Biotechnology Monsters: After Chinese Twins with Altered DNA, here’s the British Newborn with 3 People’s Genetic Heritage

Introduction by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
According to Russian cleric Dimitri Smirnov test-tube babies are equivalent to “natural fascism,” and the “artificial creation of people.” The archpriest also quoted Yuri Altukhov, an academic from the Russian Academy of Sciences, who said that 20 percent of children born through IVF develop psychological problems.
Today it is the United Kingdom’s turn to enter the increasingly disarming challenge between biotechnology and bioethics by giving birth to a newborn with the genetic heritage of three people.
The Transhumanist Chinese Twins with the “Altered Brains”
In the spring of 4 years ago Gospa News published two investigative reports on the sensational story of the two Chinese baby girls whose DNA had been manipulated to make them resistant to the HIV virus.
In one we told the story of geneticist He Jiankui of the Southern University of Science and Technology in Shenzhen who was later convicted by the authorities for conducting such an experiment.
In the other we collected the opinions of scientists from all over the world on the dangers of neurocerebral alterations for two kids.
Despite this, the experts who developed the CRISP-Cas-9 genome editing technique were awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry and one of them even entered the Pontifical Academy of Sciences.
It is therefore no wonder that today the United Kingdom, suspected of having played a non-marginal role in the construction of chimeric laboratory viruses such as SARS-Cov-2, has given birth to a new monster that goes beyond the confines of bioethics before it even has time to wonder about it.
Just as the useless Covid-19 vaccine has also made children laboratory guinea pigs (in fact, there were no clinical trials on the risk of myocarditis among the youngest), now biotechnology is experimenting with all kinds of alterations on newborns with consequences that will only be known among decades
First ‘three-parent’ baby born in the UK
Originally published by Russia Today
A baby has been born with the DNA of three people for the first time in the UK, following the use of a pioneering form of in vitro fertilization (IVF) – sometimes referred to as a ‘test tube babies’ technique. The news has been confirmed by Britain’s fertility regulator, The Guardian newspaper reported on Tuesday.
The publication, which says it sourced the news through a freedom-of-information request, could not publish more specific data such as when the child was born and its current health status, for reasons of medical confidentiality.
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The procedure, which is known as mitochondrial donation treatment (MDT), combines tissues from the eggs of a female donor to create IVF embryos free from hereditary illnesses that would potentially be passed to a child during a conventional pregnancy.
These embryos are combined with sperm and eggs from the biological parents, with the resulting baby containing the DNA signatures of three people – its parents and the female donor. The biological parents contribute more than 99.8% of the baby’s DNA, which controls key characteristics such as personality, as well as eye and hair color. Around 37 genes can be directly traced to the donor.
“MDT offers families with severe inherited mitochondrial illness the possibility of a healthy child,”
Peter Thompson of the UK fertility regulator Human Fertilization and Embryology Authority (HFEA) told The Guardian. “These are still early days for MDT and the HFEA continues to review clinical and scientific developments.”
HFEA added in The Guardian report that “less than five” babies have so far been born using the procedure. The first known MDT birth occurred in the US in 2016.
In 2015, the UK became the first country to approve the use of MDT following a vote in the House of Commons. This came amid a fierce ethical debate led by some politicians and religious groups as to the ethics of green-lighting medical procedures which produce so-called “designer babies.” The procedure also gave rise to claims of babies being born with “three parents.” The first MDT cases were authorized in the UK in 2018.
Then-Prime Minister David Cameron addressed concerns at the time following the vote to approve the treatment, saying that “we’re not playing god here, we’re just making sure that two parents who want a healthy baby can have one.”
Originally published by Russia Today