Attorneys General release Transcript of Fauci’s deposition on the Covid Truth Censorship by Socials’ Giants & White House

Attorneys General release Transcript of Fauci’s deposition on the Covid Truth Censorship by Socials’ Giants & White House


Introduction by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio


The long-awaited deposition of Dr. Anthony Fauci, White House Covid-19 emergency adviser to both President Donald Trump and his successor Joe Biden, has finally been filed by the competent American magistrates.

Fauci on November, 23, 2022 faced questions from Attorneys General Eric Schmitt (Missouri) and Jeff Landry (Louisiana) in their lawsuit against the federal government for allegedly colluding with Big Tech platforms to censor content critical of COVID-19 vaccines and countermeasures.

Fauci, director of NIAID (National Institute for Allergies and Infectious Diseases), is one of the few consultants who has remained in one of the most strategic roles in managing the pandemic despite the multiple suspicions weighing on him.

In fact, he is suspected of having concealed from the beginning the theory of the SARS-Cov-2 virus built in the laboratory “in a China-US affair” according to the late French virologist Luc Montagnier, precisely because, according to the American doctor David Martin, author of The Fauci Dossier, it was he who led the dangerous experiments on artificially manipulated coronaviruses since 2000 by Professor Ralph Baric at the University of North Carolina and by his Chinese colleague Shi Zengli at the Wuhan Institute of Virology together with zoologist Paul Daszak of the EcoHealthAlliance of New York, funded by NIAID and the Bill & Melidna Gates Foundation.

WUHAN-GATES 45. First Study on SARS-2 Manmade Hidden by Fauci. Hot E-mail: US Microbiologist had forthwith Discovered “Artificial Spike Alterations”

Not only. Just Dr. Martin highlights the patents of Moderna, financed by the DARPA military agency of the Pentagon, which with the help of Fauci and Baric allowed Big Pharma of Cambridge to patent the anti-Covid vaccine 9 months before the pandemic.

It seems that all of these things are not mentioned in this first summary of Fauci’s deposition released by the attorneys general of Missouri and Louisiana.

The text is focused on the use of masks, the need for lockdowns, herd immunity and social censorship on those who highlighted the ineffectiveness and harmfulness of these measures.

But the question of early treatments against Covid also finds ample space, also boycotted by the health authorities and banned by the media and the network as unreliable.

WUHAN-GATES – 48. Moderna Vaccine Patented 9 Months Before Pandemic. Thanks to the Fauci-Baric’ Manmade SARS Viruses

But this first summary does not reveal the very serious censure applied by Fauci to the laboratory virus theory, now also raised by five American senators in a letter in which they ask to stop all tests on laboratory-enhanced pathogens, and to the dangers of anti-Covid vaccines.

We will try to read the 446 pages as soon as possible to understand if the issue has not been addressed by the journalist or the magistrates.

The attention of the attorneys general is focused above all on the censures against the scientists who have shared the principles of the Great Barrington Declaration.

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The Great Barrington Declaration is a statement signed by physicians Dr. Martin Kulldorff, professor of medicine at Harvard University, Dr. Sunetra Gupta, professor at Oxford University, Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, professor at Stanford University Medical School, and many others on 4 October 2020 which highlighted the damage of the lockdowns and the need to pursue herd immunity against Covid-19.

Fauci could not cite a single study supporting the use of masks and reportedly based “his lockdown advocacy on the observations of a single guy relying on reports from a dictator.”

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Attorneys General for Missouri and Louisiana released the full 446-page transcriptfrom their November 23rd, 2022, deposition of Dr. Anthony Fauci, which was taken as part of a landmark lawsuit against the Biden Administration for colluding with social media companies to censor first-amendment protected speech.

“Fauci’s recent deposition only confirmed what we already knew: federal bureaucrats in collusion with social media companies want to control not only what you think, but especially what you say,”said

Attorney General Landry.

WUHAN-GATES – 59. “Dangerous SARS-2 & Omicron Lab Experiments without Risk Assessment. STOP Them!”. Alert by 5 US Senators. Russia blames the last Boston Research

“During no time in human history was this more obvious than during the COVID-19 crisis where social engineering tactics were used against the American public, not to limit your exposure to a virus, but to limit your exposure to information that did not fit within a government sanctioned narrative.

I think that the public is going to be shocked as to how much Dr. Fauci can’t recall some of the most important actions and discussions that he had at the time, when the pandemic was on our shores,” the Lousiana AG said in an interview with Fox News Digital.” It is certainly disturbing. And calls into question, you know, his overall mental capability to remember certain key details.”

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Attorney General Eric Schmitt @AGEricSchmitt

Fauci Flip-Flops On Masks

Fauci, who famously claimed, “I am the science,” could not cite a single study supporting the use of masks throughout the 7-hour deposition.

Interestingly, in a 2019 interview with billionaire David Rubenstein, when asked if people should wear a mask to prevent infectious disease, the covid czar responded by saying, “No, you avoid all the paranoid aspects and do something positive.”

THE HUGE & SHADY ZUCKERBERG PLOT: Facebook has Ex-CIA Agents Censoring You

Fauci instead recommends a healthy diet, exercise, and sleep to the co-founder of the infamous private equity firm The Carlyle Group.

In February 2020, Fauci recommends in a personal email to a friend that she shouldn’t wear a mask because they are not for “protecting uninfected people from acquiring infection” and “the typical mask you buy in the drug store is not really effective in keeping out virus.”

Fauci repeats that masks are ineffective in another personal email at the end of March, only to recommend a nationwide universal mask mandate days later, on April 4th, 2020.

Twitter avatar for @Eric_Schmitt

Eric Schmitt @Eric_Schmitt
Fauci sent a colleague an email in February of 2020 instructing her not to wear a mask when traveling. Just a couple months later, he was advocating for universal mask mandates.

Fauci Got Lockdown Policy From China

“Fauci was apparently willing to base his lockdown advocacy on the observations of a single guy relying on reports from a dictator,” said attorney Jenin Younes. “He seized on the thinnest evidence to justify draconian ‘public health’ restrictions but required an unreasonably high quality of evidence for anything that contradicted his narrative.”

Fauci and his deputy, Dr. Cliff Lane, were very impressed with how the Chinese were “handling the isolation, the contact tracing, the building of facilities to take care of people,” and modeled the United States’ response after the communist nation.

WUHAN-GATES – 57. New Manmade Lethal SARS-Cov-2 as BioWeapon. Fauci Behind “Madmen Scientists” of a Very Dangerous Experiment on Omicron

“When we got there, the outbreak was already coming under control in China. The measures they put in place appear to be working,” said Lane. “From what I saw in China, we may have to go to as extreme a degree of social distancing to help bring our outbreak under control.”

Fauci and Lane ignored scientific precedent and locked down the United States based on the Chinese Communist Party’s blatantly manipulated data, which shows deaths flatlined around 4,800 over the last two years.

“The U.S. & U.K. followed Italy’s lockdown, which had followed China, and all but a handful of countries around the globe immediately followed our lead. Within weeks the whole world was locked down,” wrote Dr. Aaron Kheriaty. “From the very beginning, the evidential basis for this global policy catastrophe was always paper-thin. We are now living in the aftermath.”

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Aaron Kheriaty, MD @akheriaty
1/ UPDATE: from our deposition of Fauci yesterday in the MO v. Biden case. Fauci confirmed that in Feb 2020, Fauci sent Clifford Lane, his deputy at the NAIAD, as the U.S. representative for the WHO delegation to China. Lane convinced Fauci we should emulate China’s lockdowns.

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Aaron Kheriaty, MD @akheriaty
2/ The CCP had announced China had contained the virus through draconian lockdowns–a claim now known to be false. Given the China’s pattern of falsified information, Lane and Fauci should have approached this claim with skepticism. Lockdowns were wholly untested & unprecedented.

Fauci ‘Takes Down’ Lockdown Policy Critics

Surprisingly, except for Sweden, all countries threw their pandemic plans out the window when this pandemic started and followed the Chinese Communist Party’s lockdown policy.

The Great Barrington Declaration was signed by more than 15,000 scientists and over 50,000 medical practitioners who argued a return to a “focused protection” strategy.

The authors, epidemiologists from Harvard, Stanford, and Oxford, argued that more lives would be saved by emphasizing protecting the elderly and immuno-compromised most at risk of hospitalization and death from the disease.

WEF’s Klaus Schwab Declared China a “Role Model” a Week before the Mass Anti-Lockdown Protests Broke Out

This advice to follow the strategy of “focused protection” took into account the 1000-fold difference in mortality rates between the oldest and youngest and utilized this to protect those at risk while negating the public health and socio-economic damages of lockdowns.

Fauci and former NIH Director Francis Collins conspired to carry out a “quick and devastating published takedown” of the Great Barrington Declaration. “This proposal from three fringe epidemiologists who met with the Secretary seems to be getting a lot of attention – and even a co-signature from Nobel Prize winner Mike Leavitt at Stanford,” wrote Collins in an Oct. 8, 2020 email to Fauci.

“There needs to be a quick and devastating published takedown of its premises,” the NIH chief continued. “I don’t see anything like that on line yet – is it underway?”


In the deposition, Fauci misrepresents the argument of the Great Barrington Declaration and claims that it was an “invalid premise of essentially letting the virus freely circulate” and “letting the virus rip through society and infect people.”

The cross-examination team show Fauci examples of Dr. Collins and himself speaking to the media in the following weeks as they publicly misrepresented the ideas of the Great Barrington Declaration and the highly credentialed epidemiologist.

“COVID: Logic, Reasoning and Scientific Evidence Disappeared with Fauci-Gates’ Dangerous Vaccines” US Retired Neurosurgeon on NIH PubMed

“A senior administration official told reporters in a background briefing call Monday that the proposed strategy — which has been denounced by other infectious-disease experts and called “fringe” and “dangerous” by National Institutes of Health Director Francis Collins,” wrote the Washington Post on Oct. 14, 2020.

“What I worry about with this is it’s being presented as if it’s a major alternative view that’s held by a large numbers of experts in the scientific community. That is not true. This is a fringe component of epidemiology. This is not mainstream science. It’s dangerous. It fits into the political views of certain parts of our confused political establishment,” said Collins.

Source: Washington Post

“If you let infections rip as it were and say, ‘Let everybody get infected that’s going to be able to get infected and then we’ll have herd immunity.’ Quite frankly that is nonsense, and anybody who knows anything about epidemiology will tell you that that is nonsense and very dangerous,” Fauci told CNBC on Oct. 15, 2020.

Source: CNBC

“A public debate would have been better. Invitation still open,” Dr. Martin Kulldorff wrote in response to these emails being released last year.

Twitter avatar for @MartinKulldorff

Martin Kulldorff @MartinKulldorff
A year ago, @NIHDirector Francis Collins asked Fauci to do a “devastating published take down” of the Great Barrington Declaration. A public debate would have been better. Invitation still open.

Twitter avatar for @PhilWMagness

Phil Magness @PhilWMagness

New email dump showing Anthony Fauci and Francis Collins coordinating a propaganda campaign to attack the Great Barrington declaration last October. More coming soon so here’s a teaser…

Interestingly, while Fauci and Collins launched their public media ‘take down’ campaign, Big Tech companies like Google, Facebook, and Reddit also updated their COVID-19 misinformation policies to censor the Great Barrington Declaration. For example, Google deboosted search results for the declaration itself, so all the top search results for the topic were articles critical of the proposal.

Censorship & Dictatorship on Vaccines’ Risks. 5 years in Jail in Thailandia. White House’s Monitoring Even SMS

“In our deposition with Dr. Fauci, it became clear that when Dr. Fauci speaks, social media censors,” said Attorney General Schmitt. “I invite everyone to read the deposition transcript and see exactly how Dr. Fauci operates and exactly how the COVID tyranny that ruined lives and destroyed businesses was born.”


Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. 's highly anticipated book, “The Real Anthony Fauci,” is available now in bookstores throughout the U.S. and Canada.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

in his global best-seller The Real Anthony Fauci:

“Leading doctors and scientists, including some of the nation’s most highly published and experienced physicians and front-line COVID specialists like McCullough, Kory, Ryan Cole, David Brownstein, and Risch believe that Dr. Fauci’s suppression of early treatment and off-patent remedies was responsible for up to 80 percent of the deaths attributed to COVID. All five doctors independently told me the same thing. The relentless malpractice of deliberately withholding early effective COVID treatments, of forcing the use of toxic remdesivir, may have unnecessarily killed up to 500,000 Americans in hospitals.”

by All links to Gospa News articles have been added aftermath

Fauci Grilled Under Oath in Social Media Censorship Case. Depositions of White House, FBI Officials “on Hold”

WUHAN-GATES – 21. “Pandemic Planned for Decades”. Kennedy blames Fauci & Gates. Terrible Plot in 30 Investigations’ summary. Pope against Big Pharma’s Affairs

WUHAN-GATES – 56. Deep Investigation on “Moderna’s Artificial human gene like SARS-Cov-2”. Huge Plot EU, China, US Darpa & Fauci

Italian Biologist NO VAX Killed by a Very Lethal and Suspect Covid. After Contacts with Prosecutors on Therapies Ignored by Govt

Judge Orders Fauci, Psaki, FBI Top Official Be Deposed in Big Tech Censorship Case on the Covid-19 Info


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