US Midterm: Defeats for Biden, Voting System and Trump “Political Suicide”: Threatened the GOP Rival DeSantis (Winner in Florida) for 2024 Presidential Challenge

US Midterm: Defeats for Biden, Voting System and Trump “Political Suicide”: Threatened the GOP Rival DeSantis (Winner in Florida) for 2024 Presidential Challenge


From hugs to “slaps”: on the cover image a photo of the repertoire of Donald Trump with the governor of Florida Ron de Santis, the subject of the threats of the former president for the likely challenge on Republican presidential nomination in 2024

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio


In the medium term elections for the partial renewal of the Senate and total of the House of Representatives there were very few winning but above all illustrious losers.

The first of all was the democratic law to the vote that ends, once again, as in the presidential presidential elections, at the center of suspicions of fraud after the first legal cause for the mail absentee ballots and for the jammed electoral appliances.

If this had happened in Alaska, where two republicans are played in the Senate, or in Hawaii where a Democrat massacred the rival of the Grand Old Party conquering a place among the senators with almost 50 % waste would not be imported to the Americans nor to the other Westerners.

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The troubles, on the other hand, occurred in two of the so-called “Swing States”, the states in the balance, of considerable importance for the definition of the majority in the Senate after the republican red tide submerged the democratic blue one in the House of Representatives for the reasons that adamantly described by Kevin Barrett, a well-known American journalist and columnist, in his article on Veterans Today in which he explained the reasons why he voted for the GOP for the first time in his life.

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Behind there are not the anachronistic and fatuous ideologies that led to the victory of the center-right led by Giorgia Meloni in Italy, following its endorsement to the strong powers of the New World Order, but the American pragmatisms that in the war in Ukraine, orchestrated by the DEM with the coup NATO of 2014 in Kiev, review the looming specters of Vietnam and Afghanistan. Where thousands of marines have died and where other soldiers with stars and stripes have returned with a life marked by physical or psychological injuries.

The servility of the Weapons Lobby and the Big Pharma of Vaccines together with the complaints about the pandemic, from the origin of SARS-Cov-2 to the damage of mandatory experimental gene sera, are the three key arguments for which an intelligent analyst like Barrett has motivated the his refusal to vote for the American Left that crossed the “red line” not only in the eyes of President Vladimir Putin, who was in fact forced to intervene in the Donbass to put an end to the genocide of the pro-Nazi regime in Kiev supported by the American counter-intelligence of the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), but also in the eyes of the objective observers of a self-styled Civil Democracy which it boasts of being (and in part it is really much more than CIA-controlled Italy like Ukraine) that of the United States of America.

The map of the vote in the US Midterm elections for the renewal of the 435 seats in the House of Representatives – source NBC News

The victory in the House of Republicans is minimal if you look at the difference in the number of seats but it becomes huge when you look at the geographical map. The small colleges, where the various Mark Zuckerbergs have an easier game in buying and piloting the electoral centers as he did in the 2020 presidential elections, awarded the Donkey’s Blues while the larger ones conceded the victory to the Elepanth’s Reds.

This bodes well for the 2024 presidential elections for those who do not love the most conspiratorial president in the history of the White House, Joe Biden, puppet in the hands of the New World Order that starts with the Rockefellers, passes through the Bushes and Clintons and reaches his mentor Obama.

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But it highlights the criticality of an electoral system, in many states based on the manipulable dominion tabulators created by Bill Clinton and not surprisingly declared illegal in Texas, which has become macroscopic in the Senate where the fate of Biden is hung on the uncertain outcome of two ” Swing States ”such as Arizona and Georgia, where obvious violations that that fetish of fraud have already been ascertained.

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Almost 20% of the electoral seats in the county of Maricopa, in Arizona, has problems, headlined last night zero hedge

“We encountered some problems with the tabulator in a couple of places where the tabulator does not immediately take the vote,” said county Stephen Richer’s recorder after we were asked for two places with problems. “On the other hand, it can be the central count tabulated here, or if that problem can be addressed there, then it can be inserted in the tabulator …”

In the county of Maricopa there are problems everywhere with electronic voting. In a video an employee is explaining that in that seat they have two tabulators, one does not work properly and the other does not read 25% of the votes well.

The map of the vote in the US Midterm elections for the renewal of 35 Senate seats – source NBC News

While in Georgia there has already been the pronouncement of a judge to sanction the macroscopic error of over 1,000 ballots for the mail vote not delivered to those entitled. The intervention has allowed a new expedition but who knows how many will have fulfilled the extension of their preference within the term shipping of the shipment of 8 November, functional to the possibility of a certification of the official result on November 15, just when Donald Trump will announce publicly his candidacy for the 2024 presidential elections.

At the moment the Senate seats see perfect parity 48 to 48 but they remain to be assigned in Georgia and Nevada, where the head-to-head between Blue and Red candidates flows on the thousands of votes, and precisely in Arizona where that of Asinello is instead much more advantaged.

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It should not be forgotten that Georgia is precisely the state in which the electoral fraud on the 2020 presidential elections was officially confirmed by the Secretary of State without this affecting the now sanctioned victory of the Democratic candidate’s Congress.

If it ended 51 to 49, the GOP would have a narrow majority also in the Senate and would make Biden “a lame duck” or a president forced to govern only with Executive Orders justifiable by national emergencies (from Ukraine to Covid-19) for the risk that the House will not approve the laws desired by its administration or the Senate will block them even if they should pass.

But according the last political news, Georgia’s U.S. Senate race is heading to a runoff on December, with neither major candidate on track to win a majority of votes.


In the face of this incomplete victory of the GOP it is therefore more correct to speak of the defeat of Biden

, reduced in his powers as openly requested by Elon Musk, for the management of inflation fueled by world speculation on gas and oil in the war of economic sanctions against Russia, but we certainly cannot speak of the victory of the Republicans, fragmented into identities without a true leader who can express the compromise between the three most important fringes of the electorate: the globalist financial conservatives, among which Zionists are the more powerful, the Evangelical Christians with the integralist Catholics, and the entrepreneurs producers who dream of the rebirth of a powerful America for the GDP more than for the international artifices of the bankers on the dollar,

Of these three souls of the Grand Old Party, former President Donald Trump is now only the last. Perhaps the most important.

But certainly not enough to allow him to fill his romantic slogan Make America Great Again with concrete dreams and pragmatic substance, also because MAGA became the acronym of the violent assault on Capitol Hill on January 6, 2021 in which the New York tycoon buried any hope of a rematch against Biden, certainly victorious thanks to blatant electoral fraud, while providing his opponents with the judicial weapons to persecute him and destroy his staff, from Steve Bannon down.

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If we really want to see a Republican success in these Midterm elections we must celebrate that of the two Ron: the Italian-American DeSantis reconfirmed Governor of Florida with a pass in hand for the Primaries for the Race to the White House in the presidential elections of 2024, and Johnson in Wisconsin, one of the few congressional MPs who has stood out for the fight against pandemic plots from dangerous Big Pharma vaccines to investigations into the laboratory origin of Covid-19, and seems destined to win in Wisconsin where he surpasses with 50 , 5% of the votes (32 thousand) the opponent DEM stopped at 49.3% with already 94% of the votes scrutinized and 163 thousand to be examined. But he is already given a winner on the NBC News map (see above).

The endorsement of journalist Kevin Barrett went just to Ron Johnson.

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If Johnson were to suffer a turnaround this could really set off a Republican uprising because it is the state that, along with Georgia, Arizona and Pennysilvania, revealed the most macroscopic anomalies in the count of votes in 2020.

In a nutshell, therefore, the result at the photo-finish of the Senate race can be read as a new defeat by Trump who was unable to take advantage of Biden’s obvious weakness on the real political arguments contested by the American electorate: war and mandatory vaccines, the subject of endless judicial battles between governors (including DEM) and the White House.

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The reason is simple: Trump was the first to continue the pro-Israeli war-mongering policies against Syria and pro-Kiev against Russia, so much so that he even earned a shameful Impeachment from the Democrats which were the first to wallow in UkraineGate with Hunter Biden and his father.

But he was also the first to finance Big Pharma’s hasty production of anti-Covid vaccines with the Warp Speed ​​operation, even obtaining the defeat of the refusal of funding by Pfizer, firmly still in the Democrats although sponsor of many Republicans including the Attorney General of the Texas, Trumpian Ken Paxton, reconfirmed precisely in the context of yesterday’s state elections.


Donny has lost the trust of Mike Pence, a reference of the influential American Evangelical Christian, and now he has also decreed his political suicide by turning to threats against Ron DeSantis,

a beloved reconfirmed in Florida precisely for having defended its inhabitants from the gender drifts launched by Disneyland with a clear endorsement to the Christian electorate, from the protests against the reform of the abortion law and from the mandatory anti-Covid serum.

DeSantis, was one of the first, as early as November 2021, to sign a package of laws against federal regulations that required workers to be vaccinated. The new provisions prohibit private employers from imposing this measure and allow “employees to choose from numerous exemptions, including but not limited to religious or health problems, pregnancy or future pregnancy”.

DeSantis, with a degree from Harvard and spent in the Navy in the JAG as a lawyer before entering politics, defines himself as a Catholic Christian but since 2015 he has also supported the Protestant fundamentalist lobby Family Research Council Action PAC.

Trump, in his half-corrupt, defeated elephant strategy (of which he was partly responsible for lack of courage to openly challenge the Deep State), really crossed his mark just hours before the congressional elections.

“I don’t know if he is running. I think if he runs, he could hurt himself very badly. I really believe he could hurt himself badly,” Mr Trump said. “I don’t think it would be good for the party.”

Mr DeSantis is considered by many to be the most likely candidate to supplant Mr Trump as the Republican candidate to run for president in 2024.

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If Mr DeSantis were to announce a presidential bid, Mr Trump said he would reveal “things about him that won’t be very flattering – I know more about him than anybody – other than, perhaps, his wife”. He did not provide details – but Mr Trump has previously made threats to release damaging information about rivals.

He later described his potential opponent as “a fine guy” and denied there was a dispute between them. “There’s not a tiff with me, and I’m way up in the polls,” he said. But by now he had already crossed the Rubicon for an open war that will not bring him any advantage but further hatred within the Republicans.

While he could perhaps have sought an alliance to support a new face of the GOP for the White House of which he would become “vice president” with all the benefits of political and judicial immunity consequent.

For all the above reasons we can already sing to Donny, if he does not repent, the De profundis Clamavi …

Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
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Fabio G.C. Carisio

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