Shmitah: The Year of Jewish Disasters. Energy Crisis is the New 9/11. Conspired as the First One!

by P. A. Semi from Czech Republic
I’m not sure, if there can still be found someone, who still believes that fairy-tale Conspiracy Theory of Western Propaganda about the “towelheads”, who although they could not pilot even a Cesna plane, but they managed to demolish three houses in New York by two planes, and who wants to contest, that 9/11 attack on USA was performed by Israeli operatives with a help and mere watching of domestic traitors in USA?
Or who does not understand, that when millions of arabs, blacks and pakistanis set to travel to Europe at once, then there had to be someone instigating them and helping them with that travel?
It’s somehow silly to believe, that all various disasters just happen by themselves, and those, who are thoroughly planning long time ahead, are always catched by surprise same, as the bystander public not understanding anything…
And that various things are not random, but a carefully prepared plan, I ascertained, when I found one such Plan… It’s not written there, who are the culprits, but for decoding various items on that plan it’s necessary to read it in hebrew..
Every seven years the Jews are celebrating their Shmitah holiday around their new year, which is usually in September or October (this year it’s September 26 2022 AD), but according to interpretations of some rabbis Shmitah is the whole seventh year. It originates from Dt15, which as literally as possible reads:
מקץ שבע-שנים תעשה שמטה׃
וזה דבר השמטה שמוט כל-בעל משה ידו אשר ישה ברעהו לא-יגש את-רעהו ואת-אחיו כי-קרא שמטה ליהוה׃
את-הנכרי תגש ואשר יהיה לך את-אחיך תשמט ידך׃
«By the end of seven years you will make a Flingdown (Shmitah). And this (is) a manner of that Flingdown: to fling down every holder of a debt (baal moše) his hand, which forgets his neighbour, he will not oppress his neighbour and his brother, because it’s called Flingdown for the LORD. That foreighner you will oppress, and which will be yours, your hand will fling down your brother.«
Some translations seemed to be about forgiving of debts? But according to how they celebrate that feast, it doesn’t seem to be the case… (Some words in these sentences can be translated multiple ways…) The word Shmitah is derived from the verb shamat, which means “to fling down“…
And that plan or key to those disasters is “hidden” cheekily in plain sight… Some group has started to perform disasters every seven years according to as these are depicted on Tarot cards of the grand arcanum in the most famous original Riderwaite set from English freemasons. Tarot, according to card 10, is Torah read in reverse, and thereby it’s an anti-torah, thereby a Devil’s Torah… These crises match at least on five different “cards”, beside at least four big financial crises in the last century happening on Jewish Shmitahs, including the present Energy Crisis planned in advance for a giant robbery of European citizens..
That there is somewhere written “September 2001 demolish tower in New York” and then it happens, it either means, that it was written by a clairvoyant, which is improbable, or that plan was read by someone and performed according to that… But if it is on the plan of disasters, which is being regularly fulfilled, then it’s beyond obvious…
And it’s written there in hebrew, not in arabic…
If you want a simple explanation of 9/11 in an abbreviation: In the Pentagon there has been a chief accountant Rabbi Dov Zakheim and on September 10 they announced a deficiency of 2300 billions of dollars, which unfortunatelly could not be investigated any more, because exactly into that office in Pentagon smashed a guided misille, while the plane passing by deftly bypassed, and this Rabbi Dov Zakheim was also a CEO of an industry corporation producing remote control of Boeings, by which these Boeings can be remotely controlled in the case of being hijacked by “terrorists”… Three houses in NY were demolished by explosions, because by themselves they would not fall even when hit by those remotely controlled planes… Jews in WTC were warned sufficiently in advance…

On that “Tower” card all colored objects, beside crown and lightning, are hebrew words horizontally mirrored, having rather unified meaning, so it’s not a mere coincidence. Which is a key to decode, that “Crown” mirrored is “N’w ‘ork”, and beside that, the lightning with the flames form the English word “New”, and flames below that are shaped as “Yurk”, beside the mirrored hebrew word… XVI on top mirrored reads 11 IX…
For September 2008 there is “pour out L.Brother“, there has been a crisis started by fall of Lehman Brothers, we all remember that well to this day. The Banksters enriched themselves from the bail-out of banks “too big to fail”… On September 2015 there is a brown dog shaped as a hebrew G letter as “goyim”, growling against the white dog shaped as Aleph letter as Europe – in September 2015 there has been a culmination of migrant crisis, and someone has been sending the migrants here, they did not come from all ends of the world just by themselves…
And on September 2022 there is a Sun as Energy, on the leaves of sunflowers behind there is thrice differently written “power” in hebrew meaning energy, and the child (as a new course?) holds in its hands a red communist flag and has something as a coronavirus on its head… That card can have and has a different meaning also, but this one has been obviously chosen by those, who are unleashing that plan upon us…
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Before that, in previous century, there is in year 1917 Tsar, in year 1938 on Munich conference there is a chariot, where on hands and belt there is encoded in hebrew “governor of germans”, and for September 1945 there is an infinite power quelling a beast, which has written Nippon as Japan on its feet in hebrew. And why did they unleashed it already in August? Because Japan could have surrendered to Soviets even without that, and in order not to cancel that plan, they’ve thrown it there already in August on the feast of Transfiguration…
Beside that, in the year 1931 Britain abandoned gold standard because of massive assault on british pound currency, in the year 1973 there has been “Oil crisis“, in the year 1987 there has been “Black monday“, a massive collapse of the stock exchanges. In the year 1994 on the Devil card rabbi Schneerson died, who has been another incarnation of the Devil on Earth, and whom some Jews consider to be their messiah, and who established or recovered the Cha-bad Luba-witch organization, peddling Talmudic Judaism, teaching, that supposedly it’s necessary to exterminate us supposedly goyims…
For the year 2029 they’ve got there deposing “wicked” White people into graves, most probably all of us, if we will not stop their wicked plan. Which they’ve got in Talmud plan even without a Tarot, while it’s possible that they would like to speed it up, and they’ve already started with that by Covid vaxxines, which were less harmful so far than it was planned, but they’ll correct that in some further booster… For year 2036 there is a big Zero on the card “World”, as they are already preparing their wicked and treacherous “Net Zero” plan to destroy the world by suffocating the Civilization…
The present artificial Energy Crisis already started at fall of 2021 by a massive growth of energy prices, by that time they’ve destroyed small energy resellers in Europe… It has been started by Stock (((Merchants))) by manipulation of Emission Allowance prices, quite probably they’ve leveraged there the money from Covid bail-outs? Already on February 19 2022 Ursula Leyen proclaimed, how we supposedly can be well without Russian gas, as if she already knew something back then? Of cause they’ve knew that, when the war on Ukraine was planned and started by the West in the time, when in Europe they’ve been establishing the Pandemonic laws, in order to avert attention of citizens elsewhere…
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On February 17 2022 the civil war already ongoing for eight years has been escalated by the Ukrainians by massively shelling Donbass, they’ve accumulated in January 2022 some 200 000 soldiers by the Donbass and Krymea frontiers and they’ve been preparing for an offensive. If the Russia did not intervene timely, there would have been a war in either case, but it would be far worse for the poor citizens of Donbass…
In order to deliberately exacerbate the crisis French have switched off significant part of their nuclear power stations and more of them are planned to be switched off next year, supposedly for a suddenly scheduled maintenance… Germans have also scheduled switching off their nuclear power plants and they haven’t backed from that wicked plan yet. And as an apex of ignorance and treason comrade Leyen proclaimed, that the Bureaucrats in Euro-Soyuz would like to “resolve” that by taxing cheap energy sources and subventing the expensive ones, by which they would deepen and fixate that crisis even more…
It’s quite probable, that the culmination of this Energy Crisis could be this year in September, either because the politicians in Euro-Soyuz will comprehend it and apologize to Russia and will start taking the Russian gas once again, or the European citizens will start to comprehend that and they will depose that Beast, which is domineering them from Brusel…
But similarly, as after the culmination of Migrant Crisis, for the ongoing seven years we still bear the consequences of that disaster, which they’ve brought upon us, so similarly next few years we will be bearing the consequences of this giant backstabbing, because now they are trading energies for following years, which our resellers already paid dear, so either the governments will impose a price ceiling and the energy resellers will go broke, or they won’t impose the ceiling and will excoriate that from the European citizens.
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But the Stock (((Merchants))) already got their profits paid. According to economist estimates it’s a price increase by 2000 billions euro, and by that also the decrease of buying power of citizens, so other sectors are going to suffer also, even if they don’t depend on energies directly… Energy Crisis is another 9/11!
And if it will not be solved and you’ll be freezing in winter, keep in mind, that there would suffice one stamp, by which the EU would certify the already newly built Nord Stream 2, waiting only for a certification, and the crisis would be over, but someone really vehemently wished for that crisis and they didn’t issue that stamp timely, because they knew and planned, how they’ll rob European citizens and let them freeze…
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If you’ll just say now, that we’ll somehow simply endure that and will let those Gangsters stay at the helm, so then follows the year 2029 and the final extermination…
But I rather hope, that Europeans will carefully think it better over and will not march as sheep into the defeat…
P. A. Semi
(written and translated from Czech original by P.A.Semi 2022-09-10)
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