ZELENSKY’s GASH AT CHRISTMAS TRUCE! Biden’s Neo-Nazi Rejects Putin and Kirill’s Gesture of Peace

ZELENSKY’s GASH AT CHRISTMAS TRUCE! Biden’s Neo-Nazi Rejects Putin and Kirill’s Gesture of Peace


In the cover image, two archive photos: an embrace between the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Kirill and Russian President Vladimir Putin and a young president Volodymyr Zelensky as he reviews the weapons supplied by the USA on October 23, 2019 (photo New York Times)

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio

All articles in Italian linked are available in English with simultaneous machine translation


If you were born a Zionist, i.e. an Ashkenazi Jew who knows very little if anything about the profound merciful values of the religion of Abraham, King David and the true Israelites, it becomes difficult to understand the meaning of Christian Christmas, whether it is Catholic or Orthodox. towards whom even the true devotees of Jahwè of Semitic descent have a mysterious respect…

That is why the Zionist ashkenazi Volodymyr Zelensky must frighten Ukraine and all Ukrainians before the rest of the world.

His refusal of a truce for the Russian and Ukrainian Orthodox Christmas (January 7), requested by the Patriarch of Moscow Kirill in the silence of his counterparts in Kiev (the autocephalous Church recognized by Constantinople and the one devoted to the Russian Patriarchate persecuted to make it surrender) and granted for 36 hours by Russian President Vladimir Putin, must induce good and conscientious souls to reflect…

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First of all because it does not reveal the feelings of a human being but simply the ferocity of a hitman, lavishly financed by the USA well before the start of the Russian military operation.

Indeed it was launched to stop the genocide in Donbass perpetrated by the full-blown neo-Nazis of the Azov Battalion trained by the CIA and by jihadists of the Sheikh Mansur Battalion raised by ISIS with the approval of Peter Poroshenko. The former Ukrainian president too moderate and respectful of the nation of Kiev to trigger the provocations necessary for a war with Moscow….

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Zelensky’s only military target is not an unwinnable war. If ever President Putin were to imitate what US President Harry Truman did with Japan with impunity and were to launch a small or large atomic bomb on Ukraine, there could be no energetic and/or relevant world reactions.

As Washington, London, Berlin and Brussels know very well that they are within range of the new Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missile capable of carrying over 10 nuclear warheads for hitting different targets hundreds of kilometers away (just to understand, a single missile can devastate Berlin, Brussels and Paris together).

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Until now Putin, precisely because he is a former KGB officer and expert in military tactics, has never launched a real devastating attack, as the Kremlin’s firepower would allow, for the simple reason that he does not want to conquer Ukraine as they also claim elderly Italian priest who say they are faithful to the Queen of Peace (Kraljica Mira in Medjugorie).

It has increasingly ramped up firepower in retaliation for Ukrainian terrorist actions. Previously, the Russian army only targeted military posts, but after the attack on the Kerk bridge and the brutal murder of Alexander Dugin’s daughter, the density of attacks in Moscow has noticeably increased.

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The new Tsar of Moscow, precisely because he is truly obsequious to Christian values but feeling legitimized by the hundreds of holy wars waged by the popes in history, sometimes fundamental for the survival of Christianity, has as his declared strategic objectives the demilitarization and de-Nazification of the regime of Kiev which was built by the US Central Intelligence Agency over decades of support for the Galician SS and right-wing extremists Stefan Bandera and, more recently, the 2014 coup by NATO countries.

Despite having a democratic appearance, the dictatorial government of Zelensky, capable of having a peace negotiator killed on the street without even denying the evidence, is only projected towards the objectives of fulfilling the war mandate given to him by US President Joseph Biden, former coordinator of every armament in Kiev when he was Barack Obama’s deputy.

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They are to devastate his own country to favor the reconstruction business of the European Union (and of the Italian ‘Ndrangheta which already operates in many countries of it) and finally to achieve the dirtiest, most sneaky and diabolical of objectives.

It is to have as many Ukrainians killed in the war against Russia as possible to demonstrate to the compliant media paid by George Soros, financier of the coups in Kiev, and Bill Gates, Obama-Biden megadonor but also puppeteer of NATO secretary general Jens Stoltenberg, to portray Putin to the world as the new Hitler.

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Although neo-Nazism lives in Kiev and in the heart of a criminal like Zelensky who pretends not to have the slightest knowledge of military negotiations.

Demands from Russia, provoked by a massacre among the pro-Russian people of Donbass until February 20, 2022 with 60 bombings before Putin’s declarations on the protection of the separatist republics despite hundreds of meetings to reaffirm the Minsk Agreements, the return of the regions that Putin decided to protect from systematic genocide.

In which even the Italian reporter Andrea Rocchelli was killed with a target shooting with grenades, of which no one remembers not to mention the acquittal (for legal quibbles) of the only Ukrainian paramilitary convicted in the first degree for voluntary homicide.

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Zelensky now claims to impose a truce on Orthodox Christmas day ONLY on the condition of the withdrawal of all Russian troops.

The neutral Swiss TV RSI reports: «Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has rejected the idea of a temporary truce with Russia, asserting that it would only make things worse. According to the head of state, Moscow would take advantage of a ceasefire to reinforce itself on a military level».

He said so in a recorded message released last night – Friday – during the security interaction forum in Halifax, Canada.

“A truly lasting and honest peace can only be the result of the complete dismantling of Russian aggression”, referring to the 1991 border restoration, i.e. of Ukrainian sovereignty over those territories that ended up in Russian hands.

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A few hours earlier, President Putin had ordered the Russian military to impose a 36-hour cessation of hostilities in Ukraine, Russia Today reported.

This came after the primate of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kirill, had called on both sides in the conflict to cease hostilities before and during the Orthodox Christmas holidays.


Also President Biden, according to The Hill, said Thursday that Russian President Vladimir Putin’s call for a temporary, Christmas cease-fire is an effort to “find some oxygen,” dismissing that the Kremlin is serious about finding an off ramp for its assault against Ukraine.

The president said he was “reluctant to respond to anything Putin says,”

«President Vladimir Putin has ordered the Russian military to impose a cessation in hostilities in Ukraine. Hours earlier, Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kirill, had called on both sides of the conflict to cease hostilities in the run-up to, and during, the Orthodox Christmas holiday» RT wrote.

1914: TREGUA DI NATALE AL FRONTE. Quando le Armate erano fatte di VERI Uomini CRISTIANI!

According to the Kremlin, the truce is to last from noon local time on Friday January 6 until midnight on Saturday January 7.

“Judging by the fact that a lot of citizens who practice the Orthodox religion live in the embattled area, we call upon the Ukrainian side to proclaim a cessation of hostilities and give them the opportunity to attend services on Christmas Eve and on Christmas Day,” a Kremlin statement reads.

“The statement of the Russian Orthodox Church on the” Christmas truce “is a cynical trap and an element of propaganda.” This was stated on twitter by Mikhailo Podolyak, adviser to the head of the Office of the Ukrainian president, after the proposal of the head of the Russian Orthodox Church. According to Podolyak, the Russian Orthodox Church “is not an authority on global Orthodoxy and acts only as a war propagandist”.

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For Zelensky’s adviser, the Russian Orthodox Church has called for the genocide of Ukrainians, encouraged massacres and pressed for even greater militarization of Russia.

He talks just like Hitler when he talked about the Jews…

Just like a hit man paid by one of the contemporary Antichrists like Biden would!

Obviously both Zelensky and Biden ignore the Medjugorje prophecy that Russia will glorify God against the increasingly neo-pagan as well as neo-Nazi and neo-Satanist West.

Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
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Fabio G.C. Carisio

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