FOUR other US STATES in Lawsuits vs “BIDEN’s VACCINE (Pfizer)”. None against the PENTAGON-FAUCI’s One (Moderna)

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
«Four additional states will follow Kansas’s lead by filing large-scale lawsuits against pharmaceutical giant Pfizer. These states allege that the company misled the public regarding the safety and efficacy of its COVID-19 vaccine» this is what the American investigative newspaper The Gateway Pundit reported, hypothesizing that one of these could be Idaho which would join Texas, the first to initiate a lawsuit against the New York pharmaceutical company.
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If for damaged vaccinated people or the families of those who died in the European Union and Italy these criminal proceedings can only represent social and psychological pressure for politicians who, however, seem to not care as completely as the magistrates, in the USA a possible similar class action to those already underway in the United Kingdom against AstraZeneca (which has partially withdrawn the Vaxveria mDNA genetic serum in some parts of the world where it was no longer on the market), could be such as to overcome the obstacle represented by the PREP ACT, the federal law which granted legal immunity to companies like Pfizer and Moderna for harm caused by their Covid-19 vaccines and other Covid-19 countermeasures.
In recent days the “Moms for America” association has asked for the revocation of this protective act Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP ACT) as in their opinion it is contrary to the Constitution.
No Legal Case against the Fauci-Pentatagon-Gates Vaccine
But another question arises. Why the attorneys general sued Pfizer and not Moderna, which, like the rival company (with which it is in dispute over the patent) did not report the risk of lethal myocarditis and the carcinogenic potential of the new mDNA biotechnology that the pharmaceutical company of Cambridge (Massachusetts) had known since 2019 as reported by the American doctor and biochemist Robert Malone?
Just as Pfizer shamelessly lied about myocarditis in children, saying it did not have sufficient data while it knew the dangers of its vaccine from 2021, Moderna also did the same by stating that it had not carried out carcinogenicity tests although it was aware of the oncogenic dangers expressed in a 2019 patent for an mRNA genetic serum against human parainfluenza virus 3 (HPIV-3)
So why has none of the American magistrates also initiated legal action against the other pharmaceutical giant? The answer is unfortunately very bitter.
Moderna AWARE that mRNA Jabs cause CANCER due to DNA Fragments. Malone Unveils Patent
It could be a political maneuver by the Republican Attorneys General (Texas, Kansas and Idaho) against the current American president Joseph Biden running for the November 2020 presidential elections who was sponsored in the election campaign by Pfizer and favored the purchase of millions of doses of the Comirnaty mRNA genetic serum with donations to the WHO Covax project for Covid vaccination campaigns in poor countries.
New York’s Big Pharma,
which created its anti-Covid drug together with the German Biontech, thus obtaining a privileged lane also in the European Union thanks to the president of the EU Commission Ursula von Der Leyene (under investigation by the European Prosecutor’s Office for this reason), furthermore did not accept the Warp Speed contribution to accelerate the production of experimental genetic serums during the pandemic emergency allocated by the administration of former president Donald Trump and instead accepted by Moderna for Spikevax.
However, it must be absolutely remembered that the Cambridge pharmaceutical company was financed by Bill Gates (also sponsor of Biontech, Pfizer’s partner in the Comirnaty vaccine) but also by the Pentagon’s military agency DARPA under the supervision of the infamous virologist Anthony Fauci, so much so that the the first patent for the vaccine against Covid-19 was patented 9 months before the pandemic.
The Unpunished Lies of Fauci & co. before Congress
For over a year, the Republicans in Congress have put Fauci on the grill, the White House Covid emergency consultant for both Trump and Biden and director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), for manipulation of information on the management of the pandemic but also on the cover-up of the theory of SARS-Cov-2 built in the laboratory following his dangerous experiments at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
For months Fauci has been stammering half-baked sentences in front of American lawmakers but so far there has been no formal indictment and he has been brought before judges for his premeditated censorship and misdirection, including on the effectiveness of vaccines, only by the attorneys general of Missouri and Louisiana, also Republicans.
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This is why this rain of legal actions against the “Biden Vaccine” (Pfizer) which seems to ignore the lack of effectiveness and danger of that of the Pentagon and Fauci (Moderna), denounced in a study even by some former Big Pharma researchers from Cambridge on the toxicity of lipid nanoparticles carriers of messenger RNA, in the aftermath of the November elections, in the event of Trump’s victory, it could turn out to be just a bluff…
In fact, it should not be forgotten that Pfizer has earned the sympathy of the American attorneys general by financing the most important association that represents them with the astronomical figure of 1 million dollars!
But let’s look in detail at the legal action plan reported by The Gateway Pundit (a well-known online newspaper supporting Trump and the Republicans)
Kansas Attorney Announces Actions in Other US States Against Pfizer.
«Last week, Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach announced that he is suing pharmaceutical giant Pfizer for misleading Kansas residents about the safety and efficacy of its COVID-19 vaccine» we read in the article relaunched by Gateway Pundit and other American counter-information newspapers.

“Kansas is filing a civil suit against the Pfizer Corporation under the Kansas Consumer Protection Act, seeking enhanced civil monetary penalties, damages, and injunctive relief for misleading and deceptive statements made in marketing its COVID-19 vaccine. Pfizer also violated previous consent judgments with the state of Kansas, in which Pfizer promised never to use deceptive information to market their products,” said Kobach.
The complaint, lodged in Thomas County District Court, accuses Pfizer of misleading Kansans about the vaccines’ risks, including potential harm to pregnant women and the risk of myocarditis. The suit further alleges that Pfizer falsely claimed its vaccine was effective against COVID variants, despite evidence to the contrary.
During the conference, Kobach mentioned that Kansas is among the first five states to file a lawsuit against the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer. “Kansas’s case is the first of a multi-state collaboration, with Kansas being the first of five states to file suit,” Kobach said during the press conference.
In addition to the issues already mentioned on the poor effectiveness of the protection of genetic serums, today confirmed by a study of Harvard doctors, the lawyer-magistrate shared two very serious accusations against Big Pharma in New York:
«Pfizer said its COVID-19 vaccine would prevent transmission of COVID-19 even though it knew it never studied the effect of its vaccine on transmission of COVID-19» and«to keep the public from learning the truth, Pfizer worked to censor speech on social media that questioned Pfizer’s claims about its COVID-19 vaccine».
The censorship activity was also conducted in Italy through the media fact-checkers financed by the IDMO-EDMO project of the European Commission and the social censorship driven by White House.
Furthermore, «Pfizer’s misrepresentations of a “safe and effective” vaccine resulted in record company revenue of approximately $75 billion from COVID-19 vaccine sales in just two years».
The hypothesis of a trial before the jury
When a reporter asked about the number of damages that could be in this lawsuit and whether they are seeking a jury trial or a bench trial, Kobach said, “The damages depend. I think ultimately, when you’re talking about five states, then you’re talking about much greater numbers of people than the 2.9 million or so that live in Kansas. I hesitate to offer a prediction, because we don’t seek a certain number. It’s ultimately going to be the judgment of the court in that case. We have not yet made a determination whether to seek bench or jury.”
The bench trial is a particular way of carrying out the American criminal or civil trial, in which the accused renounces the presence of the jury so that the hearing takes place only in front of the judge: “bench”: in this trial the the accused is alone in the dock.
Bombshell! Texas Attorney General sues Pfizer on Covid Vaccine Efficacy and Conspiring
It remains unclear which states will join Kansas, but during the press conference, Kobach revealed that Idaho will be one of the four other states involved. “Some of them have said they want to announce it on their own. Idaho is one of the other states who said that we may let you know,” Kobach said.
It can be recalled Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has initiated legal action against pharmaceutical giant Pfizer, Inc., citing allegations of deceptive practices related to the company’s COVID-19 vaccine.
Controversy against Mandatory Vaccination by Florida Grand Jury
Furthermore, the Florida Grand Jury is also investigating after the action initiated by Governor Ron DeSantis with a petition to the Supreme Court and the subsequent request to the FDA (Food and Drug Administration, US drug regulator) of the Floridian surgeon general to immediately block all mRNA vaccines precisely because of the oncogenic risk inherent in the DNA fragments they release into the human body.
This is the only case in which the investigation (for which an extension was requested until December 26) was started on both vaccines.
«The report noted roadblocks in the Statewide Grand Jury’s investigative efforts due to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) and the U.S. Army refusing to provide representatives to testify before the jury. These entities played a substantial hand in the contracting, approval, and distribution process for the COVID-19 vaccines.» DeSantis explained in a statement last February in reference to an initial report by the judge appointed by the Supreme Court on the issue.
In this report, the Grand Jury highlighted two important critical issues that have always represented the heart of the antiVAX battle:
- On hospitalization risk: “We know for a fact that this happened because numerous federal and state health officials have publicly stated that they did not ask or require hospitals to distinguish cases where someone was admitted with incidental SARS-CoV-2 infection versus cases where someone was so sick with symptoms of COVID-19 disease that he or she required hospitalization. Thus, it is highly likely that the CDC’s number of total hospitalizations is inflated to some degree with asymptomatic or minor SARS-CoV-2 infections that were classified as ‘hospitalizations’ in order to financially benefit the hospital.”
Explosive Survey! Monstrous “Calamari” Clots of Blood inside Vaccinated Dead after mRNA Shots
- On collateral consequences: “Somehow, because of panic, hubris, ineptitude or some unfortunate combination of the three, this widely rejected idea not only made its way back into scientific discourse in 2020, it became the law of the land in most of the United States between 2020 and 2022. It is clear to this Grand Jury that whatever benefits inured from these mandates, they were not worth the price.”
Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
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