US Mother’s Tragedy: “So My Newborn Alexander Died days after Receiving Unauthorized Vaxxed Blood in a Transfusion”

US Mother’s Tragedy: “So My Newborn Alexander Died days after Receiving Unauthorized Vaxxed Blood in a Transfusion”


On the cover image the deceased child with the evident signs of massive blood clotting in the cardiovascular system and the discomfort of his mother Cornelia

Introduction by Gospa News Editorial Staff


A baby boy passed away of a large blood clot in Washington state when a hospital administered him a blood transfusion from a regular stockpile rather than from an unvaccinated donor, as his parents had sought, according the journalistic website The Covid Blog.

Cornelia Hertzler stated that doctors noticed a blood clot in her infant boy “within a few hours after” a general blood bank transfusion. The baby died of large blood clot after doctor ignored the parents’ request for an unvaxxed transfusion.

In addition to learning that their son Alexander had an abnormally connected esophagus and trachea shortly after his birth on January 3, 2022, Cornelia Hertzler and Ron Bly also learned that he had a heart condition called Double Outlet Right Ventricle (DORV), in which oxygenated and deoxygenated blood are mixed, which necessitated surgery for long-term survival.

Cornelia and Ron during an interview with Louisa Clary after death of their newborn – link at the bottom of article

Alexander was airlifted to Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center in Spokane, Washington, to undertake neonatal heart surgery. His parents informed the hospital that they “did not want any blood transfusions from the blood bank” because they “were worried about blood from vaccinated donors causing blood clots.”

During an interview with Louisa Clary of the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation, Bly added that their worry was prompted, at least in part, by the passing of a friend who was in her 60s and “very healthy,” but who “had a heart attack three days after getting the Moderna shot,” to Louisa Clary of the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation on Thursday.”

The COVID Jabs’ Mechanisms of Injury: Sudden Death, Blood Cloths, Human Mad Cow and Autoimmune Diseases


The “hospital finally conceded, the day before” Alexander’s first operation, “that all the family needed to do was fill out a few forms to accept and utilize blood from specific donors,” according to Brian Wilkins, editor-in-chief of The COVID Blog. The hospital had previously informed the parents that using unvaccinated blood from a directed donor would be extremely difficult and “very expensive”.

“Instead of waiting a few more days for the blood we had donated to be fully processed and available,” Bly explained, the doctor utilized blood from a common blood bank for the transfusion.

Wikins has pointed out that Washington “had a 70% fully-vaccinated population by February 1, 2022, with 79% receiving at least one injection,” and so “there was a near 80% chance Alexander got vaxxed blood.”

THIS IS A HEARTH After PFIZER Covid Vaccines! Fatal Strange Blood Clots revealed by the Autopsy of Japanese Researchers

The doctor “found the blood clot within a few hours after he got the transfusion,” Hertzler informed Clary on Thursday. While the doctors had earlier informed them that “blood clots are very rare” in a situation like Alexander’s, Hertzler claimed that after he developed one, they explained, “Well, this happens. But…it’s something a blood thinner can fix.”

«In a fundraiser for Alexander, Bly noted that the clot expanded to be “enormous” and “eventually stretched from his left knee all the way to his heart.” A bacterial infection of MRSA “colonized the blood clot and no amount of medication nor antibiotics could shrink the clot or remove the infection.”» highlighted Great Game India which reported the Alexander’s case.

Alex died on February 17, 2022, 12 days after surgery. Wilkins revealed that he was buried in Walla Walla, Washington, following a Russian Orthodox burial.

«On Thursday, the media got in touch with Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center to “confirm a few facts” concerning a story about a newborn born there earlier this year. “I have no information regarding that and this conversation is terminated,” replied a hospital staffer» pointed out further Great Game India (link below the whole article).


Below we report the complete investigation carried out by the American journalist Brian A. Wilkins, founder of The Covid Blog, a site that wants to denounce all the problems connected to the health therapies of the pandemic and the adverse reactions caused by vaccines.

His detailed report brings to light three problems highlighted in previous Gospa News articles.

The first is the risk of lethal blood clots that a large study by the Food and Drug Administration itself has just confirmed.

The second is the possible transmission of mRNA gene sera between vaccinated and non-vaccinated, obviously even more likely in the case of transfusion.

The third is the serious risks to which children are most exposed as their cardiovascular, neurological and immune systems are extremely sensitive to the many dangerous components of the anti-Covid vaccines.

Recent Studies Suggest COVID-19 Vaccinated People are Infecting Unvaccinated Ones. French Study, McCullough Analysis & Pfizer Paper

Among these are the lipid nanoparticles that can create very serious inflammation as demonstrated by a research conducted on mice by doctors at Thomas Jefferson Hospital in Boston, among which, according to other scientists, graphene oxide may have been inserted as a “stabilizer”.

But equally dangerous is the Spike protein which remains toxic however genetically modified and attenuated both in messenger RNA or DNA gene serums, such as in Novavax’s serum created with the recombinant protein technique which can still cause myocarditis, according to what has been ascertained by the body European drug regulator EMA.

VACCINES & GRAPHENE – 1. Dangerous & Mysterious Nanoparticles inside mRNA Serum. “Toxicology NOT Thoroughly Investigated” Pfizer Wrote

The High Court of New Zealand recently granted temporary guardianship to a four-month-old newborn after his parents insisted that only blood not contaminated by the COVID-19 “vaccine” be used during surgery to fix their son’s heart condition.

A video of the child being taken away by police from his parents has since gained traction, with the mother sobbing and pleading as the officials take her child away.

Cornelia Hertzler: Montana woman tells The COVID Blog full story of her newborn baby boy Alexander dying days after receiving unauthorized vaxxed blood in a transfusion

by Brian A. Wilkins – Editor-in-Chief: The COVID Blog – All links to Gospa News Articles have been added aftermath

HOT SPRINGS, MONTANA — We know that U.S. doctors get paid handsomely to inject unwitting and willing patients with lethal mRNA and viral vector DNA injections. U.S. doctors also receive hefty bounties for killing patients via ventilators and entering the cause of death as so-called COVID-19.

Cornelia Hertzler

Former Centers for Disease Control Robert Redfield admitted at a July 31, 2020 House Select Subcommittee on Coronavirus hearing that doctors are in fact incentivized to classify every illness and death as “COVID-19.”

There is zero financial incentive, however, for a doctor to pump a five-weeks-old baby full of, as Moderna calls it, “gene therapy“-contaminated blood against the parents’ wishes. The only potential incentive is to satisfy some sort of hedonistic, erotophonophilic-type desire to kill babies.

All we know for certain is that a husband and wife are now forced to endure lifetime, insanable heartache and pain because the U.S. medical system, ranked third behind only cancer and heart disease as the leading killers in the United States, maliciously took the life of their first child.

Very Dangerous Covid Boosters Authorized by FDA for Babies as 6 months. Despite a Disturbing Study on Bivalents

Who is Cornelia Hertzler?

Mrs. Cornelia Hertzler is a 24-year-old woman originally from Linn County, Oregon. Her husband, Mr. Ron Bly, is also from Linn County. They were married in March 2020, right when the so-called pandemic commenced.

Mrs. Hertzler kept her maiden name due to everything being closed (DMV, government offices, etc.) for months thereafter. Regardless, it’s quite rare for “zoomers” and the youngest Millennials to get married at such a young age. But when you get to know Mrs. Hertzler, you discover a not-so-typical young American.

Mr. Ron Bly and Mrs. Hertzler shortly after their marriage.

She was born into an Anabaptist community. The Amish and Mennonites are the most recognizable, direct descendants of the original Anabaptist movement in the United States. Mrs. Hertzler left her family when she was 18 to see and experience the world.

The Washington Post wrote an article in 2017 that included Mrs. Hertzler’s name. The article’s agenda was to disparage homeschooling. It completely misrepresented Mrs. Hertzler’s positions on  the subject, which is modus operandi for mainstream media.

“I do not agree with the Washington Post’s objective that homeschooling is ‘dangerous,’ she told The COVID Blog™. “I had a rough time leaving that sect because of the culture and not because of the fact that I was homeschooled.”

RELATED: Eastern Orthodox Canadian family loses two brothers “suddenly and unexpectedly” in 11 days (January 2022)

Mrs. Hertzler is now a member of the Eastern Orthodox Church. She worked for the Department of Homeland Security as a Transportation Security (TSA) Officer from December 2019 until March 2020. Mrs. Hertzler quit because she refused to enforce mask mandates and wear masks herself.

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The couple has moved around a lot since then, traveling to different jobs. They planned on starting a family all along. Mrs. Hertzler received the best news of her life a little over a year after she and Ron married.

“We did want children although it took a year to happen,” she said. “We were definitely surprised and excited when I got pregnant.” Baby Alexander was born on January 3, 2022 in Walla Walla, Washington. What should have been the most glorious day of this young couple’s life quickly turned into a nightmare.

Alexander’s birth defects

Mr. Bly noticed that Baby Alexander was having trouble breathing. Upon examination, doctors discovered that Alexander had tracheoesophageal fistula. In layman’s terms, that means Alexander’s esophagus (stomach tube) and trachea (windpipe) were abnormally connected instead of being two separate tubes.

He was also born with a congenital heart defect called Double Outlet Right Ventricle, or DORV. His pulmonary artery and aorta both connected to the heart’s right ventricle. A normal heart has a pulmonary artery connected to the right ventricle, and aorta to the left ventricle. That means Alexander also likely had a ventricular septal defect, which was the only thing keeping him alive. But since oxygenated and deoxygenated blood are mixed due to the DORV, the baby will only live for so long without surgery, according to Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.

Alexander needed surgery to fix both issues. Mrs. Hertzler made an unequivocal declaration before either surgery was to occur.

“We made it clear to the hospital that we did not want any blood transfusions from the blood bank because we were worried about blood from vaccinated donors causing blood clots,” she said. “We asked what we had to do to get direct donor blood from friends we could trust. They told us [that] what we wanted was practically impossible and would be very expensive.”

Dr. Eleane Beadle and Providence Sacred Heart Hospital

The Richland hospital was ill-equipped to perform the neonatal heart surgery necessary to save Alexander’s life. He was airlifted to Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center in Spokane, Washington. The fistula surgery was scheduled for January 24, 2022. The family persisted with their demand to only use non-vaccinated blood for any potential transfusions necessary throughout the surgeries. They had trusted family and friends lined up to donate.

Doctors continued gaslighting Alexander’s parents, telling them that the direct donor process is too expensive and impractical. Dr. Eleane Beadle, the one who had the most contact with the family and Alexander, even mocked Mrs. Hertzler for her concerns about vaxx-contaminated blood. Mrs. Hertzler said that Dr. Beadle threatened to call Child Protective Services and accuse them of child endangerment for their stance against poisoned blood.

Dr. Beadle, 44, is a military doctor trained at Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences’ (USU) F. Edward Hebert School of Medicine. It’s located on the same campus as Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland. Dr. Beadle completed her medical residency at Madigan Army Medical Center in 2008. Her license to practice medicine as a physician and surgeon in Washington state was first issued on July 29, 2020, according to the State Department of Health.

Washington Governor Jay Inslee brought military doctors to the state as early as March 2020 to help out with the so-called pandemic response. He also named retired Navy Vice Admiral Raquel C. Bono director of the state’s COVID-19 Health System Response Management team. It’s unclear if Dr. Beadle was in Washington for this specific purpose. But she was previously licensed in Nebraska from 2007 to 2020. Dr. Beadle voluntarily deactivated that license. She also appears to have a baby of her own.

Mrs. Hertzler seemed both shocked and traumatized when we showed her the above photos to confirm the doctor’s identity.

“Oh my God, yes that’s her,” Mrs. Hertzler said. “She wore a pair of dark glasses at the hospital and always had her hair pulled back, but that’s definitely her.” In other words, Dr. Beadle never looked the family directly in their eyes.

Death of an infant

The hospital finally conceded, the day before the fistula operation, that all the family needed to do was fill out a few forms to accept and utilize blood from specific donors, according to Mrs. Hertzler.

“Turns out, the entire process was relatively easy and inexpensive,” she said. “We have no idea why the doctors lied to us for over a week, telling us we could not afford to get directed donor blood.” But the hospital still did not furnish said forms at this point.

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The fistula operation took place on January 24. Everything appeared to go well. Now Alexander needed heart surgery. But he was too little for the actual surgery that would permanently repair the heart valves. A procedure was scheduled for February 10 to place a band that would help temporarily redirect Alexander’s blood though his heart. This would ensure proper blood oxygenation while he grew for the next several months in preparation for the full surgery.

The family finally received the forms for directed blood donors in early February. Note that the process for directed donations takes a while. So now the family was up against the clock to not only notify the right blood banks, but also coordinate the individuals who would donate the blood. The unthinkable happened thereafter.

RELATED: Red Cross does not accept convalescent plasma donations from vaxxed people, but accepts whole vaxxed blood (May 25, 2021)

Dr. Beadle, citing low hemoglobin levels, performed a blood transfusion on Alexander with random blood. The family submitted the directed donor forms on this same day. Note that the typical maximum storage time for donated blood is around 42 days. But at least one 2013 study in the journal Anesthesia & Analgesia found degradation in donated blood stored for just 21 days.

Fresh red blood cells (L) versus blood cells after 21 days of storage.

The point is that there’s no definitive evidence that the blood Alexander received was vaxx-contaminated. But the blood could not have been more than 42 days old. Washington State had a 70% fully-vaccinated population by February 1, 2022, with 79% receiving at least one injection.  There was a near 80% chance Alexander got vaxxed blood. The American Red Cross also does not label stored donated blood vaccinated or unvaccinated.

What happened next, however, pretty much guarantees the blood was vaxx-contaminated.

Alexander developed thrombophlebitis – a blood clot in his leg – the very next day. He was also diagnosed with a staph infection. Doctors believed anticoagulants would dissolve the clot. But this is 2022, when blood clots are nothing like they were prior to mass mRNA and viral vector DNA deployment onto humanity.

RELATED: Matthew Erickson: 39-year-old Colorado man avoids amputation after Turkish doctors pull several 4-inch (10-centimeter) long blood clots out of his leg (July 14, 2022)

Mrs. Hertzler said:

“The blood clot continued to get worse and worse and slowly started inching closer to his heart. His veins turned black and over the course of two weeks his stomach bulged and his skin turned yellow as his organs started shutting down. They finally informed us there was nothing they could do.”

Doctors removed Alexander from life support on February 17. He tried breathing on his own for four hours, before being pronounced dead at 6:45 p.m. local time that evening.

The first photo is Alexander at birth. The second is Alexander the day he died.

The cause of death was entered as “respiratory failure due to a blood clot.” Thus Sacred Heart did not even receive a COVID bounty for Alexander’s death. He was buried in Walla Walla, Washington after a Russian Orthodox funeral.

A new low for U.S. medicine?

In all journalistic fairness to Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center, and Dr. Beadle, DORV has a very poor prognosis, at least in the U.S. A 2008 study in the The American Journal of Perinatology found that only 2 of 13 babies born alive with DORV lived beyond six months. A 2006 study published in the Journal of the International Society for Prenatal Diagnosis found that only 4 of 13 DORV-born babies survived beyond 28 days.

But a 2017 study in the Chinese Medical Journal found that 55 of 61 DORV patients, including three adults over age 18, recovered after surgeries tailored based on their individual circumstances. Researchers concluded:

“…the operative outcome is dependent on several factors including patient age, type of lesion, associated malformations, PH, and surgical technique. Most patients can achieve a satisfactory surgical outcome with an individualized surgical strategy and technique and proper postoperative management.”

Further, Alexander died from one of those freakish blood clots that did not exist prior to 2021. DORV did not kill him.

RELATED: VAERS: Two-year-old baby in Virginia dead six days after second experimental Pfizer mRNA shot (updated April 20, 2021)

The United States is ranked 18th in the world for healthcare. That is too high. We’ve already mentioned that “hospital errors” are the third-leading cause of death in the U.S. One study found that 62% of bankruptcies filed in the United States in 2007 were related to medical bills. For-profit medicine, especially since 2021 and The Great Reset vaccine genocide, is nothing more than murder with pretty makeup on it.

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The only consolation in this tragic story is that Mrs. Hertzler is expecting another child in January. They are hoping to use a midwife and have the baby at home, without the help of U.S. “hospitals.” Mrs. Hertzler has a PayPal link if anyone would like to help with the costs associated with a midwife. There’s also a GoFundMe page. But the Paypal link cuts out one of the two middlemen so the family receives maximum compensation.

“I’m not sure what could be done. We were both so scarred from the entire experience that we just wanted to get as far away from anything medical as quick as possible,” she said. “It really seems like a David going against a Goliath situation. We have seen other people try to go against the medical establishment, and failed because it seems like the court systems are completely rigged.”

Mrs. Hertzler does not believe there will ever be any justice for the loss of Alexander.

We emailed Providence Sacred Heart Communications Manager Ariana Lake and Providence Patient Relations for comment. Neither responded as of publishing.

Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.

by Brian A. Wilkins – Editor-in-Chief: The COVID Blog

Originally published by The Covid Blog
October 3, 2022 (updated 10:16 p.m. Pacific)

GREAT GAME INDIA – Baby Dies Of Large Blood Clot After Doctor Ignores Parents’ Request For Unvaxxed Transfusion

The COVID Blog™ the official blog of COVID Legal USA. Truth about COVID vaccines and the severe adverse effects thereof are censored on mainstream and social media. We do our best to cover as many of these stories as possible in the most objective fashion possible. Vaccines are the leading cause of coincidences.Brian A. Wilkins is the Editor-in-Chief of The COVID Blog® and Founder of COVID Legal USA™.Brian studied journalism and history at Arizona State University. He started his journalism career in 1996 after attending the Academy of Radio and Television Broadcasting. He worked at several radio stations across the country until 2002 when he entered the banking industry. Brian got back into radio from 2006 – 2008 before going independent.Brian is passionate about his work as a journalist, content strategist, legal writer, and activist. He brings awareness to controversial topics like police state policies in America, Monsanto and genetically-modified foods, fractional reserve banking, and imperial invasions of sovereign nations.

COVID Legal USA is your partner in fight mandatory vaccines and other COVID mandates. Follow us on Telegram. Pre-order The COVID Blog™ book here. Shipping starts on December 15, 2022.

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