The Scar of Zelensky & NWO on Peace. He Refuses the Pope’s Mediation with Russia thanks to the Arms promised by the Italian President

The Scar of Zelensky & NWO on Peace. He Refuses the Pope’s Mediation with Russia thanks to the Arms promised by the Italian President


On the cover image the Ukrainian president Zelensky during the meeting with Italian president Mattarella

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio


What a pity to see the Bishop of Rome, sovereign of the Vatican State, shaking hands and smiling at a neo-Nazi servant of NATO and Satan like the Zionist Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky who has expressed his intention to refuse any peace dialogue since first attitude.

At the meeting held yesterday, May 13, 2023, at the Holy See during his small march on Rome, the leader of Kiev presented himself making a sensational and eloquent disregard of all protocol: in fact he was wearing a black military shirt and not the classic jacket and necktie.

Pope Francis meets Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky

This military outfit already makes evident the first colossal lie uttered by Zelensky.

«For me it was an honor to meet His Holiness, but he knows my position, the war is in Ukraine and the plan must be Ukrainian. We are very interested in involving the Vatican in our formula for peace» he said during the interview with Bruno Vespa for the RAI 1 Tv broadcast “Porta a Porta”.

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The topics of the conversation between the Pope and Zelensky, which lasted about forty minutes, “refer to the humanitarian and political situation in Ukraine caused by the ongoing war. The Pope – Vatican spokesman Matteo Bruni reports – assured him of his constant prayers, witnessed by his many public appeals and continuous invocation to the Lord for peace, since February last year. Both agreed on the need to continue humanitarian efforts to support the population. The Pope underlined in particular the urgent need for ‘human gestures’ towards the most fragile people, innocent victims of the conflict”.

The memory of the lugubrious war prophecies of Our Lady of Fatima, whose anniversary was just yesterday, does not seem to have had the due weight as it did for John Paul II.

From Fatima to Ukraine. The Useless Lesson of Peace by Pope Wojtyla to Christians who want Weapons and War

«With all due respect to his Holiness, we don’t need mediators, we need a just peace. And we invite the Pope, like other leaders, to work for a just peace but first we have to do everything else », he added, underlining that there is no point in trying to involve Russia in a dialogue now. “You can’t mediate with Putin, no country in the world can do that,” he explained on TV.

It is not known whether the Pontiff addressed the thorny issue of the persecution of Orthodox religious devoted to the Patriarch of Moscow face-to-face with the Ukrainian president.

In recent weeks, in fact, Francis had launched a heartfelt appeal to respect freedom of faith and in response the Kiev regime has launched 61 criminal proceedings against priests of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, inventing conspiracy theories as the fascists did before during the Second World War World and then the Communist Italian Partisans in peacetime.

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Russia forcefully reported the issue to the United Nations amid the deafening silence of the West. This would be enough to make us understand how the compassionate attempt at mediation for peace proposed by the Bishop of Rome should have stopped even before starting at the mere sight of Zelensky’s military garb which strengthens the aid promised by Italy and NATO in tribute to the “New World Order” designed by George Soros since 1993.

«I’m not willing to talk to Putin, a petty leader who also kills his own people» the solution for Ukraine «is the counter-offensive: when we reach the border with Crimea, support for Putin within Russia will decrease and he will have to find a way out. Not long now».

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These statements came after the reassurances obtained from the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella who is also by right the Head of the Armed Forces but, according to the Italian Constitution, has no EXECUTIVE POWER being this responsibility of the government.

«I reconfirm Italy’s full support for Ukraine in terms of military, financial, humanitarian aid and reconstruction, in the short and long term. Not only the independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine are at stake, but also the freedom of peoples and the international order», the reassurance of the Italian head of state.

The Italian Head of State referred to an “International Order” which in fact was subverted by NATO itself in the Mediterranean Sea with the wars in Libya, Syria and the partisan intervention in the Balkans.

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He actually evoked that New World Order of which he had revealed himself as ambassador on February 3, 2022 during his inauguration speech as President of the Italian Republic for the second term in which he had announced the imminence of the inevitable war in Ukraine even before the start of the Russian military operation.

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The invasion, it should be remembered, was triggered by the umpteenth violation of the truce by the Ukrainian armed forces with a bombing of the Donbass which caused other civilian victims on February 20, 2022, or two days before Vladimir Putin’s declaration of protection of the pro-Russian Donetsk and Lugansk.

The latest listing of Rheinmetall shares recorded an increase of 47% on an annual basis

We recall that the militarization project of Eastern Europe and the borders with Russia, increased after the 2014 coup in Kiev financed by Soros and NATO countries, was carefully planned by the military leaders of NATO and the EU in the 2020 CEPA plan which was financed by the Weapons Lobby including the German Rheinmetall, participated by the BlackRock fund like the Italian Leonardo, which in 2023 increased the value of its shares by 47%.

An increase similar to that of many other war corporations

Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
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Fabio G.C. Carisio

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