Update – 9 EU NATIONS READY TO IMPOSE VACCINE PASSPORTS. Lawyer’s Suspicion: “ID to check Bank Accounts”

Update – 9 EU NATIONS READY TO IMPOSE VACCINE PASSPORTS. Lawyer’s Suspicion: “ID to check Bank Accounts”


by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio


«EUVABECO’s 14 partners will unite to perform a scoping review, aiming to identify innovative vaccination practices throughout Europe«.

This is the disturbing phrase written in black and white on the EUVABECO website, the cryptic acronym of a project co-financed by the European Union that indicates the EVC vaccine passport project agreed upon by two political “servants” of Bill Gates’ global immunization plan: Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, former political leader of the Tigray Eriopian terrorists now director of the WHO, and Ursula Von der Leyen, reconfirmed as president of the EU Commission despite an investigation by the European Public Prosecutor’s Office EPPO for shady dealings in the purchase of Covid vaccines, a conviction by the European Court but an award from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation…

Among the 14 partners there are 9 EU nations and not just the 7 that will start the experimentation from September 2024.

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We read on the official EUVABECO (European Vaccination Beyond COVID-19) platform:

EUVABECO is set to launch five transformative tools, each aimed at enhancing vaccination efforts:

• Medical Tool: A decision support system for healthcare professionals and patients, facilitating informed vaccination choices;
• Social Tool: A screening tool facilitating targeted vaccine campaigns and monitoring for more effective vaccine delivery.
• Industrial Tool: An electronic leaflet for vaccines to enable more flexible vaccine distribution.
• Modelling and Forecasting Tool: A disease simulator to raise awareness on infection dynamics and the impact of public health interventions.
• Digital Tool: A cross-border vaccination card, enabling lifelong continuity of care

EUUBAVECO model project

Here are the Nine EU States that have already joined the Project

The site continues by announcing the steps from 2024 to 2026 for the adoption of the vaccine passport, or its imposition in the event of epidemics already announced by the World Health Organization for a new wave of Covid (Omicron KP3 variant), avian influenza and monkeypox (for whose vaccine WHO has already requested emergency authorization) although all three viruses can be traced back to laboratory experiments also conducted in Italy…

«To facilitate the implementation of these tools, they will be combined with innovative practices. EUVABECO’s 14 partners will unite to perform a scoping review, aiming to identify innovative vaccination practices throughout Europe. By employing the Delphi panel method, we’ll achieve consensus on the practices to be used in our pilot projects». 

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The definition of “pilot project” recalls the highly controversial Lorenzin Decree for the 10 mandatory vaccines for school-age children launched in Italy by the Gentiloni Government in 2018 following the global immunization plan desired by Bill Gates, Barack Obama and Matteo Renzi, against which 29 associations are fighting today.

«This collaborative effort will inform the development of implementation plans, paving the way for twelve pilot projects across Belgium, Germany, Greece, Latvia, Luxembourg, Poland, and Portugal from September 2024 to August 2025. These projects will serve as key platforms to test and improve the implementation strategies».

France and Sweden ready for 2025. Italy has signed the G20 Commitment

In addition to the states mentioned that will participate in the first experiment, there are also France and Sweden.

And another 5 unmentioned partners who represent: «A strong team of doctors, public health authorities, vaccinology experts, e-Health operators and industrial suppliers».

Among which are probably also hiding the Big Pharma of vaccines and the NGOs of Gates (Gavi, Cepi etc …)

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The map of partners therefore reveals that – unfortunately – a third of the 27 members of the European Union have already joined. Italy not yet but among the first official acts carried out by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni there was the signing of the agreement of intent for the international Green Pass signed at the G20 of 2022 ... All this does not bode well!

«In response to the critical need to restore trust in vaccination programs [1, 2], the European Council proposed a series of actions in 2018 aimed at strengthening cooperation against vaccine-preventable diseases [3]. This led to a 2019 study funded by the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA), which explored the feasibility of a European Vaccination Card (EVC)» we can furrther read on EUVABECO news on May 2024.

«While the HaDEA-funded study was progressing [8], the COVID-19 pandemic emerged, prompting the European Union to introduce the EU Digital COVID Certificate. This certificate, with over 2.3 billion issued, became a cornerstone of Europe’s pandemic management strategy by facilitating secure travel across the EU and enabling the coordinated relaxation of travel restrictions starting in August 2022 [9]. It also set a precedent for health innovations [10]. Following the expiration of its regulation on 30 June 2023, the World Health Organization (WHO) stepped in to establish the Global Digital Health Certification Network (GDHCN). This foundational digital public health infrastructure was created to meet the ongoing global need for a system that ensures the integrity and bilateral verification of health documents, thereby safeguarding against current and future health crises».

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On paper, the project seems to be designed to protect EU citizens, even if in reality it hides an implicit plan for health dictatorship that could culminate in the microchips under the skin already patented by the Pentagon, Bill Gates and hoped for by the founder of the World Economic Forum Klaus Schwab even for the brains of children…

EUVABECO project explains:

«Upon implementation, the EVC will enable individuals to personally manage, access, and control the dissemination of their vaccination data, adhering to privacy regulations that mandate explicit consent for data sharing. Users will have the capability to present the card, which contains their vaccination details, to healthcare professionals and related personnel. Health professionals can then scan the QR code or access the metadata from the card file to include, evaluate, supplement, and confirm vaccination entries within their Electronic Health Record (EHR) system».

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«The EVC will be available in various formats—produced on-site, mailed, or digitally downloaded to a smartphone—making it easily accessible and displayable as needed. It will feature comprehensive vaccine history information, including detailed textual records, a scannable QR code, and downloadable embedded metadata. These digital elements, the QR code and metadata, will be securely signed to maintain their authenticity and integrity. Additionally, each vaccine record will be linked to an original master record maintained by a credible health organization, ensuring the data is reliable».

From EVC Passport to Unreliable RT-PCR Swabs

The EUVABECO Plan builds on the LINK-VACC project initiated by an EU country:

«In early 2021, Belgium took an innovative approach by linking databases from various sources at the individual level. Unlike most vaccination campaigns that link data at a coarser level, this approach enabled detailed analysis and personalized insights on exhaustive population data. This allowed Belgium to accurately identify and vaccinate high-priority groups and monitor vaccination progress and effectiveness more effectively».

But it should not be forgotten that Belgium is the nation that launched a task force to study the best “RT-PCR Covid swabs” in a sensational conflict of interest: it relied on the historic London-based vaccine manufacturer GSK and Cerba Research, a multinational biomedical diagnostics company that controls many laboratories in Northern Italy and is a partner of the Cambridge-based NGO One Nucleus funded by AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson, two manufacturers of Covid vaccines.

WUHAN-GATES – 23. From Cambridge Big Pharma’s Cartel controls Swabs, Vaccines and Clinical Trials. Disturbing Conflicts of Interest from Italy to the UK

The highly contested PCR swabs, which even the CDC, the highest US health authority, declared ineffective, noting that they were incapable of distinguishing Covid-19 from the influenza virus and calling for the development of a complex used only in North America and never in Europe, are currently the only “litmus test” improperly used by Italian and European health facilities to monitor the alleged worsening of the wave of infections.

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German Lawyer: “Digital Identity Also to Control Bank Account Management”

Dutch attorney Meike Terhorst joined “The Defender In-Depth” this week to discuss the European Union’s (EU) plans for a European Vaccination Card (EVC), the plan’s similarities to the EU’s Digital COVID Certificate, the global push toward digital ID and implications for health and medical freedom.

«While the objectives of the program, set to be implemented throughout the EU by 2026, appear benign, critics argue the EVC is a stepping stone for mandatory vaccinations in the future» The Defender wrote.

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For Terhorst, efforts to launch the EVC are, at their root, “about digital ID.”

“You get a digital ID where all your vaccination records are stored … All your personal details are stored in one place, and you can move it easily from one country to another without having to redo or reapply … So basically, it’s about a digital ID, and then a link from your personal ID to your medical records on vaccination,” she said.

EU GREEN PASS, UNDER SKIN MICROCHIP AND GATES’ 666 MARK OF THE BEAST. Transhumanist Plot by Klaus Schwab (Great Reset) & NWO against Christianity

“It’s one big conglomerate which is ruling the world, and it’s this conglomerate which wants a change of the financial system,” Terhorst said. “And the change they want to have is that they can decide how much money you have in your own bank account with the CBDC,central bank digital currency.

All this brings us back to the monstrous microchip under the skin patented by Microsoft (i.e. Gates) with the number of the Beast of the Apocalypse (666) which would allow financial transactions managed by biorhythms in an increasingly extreme transhumanist propensity.

Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
prohibition of reproduction without authorization
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Fabio G.C. Carisio

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