Devil’s Israeli Killers strike again Syria. Multiple Soldiers Murdered

Devil’s Israeli Killers strike again Syria. Multiple Soldiers Murdered


In the cover image the devilish international unpunished killer Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli PM 

Syrian air defenses have been activated to intercept a volley of “hostile” projectiles in the vicinity of the country’s capital Damascus, the Syrian Arab News Agency reported early Monday morning.

Multiple explosions were heard in Damascus shortly after 2:20am, as at least one bright flash illuminated the skies according to an unverified video making rounds online.

“The Israeli enemy carried out an air attack from the direction of the occupied Golan Heights, targeting some points in the vicinity of the city of Damascus,” a military source told SANA.

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Syrian air defenses allegedly brought down most of the projectiles, but the attack still “led to the death of four soldiers and the wounding of four others,” in addition to “limited material losses.”

Syria’s capital, as well as other locations across the country, routinely come under mysterious missile strikes. The most recent strike on Damascus was in mid July, injuring two Syrian soldiers. The Syrian government and the Russian military present in the country often attribute such attacks to Israel.

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The Israel Defense Force does not comment on such attacks, in line with its longstanding policy of not discussing operations conducted outside the country.

On the rare occasions the IDF aknowledges the strikes, they claim to be hitting Iranian and Hezbollah targets in pre-emptive self-defense operations against Tehran’s growing influence in Syria. Damascus has repeatedly protested the raids as a violation of Syrian sovereignty and international law, to little effect.

Originally published by Russia Today

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