NASRALLAH KILLED by IDF! Many Civilian Buildings Wiped in Beirut to Slay Hezbollah Leader. Netanyahu Demon’s Accomplices Cursed by God

NASRALLAH KILLED by IDF! Many Civilian Buildings Wiped in Beirut to Slay Hezbollah Leader. Netanyahu Demon’s Accomplices Cursed by God


«Moses cut two tablets of stone like the first ones; and he rose early in the morning and went up Mount Sinai, as the Lord had commanded him, with the two tablets of stone in his hand. Then the Lord came down in the cloud and stood with him there and proclaimed the name of the Lord. The Lord passed before him and proclaimed, «The Lord, the Lord, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness, keeping steadfast love for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, but will by no means leave the guilty unpunished, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children and on the children’s children to the third and fourth generation.»

Holy Bible – Book of Exodus (34, 4-7)

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio


Six buildings in Beirut destroyed in a few seconds by tons of explosives dropped by the Israeli air force in an attempt to kill Hassan Nasrallah, leader of Hebollah, the Party of God that with 15 representatives elected in 2022 is a legitimate member of the National Assembly of Lebanon.

A few moments ago the Iranian network PRESS TV relaunched an official statement:

«The Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah has confirmed the assassination of its secretary general Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, which occurred following massive Israeli air strikes against residential buildings in southern Beirut»

The heavy Israeli attacks south of the capital did not only hit Hezbollah buildings and leaders.

The devastated neighborhood in Beirut

Dozens of civilian buildings were razed and thousands of residents of the densely populated southern suburbs were forced to flee, camping in other neighborhoods, including the Lebanese capital’s waterfront. According to a still very approximate toll, six people were killed and 91 others injured in the bombings.

The Lebanese state news agency also reports the deaths of 11 doctors, nurses and paramedics. According to PRESS TV, the death toll could be as high as 300 (details below)

The demon Benjamin Netanyahu may be able to escape human justice thanks to the protection of the United States,

which allowed him to give a speech yesterday afternoon to the United Nations General Assembly an hour after the attacks carried out by the Zionist regime in the southern Dahieh neighborhood of Beirut to hit the underground bunker of the political and religious leader of the pro-Israel Shiite movement.

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But neither he, nor his sons, nor his accomplices (and their sons) of the various governments that support him, will be able to escape the Divine Justice established in the Book of Exodus of the Biblical Pentateuch, the Jewish Torah that he should know well if he were not also only a believer in appearance like the majority of Zionists of Masonic invention.

This is the only meager consolation left to those of us who, unlike the Islamic military formations, for an authentically Christian ethical reason could not respond with missiles – even if we possessed them – to the most wretched genocides of defenseless civilians and children in contemporary world history.

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Netanyahu Boycotted at the UN – VIDEO

When the Israeli Prime Minister spoke at the UN he was met with a hail of thunder and shouts,

most of those present left the hall of the Glass Palace in New York in protest before this statesman who had been hit by an international warrant for war crimes and was a great admirer of Hitler, uttered his fanatical words calling the UN “a swamp of anti-Semitism”.

Israel does not care, as always, about the “collateral damage” caused to the inhabitants of Beirut that has yet to be defined given the size of the explosions.

The spokesperson of the Israel Defense Forces is only concerned with communicating that Nasralah was killed in the military operation together with a command group that had met with him.

This confirms once again how many powerful infiltrators of the Israeli counterintelligence of the MOSSAD there are in Islamic groups such as Hezbollah, which is considered a terrorist organization by the USA and Israel because of its paramilitary Brigade Kata’ib Hezbollah but not by the UN and the EU that have however condemned some of its actions of a terrorist nature.

Hezbollah Leaders killed by IDF

Netanyahu Does Not Even Care About Israeli Victims

For hours there has been a suspicious silence from the Iranian and Lebanese media on the alleged disappearance of Nasrallah.

They limited themselves to reporting the attack in Beirut as a serious and powerful aggression but they cite it among other attacks, then reporting the launches of missiles in the areas of the Israeli Occupied Territories, less protected by the Iron Dome system and therefore more exposed to the risk of victims among the settlers that Netanyahu’s genocidal strategy in Gaza and now in Lebanon is causing.

Then, a few hours ago, the official note from Hezbollah arrived on the death of the leader Nasrallah.

The escalation in Lebanon began after the explosion of many sabotaged pagers that were in the hands of Hezbollah militants. An attack of evident terrorist origin that Israel has not claimed although all the media, even mainstream ones, have indicated the Mossad as the culprit.

As a perfectly perverse and diabolical mind that uses the Semitic culture and the Shoah as ideological shields to justify his policy aimed at rebuilding the Greater Israel of the instead very merciful King David, to whom a wicked American Baptist pastor compared him, he is in fact completely careless even of the victims among his compatriots.

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As usual, the IDF justified its action by claiming that not only were Hezbollah commanders in the buildings hit but they were also a weapons depot.

It is the same motivation with which they devastated 21 schools in Gaza in the last month that had become shelters for families but were pointed out as Hamas dens.

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“The enemy’s claims about the presence of weapons or weapons caches in civilian buildings targeted by the bombings in the southern suburb are false,” the Lebanese resistance movement’s media relations office said in a statement Saturday after the Israeli military said it had conducted strikes targeting “weapons belonging to Hezbollah… that were stored under civilian buildings” in southern Beirut.

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300 Casualties: Bloody massacre in Beirut ‘changes rules of game’: Iran

Iran’s Embassy in Lebanon has described Israel’s Friday strikes on the outskirts of the capital Beirut as a serious game-changing escalation, warning that the occupying regime will face punishment over the bloody onslaught, according to Iranian PRESS TV.

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The West, which continues to support Zionist genocide in the Holy Land, if it does not care about divine judgment, should still remember that Iran can now be considered a nuclear power and is already certainly in possession of some atomic warheads that it can place on its hypersonic basilar missiles, as also feared by the US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken.

Israeli warplanes carried out more than 30 airstrikes on Friday, targeting residential buildings in the areas of Burj al-Barajneh, Kafaat, Choueifat, Hadath, al-Laylaki, and Mreijeh.

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In an intense bombardment, the occupation laid waste to several building blocks in Beirut’s Dahiyeh district under the pretext of striking a depot of missiles belonging to the Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah, with local media reporting upwards of 300 casualties as a result of the aggression.

“Once again, the Israeli regime is committing a bloody massacre, targeting densely populated residential neighborhoods and making false justifications in an attempt to cover up its brutal crime,” the Iranian Embassy in Lebanon said in a post on its X account.

“There is no doubt that this reprehensible crime and reckless behavior represent a serious escalation that changes the rules of the game, and that its perpetrator will be appropriately punished and disciplined.”

ISRAEL DEFENSE FORCES MASSACRE IN LEBANON. Russia, UN strongly condemn Indiscriminate Attacks that Killed Hundreds Civilians

In a strong repudiation of the Israeli claims, Hezbollah’s media office issued a statement and said the resistance movement “denies the Israeli occupation’s false claims about the presence of weapons or weapons stores in the civilian buildings it targeted in the southern suburbs of Beirut.”

Massive Beirut Port Blast in Suspected 2020’s Attack

The bombing in Beirut has brought back to life for Muslim and Christian Lebanese (about a third of the population believe in Jesus Christ) the nightmare of the terrible explosion in the port of the capital on August 4, 2020.

218 people were killed and 7,000 others were injured. Beirut Governor Marwan Abboud estimated that up to 300,000 people were left homeless by the disaster, or about 2/3 of the city’s population. The Lebanese government had declared a two-week state of emergency in the city.

“Beirut Massacre for a Missile!”. Lebanon President and Italian Military Expert said. “Thermal rings the proof”

The main explosion was linked to the detonation of 2,750 tons of ammonium nitrate that had been confiscated in 2014 by the Lebanese government from the abandoned ship MV Rhosus and stored in the port without safety measures until the day of the disaster

Despite the inefficient transmission of shock waves, the explosion was detected as a seismic event of magnitude 3.3 by the United States Geological Survey.

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The peculiar thermal rings formed in the sky led many military analysts to believe it was a deflagration powered by a small nuclear charge and therefore attributable to a missile or a bomb. Various political authorities have indicated that Mossad intelligence was responsible.

Even a Zionist politician supported this thesis saying he would be happy if it had been the work of Israel.

Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
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Fabio G.C. Carisio

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