“High Risks of Strokes after Covid Vaccines”. Journal Frontiers in Neurology confirms Alarm launched 6 months ago by Gospa News

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
All linked articles in Italian can be read in English with simultaneous machine translation available
The crucial problems associated with the new Covid gene serums based on experimental pharmacological biotechnologies are not only the concealments about the danger promoted by the scientific community that collaborates with the Big Pharma manufacturers of vaccines, as emerged in the striking case of the conflicts of interest of the current Italian Minister of Salute Orazio Schillaci, or the concealments made by Antony Fauci, under investigation in the USA but awarded by the University of Siena where he will be a consultant to the Biotechnopole directed by a manager of GSK, the London pharmaceutical company financed by Bill Gates and already promoted by the former Italian PM Matteo Renzi in Tuscany for the 10 mandatory vaccines on children.
One of the knots that come late to the comb is the disruptive scope of some scientific studies that take months to be processed, reviewed and published by scientific journals.
Is it ever possible that Gospa News raised the alarm in February 2023 on the boom in strokes among vaccinated people subsequently infected with alleged Covid-breakthrough infections by publishing the study conducted by Emory University in Atlanta in Georgia (USA) and the reliability and the importance of the same research was confirmed trough the publication by Frontiers in Neurology only on June, 28?
«Because the COVID-19 vaccines load the body with the genetic code for the thrombogenic and lethal Wuhan Spike protein, those who take a vaccine are vulnerable to a catastrophe if they get infected with SARS-CoV-2 after recently taking one of the shots».
The famous American cardiologist Peter McCullough thus commented on the study by Professor Fadi Nahab of the Departments of Neurology and Pediatrics of Emory University to which we had dedicated ample prominence 6 months ago.
«Nahab and coworkers from Emory analyzed a statewide database of COVID-19 vaccine recipients. Approximately 5 million adult Georgians received at least one COVID-19 vaccine between December 2020 and March 2022: 54% received BNT162b2, 41% received mRNA-1273, and 5% received Ad26.COV2.S. Those with concurrent COVID-19 infection within 21 days post-vaccination had an increased risk of ischemic (OR = 8.00, 95% CI: 4.18, 15.31) and hemorrhagic stroke (OR =5.23, 95% CI: 1.11, 24.64)» writes McCullough in his Substack citing the study abstract.
The details of the research can be read in the previous article. Now let’s see the considerations following the publication.
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«This analysis shows one of many great dangers present in rapid vaccine development and rollout without sufficient data safety and monitoring. Stroke is a devastating outcome and it appears that a large number of debilitating cases could have been avoided if the COVID-19 vaccines were taken off the market in January, 2021 for excess mortality. The patients in this study would have been spared stroke and disability» adds the American cardiologist, noting the importance of the study previewed by Gospa News.
Very true! But how many strokes could have been avoided if the study had been reviewed and published months ago in the prestigious journal and then in PUBMED, the scientific library of the American National Institute of Health who took it back??
This is not only a legitimate but also a dutiful question given that the research on killer Prions triggered by the Spike protein of Covid vaccines conducted by the late biologist Luc Montagnier and published posthumously by his fellow scientists Jean-Claude Perez, biomathematician of the Foundation named after the deceased scientist, and Claire Moret-Chalmin, a neurologist at the same institution, was rejected a few times before finding the honor of peer-reviewed publication in the Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research in Dallas, USA.
This research also highlighted the overt correlation between mRNA gene serums and very serious rapidly degenerating neurocerebral pathologies. While it was an alarm from the CDC and the FDA that signaled the risk of cerebral ischemia for the vaccinated.
The conclusions of the Emory University Hospital, correlating a high risk of stroke with the circumstance of contracting Covid after the vaccines, take on further seriousness if cross-referenced with the research of the University Hospital of Tartu (Estonia) which through an analysis out of over 300,000 cases it has proven the greatest risk for vaccinated people of being infected with SARS-Cov-2 symptomatically and being hospitalized.
The vaccine-Covid-Stroke association therefore becomes a real nightmare ignored only by the political and health system intrigued with the billions of dollars of Big Pharma in another type of association: the one for criminals!
Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
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