WEAPONS LOBBY – 12. Former UK PM BoJo Hired by US-NATO-EU Think-Tank which Triggered Ukraine War

WEAPONS LOBBY – 12. Former UK PM BoJo Hired by US-NATO-EU Think-Tank which Triggered Ukraine War


The former Tory PM was hired by the US-based think-tank CEPA

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio


As in the most daring and grotesque fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm, thanks to the infinite Revolving Doors that make the private managers of the Weapons Lobby leap into politics and vice versa, even Boris Johnson, ousted as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, now finds himself hired with an excellent salary a Washington Think-Tank so powerful that it planned the militarization of Eastern Europe in 2020, in the period in which everyone was distracted by the pandemic emergency, thus dropping the classic straw that broke the camel of Russia’s patience on the question of Ukraine and the intermittent Civil War in Donbass.

Putin: “Kiev unleashed War in 2014 after a Bloody Coup, Russia had right to help Donbass under UN Charter”

As Russia Today announced a few days ago (article below), the disheveled giant BoJo was recruited by CEPA, Center for European Policy Analysis, an incubator of “political” projects managed by international affairs scholars, such as the CEO of the Executive Office, Alina Polyakova , Donald Marron Senior Fellow at the Henry A. Kissinger Center for Global Affairs in Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), or Chairman of the Board Larry Hirsch, who leads Highlander Partners, L.P., a privately held equity specialized in investments in the United States and Central Europe, and has been a manager of Texan companies in the construction or oil sector.

But behind the cloak of geopolitical and economic analysis the organization also prepares programs of effective military actions

A retired US General as Leader of Plan to Militarize Eastern Europe 

In fact, it relies on the consultancy of the former American general of NATO, Ben Hodges,

organizes meetings with the commanders of all the most strategic bases of the Atlantic Alliance in Europe, interfaces with the officials of the European Defense Agency and with the Ministers with delegation in most challenging matter in the EU.

But, above all, it is financed by the usual industrial multinationals of the Weapons Lobby.

The Rockefellers’ Unpunished Holocausts. Atomic Bombs, Abortions, Depopulation with Manmade SARS-Cov-2 Pandemic and Gates’ Vaccines

Until November 2021 we had no idea of the existence of this think-tank which appears to be a structure similar to the Council of Foreign Relations developed and controlled by the Rockefellers to influence the US Department of Defense (as it did with Harry Truman in inducing him to dropping atomic bombs on Japan).

Since the European Union does not yet have an autonomous army, CEPA relates primarily with NATO and the Warlords and then transfers guidelines and advice to the EU bureaucrats and Ministries of Defense of each nation which in some cases are transformed into operational directives, as happened for the plan to militarize Eastern Europe with continuous exercises in Poland (and elsewhere) drawn up by former general Hodges, former commander of the United States Army in Europe.

WEAPONS LOBBY – 5. NWO’s Warfare Plan against Russia and Counter-Information. CEPA Project from Washington with NATO-EU & Defense Corporations

We are summarizing, deliberately without details, the 2020 CEPA Plan after which tensions began between Russian President Vladimir Putin and the secretary general of the Atlantic Alliance Jens Stoltenberg, a trusted man of Bill Gates and as such already director of the NGO Gavi Alliance for the global immunization that the Microsoft tycoon presented way back in 1999 at Villa Serbelloni, in the Rockefeller Congress Center in Bellagio, on Lake Como.

WEAPONS LOBBY – 7. NATO-GATES International Military Intrigue in Turin. To Develop AI and Aerospace Technologies In DIANA Project

Those who wonder what the emperor of vaccines Bill III has to do with it should read the Weapons Lobby 9 and 7 reports which clearly highlight Microsoft’s role in artificial intelligence projects in the military field developed with various NATO projects, including the DIANA initiative in Turin,

Our investigations also highlighted the common denominator that American financiers, mostly Zionists, represent for armaments corporations and Big Pharma as they speculate on both.

WUHAN-GATES – 62. MANMADE SARS-Cov-2 FOR GOLDEN VACCINES: Metabiota, CIA, Biden, Gates, Rockefeller intrigued in Ukraine, China and Italy

Some Ukrainians recruited by CEPA to work against the Kremlin

Boris Johnson’s assignment is a reward to him and the United Kingdom for the support provided to the US strategies to strengthen Kiev’s army after the 2014 Maidan coup, prepared with the training of young revolutionaries and the new political class by the intelligence experts of the British military counter-espionage MI6.

The profile of CEPA was in fact built in an antagonistic way towards Russia and for this reason it included important figures with experience in Ukraine.

NATO’s COUP IN UKRAINE: THE GENESIS – 2. Obama, Soros, MI6 & Kyiv Security Forum

The Senior Vice President, Operations and External Affairs Geysha González led the Center’s work on Kremlin disinformation campaigns, including designing the annual Global Strategic Communications Forum (StratCom DC), #DisinfoWeek Europe, the 2019 Ukraine Election Task Force, and co-founding DisinfoPortal.org, a network of experts from the U.S. and Europe focused on counter-disinformation efforts.

Elina Beketova is an in-residence fellow with the Democracy Fellowship program and worked as a journalist, editor, and TV-anchor for different news stations in Kharkiv and Kyiv, Ukraine. Now contributes to the translator’s team of Ukrainska Pravda, the biggest Ukrainian online newspaper.

The other NATO VIPs in the Shady Revolving Doors of the Weapons Lobby

But the recruitment of the former tenant of 10 Downing Street also represents London’s official entry into the CEPA project, where relations with the English were previously reduced to the only significant presence of the Director of Democratic Resilience Sam Green, Professor of Russian Politics at King’s College London and for 10 years director of the King’s Russia Institute.

WEAPONS LOBBY – 8. American Armaments Sales in Europe Booming thanks to the War in Ukraine: “US Colony after Nato Coup”

An opposite move by Johnson, in these revolving doors full of shady conflicts of interest, was instead made in Italy by the former president of AIAD (Italian Companies for Aerospace, Defense and Security) Guido Crosetto, former consultant of the Italian armaments multinational Leonardo spa, who became Minister of Defense of the Meloni Italian Government despite the controversy due to the obvious conflict of interests.

While in the USA, former general Lloyd Austin, previously a consultant to the Raytheon industry which is one of the sponsors of CEPA, became Secretary of the Department of Defense.

“Biden took bribes”. Ex-Ukrainian Chief Prosecutor accuses Father and Son for Burisma’s Affairs in Donbass

In light of all these intrigues in a think-tank created specifically to plan preventive military actions and financed by the Weapons Lobby industries, why be surprised that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is supported by various statesmen, such as the Head of State of the Italian Republic Sergio Mattarella (shadow administrator of Leonardo Spa) and the American president Joseph Biden, in rejecting any proposal for peace or truce for an all-out war?

Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
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Boris Johnson gets Job with Arms industry-funded pro-NATO Lobbyists

Britain’s former prime minister Boris Johnson has been hired by the Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA), a Washington, DC think-tank notoriously bankrolled by the US government, NATO and Western military contractors.

Johnson will be a member of CEPA’s International Leadership Council, described as “a high-level advisory group,” the think-tank announced this week.

According to CEPA’s head Alina Polyakova, Johnson’s “commitment to Ukraine’s victory”makes him an “invaluable addition to this distinguished group of thought leaders,” at what she described as a “pivotal moment for the transatlantic alliance.”

“US Military-Industrial Complex Wants War in Ukraine” Gabbard told. As the Nightmare of CEPA’s Plan

Johnson himself issued a statement about the move, calling the “transatlantic bond” more important than ever, “not just for the freedom and independence of Ukraine but for freedom across the world.”

CEPA describes itself as a “nonprofit, nonpartisan, public policy institution” that is “focused on strengthening the transatlantic alliance.” Among its fellows and experts are former Economist editor and anti-RT crusader Edward Lucas; former US envoy for Ukraine Kurt Volker; and former Estonian president Toomas Hendrik Ilves.

The think-tank’s own website lists among its major supporters military-industrial complex companies such as BAE Systems, Lockheed Martin and Leonardo, as well as NATO, the US State Department and the US European Command.

WEAPONS LOBBY – 11. Huge Profits by NATO’s Firms thanks to the Ukraine Devastating War against Peace. US Approval to Supply F-16

Johnson has been one of the loudest champions of Kiev in the West, infamously torpedoing the peace talks between Ukraine and Russia in April 2022. According to Ukrainian media, Johnson made a surprise visit to Kiev and informed the government that it would lose all support from the West if it made peace with Moscow.

read more: US lobby-group’s ‘Kremlin researcher’ falls victim to satire

Just three months later, in July, Johnson faced a cabinet revolt over appointing a party official accused of sexual misconduct. He announced his resignation as prime minister and stepped down in September 2022.

WW3 Nightmare: British Defense Chief wants to send UK Troops to Ukraine

In June this year, Johnson also resigned as the member of Parliament for Uxbridge & South Ruislip, a post he’d held since 2015, citing the parliamentary investigation into the so-called Partygate scandal related to misconduct during the Covid-19 lockdowns. His next public appearance was a trip to Ukraine in September, where he was received by President Vladimir Zelensky and granted an honorary doctorate from the Lviv National University.

read more: ‘I am still a Russophile,’ ex-UK PM tells Ukrainian media

originally published by Russia Today

All links to previous Gospa News investigations have been added aftermath, for the ties with the topics highlighted 

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WaPo: “CIA has spent Tens of Millions on Ukrainian Intelligence Agencies”

CIA-GATE – 4. Bulgarian Tea Party: How US Intelligence Supplies Ukraine with White Phosphorus Bombs

WW3 Nightmare: British Defense Chief wants to send UK Troops to Ukraine

WEAPONS LOBBY – 9. Norges Bank: Dirty Affairs of War among Stoltenberg, Gates, Nato & Italy. Oslo Business on Leopard Tanks for Ukraine

NATO’s COUP IN UKRAINE: THE GENESIS – 3. Kiev Court sentenced Four Cops, ignoring the Plot of Shady Snipers

MELONI E CROSETTO NELLA CORTE DEI ROCKEFELLER. Lei nell’Aspen, lui nello IAI: partner di Think-Tank USA Covo di Lobby Armi & Big Pharma

Zionist Lobby – 1. Singer (Elliott) & Fink (BlackRock) within Gates-Soros in Covid Big Pharma’s Business(GSK & Gilead)


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Fabio G.C. Carisio

Un pensiero su “WEAPONS LOBBY – 12. Former UK PM BoJo Hired by US-NATO-EU Think-Tank which Triggered Ukraine War

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