MYSTERY on the DEATH of BOB KENNEDY’S WIDOW. Alleged STROKE by Vaccines after his Son RFK jr WARNED Her to Not Take

In the cover image Robert F. Kennedy Jr. with his mother Ethel Skakel Kennedy
by Carlo Domenico Cristofori
Ethel Kennedy, the wife of Sen. Robert Francis Kennedy who raised their 11 children after his assassination and remained dedicated to social causes and the family legacy for decades, died Thursday, her family said. She was 96.
RFK Sr., who had headed the Justice Department as attorney general during his brother John’s presidency, ran for president in 1968, running in the Democratic Party primary. He died following an assassination attempt on June 6, 1968, the day after his victory in the California and South Dakota primaries.

She had previously had to live with her husband the distressing and still mysterious tragedy of the fatal attack on her brother-in-law John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 35th President of the United States of America, killed in Dallas on November 22, 1963, and then live with the terrible mystery of the real instigators of those crimes certainly attributable to the Deep State. Events that would be too difficult to delve into in this article, so we refer you to the links at the last one on the subject.
Now another little mystery surrounds his own death. There is in fact the probability that she was killed too…
In Honor of JFK’s Immortal Legacy: A presentation by Rising Tide Foundation President Cynthia Chung
Not by a person but by equally perverse entities: the Government of Joseph Biden and the New World Order who imposed on the USA and the entire West experimental and dangerous Covid vaccines that the White House made mandatory in many health and public areas and recommended them to the rest of the population by censoring every critical voice on social media.
Just like that of one of Ethel’s sons, the NO-VAX activist lawyer Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who was “lynched” by the media in American newspapers for having advised his elderly mother against getting vaccinated.
“White House’s Pressure on Meta to Censor SARS-Cov-2 Lab Leak Theory”. Zuckerberg email disclosed
In the long-standing dynasty scandal with his brothers he had in fact entered into a media attack on Time for having denounced the dangers of vaccines.
The Matriarch’s Stroke Perhaps Adverse Reaction to Vaccine
The Kennedy matriarch had been hospitalized after suffering a stroke in her sleep on October 3
, as reported by her family.
Although she was elderly, she was in good health, so it is reasonable to assume that this ischemia (also called cerebral infarction) was caused by the mRNA gene serums since it is one of the most lethal and widespread adverse reactions related to both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.
But before reconstructing the controversy that broke out between the Kennedys on the vaccination campaign, let’s see how the news was reported by the mainstream media, which did not even mention the political role of her son RFK Jr., who was already running as a Democrat first and then as an Independent for the US Presidential elections on November 5, 2024 and is now in line for a government post in the event of a victory by Republican candidate Donald Trump.
“It is with our hearts full of love that we announce the passing of our amazing grandmother,” Joe Kennedy III posted on X. “She died this morning from complications related to a stroke suffered last week.”
“Along with a lifetime’s work in social justice and human rights, our mother leaves behind nine children, 34 grandchildren and 24 great-great grandchildren along with numerous nieces and nephews, all of whom love her dearly,” the family statement said, as reported by AP.
His children are Kathleen, Joseph II, Robert Jr., David, Courtney, Michael, Kerry, Christopher, Max, Douglas and Rory.
RFK jr attacked by the Media because he advised his Mother not to get vaccinated
And it was precisely between some of them that a very vehement media clash raged…
«Environment lawyer turned controversial vaccine critic Robert F. Kennedy Jr. doubts the safety and efficacy of Moderna and Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccines and said he would urge his 92-year-old mother Ethel not to take either one. Kennedy made his remarks in an interview with journalists from NewsGuard, a website that rates online news sources for accuracy».
This is what Newsweek reported on March 1, 2021 (link below among sources), a few months after the start of the vaccination campaign when various studies had already reported the danger of the new mRNA gene serums, including a Boston research…
The article refers to the NewsGuard website, founded by Wall Street gurus and placed at the service of Bill Gates and the Big Pharma lobby as it was financed as a Fact-Checker by the European Commission (details below).
Asked whether he’d advise his mother to be vaccinated, Kennedy said, “The Pfizer or Moderna vaccine? No absolutely not.” Asked if he would tell her not to take the vaccines, he said, “Of course. Look at the clinical trials.”
«This advice is counter to most established science at this point in the coronavirus pandemc» then added the journalist Peter Carbonara of Newsweek specifically to delegitimize the NO-VAX lawyer, already winner of a historic case against the US Department of Health (HHS).
Along the same lines, a controversy had also broken out in the family some time before…
The Kennedy Clan against the NO-VAX Brother
«A public spat among boldface names broke out on May 8, when three members of the Kennedy clan published a piece on Politico declaring that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.—son of Bobby Kennedy—has been “tragically wrong” in his years-long crusade against vaccines, a crusade that seems especially irresponsible now as the country suffers through its worst measles outbreak since 1994».
The Time wrote in May 2019, a few months before the arrival of SARS-Cov-2, which had perhaps already received some tip-offs from the former CIA director of the Obama-Biden administration who had been announcing a coronavirus pandemic for years like Bill Gates while the Pentagon’s military agency DARPA was financing Anthony Fauci’s projects in China that helped Moderna patent the vaccine against Covid-19 nine months before its appearance…
Read our WuhanGates investigations to get an idea of the American conspiracy on the laboratory SARS-Cov-2. But let’s go back to Time…
«Kennedy has become a hero of the anti-vax crowd with his persistent claims that vaccines contain deadly ingredients, particularly a mercury-based preservative known as thimerosal, and that they are linked to autism» added the famous journalist Jeffrey Kluger.
5 Scientific Findings Explain Link Between Vaccines and Autism
Recent studies published by the website The Defender of the association Children’s Health Defense chaired by RFK jr have confirmed the correlation between vaccines and this neurodevelopmental disorder with serious psychological consequences.
There is really little to comment on…
NewsGuard’s Attack on Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
The trap on RFK Jr.’s advice to his mother not to get vaccinated, as we highlighted before, was set for him by NewsGuard, which we know all too well.
Not only did it repeatedly report us as an unreliable source without analyzing the documents supporting our investigations, paving the way for the social networks that banned us, precisely because we also published documents on the White House, the CIA and their role in the laboratory virus pandemic that is becoming increasingly evident every day…
But he also highlighted our investigation (published on the American site VT where Gospa News director has a column) on the world cover of the Social Report Impact 2022, making yet another huge blunder…
In fact, he contested our investigation into the sensational scandal of the WHO Commission of Inquiry to identify the possible laboratory origin of SARS-Cov-2 and carry out inspections in the Wuhan Institute of Virology, within which a French doctor from the Pasteur Institute was appointed who had worked precisely on the SARS projects in the Chinese laboratory on behalf of a European Commission project in 2004.
It is not surprising that NewsGuard is therefore on the payroll of the same EU executive and that it tried to catch RFK jr. out of line.
The bitter circumstance remains that his mother died precisely because of one of the most serious and now known side effects of mRNA gene serums. May her soul rest in peace, condolences to her brave lawyer son.
In this moment of pain we cling to him in a Christian way even after having harshly criticized him on Gospa News for his choice to support Trump given the intrigues with Big Pharma Moderna of his vice Vance…
Carlo Domenico Cristofori
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NEWSWEEK – Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Would ‘Absolutely Not’ Advise His Mom Ethel to Get COVID-19 Vaccine
TIME – A Smackdown in the Kennedy Clan Summons Up the History of Presidents and Vaccines
WUHAN-GATES – 77. Biden’s US GOVT, EU are PAYING Scientists to HIDE SARS-Cov-2 Man-Made BioWeapon
RFK jr’s BETRAYAL of ANTI-VAX! He will Join Forces with Trump-Vance, Moderna Big Pharma partners