“Covid mRNA Nanoparticle Injection are Bioweapons for Mass Destruction”. Affidavit by dr. Boyle, US Bacteriological Arms best Expert

“Covid mRNA Nanoparticle Injection are Bioweapons for Mass Destruction”. Affidavit by dr. Boyle, US Bacteriological Arms best Expert


In the cover image, the world’s leading expert on bacteriological weapons France Boyle

Introduction by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio


Those who followed the first 10 Gospa News investigations of the CoronaVirus BioWeapon cycle and then the subsequent 80 of the “Wuhan-Gates” dossier entitled like the book of the same name in honor of Bill Gates’ pandemic conspiracy, will probably remember Francis Boyle, one of the world’s leading experts on bacteriological weapons, author of the Biological Weapons and Antiterrorism Act approved by the US Congress.

That document was one of the milestones that led to the annual elaboration of the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) according to which all adhering nations must report to UNODA in Geneva (Office for Disarmament Affairs is a department of the United Nations Secretariat) all bacteriological laboratories that carry out dangerous experiments on viruses with a dual-use perspective, i.e. for research into vaccines or bio-weapons (DURC, Dual use research of concern).

Thanks to some BWC dossiers found in the ocean of WEB documents we have published the investigation into all the US bio-laboratories managed by the infamous virologist Anthony Fauci and also one in the United Kingdom which raises the suspicion that the last very dangerous phase of experiments for the creation of the artificial SARS-Cov-2 took place in England.

WUHAN-GATES – 47. SARS-2 BIOWEAPON. Pentagon’s DARPA Stopped a Risky Test in US but Funded a Secret one in UK with Gates

Well, since our first investigation into the CoronaVirus Bio-Weapon we quoted Professor Boyle (a human rights lawyer) because together with the late Luc Montagnier and his colleague Jean-Claude Perez he was among the first to report that the COVID-19 pandemic virus 19 had been created artificially by man, as later confirmed by dozens of studies and scientific articles.

This is why the sworn report that he signed as an Affidavit in a lawsuit in Florida to stop mRNA gene serums should be taken as an explosive document confirming that such genetically engineered pharmacological products are “bioweapons of mass destruction” .

As in fact revealed by the disturbing and disruptive study published by a Pro-Vax medical journal such as BMJ in confirming the correlation between an excess of deaths in Western countries after the administration of Covid vaccines.

CoronaVirus – 1. “IT’S BIO-WEAPON”. Us Expert blames China but forgets 25 Pentagon’s Secret Labs for “Ethnic Attacks”


His opinion, moreover, confirms the danger of the lipid nanoparticles used in Covid vaccines, already denounced in 3 detailed studies by the Italian biochemist Gabriele Segalla and reiterated by other international research.

Below  the article published by one of Florida’s major activists who is fighting for the interruption of the vaccination campaign.

WUHAN-GATES – 75. Spike of SARS-COV-2 BIOWEAPON Promotes CANCER. As the Vaccines One! For Big Pharma’s Huge Business

While in the European Union, thanks to the sensational absenteeism, the parties that support Ursula Von der Leyen, president of the EU Commission who imposed such injections, won again despite the political earthquakes in French and German.

Breaking: Law Professor that Wrote 1989 Biological Weapons and Antiterrorism Act Provides Affidavit that COVID 19 mRNA nanoparticle injections are Biological Weapons and Weapons of Mass Destruction

by dr Joseph Sansone – originally published on his Substack

All links to Gospa News articles have been added in the aftermath, due to the ties with the highlighted topics

Dr. Francis Boyle, the Harvard educated law professor that drafted the 1989 Biological Weapons and Antiterrorism Act, which passed both houses of Congress unanimously, provided an affidavit stating that Covid 19 injections and mRNA nanoparticle injections violate the law he wrote.

Dr. Boyle asserted that ‘COVID 19 injections’, ‘COVID 19 nanoparticle injections’, and ‘mRNA nanoparticle injections’ are biological weapons and weapons of mass destruction and violate Biological Weapons 18 USC § 175; Weapons and Firearms § 790.166 Fla. Stat. (2023).

“European Medicines Agency Knew Toxicity of Pfizer Covid Vaccine”. Bombshell Study Published in US by an Italian BioChemist on Dangers mRNA-LNPs

Dr. Boyle provided this affidavit in a Florida case filed by Dr. Joseph Sansone involving an Emergency Petition for a Writ of Mandamus that seeks to compel Governor DeSantis to prohibit the distribution of ‘COVID 19 injections’, ‘COVID 19 nanoparticle injections’, and ‘mRNA nanoparticle injections’, in the state of Florida. It also seeks to compel Attorney General Ashley Moody to confiscate the vials.

The original Emergency Petition for a Writ of Mandamus was filed on March 3rd, 2024, in the Florida Supreme Court. It was then transferred to the Circuit Court in Leon County on March 20th, 2024. On April 9th, 2024, the Circuit Court dismissed the case. The case is now in the appellate court. The Appellate Brief was filed on Memorial Day, May 27th, 2024.

BOMBSHELL! Florida State Surgeon General Calls for Halt of COVID MRNA Vaccines due to Dangerous, Oncogenes DNA Fragments

The pleadings assert that the distribution of ‘COVID 19 injections’, ‘COVID 19 nanoparticle injections’, and ‘mRNA nanoparticle injections’, violate – Biological Weapons 18 USC § 175; Weapons and Firearms § 790.166 Fla. Stat. (2023); Federal Crime of Treason 18 USC § 2381; Treason § 876.32 Fla. Stat. (2023); Domestic Terrorism, 18 USC § 2331; Terrorism § 775.30 Fla. Stat. (2023); Murder § 782.04 (1)(a) Fla. Stat. (2023); and Genocide 18 USC §1091; Florida Drugs and Cosmetic Act § 499.005 (2) Fla. Stat. (2023); Fraud § 817.034 Fla Stat. (2023); Accessory After the Fact § 777.03 Fla. Stat. (2023); and Florida Medical Consent Law § 766.103 Fla Stat. (2023).

High Toxicity Risks inside mRNA Vaccines: MODERNA Scientists confirmed Results of Segalla’s Italian Study

Dr. Boyle is considered one of the world’s leading legal experts on biological weapons. Dr. Boyle’s affidavit adds a tremendous amount of credibility to the case, which already has a tremendous body of evidence provided in the writ of mandamus.

Affidavits stating that the injections are biological and technological weapons, were also provided by med legal advisor and biotech analyst Karen Kingston, who researched the evidence that makes of the Facts of the Case section of the Mandamus, and from Ana Mihalcea, M.D., PhD.

BMJ Study Links Excess Deaths and Covid Vaccines – Telegraph Makes it Front Page News

Dr. Mihalcea’s research is included in the Mandamus. Dr. Mihalcea is one of the world’s leading researchers into the effects of self replicating nanotechnology in the blood of injected as well as the effects in the blood of the uninjected as a result of shedding.

by, dr Joseph Sansone – originally published on his Substack

All links to Gospa News articles have been added in the aftermath, due to the ties with the highlighted topics

Dr. Boyle’s affidavit is below:




SCIENCEDIRECT: mRNA Vaccine’s Diabolical Molecule can Aid to Develop Cancer. Danger confirmed by Intercontinental Reviewed Study

WUHAN-GATES – 7. Bio-Weapons Dossier. Pentagon & Fauci 28 Us Labs’ Secrets. Dangerous Tests with CoronaVirus

BOMBSHELL! “Cardiological Damages from Transfusions with Vaccinated Blood”. SOS inside a Disturbing Study by Japanese University Hospitals

“Toxic Nanoforms inside Pfizer-Biontech Covid Vaccine”. Vital Study by Italian Biochemist on US Journal of Virology highlights an Alleged Crime

WUHAN-GATES – 75. Spike of SARS-COV-2 BIOWEAPON Promotes CANCER. As the Vaccines One! For Big Pharma’s Huge Business


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Fabio G.C. Carisio

7 pensieri su ““Covid mRNA Nanoparticle Injection are Bioweapons for Mass Destruction”. Affidavit by dr. Boyle, US Bacteriological Arms best Expert

  1. Source: Yoichi Shimatsu is a Hong Kong-based freelance journalist, He is ‘Editor at Large’ at the 4th Media and former editor of The Japan Times Weekly in Tokyo and Pacific News Service in San Francisco. His uncle is Yoichi Hirama, Rear Admiral (Maritime Self-Defense Force:Navy/Retired 1988) Professor, Director of Library of National Defense Academy (Retired 1998).


    Fauci NIH team funded COVID biosynthesis – for over 20 years. however China was the smokescreen, the fall guy, the last stage of an operation.

    Wuhan was the last stage…the Deep State needed a scapegoat/smokescreen to cover their crimes. This is standard practice….


    22 parts to Report: You may want to go down the rabbit hole and follow an “Alternate theory.” – However China was the smokescreen, the fall guy, the final stage.

    China was the Plausible deniability.


    Full Documentation — Rabbit hole: 22 part series: There is much you are not being told……………………..

    ……………Biden-Obama- Fauci NIH team funded COVID biosynthesis – NIH has been funding gain of function research for 20 years. It did not occur overnight.

    It evolved over time, starting with MERS(2012) and SARS(2002). COVID-19 is a coronavirus that was augmented with HIV proteins and a DNA sequence of M-tuberculosis for upgrade as a lethal biological weapon.

    The research at the U.S. Navy’s NAMRU labs with various universities and civilian-run research institutes. The NAMRU (Naval Medical Research Units), with labs in Africa, Latin America and Asia to collect, study and research biological agents worldwide, for possible upgrading as novel types of bio-weapons for 20 years.

    Subject: The origins of Wuhan coronavirus……………….

    …..Alternate theory.

    There are more countries in Asia other than China- It was made in Japan……….finished in the UK and let loose in Wuhan.

    Even under the best of conditions, gene-modification of this sort requires a vast amount of research by experienced microbiologists with wide knowledge.- it was made in both Japan and finished in England when the ‘Gain of Function’ research was temporarily outlawed in the US under the Obama administration..” Also called a smokescreen.

    Source: Yoichi Shimatsu is a Hong Kong-based freelance journalist, He is ‘Editor at Large’ at the 4th Media and former editor of The Japan Times Weekly in Tokyo and Pacific News Service in San Francisco.

    His uncle is : Yoichi Hirama, Rear Admiral (Maritime Self-Defense Force:Navy/Retired 1988) Professor, Director of Library of National Defense Academy

    (Retired 1998). His family is part if the Samurai class.


    There were two major biological warfare attacks against central China.

    1. “African” swine fever has destroyed more than half of China’s pig population and crossed over into a summer flu among Beijing residents. 2019

    2. Wuhan Coronavirus 2019-2020

    Read in this order:

    Part 4:


    Part 5:


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    1. before writing quoting dozens of link on topic that already know you have to read at least twenty of the latest Wuhan_gates investigation. Also Canada, French, Australia are involved in the SARS-Cov-2 diabolical plan

  2. However: Of course, the Chinese are not going to destroy an industrial city with three times the population of Chicago in the heart of China. The real tragedy is that the Wuhan biosafety lab is ineffective and totally useless against coronavirus due to the fact that all the competent microbiologists are working for big pharma down in Shezhen. So get a handle on your irrational fears. Instead the Beijing leadership has criticized the governor of Hubei Province, for taking the construction funds and laundering them. It happens all the time in the Chinese medical system and military, the Bobbsey twins of embezzlement. If you are a stranger to China.

    “Death” Smog Suffocates Wuhan: Residents Fear Crematoriums Burning Victims 24-7

    Creepy footage of a smoggy Wuhan could be smoke from the city’s dead being burned en mass……………….



    Key point:

    The vilified National Institute of Virology in Wuhan has been operating less than 3 years since completion of construction of China’s first biosafety level 4 (BSL–4) laboratory.

    China’s first biosafety level 4 (BSL–4) laboratory: Much too short a time-frame for bioweapons development. The Chinese did not have the experience and skill to do it. For a virus to undergo two transitions from its resident host bat, that is, to an intermediate mammal species with genetic similarities with humans and then into patient zero, with a fully adapted RNA structure capable of rapid replication and defense mechanism in an unfamiliar human immune system would take decades of trial-and-error mutations.

    The human body is a complex system, especially due to our omnivorous ancestry and social tendency, with a high degree of disease resistance as compared with nearly all other life-forms.

    The RNA of the horseshoe bat is less than 87 percent similar to SARS-COV2 (COVID-19), meaning a 13 percent difference has to be bridged, not an easy proposition, especially since bats emerged 300 million years ago, whereas the human species have been around for a mere 3 million years. Cross-infection is not just about DNA sequences but also biological differentiation. Code does not a human make, otherwise we’d all be married to sex robots.

    In addition to gene sequences, many of the protein structures require massive alteration, a redesign process that takes many generations of replication in each of the two host species, those candidates being the Mustelidae family of ferrets, civets, weasels and badgers, before the final hurdle of a leap into Hominids, us.

    A single bite of a bat on a human finger won’t trigger a mass contagion, but will be limited to a fever and maybe death for the individual, but not sweeping RNA reassembly in hosts as required for a pandemic spread by aerosol transmission. In addition, there are a lot of steps involved that can easily go wrong, resulting in incompatible or faulty RNA variants, which cannot carry the conversion process over to the next stage.

    That’s what accounts for the presence of HIV and m.TB inserts in the bio-engineered SAR coronavirus of the Hong Kong 2002-03 outbreak, those added components enabling “brute force” short-cuts, which is not possible with a naturally mutated variant. Indeed, exponential replication cannot last for long with these added-on structures, and so the COVID-19 pandemic will soon crash to a halt. Remember this point.

    Even under the best of conditions, gene-modification of this sort requires a vast amount of research by experienced microbiologists with wide knowledge.- it was made in both Japan and finished in England when the ‘Gain of Function’ research was temporarily outlawed in the US under the Obama administration..” Also called a smokescreen.


    It was made in Japan., and finished in the Finished U.K. and Financed by NIH and then released at Wuhan China. China was the Plausible deniability.

    Japan’s Demon Of BioWar Kawaoka Inserted HIV Force Multipliers Inside The Wuhan Virus – No governments will ever state this truth. It would lead to war and even the Chinese do want that. They want business back to normal. The Chinese are not so concerned about some workers and elders who are on the public welfare.

    It is still a Bio-engineered virus, but it is from Veterinary labs that are not being watched like Bio 4 labs, from second generation of Unit 731.

    Who knows bat and fish better than anyone else, it is the Veterinary labs. Imperial

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