Cybernetic Pandemic as Forecast by WEF! Massive Hacker Attack in EU and Us Detected by Italian Cybersecurity Agency

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
All articles in Italian linked into this post can be read in English thanks to the available simultaneous translation in English
A “massive hacker attack using a ransomware already in circulation” has been detected yesterday, on February, 5, 2023, by the Computer security incident response team Italy of the National Cybersecurity Agency,
The international warning confirms the sinister prophecy made by the 2023 Report on global risks presented by the World Economic Forum in Davos in which the danger of cyber attacks on a global scale was ranked eighth.
Gospa News, a few days ago, published an investigation into this alarm highlighting a possible connection between the outage of the Federal Aviation Administration’s NOTAM system with the stop of all civil flights in the US on 11 January, the blackout of the Libero and Virgilio Italian online services at the end of January and finally those of the ATMs on February 4, and of the international TIM network of yesterday, February 5.
Once again the prediction of the WEF, funded by Bill Gates, announced the cyber pandemic in a shamefully suspicious way as exercise 201 of October 2019 did for the Covid-19 emergency triggered by a SARS-Cov -2 built in the laboratory.
In fact, at the same annual meeting in Davos, it was touted the need for Blockchains, developed by collaborators of the World Economic Forum itself and financed by the Rothschilds for secure cryptocurrency transactions, for which Gates’ Microsoft has already developed microchips under the skin patented with the biblical number 666 of the Mark of the Beast…
But this time Gospa News sounded the alarm before the threat became a reality
The technicians of the Italian National Cybersecurity Agency have already surveyed “several dozen probably compromised national systems and alerted numerous subjects whose systems are exposed but not yet compromised”. However, it is explained, “there are still some exposed systems, not compromised, of which it has not been possible to trace the owner. These are called immediately to update their systems”.
Servers targeted
The “VMware ESXi servers” have been targeted, according to what the agency itself communicates, according to which the attack concerns “a few thousand compromised servers” from European countries such as France, the most affected country, Finland and Italy, up to the North America, Canada and the United States.
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Attack launched via a ransomware
According to experts, the attack was launched all over the world, including Italy, using ransomware, i.e. malware, “malicious software” that encrypts files on the victim’s computer, making them unreadable and no longer usable without a decryption key that is given by hackers only upon payment of a ransom. Usually for private individuals these are not impossible figures, between tens and hundreds of euros, which the victims usually pay in order not to lose the data. In the case of large organizations, companies or public bodies, the figures can be very high.
Ransomware and trojans
Ransomware is, in most cases, trojans spread via malicious or compromised websites, or via e-mail. They generally appear as seemingly harmless attachments, such as, for example, PDF files, coming from legitimate senders (institutional or private subjects). Their likelihood induces users to open the attachment, which contains as its subject wordings referring to invoices, bills, payment orders and other similar objects: once the file is opened, the ransomware enters the victim’s PC or phone and crypt.
Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
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