“TOWARDS A NUCLEAR CATASTROPHE”. Russia Warning on US Policies in Middle East and Ukraine. Arrest’s Risk for NATO Chief

“TOWARDS A NUCLEAR CATASTROPHE”. Russia Warning on US Policies in Middle East and Ukraine. Arrest’s Risk for NATO Chief


Russian ambassador: “Biden’s administration pushes world towards nuclear catastrophe”

by Carlo Domencio Cristofori

The administration of US President Joe Biden is pushing the world towards a nuclear catastrophe, Russian Ambassador to the US Anatoly Antonov said in an interview with the Big Game TV show on Russia’s Channel One.

“I’ve told the Americans, I’ve told my colleagues in the White House and the US Department of State that you are pushing [the world] towards a nuclear catastrophe,” the diplomat said.

Anatoly Antonov

“I mean the Ukrainian crisis and the current US policies in the Middle East. They are supporting one party to the conflict, and this is absolutely not conductive to peace,” he added.

Antonov also said he had tried to explain the essence of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s proposed amendments to the Russian nuclear doctrine to officials in the White House and the Department of State.

“This matter is of particular importance for me, because, in essence, the Americans are waging the war against us, but with the hands of Ukrainians,” the ambassador said.

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Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the forthcoming adjustments to the nuclear doctrine on September 25 at a permanent meeting of the Security Council.

Among the proposed amendments are the interpretation as an attack any nuclear power’s support for a non-nuclear country that is at war with Russia and guarantees of a nuclear response to an attack on Russia’s ally Belarus. The list of countries and military alliances and military threats to which nuclear deterrence applies is to be expanded.

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Iran, “legitimate target” those who help Israel

Iran has warned “supporters of the Israeli regime” that they will become “legitimate targets” if they do not stay out of the battle “of the occupying entity against the Islamic Republic”.

Iran’s permanent mission to the United Nations has made it clear that Iran will definitely respond to any act of aggression. It said that the Swiss embassy in Tehran, as the US Interests Section, serves as the sole official channel of communication for Iran.

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“Our response will be directed exclusively at the aggressor. If a country were to provide assistance to the aggressor, it will be considered equally an accomplice and a legitimate target. We advise countries to refrain from entangling themselves in the conflict between the Israeli regime and Iran and to distance themselves from the fray,” Iran’s permanent mission to the UN added.

From G7 firmly condemns Iran attack:

Following the worsening of the crisis in the Middle East, Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni urgently called and chaired a telephone conference of G7 leaders this afternoon. During the conversation, according to a note released by Palazzo Chigi, “the firm condemnation of the Iranian attack against Israel was reiterated”.

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“In a constantly evolving scenario – the statement continues –, it was agreed to work together to promote a reduction in tensions at the regional level, starting with the application of Resolution 2735 in Gaza and Resolution 1701 for the stabilization of the Israeli-Lebanese border”.

Iran slams Israeli regime’s verbal attack on UN chief

Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman has condemned Israel’s measure to declare the secretary-general of the United Nations as persona non grata.

Esmaeil Baghaei said on Friday morning the move is aimed at bullying Antonio Guterres and forcing him to remain silent on the regime’s crimes.

The spokesman added that Israel is the same regime whose former ambassador shredded the UN Charter in front of the entire world. Baghaei noted that Israel’s prime minister also abused the UN General Assembly’s podium to silence the whole world by threatening to cause more death and destruction.

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Stressing that any effort to appease a bully only leads to more bullying, the Iranian diplomat urged the Security Council to act on Israel’s crimes before it’s too late.

On Wednesday, Israel declared Guterres “persona non grata,” accusing him of failing to condemn Iran’s retaliatory missile strike against the regime. UN spokesperson Stephane Dujarric criticized Tel Aviv’s reaction as political and “just one more attack, so to speak, on UN staff that we’ve seen from” Israel.

Lebanon’s health system struggles as dozens of clinics close amid Israeli airstrikes

«Lebanon’s healthcare system is facing “immense challenges” after five facilities were targeted in airstrikes and 38 staff were killed, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs has warned» BMJ (British Medical Journal) reported.

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In a situation update on 2 October, the UN said Israel has continued to “target densely populated areas across Lebanon” for a second consecutive week, “driving waves of displacement and further exacerbating the needs of affected and displaced populations.” Around 40 primary healthcare centres have been forced to close.

Leader hails ‘brilliant work’ of Iran’s armed forces in striking Israel

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has hailed “the brilliant work of our armed forces” in launching a missile strike on the Tel Aviv area, saying it was “completely legal and legitimate”.

Ayatollah Khamenei delivered a public sermon at the weekly Friday prayer to a huge number of worshipers gathered at the Imam Khomeini Grand Mosalla mosque in central Tehran.

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“The brilliant work of our armed forces was completely legal and legitimate. What our armed forces did was the least punishment for the usurping Zionist regime over the astonishing crimes of this wolf-like regime and rabid dog of America,” he said.

Ayatollah Khamenei, “Whatever duty the Islamic Republic has in this regard, it will fulfill with strength and fortitude. We will neither delay nor hurry in carrying out the task.

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“What is logical and reasonable and the opinion of the political and military decision makers will be done in the future if necessary just like it has been done.”

The prayer in Tehran followed a commemoration ceremony for Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah who was assassinated in an Israeli airstrike in Beirut. Ayatollah Khamenei last led Friday prayers in January 2020 after Iran fired missiles at a US army base in Iraq, in response to a strike that martyred anti-terror commander Brigadier General Qassem Soleimani.

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Belgian Lawyer: “Stoltenberg could face life imprisonment for his crimes”

Former NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg may deserve life imprisonment under Belgian laws for his actions, which included orchestrating the conflict in Ukraine,

Belgian lawyer Philippe Vanlangendonck said.

Vanlangendonck represents French researcher and publicist Patrick Pasin, who earlier filed a lawsuit against former NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg for his role in unleashing the conflict in Ukraine, which jeopardized the security of all NATO member states and their citizens.

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“We are talking about very serious charges. Belgian law provides for the possibility of life imprisonment for them (such crimes – TASS), as there is no death penalty in Belgium,” he said. The lawyer also pointed out that any individual or organization affected by the Ukrainian conflict could join this investigation.








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Carlo Domenico Cristofori

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