Bus Crash: Massacre in Italy! Alleged Sudden Illness of the Vaccinated Driver (VIDEO)

Bus Crash: Massacre in Italy! Alleged Sudden Illness of the Vaccinated Driver (VIDEO)


by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio


A tour bus veered off the road while crossing an overpass in Mestre – a borough of Venice, Italy – on Tuesday evening, resulting in dozens of fatalities and injuries.

The bus was carrying a group of tourists to a local compound when the incident took place. The vehicle fell around 15 meters into electricity lines and caught fire before ending up on the railway tracks, local media reported.

Venice Mayor Luigi Brugnaro published a photo from the scene on X (formerly Twitter), which showed some of the wreckage still partially engulfed in thick gray smoke. The vehicle appeared to have turned over, with one of the sides almost completely smashed.

“It’s an apocalyptic scene. I am speechless,” Brugnaro wrote in his post. “There are at least 20 dead, but some people are still trapped in the wreckage,” he told Rai News 24.


According to the state news outlet, at least 21 people died at the scene, 18 more were injured, and five are in critical condition. Among the 15 injured, 11 have already been identified: 4 Ukrainians, 1 German, 1 French, 1 Croatian, 2 Spaniards and 2 Austrians.

The bus was returning to the “Hu” campsite in Marghera where the tourists were staying.

The Sudden Collapse of the Bus Driver among Hypothetical Causes

Among the main hypothetical causes of the disastrous accident

which occurred at approximately 7.45pm on Tuesday 3 October there is the sudden illness of the driver (also dead) who had just got on duty (90 minutes earlier) and therefore could not have been tired.

A collapse that could be related to Covid vaccines, as unfortunately happened all over the world also for expert airline pilots, whom he hired to work.

Furthermore, according to a firefighter, the situation would have been aggravated by the fire started by the electric bus, as happened a year ago in Paris when this type of vehicle was withdrawn from the metro lines.

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“On the one hand we have the issue of recognizing the victims, on the other that of taking care of the patients. In Padua we have a badly burned three-year-old girl, so we are worried.” The president of the Veneto Region Luca Zaia said this outside the Mestre hospital.

“Everything points to a sudden collapse, but it is prudent not to make hypotheses and to use the conditional”, he specified regarding the accident. “Technical failure or other factors are not known to us today. We are also awaiting the work of the judiciary and the technicians to understand the dynamics” added Zaia.


On social media there is a lot of information on the professionalism of the dead driver Alberto Rizzotto, 40 years old, from Tezze di Piave in the province of Treviso but above all on the fact that his illness could have been related to the three doses of Covid vaccines that he would have inoculated in order to be able to work (more details about in the Italian Version article).

The Flames Unleashed by the Batteries of the Electric Bus

The chief prosecutor of Venice Bruno Cherchi opened an investigation by ordering a medico-legal activity and the acquisition of the vehicle’s black boxes. But he admitted that “at present we are not able to make a precise reconstruction of the events”.

The magistrate opened a case for multiple road homicides and ordered the first seizures.

The prosecutor declared to the newspapers: “The people we were able to speak to confirmed that there was no contact on the left, but only the one on the right with the guardrail, which was ordered to be seized, together with the bus and to lithium batteries.” Batteries from which some flames emerged after the flight from the overpass, “although not a real fire”

The bus on fire

In the Mestre accident “it was not a guardrail problem”. Thus the Vice President of the Council and Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, Matteo Salvini, at the event for the 20th anniversary of Sky.

“It is too early to comment – added the minister – someone tells me that electric batteries catch fire faster than other forms of power and at a time when it is said that everything must be electric, food for thought is the case for to do it”.

According to a firefighter interviewed by Local Team, the situation was complicated by the fire generated by the electric batteries and one of the first rescuers, a worker from Gambia who works in Mestre, pulled an “all burnt” child from the sheets of the bus.

In April 2022, after mysterious fires occurred on buses on the Paris metro lines, the French capital’s transport company decided to temporarily withdraw its 149 electric vehicles from circulation, which represented a third of the city’s fleet.

Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
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Fabio G.C. Carisio

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