Even Famous Actress Jane Birkin may have been Killed by Covid Vaccines. Brain Stroke after Third Jab

Even Famous Actress Jane Birkin may have been Killed by Covid Vaccines. Brain Stroke after Third Jab


by Carlo Domenico Cristofori


Even the super-diva of sexual liberalization of the 70s Jane Birkin, who passed away on 16 July last, may have been the victim of an adverse reaction to the Covid-19 vaccines for having lent too much faith to the recommendations on the efficacy and safety of mRNA gene serums which, just in recent days, have been sensationally denied by a latest study by the Estonian University of Tartu.

The question was raised with a post on Twitter by the French scientist Jean-Claude Perez, former collaborator of the late biologist Luc Montagnier with whom he wrote the research on manmade SARS-Cov-2 and then that on Killer Prions deriving from the toxic Spike protein of vaccines and capable of causing degenerative neurocerebral diseases in tragically rapid times.

A problem similar to that of the so-called “turbo-cancers” which both in the form of metastasis and leukemia have been detected by internationally renowned scientists.

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Well Jane Birkin was found lifeless in her home in Paris after suffering both pathologies that were related to the Covid vaccines both by research by the Istituto Superiore della Sanità in Rome and by the highest American health authorities CDC-FDA.

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«The actress and singer was 76 years old. Birkin had recently canceled concerts due to health reasons. In recent years she had been the victim of a slight stroke and she had fought against leukemia »wrote the Rolling Stones newspaper on the occasion of her death.

It should be remembered that, according to what has been ascertained by oncology experts, the genotoxicity and carcinogenicity of mRNA or messenger DNA gene serums has never been tested and therefore they have been associated with the reactivation of previous forms of leukemia.

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Moreover, the reasons for his death remain a mystery as the day after his death, Jane Birkin’s entourage revealed the causes of his disappearance to Agence France Presse. “The singer’s entourage clarified to AFP on Monday evening that her death was of natural cause,” journalist Jean-François Guyot revealed on his Twitter account.

According to various media reports she had developed cancer in 1998, she was then hospitalized for more than a year and a half for treatment. “It wasn’t a very painful cancer leukemia is a fairly common disease,” he said in 2019. In remission, his cancer returned in 2013. Each time, his three daughters, Kate Barry – who passed away in 2013 -, Charlotte and Lou were by his side.

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A few years later, just after her third dose of the vaccine, a stroke left her weak and her leukemia still seemed to lurk, though she said very little about it.

Then the singer would have been affected by a pathology called in English CVA (cerebral vascular accident).

It is one of the clinical names of Stroke, also known as cerebral vascular accident (CVA) or brain attack: it is an interruption of blood flow to the cells of the brain. When brain cells are deprived of oxygen, they die.


He explained to the Swiss newspaper La Mattino in January: “I’m fine. I’ve had Covid six times. It’s still amazing. […] Unfortunately I don’t have any immunity due to my leukemia I have to be more careful”. His last public appearance dates back to the Cesar ceremony on February 24th.

She was born in London in 1946, she found her fortune in France where she, together with the most famous chansonnier, Serge Gainsbourg, marked the pop culture of the 60s and 70s. In their ten years together the two collaborated both musically and filmically – the duet in the then controversial Je t’aime… moi non plus, taken from the 1976 film of the same name – was born, giving birth to Charlotte Gainsbourg in 1971.

Serge Gainsbourg and Jane Birkin

As an actress Jane Birkin has been directed, as well as by Gainsbourg, by Jean-Luc Godard, Agnès Varda, Michelangelo Antonioni, Alain Resnais, Patrice Leconte and many others in films such as The Pool, Blow-Up, Murder on the Nile, Kung-Fu Master, Take Care of Your Right…, The Grumpy Beauty, Jane B. par Agnès V.. As a singer she has released over a dozen albums between 1969 and 2020. In 1 984, the French fashion house Hermès has dedicated a bag to her, the Birkin Bag,

Carlo Domenico Cristofori
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Carlo Domenico Cristofori

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