LOBBYIST of BIG PHARMA & WEAPONS as WHITE HOUSE Staff Chief. Trump’s First Step into NWO Hell

Introduction by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
In announcing Donald Trump’s victory in the 2024 Presidential Elections, we expressed the legitimate doubt that in order to become the 47th POTUS (President of the United States), he had sold himself to the New World Order system through his Zionist friends who control Big Pharma and the Armaments Industries.
Hoping instead that, as a self-styled Catholic Christian, he could have some spiritual aspirations beyond his human pride and the interests of a powerful tycoon…
Unfortunately, the picture that is beginning to emerge is instead confirming the validity of the first hypothesis reported by Gospa News when, after the attack on Butler, he chose another self-styled Zionist Catholic as its vice-presidential candidate: James David Vance.
In fact, Vance had the aggravating circumstance of being a partner of Battelle in a project on gene therapies for biomedical use (such as mRNA gene serums for Covid).
Battelle Memorial Institute is a private non-profit applied science and technology development company based in Columbus, Ohio, which is the main contractor of the Pentagon (for which Trump’s vice worked as a young man in military intelligence), especially in bacteriological laboratories in the former countries of the Soviet Union (Ukraine and Georgia) supervised by the CIA.
Trump’s first appointment seems even worse.
In fact, he chose as Chief of the White House Susie Wiles, a top manager of one of the worst American multinationals specialized in legalizing dirty jobs: Mercury Public Affairs.
Brian Shilhavy, Editor of Health Impact News, has done an exceptional investigation through a collage of other investigative articles in which it is highlighted how this manager responsible for Trump’s winning electoral campaign was in fact a lobbyist at the center of the sordid market of Big Pharma.
Mercury: A Company Between Big Pharma and NATO Jihadist Media Operations
Wiles became co-chair of lobbying firm Mercury Public Affairs in February 2022.
«As highlighted by Wholistic News, Mercury’s clientele includes Pfizer; Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, which spearheaded vaccine funding and distribution efforts during the COVID-19 crisis – a role also played by the United Nations Foundation, another Mercury client; and Gilead Sciences, developer of the equally-rushed COVID-19 “therapeutic,” Remdesivir, as critiqued in Science».

But that’s not all. As revealed by an exclusive investigation by Gospa News published in 2020, Mercury is the company that deals with lobbying in favor of Big Pharma both to convince governments to buy their products and to help pharmaceutical companies win legal cases with a very powerful legal staff capable of influencing many judges.
We also recall that one of the major investors in Gilead Science, another Pentagon contractor in the most important biolaboratory in Georgia, was George Soros…
And not only that. We had done an x-ray of Mercury when it was responsible for managing the “media cover-up” of one of the worst international military operations authorized by NATO in Africa.
Namely, the sending of 14 thousand jihadists from ISIS and Al Qaeda recruited by Turkey in the Civil War in Libya, to help the Tripoli Government iagainst the troops of General Khalifa Haftar aided by the paramilitaries of Wagner, the private Russian company, to try to limit Western interference in the country after the killing of Colonel Muhamar Gaddafi in an operation by the USA and the Atlantic Alliance.
In practice Mercury is one of the companies connecting Big Pharma, the Arms Lobby, NATO that we had well described in the Gospa News investigation on the former Secretary General of the Atlantic Alliance Jens Stoltenberg, first director of GAVI Alliance: the Bill Gates’ NGO that managed the WHO Covax plan on vaccines in the third world in a global immunization plan launched with the Rockefellers.
RFK Jr.’s Embarrassing Role and the Call to Pray for Trump
The future Chief of Staff of the White House Susie Wiles, therefore, seems to present herself even worse than Vance, although specialized in the same branches of financial, social and military dictatorship of the New World Order.
WUHAN-GATES – 77. Biden’s US GOVT, EU are PAYING Scientists to HIDE SARS-Cov-2 Man-Made BioWeapon
The journalist Brian Shilhavy rightly dedicates a part of his investigation to the contradictory involvement of the lawyer Robert F. Kennedy jr. used by Trump to delude American voters that he could correct the errors on the SARS-Cov-2 pandemic built in the laboratory and on NATO wars.
I almost regretted having defined RFK jr. a traitor to his mission. But in light of what is emerging a few days after the election of the New York tycoon, once again the articles of Gospa News are proving to be prophetic.
Trust in Jesus Christ for “all things“, do not trust in politicians and billionaires!!
It is the enlightened conclusion of the investigation by the Catholic editor of Heatl Impact News.
I completely agree with him and invite Christians to pray for Donny so that he can experience a conversion on the way to Washington so as not to end up in a worse hell then the one to which Netanyahu, Obama, Soros, Gates and Biden are destined (if they do not bitterly repent of their misdeeds)…
That is, in the Giudecca of the glacial lake Cocito where, according to Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy, THE TRAITORS AGAINST THOSE WHO TRUST are locked up for eternity!
Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
director of Gospa News
investigative journalist since 1991
reproduction prohibited without authorization
follow Fabio G.C. Carisio on Twitter
and Gospa News on Telegram
Trump Announces Former Big Pharma Lobbyist to Run White House Staff
Originally published by Brian Shilhavy – Editor, Health Impact News
All links to previous Gospa News articles have been added in the aftermath by virtue of ties with covered topics
The filling back up of the Washington D.C. Swamp has begun.
Two days after his victory from “winning” back the Office of the President of the United States, Donald Trump made his first appointment for his new administration today, announcing that the co-chair of his campaign, Susie Wiles, will become his Chief of Staff.
The President Chief of Staff is a position that does NOT have to be approved by the Senate, and is typically one of the first appointments made of a newly elected President, as this person will guide the President in choosing the rest of his staff and cabinet.
This speaks volumes about who Trump is going to surround himself with in his new administration, and remaining true to his original loyalties during his first term, he went with former Big Pharma lobbyist Susie Wiles, who has previously worked as a lobbyist for some of the largest manufacturers of vaccines, including Pfizer.
So who is Susie Wiles? She is someone who mostly stays behind the scenes, until today, and is called by some people the “most powerful and feared woman” in America.
The Most Feared and Least Known Political Operative in America
Earlier this year Politico ran an in-depth investigative article on her titled: The Most Feared and Least Known Political Operative in America
Susie Wiles, the people who know her the best believe, is a force more sensed than seen. Her influence on political events, to many who know what they’re watching, is as obvious as it is invisible.
The prints leave not so much as a smudge. It’s a shock when she shows up in pictures. Even then it is almost always in the background. She speaks on the record hardly ever, and she speaks about herself even less.
Wiles is not just one of Trump’s senior advisers. She’s his most important adviser. She’s his de facto campaign manager. She has been in essence his chief of staff for the last more than three years.
She’s one of the reasons Trump is the GOP’s presumptive nominee and Ron DeSantis is not. She’s one of the reasons Trump’s current operation has been getting credit for being more professional than its fractious, seat-of-the-pants antecedents.
And she’s a leading reason Trump has every chance to get elected again — even after his loss of 2020, the insurrection of 2021, his party’s defeats in the midterms of 2022, the criminal indictments of 2023 and the trial (or trials) of 2024.
“There is nobody, I think, that has the wealth of information that she does. Nobody in our orbit. Nobody,” top Trump pollster Tony Fabrizio told me. “She touches everything.”
“Certainly,” said former Florida Republican Rep. Carlos Curbelo, “she’s one of the most consequential people in American politics right now.” “And nobody,” said veteran Florida lobbyist Ronnie Book, “even knows who she is.”
Susie Wiles Is a Lobbyist for Big Pharma
Liam Sturgess, writing for The Kennedy Beacon, also profiled her earlier this year.
Susie Wiles Is a Lobbyist for Big Pharma. She’s Also a Key Advisor to President Trump. That’s a Problem.On April 26, former president Donald Trump revisited one of his most controversial pet projects: Operation Warp Speed.
This time, he dragged his political opponent Robert F. Kennedy Jr. into the fray. “His Views on Vaccines are FAKE, as is everything else about his Candidacy,” wrote the former president about Kennedy in a post on Truth Social.
This ignited significant backlash from Trump’s base, highlighting the extent to which they disagree with him on COVID-19 vaccines.
Operation Warp Speed, which expedited the development and rollout of experimental gene therapy products in response to COVID-19, saw unprecedented profits for Pfizer and Moderna, as noted by senator Bernie Sanders.
Speed came at the cost of compromised clinical trials, with needles entering arms under Emergency Use Authorization with only two months of safety data on the FDA’s books.
As a result, tens of thousands of Americans report suffering vaccine injuries, as even The New York Times is now reporting.
Given the increasingly vocal opposition to the COVID-19 vaccination program, including among his base, why does Trump continue to demand acclaim for his role in pushing the shots throug
We find the answer in Susie Wiles, who appears to be the connective tissue between Trump and Big Pharma.Wiles is a soft-spoken, approachable grandmother figure with a long career specializing in political machinations.
Daughter of legendary NFL play-by-play man Pat Summerall, Wiles’ early work in Republican politics earned her the label “indispensable,” both to her clients and the media, to whom she frequently leaks inside information.
As Politico admits, her allegiances are not clear: “The Wiles M.O… was and remains hard for [her colleagues] to describe.”
Wiles is also a seasoned lobbyist; her LinkedIn profile summarizes her leadership roles at multiple corporate and political lobbying firms since the mid-1980s, allowing her to sway Trump’s psyche with her conflicts of interest.
Wiles became co-chair of lobbying firm Mercury Public Affairs in February 2022.
As highlighted by Wholistic News, Mercury’s clientele includes Pfizer; Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, which spearheaded vaccine funding and distribution efforts during the COVID-19 crisis – a role also played by the United Nations Foundation, another Mercury client; and Gilead Sciences, developer of the equally-rushed COVID-19 “therapeutic,” remdesivir, as critiqued in Science.
So what does that say about RFK Jr.’s chance of having any kind of real authority to do what he is claiming he is going to do, when Trump himself called his views on vaccines as “Fake” just a few months ago?
The Substack page called “Wholistic News” also did a piece on Susie Wiles earlier this year highlighting her connection to Big Pharma vaccines, and not only here in the U.S., but globally with ties to the Bill Gates organization, GAVI: The Vaccine Alliance, which purchases vaccines for the United Nations.
Trump Trashes RKF Jr. Over Vaccine Stance: The Global Vaccine Activism Organizations Connected to His Campaign
Trump’s Save American PAC Chair is Susie Wiles, who has significant ties to Big Pharma and Gavi: The Vaccine Alliance.
In a recent statement on Truth Social (see below), Trump expressed a preference for Biden over RFK Jr and criticized the latter’s views on vaccines as “fake.” This has sparked questions about Trump’s refusal to acknowledge concerns about covid vaccines.
Notably, Trump had previously tweeted about a link between vaccines and autism back in 2014. Many are wondering what has changed Trump’s mind about vaccine safety.
Tom Renz, a Trump supporter, has raised concerns about the influence of campaign leader Susie Wiles, a key figure behind the scenes in Trump’s campaign.
Wiles has strong connections to Big Pharma through her work at Mercury LLC, a company representing major pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer and Gilead, as well as Gavi: The Vaccine Allience and the UN Foundation.
So sorry to disappoint all you Trump believers who foolishly thought Trump would correct all the wrongs he made in his first administration when he killed millions of people as he pressured the FDA to approve his COVID-19 experimental “vaccines.”
Now that he has won the election, he is clearly showing where his allegiances continue to be, and you can be quite certain that Mr. Kennedy will never have any meaningful position in his administration that can affect change.
But Trump has to pay him back for his support, so expect the Wall Street Billionaires and Silicon Valley Billionaires to keep funding Kennedy’s Children’s Health Defense organization, where I am sure it will now become the largest “Alternative” Health website in the world.
Mr. Kennedy will most likely have to take a REDUCTION in salary to serve in government, as the most recently available tax returns from 2022 list him as making about a half million dollars a year at Children’s Health Defense, which is more than Dr. Anthony Fauci made as the highest paid government official, before his retirement.
RFK jr’s BETRAYAL of ANTI-VAX! He will Join Forces with Trump-Vance, Moderna Big Pharma partners
Mr. Kennedy’s salary has dramatically increased since COVID, going from $255,000 in 2019 to $345,561 in 2020 to $497,013 in 2021. (Source.)
The revenue coming into CHD has more than doubled each year of their existence, from $1,063,837 in 2018 to $2,928,566 in 2019, to $6,769,658 in 2020, the year COVID started, to an astounding $15,990,132 in 2021.
So while Mr. Kennedy will get some of kind of token place in Trump’s administration, the main benefit for that position will most likely be increased revenue for Children’s Health Defense, where he will probably eventually return to with a “modest” increase in his salary after his “service” to Trump is complete.
Stay tuned for more editions of “SWAMP Watch” as we watch Donald Trump fill back up the D.C. Swamp!
His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence, by which he has granted to us his precious and very great promises, so that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped from the corruption that is in the world because of sinful desire. (2 Peter 1:3-4)
Trust in Jesus Christ for “all things“, do not trust in politicians and billionaires!!
Originally published by Brian Shilhavy – Editor, Health Impact News
Bill Gates to Stand Trial in European Union Country in COVID Vaccine Injury Lawsuit
Lobbying is fancy american word for legalized CORRUPTION/MONEY LAUNDERING!
The biggest corporations in america with the fuzziest hard to describe business DO THE MOST LOBBYING! Observe the correlation:
Facebook, allows it’s customers to “talk” to each other albeit online, for which it makes $134 BILLION revenue 2023. They call this revenue earned from “ADVERTISING”. What is this “advertising”? IN return facebook is THE LARGEST LOBBYING SPENDER among US firms …routinely spends $20mn++ in washington DC EVERY YEAR! FOr what? So that it’s “customers” can talk to each other and share each other stories online? LOL.
Amazon is a “cloud” computing company. What is this “cloud”? You rent your computer “time” from the “cloud” as a business! For this business….Amazon spends $20mn++ every year in washington DC. LOL.
What is this corruption going on?
SURE!!! Thanks for your wise comment
I cannot predict what RFK Jr will achieve but he is much better informed about several health-related issues so if he is given som freedom to act he may do some good. Who else in the USG the last few decades has been that wellinformed? Please realise that the MDs are not even correctly educated about several important health-aspects. The whole theory of so called virology is wanting!
Maybe he wont be allowed to go into that, but in the process of bringing up things that have been mostly denied some fresh air may begin to circulate.