Ukraine in 2012, which ended up in the eye of the storm for reports of dangerous virus experiments denounced by the Kremlin, after the starting of the military operation (February 2022) for the protection of the pro-Russians of the Donbass and the de-Nazification of the paramilitaries of the Kiev army.

NATO’s COUP IN UKRAINE: THE GENESIS – 4. Putin: “Plan vs Russia since 2008”. After Kiev Security Forum on Gas & Virus Warfares


If any shadow has fallen on his cousin for his youthful intemperance and for the political error of having favored a center-left agreement in 2015 for the election of a Mayor of Siderno then lapsed when the City Council was dissolved for mafia in 2018 (the former senator Pietro Fuda is now indicted before the Criminal Court of Locri with the accusation of external complicity in mafia association), on his powerful relative of America there is only the suspicion that he is one of the spearheads of the New World Order, more commonly called Deep State in the US.

The existence of the Deep State, a potentate of Freemasons, mostly Zionist financiers, intelligence officials and military officers, was publicly confirmed by CIA Director John Brennan, Panetta’s successor in the post, on the occasion of the impeachment against President Donald Trump on UkraineGate.

UKRAINEGATE, CIA-DEEP STATE’S PLOT AGAINST TRUMP with two whistleblowers and Italian ties

In fact, Mister Leon had the merit of maintaining excellent relations with the Republicans after converting to the Democratic Party in time to avoid the WaterGate cyclone that overwhelmed President Richard Nixon, in whose staff he had worked before colliding over civil rights in the Southern states, where the republican statesman wanted to prioritize education for whites. One could almost suspect that it was he who lit the fuse of the scandal, but that’s another story…

Leon Edward Panetta, CIA director in the shadow of Barack Obama

His bi-partisan credibility was evident at the moment of his confirmation as Obama’s Secretary of Defense: the Senate ruled with a plebiscite of 100 votes in favor and none against. No wonder too much though …

Because Panetta was the CIA director who identified and killed Osama bin Laden on May 1st 2011. If we are to believe the official sources and avoid doubting the elimination of the Al Qaeda sheikh.

But his recent interviews about Russia’s likely defeat in Ukraine lead us to fear that at the age of 74 he has lost his former clarity or has a nagging fear that the Moscow military might find some compromising x-file on the bacteriological activities carried out in that country by the Pentagon, despite the Kiev government’s order to destroy all documents which anticipated the World Health Organization’s suggestion to eliminate any viral strains stored in research centers.

WUHAN-GATES – 46. “SARS-COV-2 Designed Bioweapon. Toxic structure May be Replicated in Vaccines”. US Army Ret. Colonel said

Just Panetta, if one day he wanted to break the secret that goes well with the conspiratorial tradition of his Calabrian blood, he could certainly tell many things about coronaviruses and Obama’s obsession with these “ancestors” of SARS-Cov-2, built in the laboratory in “a deal between China and the US”. As reported by the late French virologist Luc Montagnier, as demonstrated by Gospa News in 52 investigations of the WuhanGates cycle (49 already translated in English).

Especially since his story intersects perfectly in a political and financial intrigue that appears to be the perfect narrative of the New World Order conspiracy on the Covid-19 pandemic and on those that are looming on the horizon, such as monkeypox.


Leon Edward was born on June 28, 1938 in Monterey, California, son of Carmelina Maria (Prochilo) and Carmelo Frank Panetta, Italian immigrants from Siderno in Calabria, Italy. In the 1940s, the Panetta family owned a restaurant in Monterey. He grew up in the Monterey area and attended two Catholic high schools: the San Carlos School (Monterey) and the Junípero Serra School (Carmel). He attended Monterey High School, a public school where he was involved in student politics, and was a member of the Junior Statesmen of America.

As a young man, he was vice president of the student body and as a senior he became president. In 1956 he entered Santa Clara University, California, and graduated magna cum laude in 1960 with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science. In 1963 he graduated in law from the Faculty of Law of the University of Santa Clara.

At just 26 years old, soon graduated, he has his first experience in the secret services. In 1964 he enlisted in the United States Army as a second lieutenant, where he served as an officer in the Army Military Intelligence and received the Medal of Commendation. In 1966 he was discharged from office as First Lieutenant.

Leon Edward Panetta photographed as director of the Central Intelligence Agency

After doing a bit of political apprenticeship in 1969 he became assistant to Robert H. Finch, Secretary of Health in the Nixon administration and, in the same year, at only 31 years old, he was appointed Director of the Civil Rights Office. He leaves Washington to work as an assistant to the future Mayor of New York, Republican John Lindsay whose turn he follows when he becomes a Democrat. After working as a lawyer (1971-1970) in 1977 he entered the Chamber as a deputy at the age of 39.

Let’s jump back in time and arrive at the years of Bill Clinton’s administration with a very eloquent and fundamental photo to understand Panetta’s career, the financial intrigues between Italy and the US under the sign of the Democrats and the subsequent global immunization plan connected to the pandemic that coronavirus research in Ukraine has certainly facilitated…

US President Bill Clinton in the Oval Room of the White House with National Security Advisor Anthony Lake and Chief of Staff Leon Panetta

We weren’t able to find the exact date of the photo but it dates back to a period between 1994 and 1997 when Panetta was President Bill Clinton’s Chief of Staff and Anthony Lake was National Security Advisor to the White House.

We are in the period of the War in the Balkans when the US legitimized the use of Al Qaeda in Bosnia in an operation managed by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which according to the American parliamentarian Ilhan Omar founded Al Qaeda thanks to family friendship with Osama Bin Laden, and by the CIA to interrupt the influence in the countries of the former Yugoslavia of Russia (which in the meantime had however opened to the Perestrjka, restructuring, of Michael Gorbachev).

NATO’s COUP IN UKRAINE: THE GENESIS – 1. Snipers’ Massacre in Kiev Maidan Square 2014 like that on CIA’s Shade in Caracas 2002

In those years in Belgrade the American counter-espionage financed the birth of the Otpor Center (Closed Fist) together with the Hungarian-American plutarch George Soros who allowed the Serbian leaders to then found the “anti-violence center” Canvas, actually an expert in urban warfare, and start the Color Revolutions around the world. In Serbia there was a starter of the strategy of the attempted coup in Caracas (2002), when some Colombian snipers, in full knowledge of the CIA, fired into the crowd as Georgian mercenaries did in 2014 in Kiev, paving the way for the coup of NATO countries from which has resulted in the current war.

In those years, moreover, the CIA favored in Bosnia the birth of the Caliphate of Europe, so named in the homonymous historical novel by an Italian deputy commissioner of the State Police, then aggregated to Interpol in Jordan and now retired.


But let’s focus on the very important figure of Lake that Clinton in 1996 tried to appoint as director of the CIA, but he got the rejection due to the vote against the Republican senators.

Lake had to settle for becoming a National Security Advisor and then saw hope of becoming Secretary of State vanish when Obama appointed Hillary Clinton, who was defeated in the Democratic primary. Thanks to Obama’s candidacy, however, in 2010 he was appointed by the UN Secretary General as director of UNICEF.

And this is where the first intrigue begins under the sign of the Democrats. It was during his leadership that 3.9 million euros rained from the United Nations International Emergency Fund for Children to the unknown company Play Therapy Africa limited, run by a relative of the former Democratic Party secretary, Matteo Renzi.


Part of this money ended up, instead of in projects for African children, on the accounts of the politician’s relatives and in the company of the family of the former Prime Minister, unrelated to any crime dispute, which at the time of his inauguration in February 2014 was celebrated for this appointment by Obama with his trip to Italy.

That visit was probably made by the American president also to talk about the global immunization plan wanted by Bill Gates, one of the first megadonor of the Democratic Party and in particular of the former Illinois senator who made a rapid political career for his “nose” in the field of biological weapons … This link forces us to the first flash-back.


2004 is the year of the official beginning of the plot of the New World Order on pandemics from contagious viruses built in the laboratory (also to be treatable and not kill the same directors of the criminal plan). As we revealed in the WuhanGates 9 investigation, the Italian economist and politician Romano Prodi is president of the European Commission which finances a project worth almost 2 million euros to carry out bacteriological experiments on the SARS epidemic (acronym in English for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome). More bio-weapons experts as early as 2003 believe it to be a laboratory-built pathogen, but even less than today no one pays attention to it.

WUHAN-GATES – 9. THE PROOFS: HIV inserted in SARS chimeric virus in 2007. Thanks to Australian & EU Commission Funds

Those who come too close to the truth, however, do not have time to publish dossiers: as happened to the Italian virologist Carlo Urbani, then killed by the virus like my dear friend biologist Franco Trinca who was investigating SARS-Cov-2 and the presence of graphene in anti-Covid gene sera.

It will be up to Dr. David E. Martin in his The FauciDossier, the credit to demonstrate why SARS 2003 was also in all likelihood built in the laboratory, as we wrote in WuhanGates 40.

Prodi, a great friend of Soros, is the exponent of the radical chic left who in Italy began to rage since 1992: since the so-called “red magistrates” eliminated the Socialist Party and the right of the Christian Democrats to give way to the left DC to ally with the moderate fringes of the PCI and building various center-left movements culminating in the Democratic Party.

In Italy the PD will only be born in 2007 but in 2004 the European Democratic Party was born in Brussels, among whose founders there is Francesco Rutelli, “pardoned” by the judiciary in the scandal of a shortfall of 25 million euros in his previous one party La Margherita.

Huge Mystery: After Secret Meeting with Cops Two Anti-VAX Scientists Died! Hit by SARS-Cov-2 BioWeapon

In Italy Rutelli becomes the vice president of the Council with Prodi Premier after the 2006 elections but above all he becomes the mentor of the young President of the Province of Florence Matteo Renzi and puts him in contact with the United States of America and with .. the CIA!

In 2006, in fact, the journalist, consultant of the White House and agent of the secret services Michael Ledeen, was hosted at a conference organized by the Province of Florence, as shown by the invoices for his hospitality.

A year later Renzi receives in Italy Hillary Clinton, who entered politics after her husband’s red-light scandal in the Lewinsky case, which the Chief of Cabinet Leon Panetta tried in vain to minimize. Today in the EDP, just as well, there is only the new political movement Italia Viva founded by Renzi, after his brief period as premier (2014-2016).

Zionist Lobby – 1. Singer (Elliott) & Fink (BlackRock) within Gates-Soros in Covid Big Pharma’s Business(GSK & Gilead)

Thus we arrive at the American presidential elections of 2008 when the outsider Barack Obama becomes the first African-American president in the history of the USA. “Too powerful Hillary Clinton”, the puppeteers of the New World Order must have thought, better to win those who have no deep ties with the Deep State Zionist of the Weapons Lobby (BlackRock by Larry Fink and Elliott by Paul Singer). And so Obama loses the primary votes by number of votes but the delegates subvert the results in his favor, giving him nomination and victory in the race for the White House.


The Obama-Biden couple triumphs in the presidential elections also thanks to funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which immediately afterwards hurries the White House on the global immunization plan. The PREDICT project was thus launched with the support of the EcoHealthAlliance of the Anglo-American zoologist Peter Daszak, among the first, in February 2020, to try to hide the SARS-Cov-2 hypothesis with colleagues from The Lancet magazine (funded by Gates) and then with scientists from the WHO task force sent to Wuhan.

EHA is in turn financed by Bill Gates’ Gavi Alliance which, during the first SARS epidemic of 2003, was directed by Jen Soltenberg, later destined to become NATO Secretary and to blow up the Ukraine blast; he will soon be able to enjoy the New World Order award as from September he will become president of Norge Bank, a major investor in the Weapons Lobby corporations and in the Big Pharma cartel.

STOLTENBERG: NATO’s Puppet for Gates-NWO in Pandemic as in Ukrainian War. Gavi Vaccines & Norges Bank Weapons Affairs on Yemen’s Bombs

«PREDICT, a project of USAID’s Emerging Pandemic Threats (EPT) program, was initiated in 2009 to strengthen global capacity for detection and discovery of zoonotic viruses with pandemic potential. Those include coronaviruses, the family to which SARS and MERS belong; paramyxoviruses, like Nipahvirus; influenza viruses; and filoviruses, like the ebolavirus. PREDICT has made significant contributions to strengthening global surveillance and laboratory diagnostic capabilities for new and known viruses» reads the presentation made by USAID, United States Agency for International Development.

USAID is a government body sadly known for having become the financial instrument of the Central Intelligence Agency in the international operations of “exporting Democracy”, in the jargon of military intelligence it is called “regime-change” while in that of social historiography they have been called “Springs Arabs ”in the Middle East or Color Revolutions in the West.


«Through these efforts, PREDICT will improve global disease recognition and begin to develop strategies and policy recommendations to minimize pandemic risk»

.Judging by the millions of deaths caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, also due to effective home care ignored as denounced to the judiciary by the Italian biologist Franco Trinca, and by the economic devastation caused by the social dictatorship in the West, we can say that PREDICT was a total failure from a health point of view. But it was a resounding success from a political point of view!


In practice, with the advent of Obama and Biden in the White House, the Chinese laboratory, promoted and managed by the Academy of Sciences under the aegis of the powerful Shanghai Gang of former president Jiang Zemin, known as the Tiananmen executioner for having sent the tanks against the students, it passed from the control of the European Commission to that of Washington and the CIA. This is why the late French virologist Luc Montagnier defined SARS-Cov-2 as a bacteriological weapon resulting from “an affair between China and the US” or, more precisely as evidenced by Gospa News, between the Shanghai Communist Gang and the Democrats Americans Clinton-Obama.

This is why Leon Edward Panetta when he arrived at the CIA in 2009 was probably well aware of the experiments on coronaviruses and SARS strains conducted in the 28 civil and military bacteriological laboratories in the United States of America but was certainly aware of those carried out in the 25 bacteriological laboratories managed by the Pentagon / through the DTRA agency) in various countries of the world (according to China, there are as many as 300 foreign research centers of the US Department of Defense).


PREDICT is led by the UC Davis One Health Institute and core partners include USAID, EcoHealth Alliance, Metabiota, Wildlife Conservation Society, and Smithsonian Institution. 

But among the partners there are also the WHO and the Wuhan Institute of Virology which has had a fundamental part in research and dangerous experiments on viruses. Together with them there are also as Global Partner EPT One Health Workforce, EPT Preparedness & Response, FAO, CDC, Columbia University, HealthMap, UC San Francisco and in particular DTRA (Defense Threat Reduction Agency) which operates under the supervision of the Pentagon but also of the Central Intelligence Agency.

As part of this global project, PREEMPT research has been launched which aims to predict the emergence of highly pathogenic viruses in animals and thus preventing them from completely spilling onto humans using strategies that include a new animal vaccine.

Led by the One Health Institute in the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine and the Center for Comparative Medicine in the UC Davis schools of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine, this research is funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) as part of its Preventing Emerging Pathogenic Threats (PREEMPT) program.

Therefore it is a Pentagon initiative that can be seen in a Dual Use objective with defense purposes in the search for a vaccine or attack for the development of a bacteriological weapon. Let’s not forget that the first biological warfare exercise of the US Navy dates back to 1952 as confirmed by a declassified video published exclusively by Gospa News.

UKRAINE BIOLABS – 6. DTRA DOSSIER on Bacteriological Weapons and Russia-US Deal. Putin Betrayed by Obama & Pentagon in Kiev and Tbilisi

Evidence of the involvement of the Central Intelligence Agency comes from an investigation by Bulgarian journalist Dilyana Gaytandzhieva on the Richard Lugar Center in Tbilisi: one of the most important bacteriological laboratories started by the DTRA military agency of the Pentagon during the Obama administration which named it after the senator republican with whom he had shared the mission for the reduction of arms in the countries of the former Soviet Union. It culminated in an agreement signed with Russia and then effectively betrayed by the US Defense Department with the increase of research centers in Ukraine, Georgia and other countries.

The Tbilisi laboratory came into full operation under the control of the Pentagon after the Rose Revolution fomented by George Soros who then even invested in the pharmaceutical company Gilead, formerly chaired by the late Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, who became the military contractor in the dangerous experiments that caused a death of human guinea pigs.

WUHAN-GATES – 5 (update). Rumsfeld Shady Heritage. GILEAD’S Intrigues with Wuhan & Soros. Bio-Weapons’ Killer Tests with CIA & Pentagon

Well, the Italian-American Panetta was first director of the CIA and then Secretary of Defense until February 2013.

Precisely by virtue of his youth experience in military intelligence and the subsequent one in Langley’s counterintelligence it is unthinkable that he was not aware of what was happening in the biological laboratories managed by the DTRA and DARPA, also because there is evidence of public funding which took place during his assignments.


Ralph Baric’s chimeric SARS virus experiments with NIAID funding from Anthony Fauci at the University of North Carolina, in collaboration with the Wuhan Institute of Virology and Big Pharma Moderna, went live in 2013, when at the CIA arrived there lawyer Avril Haines, former Joseph Biden’s bag carrier in Congress and expert in bacteriological weapons of the NTI (Nuclear Threat Initiative) founded by Sam Nunn, signatory together with Lugar of the law on the disarmament of bacteriological research centers of the former Soviet Union.

Haines, subsequently, not only in 2018 prophesies a coronavirus epidemic that can only be faced with a new “World Order” but becomes one of the main protagonists of the Event 201 exercise held in mid-October 2019 in New York thanks to funding from the World Economic Forum of Klaus Schwab (Great Reset) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The one that predicted the arrival of a miraculous antiviral (Gilead’s Remdesivir?) Before vaccines …

On the recommendation of US President Joseph Biden (his longtime political friend) on January 21, 2021, Haines was appointed by the Senate National Director of Intelligence: from where she coordinates all 17 military and civil intelligence agencies and from where she searched, without to succeed for a rift between the 007, to refute the thesis of the artificial origin of SARS-Cov-2.

But the dangerous searches between China and the US had started much earlier. On November 22, 2004, the University of Hong Kong patents the spike protein associated with SARS on CoV and pursues US patent 7,491,489. But on June 2005 also the Pentagon’s DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) gets in on the game Synthetic Coronaviruses with the event Biohacking: Biological Warfare Enabling Technologies, organized in Washington, DC. and sponsored by DARPA/MITRE.

In 2008, funding for Biodefense Grant U54 AI057157 commences with $10,189,682 to UNC Chapel Hill. Where, in the laboratories of North Carolina University, the experiments on chimeric superviruses will be carried out between 2014 and 2017, conducted in spite of Barack Obama’s moratorium on gains in function.

WUHAN-GATES – 48. Moderna Vaccine Patented 9 Months Before Pandemic. Thanks to the Fauci-Baric’ Manmade SARS Viruses

Until then Panetta had not had operational roles in either the CIA or the Pentagon but in 2010 he was already director of American counterintelligence when the the “Biodefense Grant U54 AI057157” funded with $ 8,747,142 to UNC Chapel Hill (non-competitive grant from NIAID). Could the director of the world’s most powerful secret services ignore such military searches?

The experiments reached their peak, however, when the Calabrian son left the Pentagon (he is not happy because …). «By October 2013, the Wuhan Institute of Virology 1 coronavirus S1 spike protein was described in NIAID’s funded work in China. This work involved NIAID, USAID, and Peter Daszak, the head of EcoHealth Alliance. This work, funded under R01AI079231, was pivotal in isolating and manipulating viral fragments selected from sites across China which contained high risk for severe human response» remembered doctor David Martin in The Fauci Dossier.

It should be remembered that the Microsoft tycoon, through its Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), was one of the main financiers of the multinational management company McKinsey which reorganized and replaced the management cadres of the World Health Organization but also of the Central Intelligence Agency, the US civilian counterintelligence, and the National Security Agency, the US military counterintelligence.

UKRAINE BIOLABS – 3. Russia presents New evidence on $1,6 Million US Grant for Coronavirus Research Before SARS-2

According to lawyer Robert F. Kennedy jr, Gates is also one of the architects of a pandemic planned for decades: he has in fact financed the University of Wuhan, which collaborates with the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), with 500 thousand dollars.

But BMGF also donated 1.5 million to New York’s Eco Health Alliance (EHA) which funded the dangerous chimeric virus experiments in which zoologist Peter Daszak, EHA president, collaborated side by side with Shi Zhengli, the director of the WIV Infectious Diseases Research Center.

Instead, it was Leon Panetta, when he was Secretary of Defense, who opened the bacteriological laboratories in Ukraine that conducted important, dangerous and mysterious studies also on the coronavirus ancestors of SARS, delivering a flood of millions of dollars from the Pentagon.

Let’s see what emerged from OSINT sources before the US Embassy in Kiev deleted all documentation on the Biological Threat Reduction Program.

KIEV – Institute of Veterinary Medicine of the National Academy of Agrarian Science
Registration card #2225-04, dated 05.21.2012 Donor The Department of Defense of the United States of America (DoD)
USG Investment – Total cost of laboratory: $2,109,375USD  ($1,217,164 for design and construction and $762,134 for equipment and furniture)

Kharkiv Diagnostic Laboratory Kharkiv Oblast Laboratory Center Pomirky regionRegistration card #2225-04 dated 21.05.2012. Donor – the Department of Defense of the United States of America
USG Investment – Total cost of laboratory: USD $1,638,375 (USD$1,195,398 for Design & Construction; USD $442,977 for lab equipment and furniture)

Kherson Diagnostic Laboratory Kherson Oblast Laboratory Center
Registration card #2225-04 dated 21.05.2012.Donor the Department of Defense of the United States of America Beneficiary/Executive Agent – the Ministry of Health of Ukraine
USG Investment – Total cost of laboratory: USD $1,728,822 (USD$1,285,845 for Design & Construction; USD$442,977 for lab equipment and furniture)Kherson Diagnostic Laboratory
Kherson Oblast Laboratory
Registration card #2225-04 dated 21.05.2012.Donor the Department of Defense of the United States of America Beneficiary/Executive Agent – the Ministry of Health of Ukraine
USG Investment – Total cost of laboratory: USD $1,728,822 (USD$1,285,845 for Design & Construction; USD$442,977 for lab equipment and furnitur)Luhansk Regional Diagnostic

Veterinary Laboratory (Luhansk RDVL) Registration card #2225-04 dated 21.05.2012. Donor – the Department of Defense of the United States of America (DoD)
USG Investment – Total cost of laboratory: USD $1,746,312 (USD$1,267,124 for Design & Construction; USD$479,188 for lab equipment and furnitur)

Lviv Diagnostic Laboratory Lviv Oblast Laboratory Center
Registration card #2225-04 dated 21.05.2012.  Donor  – the Department of Defense of the United States of America
USG Investment –Total cost of laboratory: USD $1,927,158 (USD$1,523,080 for Design & Construction; USD$404,078 for lab equipment, furniture, and installation) 

The documents on two fact sheets of funding for laboratories in Ukraine

State Regional Laboratory of Veterinary Medicine Lviv Regional Diagnostic Veterinary Laboratory
Donor – the Department of Defense of the United States of America (DoD)
USG Investment – Total cost of laboratory: USD $1,734,971 (USD$1,253,803 for Design & Construction; USD$481,168 for lab equipment, furniture, and installation) 

Ternopil Diagnostic Laboratory Ternopil Oblast Laboratory Center
Registration card #2225-04 dated 21.05.2012. Donor the Department of Defense of the United States of America
USG Investment – Total cost of laboratory: USD $1,755,786 (USD$1,312,810 for Design & Construction; USD$442,976 for lab equipment and furnitur)

Vinnytsia Diagnostic Laboratory (Vinnytsia DL) Vinnytsia Oblast Laboratory Center
Registration card #2225-04 dated 21.05.2012. Donor – the Department of Defense of the United States of America
USG Investment –Total cost of laboratory: USD $1,504,840 (USD$1,106,610 for Design & Construction; USD$398,230 for lab equipment and furniture)

Zakarpartska Diagnostic Laboratory Zakarpartska Oblast Laboratory Center
Registration card #2225-04 dated 21.05.2012. Donor the Department of Defense of the United States of America
USG Investment – Total cost of laboratory: USD$1,920,432 (USD$1,516,354 for Design & Construction; USD$404,078 for lab equipment and furnitur

Dnipropetrovsk Diagnostic Laboratory Dnipropetrovsk Oblast Laboratory Center
Donor – the Department of Defense of USA Beneficiary/Executive Agent – Ministry of Health of Ukraine
USG Investment– Total cost of laboratory: USD $1,935,557 (USD$1,531,479 for Design & Construction; USD$404,078 for lab equipment and furniture)

Dnipropetrovsk State Regional Diagnostic Veterinary Laboratory (Dnipropetrovsk RDVL)
Registration Card # 2225-04 on 21.05.2012. Donor – the United States Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA)
USG Investment – Total cost of laboratory: $1,810, 547 USD($1,298,805,19 for Design & Construction; $511,742 for lab equipment and furnitur)

All the funding, which has reached over 21 million dollars, has as beneficiary the Minister of Health of Ukraine who has been identified as the manager of the laboratories officially only with the aim of preventing infectious diseases.

UKRAINE BIOLABS – 5 . U.S. Department of Defense granted a ‘COVID-19 Research’ 3 months before Infection Disease was known to even exist

We will see in future reports the role of Metabiota, a pharmaceutical company that works for the Central Intelligence Agency was financed by a company of Hunter Biden (son of President Joseph) and participated in Obama’s PREDICT project from which SARS-Cov-2 was born in the laboratories of the Modern pharmaceutical company (as they lead to believe 19 nucleotides of a gene built in 2016 identical to the Covid-19 virus) repeatedly funded by the Pentagon.

But since February 24, since the Russian army invaded the territory and seized some of these research centers, several documents have emerged on the dangerous research on very dangerous pathogens such as ebola, coronavirus, even on Covid-19 months before it was officially identified, and finally on smallpox. So much so as to accentuate the Kremlin’s suspicions about the current monkeypox epidemic, on which Nunn’s NTI (previously cited in relation to Haines and the CIA) has made a prophetic and very suspicious exercise.

Gates Foundation, WHO, Pharma Execs in the Monkeypox Pandemic ‘Simulation’ by NTI. Where DTRA Expert & CIA Officer Work


All this information takes on further macroscopic relevance in light of Leon Panetta’s now historic membership in the Democratic Party and the whirlwind of billions that revolves around the Big Pharma business, favored precisely by the alarm on infectious diseases in the political agreement between Barack Obama and Matteo Renzi.

In 2014, the harmony of the American president with Bill Gates translates into the establishment of the Global Health Security Agenda that will make the fortune of the former Italian secretary of the Democratic Party. Italy is identified as a pilot project for the plan of 10 compulsory school-age vaccines. It was presented in Washington by the scientific consultant of the Italian embassy Ranieri Guerra, sent by Renzi.

Pandemic Emergency. Storm in WHO: Mysterious Farewell of the Deputy Director, Under Investigation in Italy

The plan meets resistance in Italian politics but in July 2017 it becomes reality with the highly contested Lorenzin Decree, saved by the Constitutional Court for the sentence written by the then judge Marta Cartabia, then awarded as Minister of Justice in the Government of Mario Draghi (majority PD) at the suggestion of his friend Sergio Mattarella, former PD deputy now President of the Republic, and became famous for his fundamental advice on Decree Law 44 of 1 April 2021 on the obligation of anti-Covid vaccination to health workers (and then to other categories).

In the meantime, the London-based Big Pharma GlaxoSmithKline (survivor of the scandal for a maxi-tangent paid by the incorporated SmithKline Beecham to the Minister of Health Francesco De Lorenzo who made the vaccine for Hepatitis B mandatory at school age) begins to profit thanks to the upgraded laboratories in Tuscany and publicly promoted by the Tuscan Renzi.

RENZI “SCEICCO D’ARABIA” DOPO I VACCINI AI BAMBINI. Consulenza d’Oro dai Sauditi: Partner di GSK e Sponsor del “Decreto Lorenzin”

Beyond a commercial propaganda that is at least embarrassing for a politician, Gospa News has revealed enormous gigantic conflicts of interest.

The pilot project of Global Health Security Agenda was in fact financed by the US of Obama together with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia where GSK has grabbed a large share of pharmaceutical management and where Renzi himself has earned an annual maxi-consultancy of 80 thousand euros from Riyadh precisely by virtue of his advice in the health field.

But that is not all. GSK is the majority partner of the Joint Venture Healthcar Consumer set up with Pfizer, a few months before the outbreak of the pandemic and the start of the campaign to promote the Comirnaty anti-Covid vaccine (produced by Pfizer with Biontech financed by Gates) by the American president Joseph Biden , in gratitude for Pfizer’s generous contribution to the Democratic Party’s election campaign.

Secretary of Defense Leon E. Panetta shakes hands with Italian Prime Minister, Mario Monti, in Rome, Italy, Jan. 16, 2013. Panetta is on a six day trip to Europe to visit with foreign counterparts and troops in the area. (DoD photo by Erin A. Kirk-Cuomo) (Released)


Then there is another eloquent photograph that helps us to understand how much the former director of the Central Intelligence Agency was in perfect harmony with the most influential exponents of the New World Order. It is the one that was taken in Rome in 2013 during his visit as Prime Minister Mario Monti, appointed to lead a “technical government” supported by the PD by Giorgio Napolitano (former deputy of the PD considered close to the CIA since the time of the kidnapping and the killing of the Christian Democrat statesman Aldo Moro).

The photo between two friends, already between two politicians, is the one between Panetta and Mario Monti, former manager of Goldman Sachs who invested billions in Pfizer, recently appointed to head the pan-European commission for health and sustainable development of the WHO (August 2020).

ITALY JUSTICE-LEAKS – 2. Expulsion’s Risk for 10 Magistrates in Obama-Gate European Dem’s Ring with Vaccines’ Affair

If all these political and financial speculations have been made possible it is thanks to the coronavirus research conducted in the laboratories opened in Ukraine by Leon Edward Panetta and the experiments on SARS and MERS pathogens funded by the Pentagon also during his tenure as Secretary of Defense.

He is certainly not the main and only protagonist of this scandalous plot of the New World Order built on the laboratory SARS-Cov-2, to allow billion-dollar deals on experimental anti-Covid gene sera, to insert graphene in them for a plan of the DARPA military agency of neurocerebral control wanted by Obama, and thus reach the health, social, military and economic dictatorship with the Green Pass and the microchip under the skin of the Pentagon that Microsoft of Gates has already patented for the use of digital cryptocurrencies with the Mark of the Beast 666.

It is not science fiction. It’s all documented. But that’s sadly very little compared to much that the CIA and its former director Panetta know…

Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
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Fabio G.C. Carisio

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