European Prosecutors (EPPO) investigating EU Vaccine Deal after Chat between Von der Leyen and Pfizer’s CEO. And Gates’ NGO Lobbying

On the cover image EU Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen embraces Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla
by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
The European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) said it has opened investigation into the EU’s procurement of COVID-19 vaccines. The announcement follows recent attention on alleged text exchanges between Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen in the lead-up to a procurement contract for up to 1.8 billion doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine Comirnaty.
The EPPO didn’t specify who or which specific deal is under investigation but said it comes after “extremely high public interest.”
“This exceptional confirmation comes in light of the extremely high public interest. No other details will be made public at this stage,” the institution’s statement reads.
The European Commission has so far concluded contracts for up to 4.2 billion doses of vaccines against COVID-19, according to data on the Commission’s website. By September 7, 2022, 1.7 billion doses have been delivered. More than half of the 4.2 billion doses bought or reserved by the EU are supplied by the American-German joint venture Pfizer-BioNTech.
This happened after the journalistic investigation on Gates’ NGO lobbying to EU and US politicians and officials.
Number of doses for which contracts were signed:
- BioNTech and Pfizer – 2.4 billion doses
- Moderna – 460 million doses
- AstraZeneca – 400 million doses
- Johnson & Johnson – 400 million doses
- Novavax – 200 million doses
- Valneva – 1.2 million doses
- Sanofi-GSK – 300 milioane doze
- HIPRA Human Health – 250 million doses
Key provisions of the contracts, especially prices, are confidential, an aspect that has been criticized by members of the European Parliament and NGOs.
Following an article published by the New York Times in April 2021 in which it was written that the head of the Commission had exchanged text messages with Albert Bourla in the context of negotiations regarding a contract for the purchase of vaccines, a journalist asked the Commission for access to those messages and other documents related to these discussions.
The EU executive, which was mandated to negotiate the purchase of vaccines on behalf of the member states, agreed to send him three documents (an email, a letter and a press release), but none of the SMS.
The EC argued that it did not keep the SMS, because there is no such obligation, as they are not subject to the transparency rules dating from 2001 of the European institutions.
Early this year, the European ombudsman, Emily O’Reilly, reproached the European Commission for refusing to give information to the press about the exchange of text messages between the chief executive of the EU, Ursula von der Leyen, and the chief executive of the Pfizer company, Albert Bourla, on the subject of the purchase of vaccines against COVID-19.
Another scandal broke out in Italy because the funds of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) deriving from Next Generation EU funding ended up in a research project on mRNA vaccines of the University of Padua in which Pfizer, Astrazeneca, Biontech also participate alongside Orgenesis, the American pharmaceutical company in which Heiko Von der Leyen, husband of the President of the EU Commission Ursula, is medical director.
Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
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La tranquilla ascesa di Ursula von der Leyen –
È nata nel 1958 a Bruxelles, dove suo padre, Ernst Albrecht, era a capo del gabinetto di Hans von der Groeben, uno dei due membri tedeschi della neonata Commissione Europea.
Von der Leyen ha studiato economia alla LSE di Londra e medicina ad Hannover prima di entrare in politica quando la sua famiglia è tornata in Bassa Sassonia. Stretta alleata di lunga data della cancelliera Angela Merkel, è membro del partito conservatore CDU dal 1990.
Von der Leyen ammette errori, nega responsabilità nello scandalo del contratto di difesa –
Von der Leyen è stata interrogata ieri (13 febbraio) da una commissione d’inchiesta del Bundestag per il suo possibile coinvolgimento in uno scandalo di contratti multimilionari durante il suo periodo come ministro della Difesa tedesco.
Il ministero della Difesa ha speso centinaia di milioni di euro in consulenti esterni mentre era ministro della Difesa nel 2013-2019, forse in violazione della legge sugli appalti pubblici. E molti di quelli al centro delle indagini sono legati a von der Leyen, sollevando sospetti che lei abbia pesato personalmente nelle decisioni.
Ieri il capo della Commissione europea ha ammesso di aver commesso degli errori nell’aggiudicazione degli appalti, ma ha smentito le accuse di nepotismo.
“Si sono verificate violazioni degli appalti pubblici”, ha ammesso von der Leyen, senza specificare chi fosse il responsabile
Altre importanti informazioni
Una panoramica sulla farsa della medicina, che crea malattie per business e potere demografico. – Action, legal action
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