”Ukraine ready to pay West in People’s Organs for Military Assistance”. Russian diplomat said

”Ukraine ready to pay West in People’s Organs for Military Assistance”. Russian diplomat said


Introduction by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio


The incredible accusations launched by the Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova could cause confusion were it not that when she denounced the trafficking of human organs against the background of the war, it had already happened in Syria through the White Helmets, as emerged from journalistic inquiries and official complaints of the Russia to the UN.

This organization, officially called Syria Civil Defence, was financed by the USA and above all by the United Kingdom which called to train the self-styled rescuers, suspected of having collaborated with the Al Nusra jihadists in the chemical attack organized in Douma to blame Syrian president Bashar al-Assad, a former British soldier of MI6 counterintelligence, James Le Mesurier.

Human Organs’ Traffic in Syria ignored by UN: Sana and CBS videos on White Helmets, Al Qaeda & Turkey Crimes

The latter died suddenly along with his secrets when they fell from a terrace in Istanbul just as Turkey obtained NATO’s tacit consent to invade Kurdish-controlled Ropjava in northeastern Syria.

This is why it is wise to read very carefully when reported by the Kremlin diplomat who confirms an exclusive video published by Gospa News on children raised in Ukraine only for sexual slavery and organ harvesting.

It should also not be forgotten that Kiev’s army was supported both in the civil war in Donbass and in the subsequent one against Russia by jihadists trained in Syria.

On Aprile, 2022, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said that the notorious “White Helmets” organization is undoubtedly embroiled in Ukraine.

The Kiev Regime is turning country into a Global Hub of Human Organ Trafficking

by TASS – Russian News Agency

Ukraine is ready to trade the organs of its people for Western military assistance, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on the sidelines of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum on Thursday.

The diplomat said the Kiev regime is rapidly turning the country into a global hub of human organ trafficking.


“The Kiev regime is ready to pay anything for the military assistance it gets. It’s now even come to the human organs of its citizens. A time will probably come when Ukraine will understand the true reason why its pretend US and European friends cared about it. But that won’t be soon enough. Still, better later than never,” she said.

“They literally took a knife to the country, but it will be too late to complain. The patient has already signed consent for surgery. The relevant international organizations, with an art worthy of a better cause, are ignoring these obvious and criminal phenomena,” Zakharova said.

The diplomat said Western countries are the main beneficiaries of illicit transplantation practices in Ukraine.

“The scenario has been rehearsed in Yugoslavia. All organs that were removed from the people, who were killed then, went to cater to the needs of Westerners,” she said.

Thriving business

According to Zakharova, the business of illicit transplantation surgeries is thriving thanks to the high losses that Ukrainian forces suffer at the frontline.

“After relevant surgical procedures, the bodies are burned and the relatives are told that the serviceman is just missing. These dreadful machinations wouldn’t be possible without permission granted by the Kiev regime at the highest level. That’s because they are backed by legislation. The country has essentially become a honeypot for criminals. The money that illicit transplant operators are making in Ukraine is simply insane, and they aren’t going to stop,” the diplomat continued.

Ukraine has done a lot to streamline transplantation surgeries.

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“For example, on December 16, 2021, the Verkhovnaya Rada adopted Law 5831 On Regulating the Transplantation of Human Anatomical Materials. Under the law, a transplantation now doesn’t require a notarized consent from the living donor or his relatives. The procedure for organ removal from the deceased has also been significantly simplified, even if they didn’t give their consent for donating their organs post-mortem. That means it has been made legal by law, not just a fact on the ground,” she said.

“Not only government clinics, but also private clinics have been given the right to perform transplantations. Can you imagine a private clinic in Ukraine these days? On April 4, 2022 the Verkhovnaya Rada adopted Law 5610 On Amending the Tax Code. It exempted organ transplantation surgeries from the VAT. It’s not just about budget revenue, it’s about additional control,” Zakharova said.

Originally published by TASS Russian News Agency





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