“STOP LEGAL IMMUNITY TO VACCINES’ BIG PHARMA”. Moms for America Complaint vs Gates-Rockefeller Plot on Mankind as Guinea-Pig

“STOP LEGAL IMMUNITY TO VACCINES’ BIG PHARMA”. Moms for America Complaint vs Gates-Rockefeller Plot on Mankind as Guinea-Pig


Introduction di Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio


The Moms for America, this is the name of the association, have decided to launch an attack at the heart of the diabolical global immunization plan promoted since 1999 by Bill Gates and the Rockefeller Foundation.

Their legal action filed in a District Court of Florida (details in the article below) effectively aims to break down the immunity that allows Big Pharma in the USA not to be liable for the damage caused by vaccines placed on the market on the principle of their social utility.

Precisely because with the Covid-19 pandemic, mRNA gene serums never before tested in the history of humanity on human beings and these “gene therapies” have been put on the market (and even made mandatory for some professional categories in the USA and Europe) absolutely incomparable to a traditional vaccine have caused devastating or lethal adverse reactions, the Mothers of America intend to stop this mass experimentation on unpaid human guinea pigs by striking US law (PREP Act, acronym for Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act) which allows the speculators of the pharmaceutical companies financed by Gates to get away with it even in the event of massacres.

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The damage from mRNA gene sera was predicted as early as March 2020 by the late French biologist Luc Montagnier and denounced by a study published in Nature by two Chinese universities in October 2020.

The pandemic declared by the WHO without the necessary requirements (opinion of the Italian criminologist Umberto Mendola, specialized in pandemic emergencies, and many others) allowed the minimum testing limit of 18 months for clinical trials to be circumvented, allowing Pfizer-Biontech and Moderna – which prodigiously with the Pentagon’s military agency DARPA and the virologist Anthony Fauci had patented a Covid vaccine 9 months before the appearance of the disease to immediately produce the magic vials which later turned out in too many cases to be potions of deadly poison for a myriad of adverse reactions: from killer prions to the diabolical molecule that triggers cancer.

Diabolical Molecule inside mRNA Vaccines generates Harmful Proteins as Killer Prions, “Brain-Eating Amoeba”. Explosive Study by prof. Perez (Montagnier Foundation)

As has been supported by many scientists, first of all by a Swedish study and then by a German one, such gene therapies based on lipid nanoparticles to deliver messenger RNA have been administered to the Western population despite the very high risk of DNA alteration with terrible consequences for the immune system then ascertained by dozens of scientific research.

The most serious thing is that since 2021 Pfizer knew, for example, that its Covid vaccine could cause myocarditis in children but, with the complicity of international criminals intrigued with it such as American President Joseph Biden and the President of the EU Commission Ursula Von der Leyen used them as guinea pigs.

SCIENCEDIRECT: mRNA Vaccine’s Diabolical Molecule can Aid to Develop Cancer. Danger confirmed by Intercontinental Reviewed Study

Von der Leyen will probably be reconfirmed in her role, after the elections and the approval of the European Council, despite the investigation by the European Public Prosecutor’s Office that is hanging over her for secret methods of negotiating the purchase of these pharmacological products.

Moderna, however, has known since 2019 that innovative mRNA biotechnology could cause cancer precisely due to laboratory chemical manipulations carried out in some proteins such as pseudouridine.

The battle of the Moms for America is also founded in the case won a few years ago by the lawyer Robert Kennedy jr who managed to demonstrate the lack of periodic active pharmacovigilance on vaccines established by the United States Department of Health and Human Services when Congress approved the PREP to grant immunity to Big Pharma.

WUHAN-GATES – 62. MANMADE SARS-Cov-2 FOR GOLDEN VACCINES: Metabiota, CIA, Biden, Gates, Rockefeller intrigued in Ukraine, China and Italy

As we mentioned at the beginning, the global immunization project was presented by Bill Gates’ NGO in 1999 in the Villa Serbelloni Congress Center (Bellagio, Lake Como, Italy) together with the Rockefeller Foundation and found its most important fulfillment with the increasingly obsessive experiments in Africa, in the bacteriological laboratories of the former Soviet Union (Georgia and Ukraine) opened by the US Pentagon, and finally in the pilot project of 10 compulsory vaccines for school-age children in Italy wanted by the Obama-Biden administration, and by the former Italian prime ministers Matteo Renzi and Paolo Gentiloni, members of the Democratic Party close to George Soros.

Below are the details on the legal action reported in the article from The Defender, the website of Kennedy’s CHD association.

Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio

Lawsuit on Behalf of Vaccine-injured Seeks to Strike Down ‘Unconstitutional’ PREP Act

Originally published by Suzanne Burdick on The Defender – Children’s Health Defense website

All links to previous Gospa News investigations have been added aftermath, for the ties with the topics highlighted 

A lawsuit filed Tuesday seeks to strike down the PREP Act the federal law that granted legal immunity to companies such as Pfizer and Moderna for injuries caused by their COVID-19 vaccines and other COVID-19 countermeasures.

The lawsuit, filed in the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Florida, Tampa Division, alleges the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act violates the U.S. Constitution and the Administrative Procedure Act, which governs how federal agencies develop and issue regulations.

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Plaintiffs in the suit include the nonprofit Moms for America and individual plaintiffs who were injured by a COVID-19 vaccine, or whose loved one suffered injury or death from a COVID-19 vaccine.According to the complaint, “This case is about the government’s failure to resolve conflicts involving Americans killed or grievously harmed while receiving healthcare during the COVID-19 pandemic.”

Defendants are the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration, HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra and President Joe Biden.

“As even The New York Times has recently acknowledged,” Jeff Childers, attorney for the plaintiffs, told The Defender, “too many Americans have been injured by the COVID vaccines and other rushed treatments, and now have no recourse, no help and no support. They can’t sue anybody, thanks to PREP.”

WUHAN-GATES – 61. THE HUGE NWO PLOT TO CONTROL BRAINS: SARS-Cov-2 by Fauci, Graphene by Darpa-Obama, Vaccines by Gates-Biden-EU

“PREP was poorly conceived, badly executed, and gave far too much power to unelected bureaucrats and executive agencies,” he added. Childers wrote on Substack today that the PREP Act should “be crushed and burned to a cinder in the incinerator of history’s worst ideas.”

The lawsuit asks the court to declare the PREP Act unconstitutional and to declare that the HHS secretary’s actions in implementing the act violate the Administrative Procedure Act. The suit also asks the court to declare that the plaintiffs can sue companies like Pfizer and Moderna in federal and state courts. It also seeks compensation for attorney fees.

COVID revealed how bad PREP Act is for Americans

In 2005, Congress passed the PREP Act in a defense appropriations bill after then-President George W. Bush gave a “passionate speech about the nation’s lack of preparation for biowarfare and pandemics,” Childers told The Defender.

The PREP Act authorizes the HHS secretary to declare that “a disease or other health condition or other threat to health constitutes a public health emergency.” It also grants a “covered person” immunity from legal liability for all claims for loss relating to the administration or use of “countermeasures,” such as drugs, biological products, medical devices and vaccines.

“Before COVID,” Childers said, “it was barely used.”

Kim Mack Rosenberg, general counsel for Children’s Health Defense, told The Defender the COVID-19 pandemic has “shined a bright light” on the PREP Act.

“I think it is safe to say,” she said, “most Americans had no idea that as COVID vaccines were developed and rolled out at ‘warp speed’ — and in many instances mandated or taken by individuals based on fear-mongering — and as medications such as remdesivir were forced on many patients, that if they were harmed or died as a result of these interventions they would be essentially left with no remedy.”

SCANDALl! Pfizer Knew very Soon that its Covid mRNA Vaccine caused Heart Damage on Kids. But has Used them as Guinea-Pig

The PREP Act set up the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP) court where those injured by COVID-19 countermeasures can bring their claims.

Injuries related to vaccines that are not considered countermeasures to a public health emergency are handled by the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program and its court, according to the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986.

Childers called the CICP court an “unconstitutional shadow court” in which “a secret bureaucracy denies 99% of claims and awards the ‘lucky few’ with pennies on the dollar.”

As of June 1, CICP had received 13,773 claims and issued decisions for only 3,363 of those claims. The program denied 3,271 of the claims.Thirteen of the claims awarded were for injuries suffered from a COVID-19 vaccine. Less than $10,000 was awarded for each of the claims, with the total payout for all 13 claims amounting to less than $50,000.

BMJ Study Links Excess Deaths and Covid Vaccines – Telegraph Makes it Front Page News

“In other words,” he said, “PREP cuts normal Constitutional courts out of the process, replacing them with a poor, unconstitutional substitute.”

PREP has already done “massive damage,” Childers said, “by turning normal commercial incentives inside-out and deleting due process.”He added, “We must get help to millions of people discarded by the system, and prevent this disaster from ever happening again.”

The Florida lawsuit calls out CICP’s “breathtakingly short” one-year statute of limitations for:

“Injuries caused by unknown, unknowable, and non-existent vaccine products and technologies. Even to receive program compensation, the Act requires causation to be proved based on established science for those same novel products and technologies. Most medical studies take years to conduct, be drafted, be peer-reviewed, and to be published. It is irrational to believe that a person taking a covered countermeasure could possibly have access to published medical/scientific studies within the one-year statute of limitation.”

BOMBSHELL! Florida State Surgeon General Calls for Halt of COVID MRNA Vaccines due to Dangerous, Oncogenes DNA Fragments

Lawsuit is 1 of 3 suits challenging PREP Act

Childers’ lawsuit is one of three active cases challenging the PREP Act, according to attorney Ray Flores who on May 31 filed a separate lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD), which oversaw the development and distribution of the drug under Operation Warp Speed.

In addition to the suits filed by Childers and Flores, attorney Aaron Siri in October 2023 sued HHS and other government agencies on behalf of React19 — an advocacy group whose 36,000-plus members were injured by the COVID-19 vaccines — and eight vaccine-injured individuals.

Flores told The Defender, “The PREP Act and the Department of Defense’s Operation Warp Speed are indeed acts of war on our own — hundreds of thousands of civilian casualties, violations of the Nuremberg Code, and essentially no monetary recourse for their experimenting on humanity at large.”

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Flores added, “I applaud Mr. Siri and Mr. Childers for raising awareness with the public, with the courts, on Capitol Hill and in the press.”

When the Defender reached out to HHS for comment on the lawsuit, an HHS spokesperson who chose to remain anonymous said the agency cannot comment on ongoing litigation. The Defender reached out to the White House for comment on the suit but did not receive a response by deadline.

Originally published by Suzanne Burdick on The Defender – Children’s Health Defense website

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All links to previous Gospa News investigations have been added aftermath, for the ties with the topics highlighted 

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Fabio G.C. Carisio

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