“Risk of Nuclear Armageddon”. Apocalyptic Forecasting on Ukraine War by President of Italian Bishops as the Moscow Patriarch did

“Risk of Nuclear Armageddon”. Apocalyptic Forecasting on Ukraine War by President of Italian Bishops as the Moscow Patriarch did


«I was concerned with how in the European Parliament a Resolution urging the opening of negotiations was rejected» Cardinal Zuppi said

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio


«Today the question of peace is posed in more alarming terms and with global consequences, up to the risk, never so close since the crisis in Cuba 60 years ago, of a nuclear Armageddon, possible result of the automatisms of cross-reactions, never interrupted by words different».

Thus said yesterday Cardinal Matteo Zuppi, Archbishop of Bologna and President of the Italian Episcopal Conference (CEI), on the occasion of the inauguration ceremony of the Academic Year of the Roma Tre University.

Armageddon is the name used in the Holy Bible in the Book of Revelation (Apocalypse) by Saint John the Apostle and Evangelist in chapter 16, 16 to indicate the place where the evil kings, allies of the Beast, will concentrate on the great day for the war against God.

Cardinale Matteo Zuppi, President of Italian Episcopal Conference

With different words he recalled the speech made by the head of the Russian Orthodox Church during his homily for the Epiphany (January 14 on the Christian calendar of Moscow).

According to Patriarch Kirill, the root of the problem is that some “madmen” believe that Russia, which “has powerful weapons and is populated by very strong people … who have never succumbed to the enemy and have always emerged victorious, can be defeated in the current circumstances”.

Nor would it be possible to “impose certain values on them that cannot even be called values, so that they are like everyone else and obey those who have the power to control most of the world,” he observed.

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«We pray to the Lord to enlighten those madmen and help them understand that any desire to destroy Russia will mean the end of the world», he added, reiterating the apocalyptic prophecies already made about Western morality in the first weeks of the start of the military operation special of the Moscow army for the protection of Donbass.

In much more diplomatic tones, without going into the merits of the forces at stake, the president of the Italian Episcopal Conference unwittingly expressed his concerns on the same morning in which Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the suspension of the nuclear treaty with the US during its annual Federal Assembly in Parliament with the main political and religious authorities of the country.

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A disturbing announcement that was initially almost ignored by the mainstream media all focused on war missions on behalf of Weapons Lobby by the Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni  in Kiev and the American president Joseph Biden from the Ukrainian to the Polish capital.

In fact, both reaffirmed their military support for Zelensky’s army without any conditions and “until the end”: as stated Italian PM who had appointed as Minister of Defense Guido Crosetto, former chairman of Italian Armaments Federation and Italian Defense corporation Leonardo ex adviser.

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«In essence, the alternative to war is politics – Zuppi said again – not the suppression of conflicts by crushing the other. It is their composition through dialogue. There is no peace without politics. Only politics creates a common framework, pushes away what divides and finds what unites, makes us more human. And politics knows and can use diplomacy and also the many ways to prepare the ground, create a favorable environment, mature the convergences that allow peace”.

«This is why I was concerned with how in the European Parliament a Resolution urging the opening of negotiations was rejected by 470 votes out of 630. It seemed to me like a sign of the renunciation of politics and the denial of a peace that is not only the victory of one side» added the president of the CEI.

The EU’s supply of arms to Ukraine was instead the subject of very strong protests from an Irish MEP who criticized in no uncertain terms the obstinacy of President Volodymyr Zelensky in bringing his people to slaughter by refusing any dialogue for peace and, during Orthodox Christmas, even for a temporary truce.

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«War – continued the cardinal – feeds on prejudices, ignorance, simplification, it is produced and produces a monoculture, rooted in an endless trail of pain and wrongs suffered by everyone. It is always a question of freeing consciences imprisoned by wrongs suffered and by the reasons for them, by rancor and hatred, unable to imagine and make peace, convinced of the impossibility of dialogue and negotiation. This then led to the belief that military victory was the only way out. This is also what happens today and always, with every war, even today in Ukraine, in Yemen, in South Sudan and everywhere else».

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In particular in tormented Syria which was bombed by Israel despite the tragedy of the earthquake. An act of criminal and merciless violence that makes it clear why the fear of the high Italian prelate about an imminent nuclear armageddon is absolutely founded.

Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
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Fabio G.C. Carisio