DIABOLIK Capture. The Cosa Nostra Sicilian Boss’ Farce. Very Sick, Hidden in Several Bunkers but Free to go Shopping…

DIABOLIK Capture. The Cosa Nostra Sicilian Boss’ Farce. Very Sick, Hidden in Several Bunkers but Free to go Shopping…


by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio

Anniversary May 23, 1992 – 2023. Originally published on 2022 


The anti-mafia farce on the capture of Diabolik, the media nickname of the Sicilian boss Matteo Messina Denaro, now 60yo and fugitive since 30 years, it began to turn yellow-pink when it was discovered that he was able to go shopping alone in a supermarket of Campobello di Mazara, a town of 11,000 inhabitants, in his area of criminal control, despite he was one of the most wanted in the world.

Yellow for the secret political-mafia affairs committee that managed to protect the Trapani mobster of many massacres called U Siccu by the affiliates of Cosa Nostra who revered him as the last Sicilian “boss of bosses”, until he became so moribund that he needed continuous cancer therapy.

In fact, through Facebook, the legal manager of the Palermo clinic who was treating him harshly rejects any insinuation of complicity but invites “Andrea Bonafede”, alias of the arrested criminal, to repent by making it clear that he has only a few days left to live…

Pink because the mainstream triad between government, law enforcement and the media is building a soap opera saga by celebrating a probable surrender agreed by Diabolik with methods suitable for safeguarding the image of a man of honor, currently well far from the thought of repenting, and already announced by Salvatore Baiardo, at the time a trusted person of the boss, in November 2022.


In recent days we have collected a dossier that will allow us to write at least 2 other very interesting and disturbing investigations into the reasons for the inaction of the undisputed head of the Castelvetrano district in the province of Trapani, where the interests between politics, Freemasonry and the Mafia intersect so well that have the prison gates open after each blitz by the investigators for very serious episodes of corruption, as we wrote on 6 April 2019

Today, therefore, we limit ourselves to narrating the history of the most curious anomalies that occurred in Campobello di Mazara where the inhabitants’ fear of silence is not sufficient to justify the presence of no less than three hideouts and the intrigues with public officials, well-known Masons and mafia-speaking characters who, evidently, in recent years no one was adequately checking.

Perhaps also because whoever was trying to investigate seriously ended up under investigation first… But we’ll talk about this in the next investigation.

LA CATTURA DI DIABOLIK – 2. SISDE di Mori, Carabinieri e Finanzieri Bloccati per Anni dai PM nella Caccia al Latitante Mafioso Messina Denaro


On 16 January 2023, after almost thirty years on the run, Matteo Messina Denaro was arrested by the Carabinieri of the ROS (Special Operations Group) with the collaboration of the GIS (Special Intervention Group), in Via Domenico Lo Faso, near the La Maddalena private clinic in Palermo, in the San Lorenzo district. The boss was about to carry out a chemotherapy session under the false name of Andrea Bonafede. Messina Denaro did not resist at the time of his arrest and confessed his identity. The driver, Giovanni Luppino, also ended up in handcuffs on charges of aiding and abetting.

Matteo Messina Denaro, 60 years old, alias U Siccu, alias Diabolik

Immediately after his arrest, Messina Denaro was transferred on a military flight to Pescara airport and, from there, to the prison in L’Aquila, where he was subjected to the prison regime provided for by article 41-bis. The choice of this penitentiary is due to the presence of an oncological medicine department inside it and its proximity to Rome.

A week later, on 23 January, the ROS carabinieri arrested Andrea Bonafede, a 59-year-old surveyor from Campobello di Mazara, in Tre Fontane, on charges of mafia association for having lent his identity to Messina Denaro during his absence.


To best cover him up, his front man gave him, in addition to false documents, the apartment in which Messina Denaro spent his last period on the run and an Alfa Romeo Giulietta bought in the name of Bonafede’s mother. Given the considerations of the judge of Palermo, the whole story developed in 2020, given that on 13 November 2020 Messina Denaro was operated on for colon cancer at the Abele Ajello hospital in Mazara del Vallo presenting himself with the health card loaned by Bonafede, and the car used by him appears to have been purchased on 27 July 2020.

The Giulietta bought by the fugitive boss under the false name of Andrea Bonafede

The car purchased by Matteo Messina Denaro in a Palermo dealership was not paid for in cash, as had been leaked up to now, but in a tracked manner. Giovanni Tumminello, manager of the Alfa Romeo showroom where in January of last year the boss presented himself under the false identity of Andrea Bonafede, made it known in an interrogation conducted by the Carabinieri del Ros, to buy the Giulietta found in recent days in Campobello di Mazara in the garage belonging to the son of Giuseppe Luppino, the man arrested last Monday together with the Cosa Nostra boss.


Matteo Messina Denaro did his shopping like any citizen and with his trolley he went around one of the supermarkets in Campobello di Mazara, choosing foods and detergents. The Carabinieri have acquired the video surveillance images of the shop: further evidence that the mafia boss arrested on Monday lived in the hideout in vicolo San Vito purchased, on his behalf, by Andrea Bonafede, the surveyor who had lent him his identity .

In fact, a bag from the supermarket was found in the apartment the day after the blitz. And always in the hideout a receipt from the shop from a few days prior to the arrest would appear. Elements further confirmed by the images of the remote surveillance system of the car used by the mafia boss who immortalized Messina Denaro while he went out with the shopping.

The boss lived in the center, without particular coverage and without too much prudence. A sui generis fugitive, so far from the stereotypes we are used to, that it triggers many questions. The boss lived in Campobello di Mazara, a few kilometers from his hometown, Castelvetrano. Investigators discovered three hideouts, all a short distance from each other.

The map of the newspaper Il Mattino of Naples which describes the hiding places of Campobello and that of Torretta Granicola where he probably spent a few days at the beach on the splendid bay

In the first, where the boss currently lived, important documents were found. The same happened in the second hideout, a real bunker shelter: a sliding wooden wall behind a wardrobe allowed access to other hidden, armored rooms. Jewels, precious stones, but also important documents were found here by the Guardia di Finanza, which will now be examined by the investigators. And still empty boxes, a sign that probably some documents were taken away, it is not yet known whether before or after Messina Denaro’s arrest.


The property is owned by a former Campobello city councilor. In the third hideout the men of the Police went into action. But it was an entirely empty apartment and by now cleaned up, even already put up for sale. The owner has lived in Switzerland for forty years. The investigators traced back to this house thanks to the testimony of the person who moved, last June, from here to the apartment in via San Vito: the first hideout to be discovered, where the boss has certainly lived in the last six months, and where Riss men continue to work.

At the center of the investigations there are also a series of “transfers” – some abroad: in the United Kingdom, in South America and perhaps also in Greece – made in recent months by Andrea Bonafede (it is not known whether the real one or the super boss to whom he gave his identity) as evidenced by some airline tickets and hotel receipts.


«What these lairs will be able to reveal – or at least the first two – is still too early to say. Papers, notes, gadgets on the film “The Godfather”, letters, telephone numbers, will be able to take important steps in the investigations above all to discover the network of supporters who helped Messina Denaro during his inaction» highlights the reporter Francesca Cabibbo in a rich article on the CittàNuova website. They investigate the doctors who treated him.

Dr. Alfonso Tamburello, 70, is being investigated in the context of the operation that led to the arrest of the super fugitive and could be heard in the next few days by the Order of Trapani, where he is registered. Originally from Campobello di Mazara (Trapani), he was a general practitioner in his town for decades, before retiring last December.

The powerful Mason doctor Alfonso Tumbarello

He took care of Bonafede, both the real one, the surveyor who lent his name to Messina Denaro, and the fake one, or the boss captured on Monday morning after a 30-year fugitive. In addition to his former studio, the carabinieri searched the homes of Campobello and Tre Fontane. The doctor was also questioned.

“We immediately suspended Dr. Tumbarello because we immediately suspend anyone under investigation. He was dutiful”. Freemasonry’s Grand Master Stefano Bisi, at the helm of Goi, the Grand Orient of Italy, told Adnkronos after the decision to suspend Alfonso Tamburello, the “brother” Trapanese doctor investigated in the context of the investigation that led to Matteo’s arrest Messina Money. “The news of the investigation against him surprised me – underlines Bisi -, in any case Dr. Tumbarello is only under investigation for now and therefore he must be presumed innocent until definitively sentenced”.

Masonic Funds for Garibaldi’s Expedition, British Legion with Times’ Reporters & Mobsters Allied in Sicily

“As soon as I heard the name of the doctor, I leapt on my chair because Alfonso Tumbarello is no little person”, declares to the cameras of Report the magistrate Teresa Principato, who as a member of the Palermo DDA (he was deputy prosecutor among the 2009 and 2017) has been hunting the fugitive for years.

But it was hindered… We will see it in the next investigations into the wars between magistrates orbiting also around the sphere of the former member of the CSM Luca Palamara, disbarred from the judiciary for judicial corruption in the scandal, almost totally covered up, on spying on magistrates and on the recommended ones.

PALAMARA-GATE – 12. A GIUDIZIO L’EX PM. Assolto l’ex PG di Cassazione Fuzio: “Spiata Tenue”. Patteggia il Corruttore: ex ufficiale EI-NATO premiato dal Quirinale


On January 20, the hearing in the trial of boss Matteo Messina Denaro was postponed to March 9, accused of being the instigator of the massacres in Capaci and via D’Amelio (the lethal attacks in which died the anti-mafia judges Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino), which is celebrated in the Caltanissetta bunker hall. This was established by the president of the Court of Assizes of Caltanissetta, Maria Carmela Giannazzo, to allow the defender to be present.

Italian Judge Borsellino Assassination: 30 Years of Mafia Injustice through Misdirections inside the Masonic State

Messina Denaro has appointed his niece Lorenza Guttadauro as trusted defender. And the public defender Salvatore Baglio requested the granting of a term for the defense representing that the notification of the precautionary order to the defendant and the simultaneous appointment of the trusted lawyer had taken place at that time.

Meanwhile, the former super fugitive has given up being present by videoconference from the L’Aquila prison, where he is being held, due to his first chemotherapy session he underwent inside the penitentiary.

Just as predicted by his mafia friend Baiardo! Who foresaw the “arrest” of U Siccu in November 2022 knowing he was in need of constant and urgent care…

Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
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Fabio G.C. Carisio

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