VACCINES & GRAPHENE – 6. Very Dangerous NANOMETALLIC QUANTUM DOTS in COVID Serums. Evidences from Moderna’s mRNA Patents

VACCINES & GRAPHENE – 6. Very Dangerous NANOMETALLIC QUANTUM DOTS in COVID Serums. Evidences from Moderna’s mRNA Patents


In the cover image of the the sorcerer’s apprentice triad Gates, Collins (ex NIH) and Fauci (ex NIAID) during a Covid summit, the Quantum Dots grafted onto SARS-Cov-2 (photo NIH-US) and the Moderna patent on Lipid Nanoparticles carriers of messenger RNA which also discusses inorganic nanometallic nanoparticles and graphene oxide

by Fabio Giusdeppe Carlo Carisio – Gospa News International director

Article originally published on September 29, 2024 in Italian version


«The Covid-Sars2 pandemic induced industries to develop new drugs that they called vaccines.The mechanism of action of these drugs (as declared by the pharmaceutical industries coupled with what is reported in the products’ data sheet) is clearly proves these products are not vaccines, but nanotechnological drugs working as a genetic therapy»

This is what a research published by The Scientist Club a few months ago wrote, which we have never given importance to until now.

The Dangerousness of mRNA Genetic Serums Ignored by Western Health Authorities

Firstly because it has not been published in international medical journals such as the studies of Professor Jean-Claude Perez carried out for the Luc Montagnier Foundation in memory of the late biologist who mysteriously disappeared after his denunciation of the SARS-Cov-2 built in the laboratory and the Prion-killers of Covid vaccines.

MONTAGNIER, “A NOBEL TO TAKE DOWN”. Exclusive Preview of Book on Mysterious Death of Biologist who FIRST Unveiled SARS-Co-v2 as ManMade BioWeapon

Or like the three researches published by the Italian biochemist Gabriele Segalla who announced – months before other international studies – the toxicity of the mRNA nanoparticles of the Comirnaty genetic serum produced by Pfizer-Biontech thanks also to the funding of Bill Gates.

Because Gates has been intrigued hand and foot with the American president Joseph Biden since the time of the Obama administration, with the Pentagon, with the European Union but also with Italy through the Meloni Government, the Minister of Health Orazio Schillaci and the Piedmont Region of the governor Alberto Cirio, it is very easy to understand why the dangerousness of the Covid vaccines sponsored by him through various NGOs has never come to light among the Western health authorities…

Serious Inflammatory Muscular Disorders after mRNA Vaccines. Korean Study confirms Segalla and McCullough Alarms. On Heart Dangers too

Above all because Bill III, world emperor of vaccines, has placed one of his puppets, the former Ethiopian minister of a terrorist regime Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, as director of the WHO which he copiously finances.

May God have mercy on the souls of many of his accomplices who call themselves Christians but only think about their international political affairs…

Well, the complaint published months ago by Scientist Club (source 1) accredited by the discoveries of the doctor Ana Maria Mihalceam (source 2) is today confirmed by the contents discovered by Gospa News within the same patents of the Moderna pharmaceutical company of Cambridge (Massachusetts, USA).

WUHAN-GATES – 48. Moderna Vaccine Patented 9 Months Before Pandemic. Thanks to the Fauci-Baric’ Manmade SARS Viruses

Let us remember that Moderna was financed not only by Gates but also by the Pentagon’s military agency DARPA, was able to patent the Covid vaccine 9 months before the epidemic appeared and – so far – to avoid the investigations of the pro-Trumpian attorneys general who have instead started legal actions against Pfizer for the dubious efficacy and safety of the mRNA genetic serums.

Graphene Oxide Nanotechnology in Covid Vaccines

But let’s start with the statements of Scientist Cliub and Dr. Mihalceam before revealing the “smoking gun”

 «I wonder how many “died suddenly” cases we could reduce if you clear out self assembly hydrogel which causes the production of these rubbery clots in the body.This vision does not seem hard to me to achieve, if people would only acknowledge the presence of hydrogel synthetic biology and artificial intelligence nanotechnology with Carbon Nanotubes aka Graphene».

This is what Mihalceam wrote in her Substack in one of the many blood tests of vaccinated people that found the presence of blood clots with foreign bodies as recently confirmed by an explosive global research published by the Korean doctor Young Mi Lee in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research (IJVTPR based in Dallas, USA) and summarized in preview by Gospa News.

American doctor Ana Maria Mihalceam

We will deal with Hydrogel in a future investigation. For now let’s focus on Quantum Dots.

The ‘vaccines’ have been labelled vaccines to circumnavigate rules on basic ‘medicines’ which are in place for all drugs most especially novel experimental biotech.Scientist Club rightly wrote

FOUR other US STATES in Lawsuits vs “BIDEN’s VACCINE (Pfizer)”. None against the PENTAGON-FAUCI’s One (Moderna)

The ‘vaccines’ are patented and the real ingredients held secret from the public and government buyers using taxpayers money. Consumers are kept in the dark from the nanotechnological processes involved, the side effects and from the possible nano-bio-interactions that can happen. By analysis with nano-tech instruments, this study provides information on the real content added the group of scientists in their paper.

The Lee study then confirmed in detail the presence of a self-assembling nanotechnology by examining the ingredients of the COVID-19 vials and their reactions in human blood using an electron microscope and other sophisticated tools.

VACCINES & GRAPHENE – 5. HORRIFIC Study: Transhumanist Nanotubes inside Pfizer, Moderna Jabs. EMF Reactivity, Blood and Sperm Damages

Evidence of Quantum Dots in Moderna’s SpikeVax Patents

Now these discoveries on transhumanist experiments in mRNA genetic serums are actually certified by official documents from Cambridge Big Pharma found by a computer expert (Paolo V.) who occasionally points out to us the most surprising discoveries on vaccines (including studies on the “diabolical molecule” methyl-3′-pseudouridine …) and had already identified the Moderna patent referring to the use of the infamous graphene oxide (hereinafter abbreviated GO, previously tested by research funded by the European Commission and also conducted by Italian scientists).

SCIENCEDIRECT: mRNA Vaccine’s Diabolical Molecule can Aid to Develop Cancer. Danger confirmed by Intercontinental Reviewed Study

«Quantum dots and other nanotechnologies are foreign terms to most of us. They are alien concepts difficult for many people to comprehend even exist. Although not well-known, nanotechnologies such as quantum dot, hydrogels, graphene oxide, and single wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNT), have been used in consumer electronic devices, healthcare products, foods & beverage, military neuroweapons, and medical device research and applications for over a decade. Quantum dots are less than 1/100th the size of a micron. (Most viruses are several microns in size).» wrote the medical blog World Freedom Alliance (source 3) arriving at the same confirmations as us.

The article cites multiple patents and scientific studies that would make it difficult to read for an inexperienced audience. Reserving the right to address the issue in the next investigation on Hydrogel, we limit ourselves to highlighting a shared conclusion:

«Quantum dots need to be encapsulated in single wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNT) within the mRNA lipid nanoparticle (LNP) technology to be delivered into the human body».

We will see later what the degree of danger of these substances is, which in the case of GO we have highlighted in various investigations of the “Vaccines & Graphene” cycle. For now, let’s limit ourselves to reading in detail the exhaustive patents of Moderna for the mRNA-1273 Spikevax genetic serum (source 4) which in fact confirm the statement just mentioned.

Moderna’s Patent on Lipid Nanoparticles and the Reference Patent for the Creation of Nanometallic Cysts

Among the many registered patents, the 5th in the list US 1070 3789 B2 (source 5) is the fundamental one as it refers to the carriers of the messenger RNA LNP, the lipid nanoparticles which in reality also contain inorganic materials as can be read just before and within the paragraph “Semiconductive and metallic nanoparticles” which is a summary of pages 219/220 of the reference attachment US 1070 3789.

«The polynucleotides, primary constructs and/or mmRNAs of the present invention may be formulated in inorganic nanoparticles (U.S. Pat. No. 8,257,745, herein incorporated by reference in its entirety)»

«The inorganic nanoparticles may include, but are not limited to, clay substances that are water swellable. As a non-limiting example, the inorgaic nanoparticle may include synthetic smectite clays which are made from simple silicates (See e.g., U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,585, 108 and 8,257,745 each of which are herein incorporated by reference in their entirety)».«In one embodiment, the inorganic nanoparticles may comprise a core of the modified nucleic acids disclosed herein and a polymer shell. The polymer shell may be any of the polymers described herein and are known in the art. In an additional embodiment, the polymer shell may be used to protect the modified nucleic acids in the core».

The paragraph of the Moderna patent relating to the construction of metal nanoparticles

«The polynucleotides, primary constructs and/or mmRNAs of the present invention may be formulated in water-dispersible nanoparticle comprising a semiconductive or metallic material (U.S. Pub. No. 20120228565; herein incorporated by reference in its entirety) or formed in a magnetic nanoparticle (U.S. Pub. No. 20120265001 and 20120283503; each of which is herein incorporated by reference in its entirety). The water-dispersible nanoparticles may be hydrophobic nanoparticles or hydrophilic nanoparticles».

If you go and read patiently – as our worthy informant did – the patent U.S. Pub. No. 20120228565 (source 6) in the attached reference 0032 explains the “Method for preparing surface modified semiconductive and metallici nano-particles”.

«The terms “semiconductor nanocrystal,” “quantum dot” and “Qdot® nanocrystal” are used interchangeably herein to refer to semiconductor nanoparticles composed of an inorganic crystalline material that is luminescent (i.e., they are capable of emitting electromagnetic radiation upon excitation), and include an inner core of one or more first semiconductor materials that is optionally contained within an overcoating or “shell” of a second semiconductor material. A semiconductor nanocrystal core surrounded by a semiconductor shell is referred to as a “core/shell” semiconductor nanocrystal».

«The surrounding shell material will preferably have a bandgap energy that is larger than the bandgap energy of the core material and may be chosen to have an atomic spacing close to that of the core substrate. Suitable semiconductor materials for the core and/or shell include, but are not limited to, the following: materials comprised of a first element selected from Groups 2 and 12 of the Periodic Table of the Elements and a second element selected from Group 16 (e.g., ZnS, ZnSe, ZnTe, CDs, CdSe, CdTe, HgS, HgSe, HgTe, MgS, MgSe, MgTe, CaS, CaSe, CaTe, SrS, SrSe, SrTe, BaS, BaSe, BaTe, and the like)».

European Commission Studies on Quantum Dots for Biomedical Use

Let’s go back to Scientist Club’s statements:

«Many foreign bodies were identified with a spherical morphology with some bubble-shaped cavities. They are composed of Silicon- Lead-Cadmium-Selenium. This highly-toxic composition reminds that of quantum dots (Cadmium selenide)».

This is precisely the CdSe component cited by Moderna in the patent functional to its Covid vaccine.

But this should not surprise us because a European Commission project funded with 225 thousand euros and carried out between 2008 and 2011 in Spain already announced the biomedical use of these nanomaterials.

The European Commission’s project on the biomedical use of quantum dots

«QDs are semiconductor nanoparticles made from cadmium/selenide (Cd/Se) or cadmium telluride (Cd/Te) with a shell of zinc sulphide (ZnS). Their excellent spectroscopic properties have opened up new applications of QDs in the biomedical field. However, any improvement in the solubility properties of QDs requires efficient chemoselective methods of bioconjugation» it can be read in the EU archive Cordis (source 7).

The NIH article by Fauci’s Accomplice for Covid Vaccines with Quantum Dots

The official blog of the National Institute of Health of the US Government, among the funders of Moderna’s research under the supervision of virologist Anthony Fauci, went much further…

A Covid Summit during the Pandemic among Gates, Collins and Fauci

Already in November 2020 it reported an article signed by Dr. Francis Collins, famous American geneticist and director of the NIH until 2021, when he was overwhelmed together with Fauci by the storm of the US Congressional investigation for their attempt to hide the laboratory origin of SARS-Cov-2.

An attempt retried by the same American institute with the latest study published on 2024 that reproposes the theory of natural origin but of which 21 world-famous scientists have already asked for the retraction.

WUHAN-GATES – 77. Biden’s US GOVT, EU are PAYING Scientists to HIDE SARS-Cov-2 Man-Made BioWeapon

Collins’ article is titled: “Speeding COVID-19 Drug Discovery with Quantum Dots” (source 8).

This is essentially the official legitimization of the use of metal nanotechnology in the mRNA gene serums that Moderna was already experimenting with.

«These round, multi-colored orbs in the illustration above (image below here) may resemble SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus responsible for COVID-19. But they’re actually lab-made nanocrystals called quantum dots. They have been specially engineered to look and, in some ways, act like the coronavirus while helping to solve a real challenge for many labs that would like to study SARS-CoV-2».

L’articolo con cui il direttore NIH Francis Collins suggerisce l’uso dei QD per i vaccini Covid

«Quantum dots, which have been around since the mid-1980s, are designed with special optical properties that allow them to fluoresce when exposed to ultraviolet light. The two pictured here are about 10 nanometers in diameter, about 3,000 times smaller than the width of a human hair».

«The quantum dot consists of a semi-conductive cadmium selenide inner core (orange) surrounded by a zinc sulfide outer shell (teal). Molecules on its surface (yellow) allow researchers to attach the viral spike protein (purple), which SARS-CoV-2 depends on to infect human cells. To the left is a human cell (gray) studded with the ACE2 receptors (blue) that those viral spike proteins bind to before SARS-CoV-2 enters and infects our cells. In the background, you see another spike protein-studded quantum dot. But human neutralizing antibodies (pink) are preventing that one from reaching the human cell.».

Since we are not interested in highlighting here the functioning of this new experimental nanotechnology, we report below the whole article by the former NIH director.

The Risky Electromagnetic Fields Generated by QDs in the Human Body

Instead, we would like to point out that there is no evidence of the safety of using Quantum Dots in biomedicine while there are already multiple studies that prove their dangerousness on graphene oxide nanoparticles that can be combined with them as in Moderna vaccines.

VACCINES & GRAPHENE – 3. Vital! Dangerous Carbon Nanotubes as mRNA Carriers in a MODERNA Patent for COVID Spikevax

And we also have to explain why the mainstream media continues to ignore the now well-established experimentation of these QDs in mRNA gene sera.

The World Freedom Alliance website is very thorough and concise in highlighting the risks:

«The electromagnetic fields and frequencies emitted by quantum dots can cause emotional, psychological, and physical disease and dysfunction in our bodies. Quantum dots can be used as neuroweapons and can cause severe disruptions to your emotions, energy, phsycical abilities and your ability to think straight (brain fog)».

The results of the research were published by researcher Daniel Broudy, professor of Linguistics at Okinawa Christian University (Japan) but also an expert in the electromagnetic field.

It is the same professor who signed the monumental study by the Korean Young Mi Lee on the horrendous and extremely dangerous self-assembling nanoparticles in mRNA genetic serums which confirms a mass experimentation on Covid vaccines to project global healthcare towards the transhumanist heresy desired by Gates & co.

TURBO-CANCER due to Covid Vaccines DNA Fragments: Australian Local Govt voted Jab’s Immediate Suspension

As also confirmed by the fact that Big Pharma Moderna already in 2019 had full awareness that the new mRNA biotechnology could prove to be carcinogenic as unfortunately happened and is still happening…

Mainstream Media Funded by EU Transhumanist Graphene Projects

Why then, faced with these enormous dangers, do newspapers continue to ignore the seriousness of the problem and censor any news on the matter as Reuters did on a Japanese study referring to the correlation between turbo-cancer and Covid vaccines??

CANCERS from mRNA Vaccines: Fukushima Study CENSORED after “REUTERS Ban” due to Lurid PARTNERSHIP with PFIZER

Very simple! For money!

Because the most important mainstream media in the world are partners of Big Pharma (Reuters) or funded as Fact-Checkers by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 plan: the same one that, through the Graphene Flagship project, has funded dozens of studies on the use of graphene in the biomedical and transhumanist fields.


Those, indeed, are aimed at building a “synthetic” immune system to be designed in the laboratory.

Where, however, are all the mice subjected to these crazy experiments: obviously of turbo-cancer as is happening to too many vaccinated with mRNA gene serums.

Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
investigative journalist since 1991
director of Gospa News
reproduction prohibited without authorization
follow Fabio G.C. Carisio on Twitter
and Gospa News on Telegram





Source 4  – BREVETTO MODERNA mRNA 1273 – Spikevax

Source 5 – BREVETTO MODERNA US 1070 3789 B2 

Source 6 – BREVETTO MODERNA US 20120228565 

Source 7  – CORDIS UE – New strategies for bioconjugation to quantum dots. Study of protein-nucleic acids and protein-protein interactions using fluorescence resonance energy transfer through quantum-dot-protein conjugates

Source 8 – NIH US GOV – Speeding COVID-19 Drug Discovery with Quantum Dots

All attachments missing or difficult to find in the above mentioned patents can be requested from the editorial staff of Gospa News by writing to after subscribing to our Newsletter

VACCINI & GRAFENE – 7. Folle Progetto UE con NanoParticelle per un’Immunità “Transumanista”: Rischi Tumori come nei Sieri Covid




Speeding COVID-19 Drug Discovery with Quantum Dots

Posted on by Dr. Francis Collins on NIH Director’s Blog

All links to previous Gospa News investigations have been added in the aftermath for the ties with the author

These round, multi-colored orbs in the illustration above may resemble SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus responsible for COVID-19. But they’re actually lab-made nanocrystals called quantum dots. They have been specially engineered to look and, in some ways, act like the coronavirus while helping to solve a real challenge for many labs that would like to study SARS-CoV-2.

Quantum dots, which have been around since the mid-1980s, are designed with special optical properties that allow them to fluoresce when exposed to ultraviolet light. The two pictured here are about 10 nanometers in diameter, about 3,000 times smaller than the width of a human hair. The quantum dot consists of a semi-conductive cadmium selenide inner core (orange) surrounded by a zinc sulfide outer shell (teal). Molecules on its surface (yellow) allow researchers to attach the viral spike protein (purple), which SARS-CoV-2 depends on to infect human cells.

To the left is a human cell (gray) studded with the ACE2 receptors (blue) that those viral spike proteins bind to before SARS-CoV-2 enters and infects our cells. In the background, you see another spike protein-studded quantum dot. But human neutralizing antibodies (pink) are preventing that one from reaching the human cell.

WUHAN-GATES 45. First Study on SARS-2 Manmade Hidden by Fauci. Hot E-mail: US Microbiologist had forthwith Discovered “Artificial Spike Alterations”

ecause SARS-CoV-2 is so highly infectious, basic researchers without access to specially designed biosafety facilities may be limited in their ability to study the virus. But these harmless quantum dots offer a safe workaround. While the quantum dots may bind and enter human cells just like the virus, they can’t cause an infection. They offer a quick, informative way to assess the potential of antibodies or other compounds to prevent the coronavirus from binding to our cells.

In work published in the journal ACS Nano, a team that included Kirill Gorshkov, NIH’s National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS), Rockville, MD, along with Eunkeu Oh and Mason Wolak, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, D.C., demonstrated how these quantum dots may serve as a useful new tool to speed the search for new COVID-19 treatments. The dots’ fluorescent glow enabled the researchers to use a microscope to observe how these viral mimics bind to ACE2 in real time, showing how SARS-CoV-2 might attach to and enter our cells, and suggesting ways to intervene.

WUHAN-GATES – 62. MANMADE SARS-Cov-2 FOR GOLDEN VACCINES: Metabiota, CIA, Biden, Gates, Rockefeller intrigued in Ukraine, China and Italy

Indeed, imagine thousands of tiny wells in which human cells are growing. Imagine adding a different candidate drug to each well; then imagine adding the loaded quantum dots to each well and using machine vision to identify the wells where the dots could not enter the cell. That’s not science fiction. That’s now.

With slightly different versions of their quantum dots, the NCATS researchers and their colleagues at the Naval Research Laboratory will now explore how other viral proteins are important for the coronavirus to infect our cells. They also can test how slight variations in the spike protein may influence SARS-CoV-2’s behavior. This work provides yet another stunning example of how scientists with widely varying expertise have banded together—using all the tools at their disposal—to forge ahead to find solutions to COVID-19.


[1] Quantum dot-conjugated SARS-CoV-2 spike pseudo-virions enable tracking of angiotensin converting enzyme 2 binding and endocytosis. Gorshkov K, Susumu K, Chen J, Xu M, Pradhan M, Zhu W, Hu X, Breger JC, Wolak M, Oh E. ACS Nano. 2020 Sep 22;14(9):12234-12247.


“mRNA Vaccinated People give Bluetooth Signals”. Disturbing French Research: “Unexplained Magnetisation Phenomena in PCR Tested Persons too”

Diabolical Molecule inside mRNA Vaccines generates Harmful Proteins as Killer Prions, “Brain-Eating Amoeba”. Explosive Study by prof. Perez (Montagnier Foundation)

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Fabio G.C. Carisio

Un pensiero su “VACCINES & GRAPHENE – 6. Very Dangerous NANOMETALLIC QUANTUM DOTS in COVID Serums. Evidences from Moderna’s mRNA Patents

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