“MONKEYPOX: Another Virus ManMade in BioLabs”. Discoveries by Perez and McCullough. Alleged GOF Use

“MONKEYPOX: Another Virus ManMade in BioLabs”. Discoveries by Perez and McCullough. Alleged GOF Use


In the cover image the French biomathematician Jean-Claude Perez, former collaborator of the late Luc Montagnier, and the American cardiologist Peter McCullough

by Gospa News Editorial Staff


If SARS-Cov-2 was clearly created in the laboratory both in its more lethal Wuhan 1 variant and in the more contagious but also more easily treatable Omicron variant without the need for vaccines, Monkeypox is a virus of notable complexity so much so that it truly seems like a demonic mixture.

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The alarm raised by the WHO for its new spread in Africa is part of the usual emphasized alarmist propaganda of the director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, former political leader of the Ethiopian terrorists and coup plotters of the Tigray Liberation Front, enlisted by Bill Gates as a criminal accomplice of a global immunization project launched in 1999 by Gavi Alliance with the Rockefeller Foundation and later promoted by the director of that NGO Jens Stoltenberg, later awarded as NATO Secretary General, in a squalid intrigue between Big Pharma and the Weapons Lobby.

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A Demonic Mixture Behind the Monkeypox Virus

It appears in fact clear that its diffusion is much lower than that which created the alert in 2022 and that the contagion by physical and predominantly blood route, unlike the Covid-19 virus which is airborne, puts homosexuals in particular at real risk.

But its diffusion and resurgence (having already appeared in the mid-20th century) is explained by a complexity of factors: the inexplicable mutations detected by two studies on the genomic sequence which make it comparable to a pathogenic agent enhanced in the laboratory, the close link with SV 40, one of the hidden carcinogenic components of the Pfizer vaccine, and its clear correlation with the destruction of the immune system triggered by the mRNA gene sera which has exponentially increased the cases of resurgence of other viruses, even lethal ones such as Shingles.

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In the previous article we focused on the role played by SV 40, the Simian Virus, the simian vacuolizing virus that often causes latent infections.

Traces of Mutations of the GOF from Laboratory

Today we will focus on two studies on the genomic anomalies of Monkeypox: those published in 2022 by our scientist friend Jean Claude Perez, former right-hand man of the late Nobel biologist Luc Montagnier and author of revolutionary studies on the serious neurocerebral adverse reactions of Covid vaccines, and by Saathvik R. Kannan (Bond Life Sciences Center, University of Missouri, Columbia, US).

The first was brought back into vogue by a brilliant investigation on the topic of a French blog. The second was relaunched by the well-known American cardiologist Peter McCullough in his Substack Courageous Discourse in which every day he analyzes the manipulations of vaccination campaigns by governments and Big Pharma.

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«A report by Kannan et al, indicated that what happened in 2022 almost certainly occurred because of a gain-of-function mutation in one or more genes within the Monkeypox virus. The authors do not speculate on whether this happened in a laboratory or in nature» writes McCullough mentioning the GOF (Gain of Function) virus enhancement technique used by Amthony Fauci both in the tests on the avian virus and above all in the dangerous experiments on coronaviruses from which SARS-Cov-2 was born and then traces the “history American” of the contained epidemic.

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The spread of the virus especially among gays

«President Biden and HHS Secretary Becerra declared a US Monkeypox Public Health Emergency in 2022 and let the declaration expire early in 2023. The crisis conjured up little fear for the average American as it was learned that the infection was largely a pustular rash that occurred with intense sexual contact among gay/bisexual men with the skin blisters around the anus and buttocks or mouth» adds the cardiologist blogger.

«The CDC controlled PCR testing, the primary drug tecovirimat, and the Bavarian Nordic Jynneos vaccine. As of January 10, 2024, CDC stopped updating Monkeypox data because of low-level transmission of the clade 2 subtype in the U.S that resulted in 32,063 cases and 58 deaths largely among men with advanced HIV disease» recalls McCullough.

The estimate is around 84% of the prevalence among homosexuals.

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The same conclusions were reached by the site Le Blog de Patrice Gibertie, which recalls that «this disease appeared in the 1950s in monkeys and the first case in humans dates back to 1970. Usually the first symptom to appear is fever, followed by “a rash, which often begins on the face and can spread to other parts of the body, including the palms of the hands, soles of the feet and genitals”».

The blogger cites multiple sources explaining that «globally, the survival rate after contracting monkeypox virus infection is 99.942%. Of the 80,850 cases of monkeypox recorded since 2022, only 55 have died».

The Genomic Manipulations discovered by Professor Perez

Finally he gets to the heart of the matter: «Monkeypox is NOT an airborne virus and never will be – unless a criminal mastermind helps it! And it will require genius skills in molecular biology».

Unfortunately, the traces of this “manipulative principle” were discovered by Perez himself who, together with Montagnier, had denounced the artificial origin of SARS-Cov-2 containing sequences of HIV amino acids.

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The authors of the study are Jean-Claude Perez and Valère Lounnas of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory. Their study is titled “May 2022: Peculiar Evolution of the Monkeypox Virus Genomes”.

“Scientists compared the evolution of 14 monkeypox virus genomes with the aim of discovering mutations or other viral evolution (recombination) that could explain the sudden impact of this very low-level circulating epidemic,” writes Patrice Gibertie.

By chance, scientists discovered that the so-called circulating monkeypox virus contains a 30-T long sequence in the center of the monkeypox genome, between the DNA-dependent RNA and the cowpox inclusion protein type A.

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Why is this strange? The French blogger asks and then answers:

Well, according to scientists, it is because this gene is never completely present in a sequence. Scientists say that while these results can be common at the end of a genome, for example at the end of the simian encephalitis virus, they are almost never completely present in a sequence”.

“For the first time in history, the monkeypox virus is believed to be circulating simultaneously in several first world countries. This virus would have undergone more than 50 mutations in the space of 4 years instead of the 50 years it should have taken. And now we know that it contains something that should not be there”, concludes the French blogger.

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In short, given the conclusions of Perez and McCullough, this is most likely yet another case of a virus enhanced in the laboratory to be able to relaunch an alarm emphasized in a terrorist way to continue the endless business of Big Pharma on vaccines also in this case dangerous for the multiple and serious adverse reactions …

Given the complexity of the two studies on the anomalous mutations of viruses, we limit ourselves to reporting the Abstracts without specific comments but with relative links for reading the complete research.

Gospa News Editorial Staff



We compare the evolution of 14 monkeypox virus genomes til that of May 2022 that is currently spreading across humans in numerous countries outside Africa. Our aim was to discover mutations or other viral evolutions (recombination) that may explain the sudden impact of this very low-level circulating epidemic or alert on a potential peculiar pathogenic character.


We have evidenced the presence of a large number of T bases in succession, at the level of the polymerase, between the DNA-dependent RNA polymerase subunit rpo132 and the cowpox A-type inclusion protein, progressively rising from the absence of a characteristically long pattern of T-bases in succession (≤ 10) in the early genomes of 1971, up to 19 T-bases in the Israel 2018 strain of reference, and 30 T bases thereafter in the 2022 strains. We find a complementary match for this long T bases sequence only in the simian hemorrhagic encephalitis virus, at the very 3′ end of the genome after the stop codon, with a long succession of 28 A bases.

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More strikingly, we find that the corresponding 10 phenyl-alanine aa chain is reported as matching uniquely (E≤0.001) a hypothetical protein element in Plasmodium falciparum, Yersinia pestis, Escherichia coli and Penicillium nordicum. We wonder about the possibility that this region of the monkeypox genome may potentially code for a not yet identified polypeptides with a functional role situated right upstream this long T-repeat.

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Of the total 10 mutations in the MPXV RC, 6 reverted to the 1965 isolate. I428 is within insert 2, which also carries PAA resistance mutations but the resistance mutation is not at position 428. It is possible that I428T evolved as a secondary mutation to functionally compensate for the fitness of the viruses that were resistant to PAA (C356T, G372D and G380S). Revertant mutations at positions 484 and 501 are in close proximity to L108. Therefore, it appears that mutations at 484 and 501 reverted to compensate for mutation L108F.

In addition to the mutations in the DNA RC discussed here, other viral proteins from 2022 isolates also contain a variety of mutations. For example, there are four mutations (V6D, D282 N, T601 M, D633E) in the DNA dependent RNA polymerase gene (OPG151) in 2022 isolates. However, due to the mutation in the DNA RC, we have not discussed the mutations in other genes of MPXV. A low-resolution structure of VACV consisting of E9, A29, D4 and D5 has been reported [22]. A PCNA ortholog in VACV (G8R) has also been reported [23]. Reported low-resolution structure does not contain G8R. It is well-known that PCNA and its homologs or orthologs are integral parts of the replication machinery of many species. It is highly likely that VACV G8R and MPXV G9R are also part of the RC in two poxviruses.

Our structural modeling shows that G9R can be easily accommodated between F8L and E4R. Additionally, AlphaFold accurately predicted the N-terminal helices of A22R, as seen in the crystal structure of VACV D4 in complex with the A20 N-terminus [25]. These helices were used for the superposition to obtain the position of E4R without any modification in the orientation of the two helices. It is possible that these two helices adopt a different orientation, which may reposition E4R. However, regardless of the position of E4R, there remains enough space in the RC to accommodate G9R within the MPXV G9R.

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In summary, we presented the minimum components of the MPXV replication complex and identified mutations in this complex that likely contribute to the 2022 MPX outbreak. Mutation L108F in F8L, which appeared in the 2022 outbreak, is close to the ‘flipped’ template nucleotide and will enhance F8L processivity, whereas W411L likely enhances the binding of a component of the replication complex by altering the surface exposed region. Due to the high sequence and structural similarity among viral B-type DNA pols, the currently-approved antiviral treatments are expected to retain efficacy against the current iteration of MPXV. However, the evolution of resistance mutations remains possible since critical functional pathways have already been susceptible to functional mutations within the viral proteins.


LE BLOG DE PATRICE GIBERTIE – variole du singe: Ici le dossier à lire pour tout comprendre, MONEYPOX n’est transmissible que par contact physique (84% contact homosexuel), vaccin plus dangereux que le virus

LE BLOG DE PATRICE GIBERTIE – La variole du singe : un virus manipulé en labo, une bonne affaire pour Big Pharma, les vaccins devraient le faire muter et ressusciter le vrai virus de la variole



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