Italian & Mossad Spies Dead in Lake Major in “Mission Targeting Iran Weapons”. Haaretz Newspaper Wrote, recalling Other Israeli 007 arrested by Turkey

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
Until now we had given up writing about the fatal accident with the shipwreck of Italian and Israeli spies that took place on Lake Maggiore (Italy) because it was enveloped in mists much thicker than those that cover the waters of that pleasant spring and summer tourist resort in Northern Piedmont during winter.
The news had already been published by any newspaper and having nothing to add, precisely because as director of Gospa News I collaborate with the military geopolitical and intelligence site Veterans Today by developing delicate investigations on these topics especially in the field of bacteriological weapons, I preferred keep silent while waiting for some “lead” that could shed light on what happened.
Big News on Spies Fatal Accident in Italy
Now the news is really interesting and we think we’ll report it, naked and raw, as reported by the Israeli newspaper Haaretz with only a brief appendix on the international reactions between the countries involved.
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The agents of the Mossad in Jerusalem and those of the AISI and AISE (the internal and foreign Italian secret services) of Rome who were on the boat capsized due to bad weather were there to celebrate the conclusion of a mission against Iran. Ended since we don’t know…
What is certain is that there were 23 people on Claudio Carminati’s “Good…uria” vessel, although it was approved for only 15. From the outset, the hypothesis of an expedition by Israeli spies with the support of the Italians.
The secret agents were together with the skipper and his wife, Russian Anna Bozhkova, 50, one of the victims together with the Italian 007s Tiziana Barnobi and Claudio Alonzi, 53y-o and 62, and former Mossad Shimoni Erez, also 53. Anna had unlimited residence permit in Italy.
The investigations launched by the substitute prosecutor Massimo De Filippo are focused, for now, only on the massacre.
Italian newspaperCorriere della Sera instead tells of a mission for the security of Israel conducted in Piedmont and Lombardy together with Italian intelligence. The name is “anti-proliferation”.
It serves to prevent agents from other countries from appropriating machinery, technology and obviously weapons. In this case, the newspaper explains, the common adversary of the Italian and Israeli 007s is a country in the Middle East that is not named.
Now the Haaretz newspaper goes into detail, also recalling another intelligence operation by Turkey against Mossad operatives that took place a few days earlier in Istanbul….
Here is the full text,
Haaretz Report: Mossad Agent Who Drowned in Northern Italy Was Part of Mission Targeting Iranian Weapons
by Haaretz Editorial Staff
The Israeli Mossad agent who drowned in northern Italy alongside two other Italian intelligence officers was in the region as part of an operation against Iranian activity, Israeli Channel 12 News reported on Friday.

According to the report, the boat full of Israeli and Italian intelligence agents was actually a dinner celebrating the mission’s success, ending in a tragic motorboat accident which saw Erez Shimoni – the cover name given to the deceased – die while trying to save other drowning passengers.Shimoni was working in the area as part of an operation targeting Iranian non-conventional weapons capabilities, Channel 12 News reported.
On Wednesday, Israel reported that it was a former Mossad agent that died when the boat capsized in Lake Maggiore. “The Mossad lost a dear friend, a committed and professional employee who dedicated his life to the security of the State of Israel for decades, even after his retirement,” read a statement from the Prime Minister’s Office on behalf of the Mossad.

Two Italian intelligence agents and a Russian woman – part of the two-person crew – on the boat also died when the boat capsized in northern Italy. According to newspaper La Repubblica, ten more Israeli intelligence officers were also on board.
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