Russia: the Last True Bulwark of Christianity. LGBT Propaganda Prohibited to Protect Children against Gender Theory and Pedophilia

Russia: the Last True Bulwark of Christianity. LGBT Propaganda Prohibited to Protect Children against Gender Theory and Pedophilia


by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio

All articles in Italian linked inside this post are available in English machine simultaneous translation


Just at the moment when the World Cup, one of the most followed and popular media events on the entire planet, becomes the agon of a conflict between the conservative values ​​of religious traditions, which have guided human spirituality over the millennia, and the most vulgar LGBTQ propaganda germinated in a circle as powerful as it was in the last twenty years of the rule of the New World Order, Russia, excluded from the same championship for its special military operation in Ukraine as it should have been imposed also to the USA for their permanent occupation of Syria, takes another symbolic step to protect childhood from the contamination of the rambling “theory of gender”.

This culture should actually be defined as “No-Gender” because it denies the biological sexual distinction to the point of starting to theorize the psycho-physical paradox of gender-fluid, the “floating gender”.

While the footballers of Germany during the national anthem shut their mouths for FIFA’s censorship of the captain’s armband “One Love”, promoted by UEFA in the European Union dominated by the transhumanist elite of George Soros, and then they see their manhood football humiliated on the pitch by thin Japanese players (final 1 to 2), the Duma, the lower house of the parliament of the Russian Federation, supports the will of President Vladimir Putin and tightens the laws on the dissemination of gay material to prevent the pure soul of the children are confused by a pounding campaign.

It does so, above all, the legislators explain, to stop the spread of an ideology that promotes non-traditional sexual relations, pedophilia and information capable of causing someone to seek gender reassignment surgery, such as the one encouraged in the videos on YouTube by doctors at Boston Children’s Hospital.

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Unfortunately for Disney and fortunately for minors of age (and emotional development) the famous cartoon Proud Family based on a homosexuals couple and which has become bitterly known for the interracial kiss between two men, in and around Moscow, cannot be projected, if you do not want to incur heavy penalties that could be tightened (those of the regulations already in force vary from 5 thousand to 50 thousand rubles, from 80 euros to 800).


The legislators have recalled the traditional values, always advocated by President Putin, and have therefore made Russia, with its Orthodox Church without international compromises, one of the last bastions of Christianity on earth while there is already the smell of sulfur of an imminent Apocalypse.

An incoming Apocalypse not so much for the wars unleashed and carried out with impunity by NATO (as in Syria) or provoked by it, as in Ukraine, but for that total degeneration of the ethical foundations, which have allowed humanity to overcome the worst geopolitical calamities and natural in the history of the planet, well described by the adamantine words of the spiritual guide of the resurrected Christianity in the country of the Romanov Tsars, after their premeditated beheading by Western Freemasonry with the establishment of Communist Atheism.

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«If humanity recognizes that sin is not a violation of God’s law, if humanity agrees that sin is one of the options for human behavior, then human civilization will end there».

Moscow Patriarch Kirill used these words to refute the good-natured rhetoric of the West that accused the Kremlin of having triggered the conflict in Ukraine, actually provoked in 2014 by the bloody coup of Soros and some NATO countries in Kiev, from which it was born the civil war in Donbass with the genocide of 5 thousand pro-Russian civilians in the separatist republics of Donetzk and Lugansk that Putin’s army intervened to protect.

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To understand the hypocrisy of that moment, two numbers are enough:

  • the orange revolution financed by the US embassy (together with those of the UK and the Netherlands): 100 deaths among demonstrators and policemen due to the shooting of mercenary snipers with the modus operandi of those of the CIA who acted in 2002 in Caracas, Venezuela.
  • the annexation of Crimea to Russia was voted by a plebiscite of the cheering population.

This incident of military geopolitics should be enough to silence those self-styled Christians such as Father Livio Fanzaga, director of Radio Maria, who forgetting to be at the helm of the Queen of Peace broadcaster appeared in Medjugorje (with official recognition of the Ruini Commission of the Catholic Church of the first apparitions) propagates visceral anti-Putin hatred by daily doping with disinformation spread by mainstream newspapers funded by NATO’s various globalist partners.

The Atlantic Alliance is today more than ever the armed wing of the New World Order which, in order to destroy every cultural heritage of Christianity, in Africa and the Middle East created, trained and armed ISIS guerrillas (not surprisingly also recruited by the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky alongside the neo-Nazis of the Azov Battalion to protect the Kiev regime) who are exterminating Christians (see the latest report of the Pontifical Foundation Aid to the Church in Need-ACN) forcing them to emigrate to the Old Continent where it is a colossal operation of cultural crossbreeding is underway which has nothing to do with the removal of racial and religious discrimination but is a diabolical project of annihilation of the human spiritual conscience.


If Mario Mieli, idol of the Italian LGBTQ community

(to which new letters of sexual orientation are added every day so that he is already more than 19 in San Francisco), in the 70s he became famous as one of the first transvestite homosexuals can thank tolerance of Christianity which grants every human being the “free will” to choose whether to vow to Heaven or Hell.

This is why every person MUST be free to choose his own sexual identity and CANNOT BE PUNISHED by a state for his choice of homosexuality as happens in some countries governed by Islamic fundamentalism where he even risks the hanging.

But at the same time he MUST not have the right to “proselytize” among innocent children in whom the faculties of emotional, rational, spiritual and moral discernment have not yet fully matured.

Russia has enshrined in a law just this: live your sexuality as you see fit but do not dare to propagate a social deviance such as the LGBTQ trend, fortunately very marginal among 8 billion human beings who continue mostly to procreate thanks to man-woman union and not the scandal of rented wombs.

If the Circolo Mieli receives public funding to promote the NO-gender culture, which denies biological sex in favor of the promotion of a visionary, exasperating and paranoid gender dysphoria in children, it can thank the culture of the Democratic Party which, in the mortal triangle RomeWashingtonBrussels, does not even care about the fact that the trans Mario has published even more progressive literary works in which he already frees PEDOPHILIA.

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It is precisely pedophilia that is one of the criminal drifts, as it happens, more and more on the rise in the US and the EU, precisely because of the moral liberalization and the obsessive propaganda of some psychiatric diseases of the past, such as homosexuality and nymphomania, have become the cultural humus for the rooting of the hypersexualization of children, educated in British schools to touch each other to experience pleasure completely unrelated to feelings and in Italian ones to ponder the erotic bipolarity intrinsic to the No-Gender philosophy.

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, one of the greatest statesmen of the Third Millennium or perhaps the only one, with all the limits of his human frailty that led him to admit, in front of the mothers of the soldiers killed in Ukraine, that he had been too patient before intervening in the Donbass in the hope that the dignity of the pro-Russians would be recognized by Kiev within the Minsk agreements, he said no to all this (below the details of the law in the TASS article).

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But he is not the only one. As we recalled in the previous investigation into Disney’s LGBT propaganda cartoons and RAI TV series (sanctioned for this reason by the Media and Minors Committee) another politician took the same decision to challenge transgender culture.

It is Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, the recently confirmed Republican at the helm of one of the most beautiful states in the United States of America who does not hide the dream of running for the 2024 presidential elections where he could actually make a better impression than Donald Trump.

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Thanks to his temper as a former Navy soldier and his legal experience at the JAG (Advocate General’s Corps), the military court of the body, he has enacted a new legislative provision on the subject, but limited to the school environment.

Dubbed the ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill by the mainstream media, DeSantis’ legislation was designed simply to give parents a broader voice on what is taught in classrooms, ending the promotion of gender awakening ideology. in Florida schools, which was pushed on children as young as five.



«Left-wing pedagogical efforts to introduce gender ideology into the classroom have on the whole escaped the attention of parents, who are only now becoming aware of its impact on children. Some call it “ideological capture”, others call it “grooming”,» wrote columnist Ian Miles Cheong on the conservative network Russia Today.

We wrote about this in Disney’s previous investigation into LGBT propaganda which, following the oppressive instructions of the New World Order, was also one of the first multinationals to offer access to its amusement parks with a 20% discount on anti-Covid vaccines.

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In this combination that is lethal for the soul but also for the body, given that children have become human guinea pigs, they have no need for messenger RNA gene serums as Covid-19 vaccines are more dangerous for their immune system itself, as numbers and studies in Italy and in the US attest, is clear the transhumanist imprint that aims to replace the dogmas of a Revealed Religion: Christianity.

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The authentic Judeo-Christian culture for millennia has been preserving with ever greater attention the human biogenetic dignity, with the social doctrines of Masonic Scientism that will be dominated only by Mammon: that is the wealth projected to guarantee every voluptuous, eugenic and erotic satisfaction, and to allow , for example, to two gay males to have a child through the practice of the womb for rent to satiate their craving for filial love and who knows what else, in the secret of the bed shared by a child and two fathers…

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Even European Christianity has allowed itself to be seduced by the pro-LGBT apologies of many Lutherans and many Catholic cardinals and religious, so much so as to induce even Pope Francis to sometimes assume ambiguous pastoral positions by being deceived by the “Gospel according to Gates”, but remaining peremptory in condemning theologically blessing of gay marriages, already officially celebrated by the Lutheran church.

This is why the Orthodox of the Russian Church today are completely free to express their traditionalist and conservative cultural identity, much more of those of the Greek Church of Constantinople subject to multiple compromises for its survival in Istanbul, the capital of Turkey governed by politics linked to extremists of the Muslim Brotherhood and NATO LGBT progressives.

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This is why, together with American Evangelical Christians who are not subject to Masonic Zionism and Catholics who are not seduced by the sirens of secular Catholic-Mason progressivism, they represent a true bulwark of Christianity.

However, the Russian Orthodox Christians, at least for now, have the advantage of being protected by the will of the new Tsar of Moscow. And, even if it is jarring and tragic to write it, by his nuclear missiles.

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All this should be enough for the self-styled Christians, who like Father Livio denigrate Putin by reading the mainstream media intent on reciting the same falsehoods on Ukraine about the bioethical goodness of anti-Covid vaccines and the LGBT community, to make an examination of conscience that could also lead them to revise the roles of “good and bad” on the Donbass war where, as I predicted on February 22, 2022, two days before the escalation of the conflict between Kiev and Moscow, the first signs of the Apocalypse prophesied by St. John appeared, distinguished evangelist and fervent apostle of Jesus Christ, to the foot of the cross.

It is not by chance that he is the only disciple rewarded with a passing to Heaven without martyrdom.

Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
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Duma passes Law prohibiting LGBT Propaganda in Russia

by TASS – Russian News Agency

The State Duma on Thursday approved the third reading of a bill probiting propaganda that promotes non-traditional sexual relations, pedophilia and information capable of causing someone to seek gender reassignment surgery.

The bill bans LGBT propaganda in the media, on the Internet, as well as in commercials, books and movies. Also, any calls for gender reassignment among minors on the Internet, in the media, and in books, audiovisual services, movies and commercials will be prohibited.

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In addition to that, movies containing material with propaganda promoting non-traditional sexual relations or preferences will be banned from screening. Under the ban, children will have limited access to LGBT information on paid audio or video platforms. For example, viewers will be asked to enter a code or take some other steps to verfify their age. Those under 18 years of age will not be able to access LGBT information.

The bill also stipulates a ban on selling merchandise, including imported items, which contain material that is administratively or criminally liable for disseminating any information of this sort. A provision on propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations, pedophilia and information capable of causing minors to seek gender reassignment surgery will be added to the law protecting children from any information harming their health or development.

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The Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology, and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor) will have the right to formulate the procedure for online monitoring to detect any information access, which should be limited under the federal law on information. A special entity authorized by the government will be in charge of this monitoring.

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About 400 legislators, including Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin, are among the bill’s authors. As Volodin noted during a meeting earlier, the bill is being approved exclusively in the interests of Russians.

“We are following a different path chosen by our grandparents and great-grandparents. We have traditions, and we have a conscience, and we understand that we should think about our children, our families, and our country in order to preserve and protect [the values that] our parents handed down to us,” he emphasized.






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Fabio G.C. Carisio

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