Dirty Bombs might have been beside Depleted Uranium Ammo hit by Russian Missiles (New Footages).

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
Could there have been a nuclear detonation in the Ukrainian Khmelnitsky ammunition depot hit on May 13 by precision missiles launched by the Russian Air Force?
The response of three different experts is absolutely negative and debunks the hypothesis put forward by a new and occasional Veterans Today collaborator on the basis of his own personal opinions and without evidence or intelligence information.
«I read the article. I was surprised there was no evidence produced. The evidence must have a chain of custody and an analysis by a certified lab» wrote to me on the subject Bob Nichols, writer and Senior Editor of VT but also a great scholar of Depleted Uranium.
In the article Claudio Resta, specialized in historical research, hypothesized that the missiles hit not only depleted uranium munitions as declared by the Secretary of the Russian Security Council, Nikolai Patrushev, but also small nuclear warheads.
«So it was a less efficient, slowed down, delayed nuclear explosion, without the initial flash of white light yet complete in all its other effects. A nuclear core meltdown of the fissile fuel of an atomic bomb, small, but atomic, about 25 kilotons, according to my opinion» wrote Resta based on a simple intuition.
Logic, Pics & Experts Excluding an Atomic Explosion in Khmelnitsky
First of all, there is logic to refute his highly risky hypothesis.
If the Russians had nurtured the same convinction they would certainly have used it as a propaganda tool to denounce the dangerousness of Ukraine’s nuclear potential.
Another video of the detonation of an ammunition depot in Khmelnitsky. pic.twitter.com/5WfGXLdJFp
— Clash Report (@clashreport) May 13, 2023
If the Ukrainians had had small atomic warheads, which fortunately do not grow under trees like truffles but require a dangerous and expensive uranium enrichment process, as we will see in a forthcoming investigation, they certainly would not have kept them in a depot built without underground bunkers and close to the houses as shown in the photos.
Precisely the images published on Twitter in which we see that the mushroom of the explosion reaches an approximate height of 300 km equal to about 700 tons of exploded material (including explosives, casings and buildings) and not equal to 750,000 tons as many would have moved a 25 Kt nuclear detonation.
Iran’s revenge starts from Qom. Thanks to Fordow’s nuclear bunker plant
«In a ground-level nuclear explosion, about 5000 t of earth per kt of explosive yield are released into the atmosphere (Freiling, 1962) and, of that quantity, 180-200 t are fused (Izrael, 1973). From 1.5 to 25 t per kt are evaporated (Izrael, 1973)» we can read in the book Radioactive Fallout after Nuclear Explosions and Accidents.
Furthermore, the photos show that the buildings are all intact although only 20 meters away from the place devastated by Russian rockets which does not have any classic nuclear explosion crater but only 7 very small one.

Even there aren’t the typical rings of a mushroom cloud during a nuclear detonation
Therefore, excluding an atomic explosion, let’s try to understand what could have happened.
Why a so Big Explosion and a so High Radioactivity?
«It is possible that you are correct about it being more than DU. It was not a nuclear explosion of the level of 25kT in my opinion, but it may have been a partial prompt criticality of a nuclear warhead stored there» affirmed Chris Busby, physical chemist and scientific secretary of the European Committee on Radiation Risk.
Stored in an open air warehouse and not in a bunker? Very Strange…
«I have obtained Geiger Counter readings from a man in Gottingen Germany that detect a cloud giving 100uSv/h which passed his house over 3 hours on early morning of 17th May. This is serious radiation. He says the background outside his house is up by a factor of 3. I agree it is a cover up» Busby added.
«But there is so much noise in the reporting I am not going further with this without more information concluded
Even more peremptory Paolo Scampa, Italian-Frenc Expert in the ‘Nuclear Physics-N.B.C.R. Environment & Health’ research field, who wrote the report for Gospa News and Veteran Today
«I categorically rule out a 25 Kt atomic explosion on the grounds that the plume apparently did not rise several kilometers high. And because there was no blast wave that demolished the neighborhood. Just look at the result of the 21 Kt detonated in Nagasaki to understand that this was not the case! Even that on the spot many should have already died even if only because of environmental contamination unless they evacuated the entire city without saying anything».
Clever Hypothesis of the Dirty Bombs stored beside Depleted Uranium Ammo
Then Scampa added a very interesting hypothesis: « Since in addition to the Depleted Uranium there were “dirty bomb filth” or something else I can’t say or discount it. But if this is the case we are in very, very bad shape».
On October, 2022 Russian defence minister Sergei Shoigu told the UK’s defence secretary, Ben Wallace, in a phone call that he was “concerned about possible provocations by Kyiv involving the use of a dirty bomb”.
He also made similar comments to his opposite numbers in the US, France and Turkey, reported BBC. Russia has also made its claims to the United Nations Security Council and said using a dirty bomb would be an act of nuclear terrorism.
It is a bomb that contains waste of radioactive material, such as uranium, which is scattered through the air when its conventional explosive detonates.
Ukraine’s President, Volodymyr Zelensky accused Russia of being “the source of everything dirty that can be imagined in this war”.
But the hypothesis of the presence of dirty bombs beside Depleted Uranium projectiles supplied by UK to Kiev regime is an intelligence as disturbing explication behind the Khmelnitsky explosion.
Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
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