“New Jeffrey Epstein Autopsy Photo proves he didn’t Kill Himself” his Brother said. Warning: Chilling Photo

“New Jeffrey Epstein Autopsy Photo proves he didn’t Kill Himself” his Brother said. Warning: Chilling Photo


The brother of Jeffrey Epstein has revealed a previously unreported autopsy photo, arguing that it proves the convicted child-sex trafficker couldn’t have committed suicide in his jail cell.

Mark Epstein discussed the photo and other evidence in an interview on Friday with US podcast host Megan Kelly.

The graphic picture shows a large red scar across the middle of the deceased pedophile’s neck, which his brother said was inconsistent with reports by authorities that he hung himself in his New York City jail cell.

The large red scar across the middle of the deceased pedophile’s neck

If Jeffrey Epstein had been found hanging from the upper bunk, as reported, ligature marks should have gone up under his chin and behind his ears, his brother said. “From that picture, the ligature mark on his neck is more in the middle of his neck and sort of goes straight back,” he said. “In a hanging, it goes really high up in the front of the neck because you sink down into that noose.”

Jeffrey Epstein was found dead inside his cell at New York’s Metropolitan Correctional Center in 2019, while awaiting trial on sex-trafficking charges. His death was ruled a suicide by the city’s chief medical examiner.

A doctor hired by Epstein’s family who was present for the autopsy claimed that some of the evidence, including multiple neck fractures, suggested that he was murdered.

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Doubts cast on the official findings stoked speculation that Epstein was killed to prevent possible exposure of the rich and politically powerful people on his client list. Previously sealed court documents from a case involving one of the pedophile’s alleged victims were released last month but didn’t contain any of the bombshell information that some observers expected.

Mark Epstein has speculated that another inmate in the section of the jail where his brother was held killed him. The camera in that section wasn’t working on the night of Epstein’s death, according to government authorities, who have refused to release footage from a camera outside the wing or to disclose the identities of the other inmates.

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“All I got from them, for every question I asked, was, ‘After a thorough investigation, we determined it was a suicide,’” Mark Epstein said. “That was the answer I got to every question.” He claimed that normal investigative practices weren’t followed, such as leaving the body in place until the medical examiner arrived.

Mark Epstein also raised questions about an autopsy photo of his brother’s legs, which didn’t have lividity marks, contrary to official claims about his body position. “If he was hanging the way they said, there would be evidence of lividity in his legs and buttocks,” he said.

Read more – Pedo island: The corrupt system that created Jeffrey Epstein survives his downfall

READ MORE: Epstein docs reveal high-level complicity

Originally published by Russia Today

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2 pensieri su ““New Jeffrey Epstein Autopsy Photo proves he didn’t Kill Himself” his Brother said. Warning: Chilling Photo

  1. Epstein was convicted of solicitation of a minor. Translated, that means he was convicted of hiring an underage prostitute. Paedophila refers to an obsession with pre-pubescent children of either sex. Epstein was a pimp. There is no evidence he was ever involved with prepubescent children. While there would likely have been some coercion in convincing his “victims” to prostitute themselves, the overwhelming majority of teenage girls know what prostitution is. I am not “defending” Epstein, he deserved to be arrested – for being a pimp. There are thousands of other pimps in large US cities running underage prostitutes, including pre-pubescent ones, who, unlike Epstein’s “stable” cannot walk away and are drug addicts. Referring to Epstein as a “pedophile” belittles the prepubescent victims of real pedophiles.

  2. Jeffrey epstein didn’t kill himself and he wasn’t killed…. My god people don’t believe the b******* being pedaled. Cameras, don’t malfunction all over the place.Where someone kills himself or is killed.

    The media is giving you a false choice…. Oh he didn’t kill himself he was killed ….. To make it sound like they’re telling you the truth.

    I bet you everything I own he’s still alive.

    The massad isn’t gonna allow a very important asset like him to be killed

    Otherwise, it’d be very hard to hire more people in the future to do the job of compromising our political representatives.

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