Vatican Cardinal who Bless Gays discredits Medjugorje Visionaries and Queen of Peace Messages

In the cover image the PRO-LGBT Cardinal Fernandez who did not legitimize the authenticity of the Messages of Medjugorje and an emblematic Statue of Our Lady of La Salette whose apparitions anniversary is today
by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
With a document that cries out for vengeance before God and the Most Holy Virgin for all the devout attention that the Roman Catholic Apostolic Church has paid to the Marian apparitions over the centuries, from Lourdes to Fatima, the Vatican has cast serious doubt on the supernatural origin of those of Medjugorje, the messages given by the Queen of Peace and the credibility of the Seers themselves.
If this had been done by a high prelate member of the ancient Holy Inquisition it would have been perhaps also understandable for an excess of prudence, zeal and theological caution.
But the one who disavowed the authenticity of the apparitions in Medjugorje, a small town in Bosnia-Herzegovina with a Muslim majority, was Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernandez, Prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, who has distinguished himself in recent times for having showered blessings on gay couples and for having legitimized the possibility of a transgender person becoming a godfather in a Baptism.
The Prophecy on the Destiny of the Church and its drift towards impiety
How it is possible that Pope Francis, repeatedly determined to condemn the dangerous ideological colonization of transgender people, has appointed Tucho (as Fernandez is nicknamed) to this position is a mystery before which humble and devout Catholics pray, while the more exuberant and impatient ones launch anathemas.
“Although in the set of messages related to this spiritual experience we find many positive elements that help to grasp the call of the Gospel, certain messages – according to the opinion of some – would present contradictions or would be linked to the desires or interests of the alleged visionaries or other people” wrote the promoter of the LGBTQ LOBBY of Bill Gates & co in the official note that was released, unfortunately for him, on the very anniversary of the apparitions of Our Lady of La Salette, in France.
When Our Lady predicted to two shepherds the dire destiny of the Church and its drift towards impiety:
“Melania, what I will reveal to you now must not remain a secret forever, in 1858 you will be able to make it known. The priests who are the servants of my Son, precisely they with their dissipated life and greed for money, will make possible the manifestation of the wrath of the Almighty. Consecrated men and priests will put my Son back on the cross again. Because of the behavior of the inhabitants of the Earth, the wrath of the Father in Heaven will be called upon” said the Most Holy Virgin in a prophecy, as later reconfirmed by the visionary Melanie Calvat also to Pope Pius IX on July 6, 1851.
The crucial issue is that the Note of Cardinal Fernandez reaffirms the Catholic Church’s consent to pilgrimages to the Sanctuary of Medjugorje,
already informally declared by Pope John Paul II and then officially reaffirmed by Pope Benedict XVI, but cancels any supernatural value to the apparitions to the Visionaries.
Even to the first seven apparitions that had been officially recognized by the Commission presided over by Cardinal Camillo Ruini and formed by 13 religious and lay members.
The locality of Međugorje in Bosnia and Herzegovina gained worldwide visibility starting from June 24, 1981, when some local children (Vicka Ivanković, Mirijana Dragičević, Marija Pavlović, Ivan Dragičević, Ivanka Ivanković and Jakov Čolo, then aged between 10 and 16) began to testify to the apparitions of the Virgin Mary on the hill of Podbrdo.
The authenticity of the phenomena was recognized by all the Franciscan priests who took turns leading the Parish of St. James to which the Messages of the “Queen of Peace” (Kraljica Mira) were intended. Not only that.
The Messages of Queen of Peace become now “Alleged”
The devastating issue is that the pronouncement of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, which ended up in the eye of the storm of all the Christian communities worldwide for blessing gay couples, completely delegitimizes the authenticity of the “Messages of the Queen of Peace” by defining them as “alleged messages” of the Madonna (Gospa in Medjugorje).
The fact that this pronouncement occurred on the day in which Our Lady of La Salette, anticipating the prophecies of Lourdes and the contrasts between Christianity and Western Freemasonry, had warned the world about the dangers of the perdition of ecclesiastical authorities truly appears to be a prophetic coincidence, like the later one of Saint Pio of Pietrelcina on the corruption of Catholic nations…
St. Pio’ Prophecy on Christians’ homelands, NWO Rockefeller’s Abortion law and Masons war
“There will also be ministers of God and spouses of Jesus Christ who will abandon themselves to disorder and this will be a terrible thing; finally a hell will reign on Earth”announced the Most Holy Virgin Mary to the very young seer Melania.
Tucho Fernandez is doing everything he can to demonstrate the validity of the Marian prophecy.
Like the many cardinals of the Catholic Church who are making philosophical pacts with Freemasonry, excommunicated because it is satanic by Pope Leo XIII. And like the many American evangelical pastors who support Zionism created by Freemasonry itself to destroy Christianity.
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Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
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