INTEL DROPS: The Huge Iranian Geopolitical Mistake on Alliance with HAMAS Terrorists led by CIA-Mossad

INTEL DROPS: The Huge Iranian Geopolitical Mistake on Alliance with HAMAS Terrorists led by CIA-Mossad


by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio

This post was originated by a note published in answer to a comment to my previous article on Iran nukes on VT.

The Iranian Nukes

An Iranian reader wrote that Tehran does not have nuclear warheads but is satisfied with the powerful Intercontinental hypersonic ballistic missiles, as Fattah.

Those that have already heavily hit American bases in Iraq on 2020 as revenge for the shameful assassination of General Qasem Soleimani (the commander of Quds Force, Iranian special unit of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps – IRGC or Pasdaran), ordered by the then US President Donald Trump (in memory of those who think he is the candidate for the next November elections for Peace…), despite the Iranian late general defeated the Isis in Syria and Iraq.

How Iranian FATTAH-1 Hypersonic Missiles Penetrated Israel’s Air Defense System. Damages Pics

All the sources I have, as well as many official signals that have been leaked, lead one to believe that Tehran already has at least some nukes.

It would be an act of ignorant presumption to be able to build them thanks to the uranium enrichment program that has been increasingly strengthened in recent years and decide not to do them at a time when the ONLY REAL DETERRENCE in the world military field is precisely the NUCLEAR POWERS.

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Iran’s real problem isthe naivety in the field of intelligence because, due to a religious theocratic vision, it struggles to admit that its own Republic but above all THE AXIS OF RESISTANCE are full of infiltrated traitors.

The Teheran Idolatry toward HAMAS: a CIA-Mossad built Monster

I understand well and justify, in fact, the close ties with the local popular resistance Shiite movements of Hezbollah and Houtis

, not the IDOLATRY and trust developed by Iranian leaders towards HAMAS which is a Western construction of CIA-MOSSAD (like Al Qaeda and ISIS).

FREEMASONRY and ZIONISM – 2. Toward Diabolical Apocalypse. Guardian Forecast Hundreds of Casualties in Israel. Then Thousands in West for Nuke Winds

If Iran had intervened alongside the Palestinian National Authority during the war for control of the Gaza Strip today we would not be facing this tragic genocide. But, unfortunately, Tehran sometimes trusts more in self-proclaimed terrorists who play a double game rather than in institutions that already have relations with the West.

Because Hamas, after the victory in 2007 that allowed it to take control of Gaza, did not act like ISIS trying to enslave the population but proposed itself as a resource of social support also thanks to the many good faith commanders such as the Lion of Palestine Mohamed Deif (now considered dead by Israel).

HAMAS VIOLENCE vs ISRAELI WAR CRIMES. Partisan-Terrorists Loved by Gaza, Zionists Shielded by Hague ICC & US

The Religious War behind sabotage of Gaza Marine Gas deal

One of the most serious recent Irabnian geopolitical errors was the glorification of the October 7, 2023 attack,which does not represent a courageous military action against the Israeli Defense Forces but rather an act of cowardly terrorism against Israeli civilians

aimed at blowing up the crucial agreement between Palestinian Christians and Muslims with Israel on the Marine Gaza project (now returned to the Western spheres of NATO countries such as Italy in opposition to Russia)

Unfortunately, Iran’s Manichean anti-Zionist vision, completely legitimate from a human and religious perspective, is making Iranian leaders SHORT-SIGHTED in their interpretation of geopolitical alliances that extend precisely to MOSSAD-CIA infiltrators such as Hamas.

RELIGIOUS WAR behind GAZA MARINE GAS. Netanyahu & Hamas against Christian Tycoon Ally of Palestinian Muslims


Unfortunately, until Iran takes clear positions of condemnation against the most extremist organizations like HAMAS, it will not be able to point out to Westerners – who have not followed the geopolitics of the Middle East for years like me – the substantial differences that exist with the real partisan movements of the resistance of Hezbollah in Lebanon, Houtis in Yemen and Hashd al-Sha’bi, the Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Units (PMU).

This means that the majority of European, British and American citizens will continue to ignore that the most dangerous jihadist formations of Islamic terrorism (all predominantly Sunni like Hamas) were created by the Five-Eyes intelligence of the Anglo-Saxon countries that are using them for the genocides: the new terrifying weapons for international geopolitical control.

ZIO-NAZIS GENOCIDES IN HOLY LAND. Netanyahu starts Christians Massacre in Lebanon after Muslims ones in Gaza

What is in fact the result obtained by the HAMAS attack?

The same one desired by the Nazi-Zionist criminal Benjamin Natanyahu and the Mossad Intelligence: the extermination of the Palestinians and the Depopulation not only of the Gaza Strip but also of the West Bank and Lebanon.

Mysterious Deaths in the Middle East: From the CIA Director to the Chief of Hamas

Instead, as I wrote previously, I am convinced that the main director of the October 7 attack by Hamas, Yahya Sinwar, was not killed but was made to disappear by the intelligence of the CIA and the MOSSAD (of course it’s just a guess and I could be wrong) as they already did for their very useful collaborators, leader of Al Qaeda, Osama Bin Laden, and caliph of ISIS; Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi, who justified the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria, extremely lucrative for the American Arms Lobby, as the actual ones.

SINWAR: another GHOST KILLING after Bin Landen and Al Baghdadi. Mystery on the Death of Hamas Leader announced by Israel

Yet another mysterious disappearance like the alleged death of Mike d’Andrea, the chief of CIA Operations in the Middle East,

According to the information gathered by former CIA agent and VT manager Gordon Duff and those integrated by me, he was killed by a Taliban rocket while he was on a US Air Force spy plane used by the Central Intelligence Agency.

Our scoop went around the world in a few hours. There were no official denials either from Langley (in Virginia, home of the CIA headquarters) or from Washington.

CIA Middle East chief, Soleimani Killer and Bin Laden Hunter, dead on Jet in Afghanistan. Tasnim & Mirror told after VT & Gospa News

A year later, when the attention of journalists to verify the validity of the news had disappeared, the CIA acknowledged his forced retirement after a renewal of his mandatory retirement waiver was denied. Director of the CIA William J. Burns noted the “remarkable impact” of his career: as if he was already a late official…

Not only was he the director of the assassination of IRGC generale Soleimani, but also the one who organized the hunt for Bin Laden and therefore took the secret of his dubious killing with him to the grave.

Furthermore, he was certainly one of the main minds of American intelligence in the creation and management of ISIS.

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That’s why he had to disappear, unlike others who left the CIA to put themselves at the service of every dirty plots orchestrated by the Obama-Biden administration in Ukraine before and after the NATO coup in Kiev, to inflame Eastern Europe, after Arab Springs, with a militarization carefully planned by the CEPA project.

And to revive the strategy of genocide with a widespread nazification supported precisely by the shady alliance among Langley (CIA’s HQ, much more than Washigton), Kiev and Tel Aviv, deriving from the Zionist-Masonic matrix of the New World Order.

Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
director of Gospa News
investigative journalist since 1991
VT columnist since 2019
reproduction prohibited without authorization
follow Fabio G.C. Carisio on Twitter
and Gospa News on Telegram





FREEMASONRY & ZIONISM – 1. Apocalyptic “Cataclysms” by Synagogue of Satan: Genocides in Palestine & Plotted Pandemic for Lethal Vaccines.

Update – INTEL DROP by CIA ex Agent: Hamas-Israel Fighting, likelihood “False Flag” to Wipe Gaza Off the Map. Warnings by Egypt Ignored

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Fabio G.C. Carisio

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