NUCLEAR NIGHTMARE. Israeli Attacks in Lebanon despite Iran is Close to have Atomic Warheads

NUCLEAR NIGHTMARE. Israeli Attacks in Lebanon despite Iran is Close to have Atomic Warheads


In the cover image the huge explosion in Yemeni port and in the box an Houti intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM)already used in Mediterranean Sea which can carry an atomic warhead

di Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Catisio

First published on July, 2024

While tensions in Ukraine seem to have slowed down a bit due to the growth of former President Donald Trump’s chances in the imminent race for the White House (elections November 5, 2024) and with them the immediate nightmare of a nuclear war on which NATO has greatly influenced, the real atomic threat could manifest itself in the Middle East for three very connected episodes.

Yesterday there was the massive revenge by Tel Aviv with an huge attack on the Yemeni port of Hudaydah (Hodeida) which may become the the fuse for a nuclear escalation.

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“Yemeni forces will respond to this Heinous Aggression”

The Yemeni Houthis continue to carry out their reprisals against Western and Israeli military and commercial ships in transit in the Red Sea to highlight the unacceptable genocide in Gaza carried out by the Israeli Zionist regime of Benjamin Netanyahu.

According to PRESS TV, Yemen’s Armed Forces vow to keep up their pro-Palestinian operations after the Israeli regime attacks civilian targets in the Arab Peninsula country as means of trying to deter Sana’a from carrying out the strikes.

The forces’ spokesman Brigadier General Yahya Saree made the remarks on Saturday, hours after Israeli warplanes targeted buildings, oil facilities, and a power station in the western Yemeni province of al-Hudaydah, causing a number of casualties.

“We will have effective operations that will disturb the temporary entity, and this crime will not deter us from continuing to support the Palestinian Gaza,” he asserted.

He aaded that the forces “are preparing for a long war with this enemy until the aggression ceases, the siege is lifted, and all crimes committed against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip are stopped.”

He also said Yemen reserved the right to retaliate in kind against the Israeli regime over the Saturday attack against al-Hudaydah. “They (the Yemeni forces) will respond to this heinous aggression and will not hesitate to strike vital targets of the Israeli enemy,” the official stated.

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The Israeli War Crimes in face to ICJ Sentence

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has ruled illegal the policy of colonial settlements that the State of Israel carries out in the West Bank and East Jerusalem

, as well as the exploitation of the natural resources of those territories. This is an advisory opinion, therefore it is not binding. The United Nations court – the oldest international court, based in The Hague, not to be confused with the International Criminal Court (ICC) that has called for the arrest of Netanyahu as well as the leaders of Hamas, – issued this opinion at the request of the UN General Assembly.


Having no substantial value whatsoever, the Israeli army responded by committing another massacre of civilians that was added to the even more terrible one of the other week.

In this scenario of international diplomatic desired impotence – caused by the unconditional support of the US and the European Union to the Zionist regime – the power of the Israeli leader is becoming similar to that of Adolf Hitler in the most thunderous of his conquests during the Second World War. These too were supported by the Americans through the business joint ventures of the Rockefellers’ Standard Oil.

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Massive Devasting Attacks against Yemeni Houtis

In this context, the first sensational attack on Israel carried out by the Yemeni Houthi separatists fits in.

Investigations into the Tel Aviv attack show that the drone that killed Yevgeny Perder and injured others traveled approximately 2,000 kilometers from Yemen to Israel via the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt. The drone used different routes to confuse IDF detection systems. The drone’s payload was relatively small and contained a few kilograms of explosives to extend the distance of the aircraft, allowing it to cross the Sinai and enter Israel via the Mediterranean Sea.

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A symbolic attack perhaps allowed by the Israeli Defense Forces precisely to have an excuse for a massive retaliatory attack against the Yemenis in a script similar to that of the Hamas attacks of October 7, 2023 of which Tel Aviv intelligence had been well informed by the Egyptian one.

The massive, devastating and even shocking attack for the mass of fire it developed did take place. The port of Hudaydah was also hit to stop an unsubstantiated supply of weapons from Iran to its historic Shiite allies in Yemen.

The attack makes Yemenis relive the dramatic bombing of the port of Aden in December 2020 in which at least 22 people died.

The Risk of a Nuclear Revenge

This happened a few hours after US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken announced the possible imminent creation of a nuclear weapon by Tehran, which has accelerated the enrichment of uranium in its facilities in response to the ruthless assassination of General Qasem Soleimani on January 3, 2020, ordered by former President Trump (the one who would like to bring peace to the world) to please his Zionist sponsors.

We forecast that a few weeks ago…

What neither Israel nor Israel nor the US consider is the situation in which the Houthi separatists of Sanaa find themselves, having survived every kind of bombing, deprivation, hunger and kids genocide plotted by Saudi Arabia with the international coalition of NATO countries from 2014 until the truce of 2022.

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They are now a collapsing popukation specialized only in high-level technological guerrilla warfare and armed with the considerable arsenal of Iran that has almost nothing left to lose having seen two generations of children die.

For these reasons, while Iran could never be induced to use a nuclear weapon against Israel which has almost a hundred atomic warheads, the bloodied fury arising for years of war crimes suffered thanks to the bombs continuously supplied by the West to Arabia by deceiving every UN embargo (including those produced in Italy by RWM on behalf of the American Raytheon) could induce the army of Sanaa to carry out an exemplary massacre in Israel, without thinking too much about the consequences.

This could trigger the escalation of a small indirect nuclear war by Iran against Israel conducted through the Yemenis.

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A nuclear bomb, in fact, unlike other devices, even if of modest charge, becomes devastating even if intercepted by the powerful Israeli defense system Iron Dome.

When the US plans retaliatory actions in support of Israel instead of concrete diplomacy on Gaza, they should reflect on the risk that they have been torturing for years an Asian Lion even more dangerous than that of Tehran.

Below the details of the news from YASS, POress TV and RT (former Russia Today)

Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
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Airstrike at Hudaydah carried out by Israel, casualties reported

Several oil facilities in the Yemini port of Hudaydah (Hodeida) were attacked by an airstrike, the Al Masirah TV channel reported.According to the report, the airstrike targeted oil facilities located inside the port.

The airstrike at the Yemeni port of Al Hudaydah was carried out by Israel, the Al Masirah TV channel reported.According to the TV channel’s official sources, “the Israeli adversary carried out a series of strikes at the port of Hudaydah.”

The airstrike was carried out by at least 12 Israeli planes, including US-made F-35s, the Al Hadath TV channel said.Several people got killed or injured in the attack, according to Al Masirah

The Israeli warplanes carried out an airstrike at Houthi military targets in the Hudaydah port area in response to hundreds of attacks on the Israeli state in the past few months, the IDF press office said.

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“A while ago, the planes carried out strikes at military targets of the Houthi terrorist regime in the Hudaydah port area in Yemen in response to hundreds of attacks, carried out against Israel in the recent months,” the statement says.

The Houthi rebels attacked Israel for over 200 times and the Jewish state responded only when its civilians were affected, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant claimed, adding that the fire in Hudaydah is “visible across the Middle East.”

“The fire that is raging in Hudaydah right now is visible across the Middle East, and its meaning is clear,” he added, according to the Israeli Defense Ministry.

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According Iranian Press TV, Mohammed Abdulsalam, the spokesman for Yemen’s Ansarullah movement,  said in a statement on X that “A brutal Israeli aggression has targeted civilian buildings, oil facilities and power station in Hudaydah, aiming at pressuring Yemen to stop supporting Gaza, but the attack will only increase our determination, steadfastness, continuity.”

An Israeli official also confirmed the strike, saying it was conducted in coordination with the United States and in response to hundreds of attacks carried out against Israel in recent months.

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The United States and Britain have struck hundreds of targets in Yemen since November and have been sharing intelligence with the Israeli regime for months. The latest aggression came a day after the Yemeni Armed Forces carried out a drone strike on Tel Aviv in response to the Israeli genocide in Gaza.

The drone hit an area near a US consular facility in Tel Aviv early on Friday, killing one person and injuring 10 others as the Israeli air defenses failed to intercept the drone. Ansarullah has already said it was “prepared for any Israeli response” to the strike.

Iran close to ‘nuclear breakout’ – Blinken

Iran could be in a position to build a nuclear weapon within a matter of weeks or even days, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has warned. Tehran has been increasing its stockpile of near-weapons-grade uranium since Washington unilaterally pulled out from the landmark Iran nuclear deal in 2018.

In an apparent jab at Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, who spearheaded US withdrawal from the accord, Blinken told the Aspen Security Forum on Friday that Iran had dramatically reduced the time needed to produce the fissile material needed to make a nuclear bomb.

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After “the nuclear agreement was thrown out, instead of being at least a year away from having the breakout capacity of producing fissile material for a nuclear weapon, [Iran] is now probably one or two weeks away from doing that,” the top US diplomat said.

Blinken stressed that Iran had not yet “produced a weapon itself, but that’s something of course that we track very, very carefully.”

The secretary noted that Iran could show that it is serious about engaging with the US on nuclear issues by “pulling back on the work that it’s been doing” on its atomic program, adding that Washington continues to jack up sanctions pressure on Tehran in an effort to change their behavior.

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According to a May report by the UN’s International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Iran has more than 140 kilograms of uranium enriched to 60%. To be used in a nuclear bomb, it must be enriched to more than 90%. By comparison, under the 2015 nuclear deal Iran signed with several world powers, including the US, Tehran pledged to keep its uranium enrichment at 3.67%.

Trump said he withdrew from the deal, which he called a “disaster,” because it failed to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons. Tehran, however, has consistently maintained that it has no plans to do so and that its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes only.

The administration of US President Joe Biden has been trying for months to revive the landmark deal, but the talks have stalled. In particular, Iran has demanded guarantees from the US that it will not walk away from the deal in the future.




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Fabio G.C. Carisio

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