TOO MANY SECRETS on COVID VACCINES! EU District Court CONDEMNS European Commission President (Re-Elected despite so…)

by Gospa News Editorial Staff
UPDATE JULY 18, 2024As widely expected, the European Parliament re-elected Ursula von der Leyen as President of the European Commission with 401 votes in favour, 284 against and 15 abstentions. Seven invalid ballots.
She was re-elected despite the European Court’s censorship sentence for excessive secrecy regarding Covid vaccines. And despite the denunciation by a Geneva NGO for complicity in the genocide perpetrated by Israel in Gaza.
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Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European Commission, was condemned by the EU District Court for lack of transparency on anti-Covid vaccine, the experimental mRNA gene sera, which have caused adverse reactions, including serious and lethal ones, all over the world
The Sentence
According to the ruling, the President of the European Commission was not sufficiently transparent with the public regarding vaccine contracts. The European Court of First Instance ruled against the Commission’s decision to censor large parts of the contracts before making them public. According to the European Court of Auditors, the Commission signed contracts worth €71 billion for up to 4.6 billion vaccine doses.
The sentence arrived just over 24 hours before von der Leyen’s political future will be decided by members of Parliament: tomorrow in Strasbourg Ursula’s re-election and a good part of her international credibility will be at stake.
The European Commission, in the lawsuit brought by Fabien Courtois and other citizens against the extensive omissions made by the executive led by Ursula von der Leyen to the purchase contracts for anti-Covid vaccines signed with various pharmaceutical companies in 2020-2021, lost, although concerns the “essential” part of the procedure.
We can read it in the full text of the sentence of the EU Court, which condemns Ursula von der Leyen’s commission, as in the other case brought by MEPs, to pay the legal costs. «Since the European Commission has been essentially unsuccessful, it must be ordered to pay the costs, according to the appellants’ conclusions», reports the text of the sentence.
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The European Commission reacted to the sentences with a long statement claiming that “the Court follows the Commission in most of the arguments” and that it would have “only partially accepted the legal action” on “two points”
The PfizerGate Scandal
As the Italian newspaper Messaggero explains, this is not the so-called Pfizergate, which concerned the text messages that von der Leyen exchanged with Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla at the time of the contract negotiations (a lawsuit brought by the New York Times is pending in the Court of Justice and by a Belgian politician), but of a censure of the very lack of transparency with which the Commission has managed the entire anti-Covid vaccine chapter. It not only censored the contracts, but also the minutes of the vaccine steering committee, very extensively.
The legal proceedings for the deleted SMS therefore remain pending before the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO).
In 2023, Federic Baldan, a 36-year-old Belgian lobbyist with links to the anti-vax group Bon Sens, filed a complaint in Belgium in relation to von der Leyen’s role in vaccine negotiations with Pfizer for what he claims were acts of “interference in public functions, destruction of SMS, corruption and conflict of interest”, according to information provided by his lawyer. This refers to a 20 billion euro deal for dangerous and useless vaccines…
Dutch MEP Kim van Sparrentak, of the Greens, among the promoters of one of the two lawsuits against the omissions, underlined the importance of transparency, “fundamental in the fight against vaccine skepticism”.