CLASH OF THE TITANS to SHARE the LOOT ON COVID VACCINES with GATES. Legal Actions by GSK (led by Microsoft manager) vs Moderna and Pfizer on mRNA Patents

CLASH OF THE TITANS to SHARE the LOOT ON COVID VACCINES with GATES. Legal Actions by GSK (led by Microsoft manager) vs Moderna and Pfizer on mRNA Patents


In the cover image, the President of the European Commission Von der Leyen, ambassador in Europe of the New World Order of the Arms and Big Pharma Lobby led by Bill III Gates, emperor of vaccines

Introduction by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio – direttore Gospa News International


Bill III, the emperor of vaccines, has decided to cash in on “his dividends” on the profits of the billion-dollar revenues of the Covid vaccines sold by American Big Pharma with the complicity of compliant governments.

Like those appointed by the President of the Italian Republic Sergio Mattarella, who signed the imposition of experimental mRNA genetic serums as mandatory for many categories and over 50s launched by the Draghi Government, by the President of the European Commission Ursula Von der Leyen (who is being investigated by the European Prosecutor’s Office EPPO for suspicious purchases) and by the American presidents Joseph Biden and Donald Trump: becasue the first promoted them and the second who financed their rapid production with the Warp Speed ​​plan.

Bombshell! 9/11, PLANDEMIC & MOSCOW MASSACRE. Black Man of CIA Intrigues alongside Biden jr in Ukrainian Company Accused of Financing Crocus’ Terrorists

GSK, the London-based pharmaceutical giant, has in fact started legal action against Moderna, after having filed it against Pfizer even though it is its partner, to obtain the “royalties” on alleged 2015 patents linked to the development of the innovative – and very dangerous – messenger RNA biotechnology.

GSK, Big Pharma, daughter of Bribes

In March 2020 we published investigation no. 3 of 10 of the CoronaVirus BIO-WEAPON Cycle, later renamed WuhanGates and now at no. 7, on SARS-Cov-2 built in the laboratory to impose the most wicked and criminal speculation on vaccines against it.

To make “Money” as even my 12-year-old niece immediately commented when I summarized my first discoveries in a convivial family gathering just before the ferocious lockdown.

The title was clear: “GSK GOLDEN VACCINE. Big Pharma partners with Bill Gates, the Pentagon and the US Zionist Lobby”. Strong in our knowledge of the London pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline for the scandal of the bribes of its progenitor (Smithkline Beckman Corp) that paid bribes to the former Italian Minister of Health Francesco De Lorenzo before he imposed the obligation of the hepatitis B vaccine at school age (Law 165/1991) and that of the medical over-prescriptions of 2004 that hit general practitioners compliant with GSK in Italy, we believed that this was the Big Pharma to keep an eye on for speculation on anti-Sars-2 vaccines.

WUHAN-GATES – 77. Biden’s US GOVT, EU are PAYING Scientists to HIDE SARS-Cov-2 Man-Made BioWeapon

Especially because this multinational was (and is) managed by CEO Emma Walmsley, non-executive director of Microsoft Corporation, proving the significant investments made by Bill Gates in this healthcare corporation.

The Huge Pilot-Project in

The target of our investigation 4 years ago turned out to be inaccurate because a few months later the research on the prototype vaccine tested by GSK in Australia with the support of CEPI was abandoned.

CEPI (Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations) is the NGO for global immunization founded thanks to the funding of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation like the Gavi Alliance, launched together with the Rockefeller Foundation in 1999 right in Italy, and like the Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA), launched by the Oama-Biden administration that in 2014 the pilot project of the 10 mandatory vaccines for school-age children in Italy, later bitterly known as the Lorenzin Decree of the Government of Paolo Gentiloni, thanks to the then Prime Minister Matteo Renzi.

WUHAN-GATES – 62. MANMADE SARS-Cov-2 FOR GOLDEN VACCINES: Metabiota, CIA, Biden, Gates, Rockefeller intrigued in Ukraine, China and Italy

But today’s news makes us understand that the proceeds on the mRNA gene serum business were only postponed. And it makes us ask a question full of suspicions: why didn’t GSK, if it owned the patent for the new biotechnology, use it to develop its own vaccine???

Perhaps because it knew it wouldn’t be safe and therefore sent Pfizer and Moderna ahead to burn their image with the inevitable lawsuits??? It would be the plot of a horror movie…

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio – direttore Gospa News International


GSK, Gates and the genocidal Fauci in the Siena Biotechnopole

GSK takes mRNA patent fight to Moderna, suing over vaccines for COVID and RSV

by Fraiser Kansteiner – originally published by Fierce Pharma

All links to previous Gospa News investigations have been added in the aftermath for the ties with the topics highlighted.

All Italian articles linked below can be read in English or other languages thanks to machine translation available

Nearly six months after lodging a similar complaint against Pfizer and BioNTech over the partners’ COVID shot Comirnaty, GSK is targeting Moderna in a pair of lawsuits alleging the Massachusetts-based biotech violated multiple patents with its duo of approved mRNA vaccines.

SHADY AFFAIRS of TRUMP’s VP alongside PENTAGON-CIA’s Globalists of Ukrainian Bio-Labs. Vance Partner of Biodefense Trust funded by Fauci for Moderna Vaccine

GSK sued Moderna over the shots in Delaware federal court Tuesday, claiming the mRNA specialist ignored GSK-owned patents related to lipid mRNA vaccine formulation technology.

The lawsuits specifically concern Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine, Spikevax, and its more recently approved mRNA shot for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), mRESVIA. GSK claims Moderna is marketing the products in violation of its intellectual property without licenses.

In the lawsuits, GSK’s legal team said the company hopes to recover a “reasonable royalty” tied to Moderna’s vaccine sales as well as “all damages adequate” to make up for the mRNA outfit’s alleged infringement.

GSK confirmed the filing of the lawsuits in an email Tuesday, with a spokesperson adding that the company is “committed to taking appropriate action where necessary” to protect its intellectual property.

GSK “believes these patents provided the foundational technology used in both Moderna’s COVID-19 and RSV mRNA-based vaccines,” the spokesperson said. “We are willing to license these patents on commercially reasonable terms and to ensure continued patient access.”

Moderna, for its part, told Fierce Pharma it’s aware of the litigation and plans to defend itself.

Vaccines like Moderna’s Spikevax and mRESVIA rely on lipid nanoparticles to deliver mRNA, which “can degrade quickly” and need “to be protected from the moment of preparation through formulation, storage, handling, administration, and even inside the body following administration,” according to GSK’s lawsuit.

GSK’s legal team argues Moderna didn’t start investigating lipid encapsulation and delivery for RNA vaccines until after the foundational work on the approach—which GSK acquired in 2015 after purchasing much of Novartis’ vaccine business—became public.

GSK further contends that Moderna got its hands on technical know-how tied to the company’s mRNA vaccine platform by “hiring several former Novartis and GSK employees with first-hand knowledge.”

The Moderna lawsuits echo similar claims made by GSK when it sued Pfizer and BioNTech for allegedly infringing upon the company’s mRNA patents back in April.

At the time, Pfizer voiced confidence in its patent position and vowed to “vigorously defend against” the allegations.

Meanwhile, GSK last August filed a separate lawsuit against Pfizer over the companies’ dueling RSV immunizations, Arexvy and Abrysvo. In the complaint, GSK argues Pfizer kicked off the project that led to Abrysvo no earlier than 2013, which it claims was at least seven years after its own RSV program.

Up until recently, the RSV vaccine arena was seen as a potential $10 billion-plus opportunity for large drugmakers to compete over. But, after a recent narrow Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommendation on suggested immunization schedules, those early estimates may prove overly ambitious.

As for COVID vaccines, sales of Pfizer and Moderna’s shots have fallen precipitously after reeling in astronomical revenues at the pandemic’s height.

For all of 2023, Moderna’s Spikevax brought home $6.7 billion compared to Comirnaty’s $11.2 billion. Both numbers marked a more than 60% plunge versus 2022 sales.

Fraiser Kansteiner – originally published by Fierce Pharma





NWO’s Plot against Italy (XFile 6). Mandatory Vaccines for Health Workers Dictated by Minister close to Soros

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Fabio G.C. Carisio

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