FREEMASONRY and ZIONISM – 2. Toward Diabolical Apocalypse. Guardian Forecast Hundreds of Casualties in Israel. Then Thousands in West for Nuke Winds

By Carlo Domenico Cristofori
Unlike other investigations, this one will be shorter.
Especially because too many American and European idiots have not yet understood the tremendous danger to which Biden-NATO’s wars in Ukraine and the Middle East are exposing us. If you can wake them up, you will give a great beneficial gift to humanity before it’s too late!!!
But above all, they have not even remotely grasped that some of the world’s leaders, more servants of the New World Order than responsible for the fate of their nations, are leading us towards an abyss well prefigured by the Book of the Apocalypse of St. John to which we have dedicated an exhaustive geopolitical-theological investigation.
Even the British newspaper The Guardian, out of respect for the truth that has been completely hidden in the Italian mainstream for many years and in particular after the massacres caused by the adverse reactions of the Covid vaccines, had to publish an article analyzing the geopolitical situation in the Middle East in which it points out enormous problems that contrast with the easy Zionist-Masonic policy of US and UE…
The Guardian: “ESCALATION with IRAN coul be RISKY: Israel is more Vulnerable than it seems”
“The core fact remains that Iran has proven it can hit Israel hard if it so chose,” writes Decker Eveleth, an analyst with the research and analysis group CNA, who analysed the satellite images for a blogpost.
“Airbases are hard targets, and the sort of target that likely won’t produce many casualties. Iran could choose a different target – say, a densely packed IDF ground forces base, or a target within a civilian area – anda missile strike there would produce a large number of [casualties].”
In the longer term, Israel may target Iranian ballistic missile production lines and infrastructure in order to prevent attacks. Benjamin Netanyahu has long argued that the Iranian ballistic missile programme is as dangerous to Israel as its nuclear programme is.
«In the longer term, Israel may target Iranian ballistic missile production lines and infrastructure in order to prevent attacks. Benjamin Netanyahu has long argued that the Iranian ballistic missile programme is as dangerous to Israel as its nuclear programme is» adds Andrew Roth in his analysis on The Guardian that prefigures an apocalyptic scenario already announced by Russia.
A Diabolical Project that goes beyond the Military
The explanation of these potentially suicidal maneuvers is complex from a geopolitical and military perspective but extremely simple from a spiritual one…
Since this entire project of genocide and devastation is animated by diabolical Zionism, Netanyahu does not care how many victims (also Israeli) he will be able to cause because they are all prey that his satanic vision and exaltation leads towards the Hell to which he is devoted (if they are not ready to die in the Grace of God as the Queen of Peace of Medjugorje teaches).
“I’ve told the Americans, I’ve told my colleagues in the White House and the US Department of State that you are pushing [the world] towards a nuclear catastrophe,” Russian Ambassador to the US Anatoly Antonov said.
Despite this, both the American Democratic President Joseph Biden, the great director of the plot that unleashed the war in Ukraine, and the Republican challenger for the White House (of the Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris) Donald Trump insist on wanting to face a war against Iran that could become nuclear due to the atomic warheads developed by Tehran especially after the treacherous assassination of the Iranian general Qadeem Soleimani, commander of the Quds Forces of the Pasdaran who helped Syria defeat the Islamic State created by the Caliph Al Baghdadi with the complicity of the American counter-espionage CIA and Israeli MOSSAD who were responsible for the latest escalations in the Middle East.
But the third most terrible danger for Italy, Europe and the entire West comes from the fact that any nuclear explosion in Iran, Israel, Lebanon or Palestine will produce winds of highly harmful waste – and potentially lethal in the short and medium term – like the toxic cloud that was produced by the explosion in a depleted uranium-based ammunition depot in Ukraine in May 2023 and hidden by all the mainstream media to minimize the direct consequences in Europe of the conflict between Moscow and Kiev.
This “flood” of radioactivity could cause not only hundreds but thousands and thousands of deaths in a few months or years… One of the greatest Italian scholars explained it in a previous article on Gospa News.
NUCLEAR NIGHTMARE. Israeli Attacks in Lebanon despite Iran is Close to have Atomic Warheads
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