MONTAGNIER, “A NOBEL TO TAKE DOWN”. Exclusive Preview of Book on Mysterious Death of Biologist who FIRST Unveiled SARS-Co-v2 as ManMade BioWeapon

“There is no secret that time does not reveal.”Etienne de Rez,
author of the cover book “A Nobel to Take Down”
by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
«The disappearances of scientists in the fields of infectiology, virology, and Covid-19 are not exceptions, and as I write these lines, highly specialized scientific researchers are falling one by one, literally, from heart attacks or turbo-cancers, especially if they are engaged in an expertise role. They have access to knowledge concerning Defense secrets, even if biological weapons are theoretically prohibited by international treaties. They may be requisitioned in the event of individual or state terrorist attacks».
This is the sentence on the chapter on the mysterious death of Luc Montagnier that most struck me in the book “A NOBEL TO BE THROWN DOWN” written by his admirer and collaborator Etienne de Rez, which had the imprimatur as official biography thanks to the preface of the brotherly friend of the deceased biologist, the biomathematician Jean-Claude Perez. It was he who granted me the honor of previewing the publication in English and French that he sent me for an in-depth review.
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«Some initial contacts open unexpected royal paths… Others will be synonymous with chaos, misfortune, and sometimes even tragedies…
Luc Montagnier did not put all his eggs in one basket… Thus, through two intentionally disjointed paths:
• On one hand, he documented and even treated with a neurologist the multiple cases of rapid-onset Creutzfeldt-Jakob triggered by Covid vaccines.
• On the other hand, he was seeking, with me, the presence and role of the prion region that we had discovered in the artificial sequence of the Spike protein of the virus and the vaccines.
It was only when my research was completed that I asked Luc Montagnier for the contact of our colleague to finalize our article together… Luc gave me her contact details, and, mysteriously, this contact only took place a few days later. Luc Montagnier had meanwhile joined the “beyond.” Like two rivers joining to form a river, he had just left us the heavy legacy of finalizing and then publishing his ultimate article, which became posthumous!»
Perez writes in his incisive text, referring to the research we published in preview when it was finally reviewed by an American medical journal and which was focused on the “killer prions” of mRNA genetic serums.
The book is not only the analysis of the long and tortuous path taken by this revolutionary study on the 26 vaccinated people who died from a sudden form of new “mad cow syndrome”, i.e. the Creutzfeldt-Jacob neurodegenerative brain disease.
And it is not even a detailed analysis of the foreign viral sequences inserted into SARS-Cov-2 enough to reveal their manufacture in the laboratory.
A half Medical essay, half Mystery book on the Mysterious Death
It is at the same time a science essay, a dramatic novel with sentimental tones infused by the author’s sensitivity but above all a detective story.
“Luc Montagnier: A Nobel to Take Down” delves into the late scientist’s groundbreaking research on the Spike protein and Covid vaccines, revealing a complex web of intrigue and mystery following his untimely death. Montagnier’s work, completed posthumously by colleagues, uncovers critical concerns about mRNA vaccine technology and genetic manipulation.

«The book explores the shadowy attempts to appropriate his research, involving enigmatic figures like B.I.D. and suspicious actions, such as his secretary’s sudden departure with his belongings. Through collaborations with neurologists and prion researchers, Montagnier’s findings challenge the safety of genetic insertions, raising urgent questions about health security. Tying together connections with African vaccine companies Adenia, Proparco, and Biovac, the narrative examines the potential motives and machinations that may have contributed to Montagnier’s mysterious end, as well as the ongoing battle to control his scientific legacy» explains Sami MacKenzie-Kerr who is editing the edition on NFTBooks (link at the end of the article).
«Already, on February 10, an article on the internet read: “They wanted Luc Montagnier’s skin, dead or alive,” by Christine Tasin. This was not the only reflection that emerged about this very timely and rapid disappearance, under circumstances that were at least unorthodox. Looking at my agenda, there is an extraordinary telescoping and acceleration of events that rush day after day, leading to the tragedy of Luc Montagnier’s death. The following events are more peaceful and spread out over time».
Remember in Chapter VI on the funeral of February 22, 2022 at the Père-Lachaise Cemetery, which the author Etienne de Rez, born in 1950 in Picardy, attended.
De Rez after studying aerospace medicine, he became interested in modern history and the “underground” world of politics. He published his first novel, Orpheus 1979, which depicts the intricacies of the “French years of lead,” following the true story of a heroine searching for the mechanisms that led to the assassination of her thirty-three-year-old sister in London, in the Westminster district, in the spring of 1979. He consulted the very sparse archives on terrorism in Europe during this pivotal period.
As a specialist in crises, he became passionate about the emblematic figure of Professor Luc Montagnier and his suspicious disappearance at the peak of the COVID-19 vaccination campaign worldwide, specifically in France.
In respect of the copyright and of Professor Perez (member of the Luc Montagnier Foundation) who provided us with this exclusive preview, we will not be able to carry out a complete and meticulous analysis of the book so as not to reveal its revealed and unsolved mysteries.
But we will mention very brief excerpts both to understand their importance and to pay homage to the virologist who won the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 2008 for his decisive research in the field of infectious diseases which made it possible to identify and isolate the HIV AIDS virus.
Montagnier’s Fundamental Contribution to our Wuhan Gates Investigations
The history of Gospa News, in fact, is inextricably linked to his activity as a researcher since in the WuhanGates investigation cycle on SARS-Cov-2 bioweapon built in the laboratory
(in report 2) we relaunched the study of the Indian biologists of the Kusuma School of Biological Sciences The Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IITD) which the scientific conspiracy hatched by the infamous Anthony Fauci had caused to be withdrawn. We analyzed its content (together with that of the research that imposed its censorship) evaluating its thorough logical and scientific foundation, but we were denigrated by various soloists both in Italy and in the USA (on the Veterans Today website).
A few days later the interview with Montagnier was published which made public his research conducted with Perez and aimed precisely at confirming and deepening the Indian research, especially on the anomalous presence in SARS-Cov-2 of the 4 amino acid sequences of the HIV virus which confirmed it without shadow of doubt the artificial origin.
Since then the French biologist and biomathematician have been our “LIGHTHOUSES” to shed light on the dark and shameful conspiracy of concealing the origin of a laboratory pandemic…
In the book there are many more unpublished details on the study of the two scientists censored with a fascist strategy by the most important world medical journals, as Perez explained to me in an exclusive interview in May 2023.
«The mRNA vaccine transmits the instruction for the production of the Spike protein of the Wuhan coronavirus to the vaccinated patient while simultaneously transmitting the instruction for the production of insertion sites, without any possible modulation. This means there is no retroactive brake on production or sparing of any target organs in the body. Thus, it creates its own pathogenic message, potentially triggering, at a minimum, the three pathologies for which it received these “man-made” insertions: a sequence of the plasmodium gene for malaria, another from the HIV virus, or another from the infectious protein called prion» writes Dr. de Rez, also an expert in neurology, confirming what was already highlighted by retired US Army Colonel Lawrence Sellin, former researcher of bacteriological weapons in the most important center in the world: Foirt Detrick (which we have just talked about in another investigation into the US elections…).
«It is worth noting the dose effect and the reaction to the second and third doses, within a temporal window of ten days, which can severely depress immunity, induce pathological fluctuations of Covid19, or its chronicization. Minor or major cognitive disorders may occur, not to mention the emergence of rapid neurodegenerative pathologies such as Creutzfeldt- Jakob syndrome in some subjects. Questions may arise about the potentiation or intertwining of the simultaneous effects of this parasitic, viral, and prion-related model» adds the author who then hurls heavy criticisms against the Big Pharma system.
«Undoubtedly, this is a failure of conceptualization and the desire to produce vaccines for the three pathologies that have triggered numerous studies over the years: the fight against malaria, HIV, and demential neurodegenerative diseases, or even protection against biological weapons. But conversely, malevolence is not at all excluded, judging by the synchrony of anomalies and the violence against some journalists and scientists».
«The explanation by Professors Luc Montagnier and Jean Claude Pérez is clear. Nature does not like protheses. It is intelligent. Due to the extreme vibratory, chaotic yet harmonious, and constantly dynamic nature of genetic material, these insertions do not persist over time, like any synthetic manipulation of living organisms. Exogenous behaviors do not endure, probably due to the static nature of their characteristics and their energetic failures. There is a rejection reaction».
The Omicron Variant and the Disappearance of Virologist Patents
This is why Montagnier, noticing the enormous genomic modifications of the much less lethal Omicron variant, believed that the pandemic was coming to an end. Although Perez was skeptical about it, fearing that it was a further laboratory genetic manipulation as later confirmed by himself in further studies and by Japanese research.
The importance of the French virologist’s scientific work is also highlighted by the mysteries that occurred a few days before his death, when he chose to be treated in the American Hospital in Paris: «In any case, the information provided by the B.I.D regarding the inadequate care in the hospital was entirely true. His family wanted to transfer him to a clinic» but there were bureaucratic complications for the access of vaccinated people and the mysterious disappearance of his secretary, who at that time was the only one authorized for health care.
«She stole Luc Montagnier’s computers and his ongoing work, took a flight, and urgently filed his last patents in New York, without the family’s consent, on Thursday, February 10th, 2022, barely forty-eight hours after his last breath. These posthumous patents were thus legally taken from their author by the effects of the calendar, as they had become, at that date, legally posthumous, perhaps a sweet revenge for *****».
The reference is to a well-known American virologist who is a rival of the Frenchman. To find out who he is you will have to read the book.
The Public Tribute of neurologist Claire Moret Chalmin
However, it is impossible not to cite a short excerpt from the Chapter XI in which the Homage that on 17 February 2023 in the Bouygues Foundation is reported by neurology professor Claire Moret Chalmin who, together with the virologist and Perez, conducted the posthumously published research on killer prions:
«So, I want you to remember the following conclusion from this Nobel laureate, whistleblower, and benefactor of humanity: “It is possible to induce a neurodegenerative pathology related to genetic engineering.” In other words, in genetics, you have the possibility either to use genetic engineering for treatment, which is gene therapy, of relatively limited effectiveness in oncology, or to trigger a lethal disease. Luc Montagnier said: “Primum non nocere.” I repeat: “It is now possible to induce a prion-related neurodegenerative pathology through genetic engineering.”»,
«You have all the material elements of demonstration in Luc Montagnier’s latest article. Luc Montagnier’s original title was: “Towards the emergence of a new form of Creutzfeldt-Jakob: about 16 post-injection cases.” It took us a year to publish the posthumous article, despite a year of success and tremendous pressure. Luc Montagnier worked with me the last two months of his life, one-on-one, at a rate of 2 to 3 clinical observations per week, sent by email. We had almost as many phone calls, even on Sundays, even on Christmas, even while he was in the hospital, at the American Hospital. During the last 5 weeks of his life, he went to Luxembourg, then to Milan, where he declared, I quote: “The unvaccinated will be the guardians of humanity.”»
The reason is immediately explained by Moret Chalmin herself:
«The mRNA derived from this altered model, falsely called a “vaccine,” enters the body in mass through injection and forces it to produce prions, among other things, triggering a rapid clinical form in some patients. It is also known that mRNA can reverse to DNA».
The Suspecious Intirgues of African Big Pharma Partners of Pfizer and Covax
All this, when correlated to the chapter of the book entitled “The African Dreams of the Lion of Kessel”, takes on a sinister value around the around the dark and ambiguous character of B.I.D. and to his intrigues with the land of the Savannah…
«Founded in 2002, Adenia Partners is a firm that invests in sub-Saharan Africa, West and South Africa, with representation offices in Mauritius, Madagascar, Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, and South Africa. How can we understand that they have worked so tenaciously and quickly to get close to Luc Montagnier and forcibly insert themselves into the wake of this honest man, who disappeared under suspicious circumstances, precisely at the time of their African negotiations».
Here is the information gathered from the internet regarding the subsidiary of the AFD group, concerning Adenia/Proparco/Biovac, which leaves no doubt about their activities: “Proparco, Biovac, and their partners collaborate to support the expansion of vaccine production in South Africa,” published on March 1, 2022.
In various reports published by Gospa News International we have seen how the Dark Continent is at the center of enormous experiments conducted by Bill Gates’ NGOs with the suspected collaboration of Pentagon contractor companies, such as the now infamous Metabiota, financed by Hunter BIden, son of American president Joseph in a tangle of intrigues with Ukraine.
This is why all the African joint ventures within the Covax project take on global importance, for which the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation even awarded the President of the European Commission Ursula Von der Leyen…
«A consortium of nine development partners will support the expansion of Biovac’s vaccine manufacturing facility, enabling the production of the Pfizer- BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine and other vaccines. Biovac will raise approximately $150 million (2.3 billion ZAR) to strengthen local vaccine manufacturing capacity on the African continent. In addition to Proparco, the AfDB, CDC Group, DEG, DFC, EIB, IFC, the European Union Delegation in South Africa, and the Industrial Development Corporation of South Africa (IDC) will participate in this operation».
«In order to assist South Africa and the African continent in increasing their vaccine production capacity and reducing dependence on imports, a consortium of nine development and finance institutions announced today a partnership with Biovac in Cape Town, South Africa, to support the expansion of Biovac’s vaccine production.
Biovac, a biopharmaceutical company and vaccine manufacturer based in South Africa, is part of a consortium of organizations that partnered with the World Health Organization (WHO) and its COVAX partners to establish the first mRNA vaccine technology transfer hub for COVID-19 in South Africa. Biovac also entered into an agreement with Pfizer in July 2021 to manufacture up to 100 million doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine for exclusive use in Africa».
To conclude we report an extract from Chapter I “The Modern Apostates” in which we relive the beginning of the drama experienced by the writer and doctor Etienne de Rez within a healthcare facility:
«T and D, the two physiotherapists, led the small group of about twenty healthcare workers and administrators from neighboring hospital departments, rebels against the strange and brutal directives imposed by the High Health Authority (HAS). A young psychologist cynically and despairingly offered her skills to be employed as a maid. Others imagined retraining activities».
«Still, others, sitting cross-legged, conversed in small groups, concerned about the news of other nurse colleagues, forced into mandatory vaccination, more or less pursued or harassed by their families, friends, as well as their superiors and various professional authorities. The assembly systematically fragmented afterthe overall reports on new journalistic announcements and their applications in the field. Many recounted diseases that suddenly emerged in their patients and lamented having to abandon them abruptly and without justification».
These sentences take us back to the drama of so many damaged vaccinated people and so many of their relatives who witnessed their rapid deaths… Avoidable if only they had listened to the alarm on the danger of mRNA genetic serums, above all on cancer, launched by Montagnier since 2021 and today confirmed by the investigations on vaccines of various Attorney Generral of US States and by all the most important scientific medical journals in the world.
One of which, the fanous Scicence Direct, published a study peer-reviewed whch confirmed the important discovery on the “diabolical molecul” of mRNA genetic serums made just by the French professor Perez. But this is another story…
Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
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