APOCALYPSE’s DROPS over US because of AntiChrist Biden! Tremendous Christmas Blizzard is Killing Many Americans after Devilish “Gifts” for Ukrainian War

The extreme cold wave continues to rage in the United States: the death toll has risen to at least 60, including 27 in New York state, with Buffalo as the most affected city and tens of thousands of people without electricity and a meter of snow . Many victims were found inside their cars, houses and in snowdrifts. On Monday, Biden declared a federal state of emergency for the state of New York.
The blizzard swept through the region on Friday and Saturday, stranding motorists, cutting power and preventing emergency crews from reaching residents in freezing homes and stranded cars.
“This is not the end yet,” Erie County Executive Mark Poloncarz said, calling the blizzard “probably the worst storm of our lives,” even for an area accustomed to snowfall. Some people, he noted, have been stuck in their cars for more than two days. Even Kathy Hochul, governor of the state of New York, said that “It’s too early to declare victory and say that everything is over, the storm is returning and between 15 and 30 centimeters of snow are expected”. Hochul urged people to stay at home and not get in their cars.
“Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean. In the same way, on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness”.Gospel of Saint Matthew
(23.27-28) – Holy Bible
by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
No man of good will and of authentic Christian faith can doubt that these sentences uttered by Jesus against a “race of vipers”, so as to give even the slightest sense to the bizarre conspiracy theory about the “reptilians”, are vehemently topical and represent a perfect description of the Catho-mason Joseph Biden, whom, in previous articles, we have already nominated for a nomination as anti-Christ of biblical memory…
In formulating this statement (for ethical judgments but without, for now, prophetic supports), we are referring to what the Italian and Christian philosopher expertly observes Giorgio Agamben, an international academic who is also well known in the USA for canceling the course he was supposed to hold in 2004 at New York University, as opposed to the new control devices imposed by the American government on foreign citizens: that is, to leave one’s fingerprints and be registered.
In one of his writings on Quodlibert (link at the bottom), which we will then discuss extensively in relation to the pandemic, Agamben writes:
The term “antichrist” (antichristos) appears in the New Testament only in the first and second letters of John. The context is certainly eschatological (paidia, eschate hora estin, vulg. filioli, novissima hora est, «children, it is the last hour»), and the term significantly appears also in the plural: «as you have heard that the antichrist is coming and now many have become antichrists.
This incipit introduces us to the next question… As Christian writers and, therefore, intrinsically metaphysical, we have the right but above all the duty to ask ourselves an uncomfortable question.
In other words, we have to ask ourselves if the murderous blizzard that is killing many Americans (60 so far, details in the news at the bottom of this article) these days is not a curse from God in response to the latest massive funding of arms for Ukraine’s war, provoked, desired and supported by NATO, which will lengthen the duration of the conflict, increase the suffering of the population, increase the spiral of hatred making peace increasingly difficult and will make the risk of an extension of the conflict also run to neighboring countries such as Poland (as foreseen in the NATO-EU CEPA plan but not only, we will see where in a future apocalyptic article…), and of an escalation in atomic warfare.
And more generally if it is a demonic tail-beat in bacchanalia for the multiple anti-Christian policies of the self-styled Catholic Biden…
Compared to the 45 million dollars with which the US president and Congress sponsored the sending of Patriot anti-missile systems and more to the pro-Nazi regime in Kiev, effectively becoming participants in the conflict, here is a storm of proportions devastating impact on North America.
Is it a sign of approaching the Apocalypse? Yes of course. Is it a punishment from God? Probably not… Is it Satan’s fury? Surely! Let’s see why…
I never bothered to trace Biden’s real ties to Freemasonry because his political works, as a servant of Barack Obama from 2009 onwards with a special mission for the coup in Kiev, and as a slave of the New World Order now, represent the punctual execution of the plan for the mass destruction of the world population through devastating tools such as pandemics built in the laboratory (from SARS 2003 to SARS-Cov-2) and wars in strategic and flammable areas of the globe.
But his excellent relationship with the Zionist Freemasons (heirs of the Ashkenazi political movement of the same name) of the B’nai B’rith lodge in Washington is already eloquent, who boasted of the moment of intimacy and honor experienced with the president during the traditional meeting for Christmas greetings to the White House…
This is why the culture of the POTUS (President Of The United States) is carved in the sign of a Catholic-Masonic aberration that as a Catholic has only the appearance of the whitewashed tombs of the Pharisees, while as a Masonic it expresses the battles for abortions, for transgenders who also wanted in his Government, for the military conflicts represented to global viewers by the mainstream media hired by the NWO as panaceas against the tyrannical injustices which later turned out to be, especially with the Covid-19 emergency, a poison of hyper totalitarianism bureaucratic in Chinese communist sauce.

This is why the term Great Reset promoted by the president of the World Economic Forum Klaus Schwab who praises the social system of the People’s Republic of China, should not be interpreted only as a functional strategy to make the gap between billionaires and their courtiers and acolytes unbridgeable, and the poor people or those who, above all because they are devoted to the spiritual cult of Jesus the Free Man, do not want to resign themselves to the triumph of the Empire of Darkness where plutocracy, technocracy, transhumanism and eugenics represent the Model of Humanity 3.0.
The Great Reset is the zeroing of Christians and Christianity, to begin with, and then move on to the gradual extermination of Buddhists, Islamics and authentic Orthodox Jews disliked by the Zionists who address the “policies” of Big Pharma, Weapons Lobby, Big Tech and the Media in historical complicity with the Western Freemasons and with some occasional accomplices such as the Muslim Brotherhood or the pseudo-Christian Lutherans may appear at this moment.
If he didn’t have his brain remotely controlled from Pentagon’s military agency Darpa Langley, Biden could well portray the re-incarnation of the evil Nelson Rockefeller, the first western governor to pass the law on the abortion and powerful US vice-president who began to sow the most poisonous weeds in God’s field alongside the good wheat.
The POTUS appears today as the beast available to carry the “soma” of the diabolical projects of Bill Gates, the Rockefeller Foundation and George Soros which begin with global immunization to arrive at eugenics through a global transhumanism in which idolatry to the Great Architect of The universe, forged by the sick minds of the Rothschild-sponsored Bavarian Illuminati with the red shield of the devil, completely supplants the one true God Revealed: revealed not by a single bloodthirsty prophet like that of the Koran copied from the Bible, but by dozens of patriarchs , kings, prophets, martyrs and saints who preceded and succeeded Jesus Christ, Crucified. Dead and Resurrected.
St. Pio’ Prophecy on Christians’ homelands, NWO Rockefeller’s Abortion law and Masons war
I wrote an anthropological, theological and demonological reflection on the Halloween massacre in Seoul in which I explained that, after the sacrifice of the Lamb, the Our Father and Almighty Jahwè, the theological entity of connection between true Jews and true Christians in the wake of the 10 Commandments, according to which abortionists like Biden are without justification for violating the 5th “Thou shalt not kill”, would no longer send the biblical punishments.
Free will was reconfirmed and exalted by the Gospel of Christ so as to induce the “hard hearts” of the Jews to remove all practical human justice with the death penalty: a very clear objective to the first Christian communities, clouded during the European political dominance of the Pontifical, moreover an indispensable and for a long time impregnable fortress of Christianity, and which has become one of the foundations of Western Christian culture which now, together with the so-called “democratic” wars of the New World Order, abortion and euthanasia has even found legal and “civil” legitimation ”.
This is why no divine condemnation should/could be fulfilled until the Parousia, the return of Jesus Christ to earth after the fulfillment of the enigmatic prophecies of the Apocalypse of St. John well summarized in a few lines from the Gospel of St. Luke in chapter 17.
It is disturbing both for the contents and for the evocative numerology of the day of the universal flood narrated in Genesis and mentioned by the Messiah:
20 Once, on being asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, Jesus replied, “The coming of the kingdom of God is not something that can be observed, 21 nor will people say, ‘Here it is,’ or ‘There it is,’ because the kingdom of God is in your midst.”[c]
22 Then he said to his disciples, “The time is coming when you will long to see one of the days of the Son of Man, but you will not see it. 23 People will tell you, ‘There he is!’ or ‘Here he is!’ Do not go running off after them. 24 For the Son of Man in his day[d] will be like the lightning, which flashes and lights up the sky from one end to the other. 25 But first he must suffer many things and be rejected by this generation.
26 “Just as it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be in the days of the Son of Man. 27 People were eating, drinking, marrying and being given in marriage up to the day Noah entered the ark. Then the flood came and destroyed them all.
28 “It was the same in the days of Lot. People were eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building. 29 But the day Lot left Sodom, fire and sulfur rained down from heaven and destroyed them all.
30 “It will be just like this on the day the Son of Man is revealed. 31 On that day no one who is on the housetop, with possessions inside, should go down to get them. Likewise, no one in the field should go back for anything. 32 Remember Lot’s wife! 33 Whoever tries to keep their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life will preserve it. 34 I tell you, on that night two people will be in one bed; one will be taken and the other left. 35 Two women will be grinding grain together; one will be taken and the other left.” [36] [e]
37 “Where, Lord?” they asked. He replied, “Where there is a dead body, there the vultures will gather.”
Before us, authoritative theological experts
such as the Patriarch of Moscow Kirill, head of the Russian Orthodox Church, and Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, Apostolic Nuncio emeritus of the Catholic Church in the USA, have often used the word APOCALYPSE, which means prophecy, associated with pandemic and war in Ukraine.
Also Father Livio Fanzaga, director of Radio Maria, a media created for the diffusion of Marian worship and the prophetic messages given by the Queen of Peace, the Our Lady (Gospa in Croatian), to the visionaries of Medjugorje (as already certified by the Catholic Church for the first 7 apparitions), has long referred to the last times of the planet in repeated catecheses on the apocalyptic visions of the Book of Saint John the Evangelist and Apostle.
Then Don Fanzaga became devoted to GOD Vaccine he lost his spiritual compass to the point of manifesting a fierce Russophobic hatred that hardly suits a priest.
This is why we, humble scribes of news and history in a Christian re-reading, just have to pull the strings by applying these “apocalyptic” filters to the strange coincidence of the shipment of other weapons to Ukraine from the White House, including the Patriot systems which have already provoked threats of strong reactions from the Kremlin, and the devastating blizzard that has hit the United States of America but also Canada, in the front row in support of Washington’s policies on the Ukrainian war, anti-Covid vaccines and transgender propaganda .
This natural calamity comes on top of the magnitude 6.4 earthquake that occurred on the northern coast of California, 12 km southwest of Ferndale (Humboldt County) which did not cause serious damage because it was located at a depth of about 16 km from the USGS Geophysical Institute.
Which recalls the seismic wakes that occurred in the Adriatic Sea in Italy after the recent reactivation of some submarine drills decided by the Government to deal with the increases in gas prices also accentuated by the war in Ukraine and by EU sanctions in a clear and grotesque example of a dog biting itself tail…
We read in the Book of Revelation (Rev 16:18):
And there were flashes of lightning, rumblings, peals of thunder, and a great earthquake such as there had never been since man was on the earth, so great was that earthquake.
Instead, the late exorcist Father Gabriele Amorth, quoted by us in the investigation into the massacre in South Korea, wrote:
«Celebrating Halloween is paying hosanna to the devil. Who, if adored, even if only for one night, thinks he has rights over the person. So let’s not be surprised if the world seems to be falling apart and if the studies of psychologists and psychiatrists are teeming with sleepless, vandal, agitated children and obsessed and depressed teenagers, potential suicides».
After having mentioned this unequivocal warning, we have highlighted a simple and evident corollary: if the evil one decides to boast his right and the person adheres to him with deliberate consent by refusing Faith in the protective Grace of God, he is exposed to a condition of “dis-grace ” in which he can more easily become a victim of a violent death.
“Do not share in the fruitless works of the darkness; rather denounce them” (Ephesians 5:11) is in fact the wise invitation that comes from another biblical passage.
If only celebrating Halloween represents a demonic danger, how much more serious can it be to violate the fifth commandment by promoting abortion and ignore the abomination that sodomy represents for the Bible?
It is not idle to recall that the President of the USA is required to swear by the Holy Bible as Biden himself did. Let us therefore recall the words of the Gospel of Saint Matthew: «on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness».
At this point we have all the premises necessary to develop a simple syllogism.
If Biden swears by the Bible but violates its foundations, in addition to exposing himself to the coming curse of God for the Apocalypse, he allows the devil, implicitly worshiped through the legitimization of an all-out war in Ukraine, fetal murders and LGBT propaganda at home which are even more serious than participation in the Halloween party, to claim a right not only on his own life but on that of all the Americans by whom he was elected and in whose name he swore. Also and above all on those members of Congress who vote for his measures…
Creepy, terrible, apocalyptic. But self-evident, lapalissian…
Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
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After deadly Buffalo blizzard, families scramble to find food and essentials
Families in western New York were scrambling to find food, medicine and other essentials Monday after a historic blizzard blocked roads and cut off electricity, forcing many major supermarkets and pharmacies to close.
In Buffalo, where at least 18 people have died, the two largest supermarket chains have been closed since Friday as the latest forecast called for another 6 to 12 inches of snow.
Death toll rises to at least 55 as freezing temperatures and heavy snow wallop swaths of U.S.
Extract by NBC News
A “once-in-a-lifetime” blizzard has killed at least 55 people in the United States, including 25 in western New York’s Erie County, officials said Monday.
The number of deaths from the monstrous storm was expected to grow as snow continued to blanket Erie County, leaving roads in many areas impassable, including the majority of Buffalo, County Executive Mark Poloncarz said at a news conference. “We can see sort of the light at the end of the tunnel, but this is not the end yet,” Poloncarz said. “We are not there.”
Snow was expected to fall in Erie County into Tuesday afternoon. Nationwide, temperatures plummeted, and huge snow drifts have trapped people inside their homes and snarled travel.
Stretching from the Great Lakes near Canada to the Rio Grande along the Mexican border, the storm has killed at least 55 people as of Monday morning, according to an NBC News tally. The deaths were recorded in 12 states: Colorado, Illinois, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri, Nebraska, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee and Wisconsin.
NATO’s COUP IN UKRAINE: THE GENESIS – 2. Obama, Soros, MI6 & Kyiv Security Forum
The medical examiner’s office in Erie County determined the 25 deaths there to be directly related to the blizzard, Poloncarz said.
The county executive said many died from heart problems while shoveling or snow blowing. Others were found dead inside their cars. At least one person in Niagara County died from carbon monoxide poisoning, he said.
At least 18 people died in Buffalo, Mayor Byron Brown said Monday afternoon.Some of those deaths are not included in Erie County’s official tally, Poloncarz said, adding that the county was working to confirm those.
The ferocity of the storm was unlike any the region has seen, Poloncarz said. The snow fell “with a vengeance,” he said. “It’s a generational storm,” he said, and the county has yet to begin assessing the “full toll.”
On Monday morning, a “band of heavy lake effect snow” in the Buffalo area was producing 2 to 3 inches of hourly snowfall, with accumulations reaching 6 to 12 inches and as much as 1 to 2 feet for Jefferson and northern Lewis counties, the National Weather Service said in its 6:43 a.m. bulletin.
More than 1 million without power across US amid winter storm
Extract by The Hill
More than 1 million people in the United States are without power as a strong winter storm has swept across the country, dropping temperatures well below freezing in many states.
A plurality of the outages are occurring in New England, where more than 500,000 customers were without power as of Friday evening, according to the power outage tracking website poweroutage.us. That includes almost 250,000 customers in Maine and more than 100,000 in New Hampshire.
More than 50,000 customers are without power in each of more than half a dozen states on the east coast, from New York and Massachusetts down to North Carolina. More than 10,000 customers are experiencing outages in each of a dozen other states.
The storm, which The Weather Channel is calling Winter Storm Elliott, also caused more than 8,000 flights to be canceled and 24,000 more to be delayed on Friday as one of the busiest holiday travel weekends gets underway, according to the flight-tracking website FlightAware.
The National Weather Service said on Friday that more than 200 million people were under a winter weather advisory or warning, making up about 60 percent of the U.S. population. Forecasters said the map showed one of the widest extents of winter weather warnings and advisories ever.
Archbishop Viganò: “War in Ukraine to Establish the Tyranny of the New World Order by Globalists”
Premillenial dispensationalism is a false eschatology that has damaged the mission of the Christian church more than any other false doctrine. The “worse things get the better because it will force Jesus’ return” is anti-biblical. Christians are called to build the Kingdom of God on earth, not sit back and hope Christ will rapture us out of our mortgage payments. We have been given all power in heaven and earth to institute the Kingdom and Jesus is not returning until we do. If things look bad, and they are not really any worse than before in history, it is because the church has been sitting on its hind end and doing nothing to stop Satan’s disciples from spreading death and misery all over the world. It is up to us to root the anti-Christs out of government and take over to the glory of God.
Matthew 13:29 ^
But he says, No, for fear that by chance while you take up the evil plants, you may be rooting up the grain with them.
Matteo 13:30 ^
Lasciate che ambedue crescano assieme fino alla mietitura; e al tempo della mietitura, io dirò ai mietitori: Cogliete prima le zizzanie, e legatele in fasci per bruciarle; ma il grano, raccoglietelo nel mio granaio.
Matthew 13:30 ^
Let them come up together till the getting in of the grain; and then I will say to the workers, Take up first the evil plants, and put them together for burning: but put the grain into my store-house.