Gaza: SATAN’S HOLOCAUST. No More Words, Images are Enough! A Minute of Silence to Pray. WARNING! Chilling Video
No other words are needed to describe the hell created on earth by Benjamin Netanyahu’s Zionist regime.
We publish this chilling video shot in a hospital in Gaza about Satan’s Holocaust committed against innocent Palestinian children but WE DO NOT RECOMMEND SENSITIVE PEOPLE WATCHING IT
We ask for a minute of silence to pray to the Almighty God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Virgin Mary.
Below are links to previous investigations into the genocide of Palestinians in Gaza.
Putin: “Innocent Children Annihilated: Gaza Horror can’t be Justified”
“EU is Becoming Complicit in Genocide of Netanyahu War Criminal”. Spanish Minister Blames
Biden is a Catholic. Where is the outrage from the Pope?
We wrote about in Italian only but you can read in English with machine translation clicking on the flags and choosing the right language
Bidden is a pretendet catholic, very corrupt Via Hunter & Burisma, and in the same way as Obama bush, Clinton and so many other US Presidents a Warcriminal in the 1st Degree!
The British Empire and their spawn never should have sunk so deep to control the region or anywhere else